It is your responsibility to answer all four questions. Take care to reply to all parts of each question. Please follow the guidelines, tips and grading rubric below. Answers should be a minimum length of ½ – 1 page each. Your writing should be in essay form, not lists of information. You are required to write in your own words, unless you are quoting or paraphrasing. Then you must use citations where necessary
1. Describe what the elements of a contract are. What are some
defenses one could argue to get out of a contractual obligation?
2. Describe the steps to forming a business entity. What should a person
consider when deciding to start up a busin
3. What does a person need to do when they feel they have a claim
under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? What steps can an
employer take to prevent claims under Title VII?
4. Explain the antitrust statutes; (The Sherman Act)
, (The Clayton Act),
and (The Federal Trade Commission Act)? Do you think the current
antitrust statutes are effective in preventing a business from
becoming a monopoly?
BUS210 Final Essays
It is your responsibility to answer all four questions. Take care to reply to
all parts of each question. Please follow the guidelines, tips and grading
rubric below. Answers should be a minimum length of ½ – 1 page each.
Your writing should be in essay form, not lists of information. You are
required to write in your own words, unless you are quoting or
paraphrasing. Then you must use citations where necessary.
1. Describe what the elements of a contract are. What are some
defenses one could argue to get out of a contractual obligation?
2. Describe the steps to forming a business entity. What should a person
consider when deciding to start up a business?
3. What does a person need to do when they feel they have a claim
under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? What steps can an
employer take to prevent claims under Title VII?
4. Explain the antitrust statutes; (The Sherman Act), (The Clayton Act),
and (The Federal Trade Commission Act)? Do you think the current
antitrust statutes are effective in preventing a business from
becoming a monopoly?
Guidelines/Tips/Grading Rubric for Final Essays
1. Must have a cover page, reference page and running head.
Please refer to the information below to check the format.
(-5 points each if not included)
2. Must use 12 font and double space your answers.
(-5 points each if not used)
3. Must use citations where necessary and two outside sources at
a minimum. You may use your textbook also, but it is not considered an
outside source. Each answer should contain at least one citation.
Please refer to the information below. (-1 point for answers with no
sources cited) (-5 points if you do not cite three sources or to the book
and two outside sources)
4. Make sure your answers are well thought out and supported with
facts. Length requirement is ½ – 1 page per answer. This does
not include repeating the question.
(-5 points if length requirement not met)
5. Must have good use of grammar and correct spelling. Please
proofread and use spellcheck.
(-5 points each if not followed)
6. Incorrect or missing answer.
(-5 through -25 points)
Guidelines for Writing
Absolutely no plagiarism – When using a direct quote or paraphrasing,
you must cite the source directly after the quote. (author’s last name/year
published) Example: (Smith 2007)
must have a cover page and a separate reference page (see
directions below)
Cover Page –
1. The title of your paper centered in the middle of the page
2. Your name centered in the middle of the page and about four lines
below the title
3. The course title centered about four lines below your name
4. The professor’s name centered and double spaced below the course
5. The date centered and doubled spaced below the professor’s name
6. A running head and page number (upper right-hand corner).
This should be on every page. Example: community policing 1
Reference Page –
Last name, Initial(s). (Year). Book Title: Subtitle. City of Publication:
Publisher. (If a second line is needed, indent 5 spaces.)
Doe, J.S. (2004). Interrupted speech: Communication by intrusion.
London: Social Behavior Press.
Last name, Initial(s). (Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume,
Pages. (If a second line is needed, indent 5 spaces.)
Doe, J. (2002). Computer simulation of laboratory rat behavior.
Journal of Computer Simulation, 18, 112-122.
(Web page)
Last name, Initial(s). (Year). Document title. Retrieved date, from Web
site: URL. (If a second line is needed, indent 5 spaces.)
Doe, J.P. (2003). Survey of freshmen attitudes towards work-study.
Retrieved October 15, 2003 from Tustin Metropolitan University,
Department of Psychology Web site:
Whenever you quote information from a source, always cite the information
like this:
(author’s last name, year published)
the written portion of your paper.
Ex. (Saxton, 1999) This is done in
Here is another example that you would use on the Reference Page at the
end of your paper for an internet source.
Lucas, G. (1977). Why I’m going to make a trilogy: The secret cult of
citations. Retrieved May 19, 2004 from