Culture popular Modern

Milestone 3: Access and Community

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Last week you researched the history of your popular culture artifacts. You also examined the audience for your popular culture artifacts and how each affected the other. This week you look at how access to popular culture affects society.

To prepare:

· Review your two chosen popular culture artifacts.

· Review your Final Project Worksheet from Week 1 and any feedback received.

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· Spend some time looking at the student-contributed resources posted in Doc Sharing. (Note: You will need to use at least one of these for this milestone.)

· Consider the following:

· How does the distribution mechanism control the issues addressed in the artifacts’ content?

· Determine who controls the distribution of your chosen popular culture elements.

· In what ways does the controller of distribution affect the shared experience of the audience and community? Keep in mind that a community may be local, regional, national, or global. Be specific in your discussion.

Submit a 400- to 500-word essay that addresses these questions as they relate to your chosen popular culture artifacts. Be sure to include:

· At least one student-contributed resource from Doc Sharing

· At least two other academically relevant sources.





Learning Resources

Required Readings
Required Media

Assignment 1

Student-Contributed Resource


I want my MTV! Or do I?

Assignment 2

Final Project Milestone 3: Access and Community


Menéndez Alarcón, A. V. (2014). Latin American culture: A deconstruction of stereotypes. Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, 3272–3296. One Laptop Per Child. (n.d.). Retrieved from Otmazgin, N. (2014). Anime in the US: The entrepreneurial dimensions of globalized culture. Pacific Affairs, 87(1), 53–69. Ouellette, L. (1999). Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class identity and girl-style American dreams. Media Culture & Society, 21(3), 359–383. Paglia, C. (2012). George Lucas’s force. In Glittering images: A journey through art from

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