Assignment #4 (60 Points) – COSC 5360
Problem Description
1. (5 Points) Prove or disprove the following statement: A relation with only two attributesisin
2. (10 Points) Consider a database for a hospital that has the following relation called
DoctorPatientsto store information aboutits doctors and their patients.
DoctorID Initials Specialization Office PatientID Symptom Insurance Room Treatment
1 AAA Eyes 100 111 Headache Alpha 10 Aspirin
1 AAA Ears 100 111 Headache Alpha 10 Aspirin
1 AAA Eyes 100 111 Nausea Alpha 10 Rest
1 AAA Ears 100 111 Nausea Alpha 10 Rest
2 BBB Heart 200 220 Fever Beta 20 Cold
2 BBB Heart 200 330 Sore
Beta 30 Lozenge
3 CCC Lungs 300 220 Fever Gamma 20 Rest
3 CCC Lungs 300 330 Sore
Gamma 30 Aspirin
4 DDD Feet 400 440 Pain Delta 40 IbuProfin
The following set offunctional dependencies has been identified:
DoctorID {Initials,Office}
PatientID {Insurance, Room}
{DoctorID, Symptom} Treatment
2.1 (3 points) Describe the anomalies that can occur from an insertion, a deletion, and an
2.2 (4 points) Is the following decomposition of DoctorPatients a lossy decomposition? If so,
what has been lost? Show the natural join of R1 and R2 to justify your answer.
R1 = (DoctorID, Initials, Specialization,Office, PatientID, Symptom)
R2 = (PatientID, Symptom, Insurance, Room, Treatment)
2.3 (3 points) Even if we decompose DoctorPatientsso thatitisin BCNF according to the above
functional dependencies, doesredundancy still exist(considerDoctor #1)? Ifso, why?3.(45 Points) For each relation schema R and set offunctional dependencies F, complete the
following tasks:
Compute (AB)+
List all ofthe candidate key(s)for R
Determine a canonical coverfor F
If R is not in BCNF, find a lossless‐join decomposition or R into a set of BCNF
If R is not in 3NF, find a lossless‐join, dependency‐preserving decomposition
of R into a set of 3NF relations.
3.1 R = (A, B, C, X, Y, Z)
F = {A → B, C → XZ, BX → Y, YZ → A}
3.2 R = (A, B, C,G,H, I)
F = {AB → CG, B → G, CH → I, C → G}
3.3 R = (A, B, C,D, E)
F = {A → B, C → DE, B → CD, AD → E}
Submit your assignment through Blackboard. If your assignment contains multiple files, zip
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Points can be deducted from your assignment based on the quality of its presentation.
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Assignment #4 (60 Points) – COSC 5360 – Dr. Leonard Brown
Due: April 15, 2013 (at the beginning of class)
Problem Description
1. (5 Points) Prove or disprove the following statement: A relation with only two attributes is in
2. (10 Points) Consider a database for a hospital that has the following relation called
DoctorPatients to store information about its doctors and their patients.
DoctorID Initials Specialization Office PatientID Symptom Insurance Room Treatment
1 AAA Eyes 100 111 Headache Alpha 10 Aspirin
1 AAA Ears 100 111 Headache Alpha 10 Aspirin
1 AAA Eyes 100 111 Nausea Alpha 10 Rest
1 AAA Ears 100 111 Nausea Alpha 10 Rest
2 BBB Heart 200 220 Fever Beta 20 Cold
2 BBB Heart 200 330 Sore
Beta 30 Lozenge
3 CCC Lungs 300 220 Fever Gamma 20 Rest
3 CCC Lungs 300 330 Sore
Gamma 30 Aspirin
4 DDD Feet 400 440 Pain Delta 40 IbuProfin
The following set of functional dependencies has been identified:
DoctorID {Initials, Office}
PatientID {Insurance, Room}
{DoctorID, Symptom} Treatment
2.1 (3 points) Describe the anomalies that can occur from an insertion, a deletion, and an
2.2 (4 points) Is the following decomposition of DoctorPatients a lossy decomposition? If so,
what has been lost? Show the natural join of R1 and R2 to justify your answer.
R1 = (DoctorID, Initials, Specialization, Office, PatientID, Symptom)
R2 = (PatientID, Symptom, Insurance, Room, Treatment)
2.3 (3 points) Even if we decompose DoctorPatients so that it is in BCNF according to the above
functional dependencies, does redundancy still exist (consider Doctor #1)? If so, why?
3. (45 Points) For each relation schema R and set of functional dependencies F, complete the
following tasks:
Compute (AB)+
List all of the candidate key(s) for R
Determine a canonical cover for F
If R is not in BCNF, find a lossless‐join decomposition or R into a set of BCNF
If R is not in 3NF, find a lossless‐join, dependency‐preserving decomposition
of R into a set of 3NF relations.
3.1 R = (A, B, C, X, Y, Z)
F = {A → B, C → XZ, BX → Y, YZ → A}
3.2 R = (A, B, C, G, H, I)
F = {AB → CG, B → G, CH → I, C → G}
3.3 R = (A, B, C, D, E)
F = {A → B, C → DE, B → CD, AD → E}
Submit your assignment through Blackboard. If your assignment contains multiple files, zip
them into a single folder before submitting.
Points can be deducted from your assignment based on the quality of its presentation.
Handwritten assignments will not be accepted.