Watch two videos in total of 18 mins.
Further instructions attached
After enjoying the videos posted on the Module 10 – Task 1 link in Blackboard, students
will respond to the following questions/statements. Be sure to think critically and indepth when responding. Remember to DOUBLE SPACE responses. Enjoy!
1. Summarize – in at least 1 paragraph – the information in the two videos that discuss
Norman Borlaug.
2. Discuss TWO ethical theories separately (from the power point of theories in Module
2 available under the Module 10 button) that Norman Borlaug was working under
during his work with plants and in biotechnology
3. Using the information in the videos and any other sources (reputable sources) of
information, explain in your own words why Norman Borlaug has been called ‘the
greatest man to ever live’ and ‘the genius behind the green revolution’. THEN, state
whether or not you agree that this is an appropriate statement to describe Norman
Borlaug and discuss why you agree or disagree. Responses should be at least ONE
SOLID paragraph for each item listed.
On What Basis Do We Make Moral Decisions?
• “Do what the Bible tells you”–Divine Command Theories
• “Follow your conscience”–The Ethics of Conscience
• “Watch out for #1”–Ethical Egoism
• “Do the right thing”–The Ethics of Duty
• “Don’t dis’ me”–The Ethics of Respect
• “All Men are created …with certain unalienable Rights” –The
Ethics of Rights
• “Make the world a better place”–Utilitarianism
• “Daddy, that’s not fair”–The Ethics of Justice
• “Be a good person”–Virtue Ethics
(c) Lawrence M. Hinman 2002
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“Do what the Bible tells you”
Divine Command Theories
• Being good is equivalent to doing
whatever the Bible – or the Qur’an or
some other sacred text or source of
revelation – tells you to do.
• “What is right” equals
“What God tells me to do.”
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your conscience”
The Ethics of Our Inner Voice
• Conscience tells us what is
right or wrong
• Often has a religious source
• May be founded in a notion
of human nature
• Is often negative in
character, telling us what is
not right
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“Watch out for #1”
Ethical Egoism
• Says the only person to look out for is yourself
• All actions ought to be motivated by selfinterest
• Does not require the moral agent to harm the
interests and well-being of other when making
moral deliberations
• “Ethical egoism endorses selfishness, but it
does not endorse foolishness.” – James
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“Do the right thing”
The Ethics of Duty
• Begins with the conviction that ethics is about
doing what is right, about doing your duty.
• Duty may be determined by:
– Reason
• Do what any rational agent should do
– Professional role
• A physician’s duty to care for the sick
– Social role
• A parent’s duty to care for his or her children
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“Don’t dis’ me”
The Ethics of Respect
• Human interactions should be governed
by rules of respect
• What counts as respect can vary from
one culture to another
• What is it that merits respect?
R.I.P. Aretha Franklin
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“…all Men are created …with certain unalienable Rights”
The Ethics of Rights
• The most influential
moral notion of the
past two centuries
– Assumption of the
existence of moral
rights including
liberty rights and
welfare rights
• Established minimal
conditions of human
“That all men are endowed
by their Creator with
certain unalienable rights.”
– US Declaration of
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“Make the world a better place”
• Seeks to reduce suffering and
increase pleasure or
• Demands a high degree of
self-sacrifice — we must
consider the consequences for
John Stuart Mill
• Utilitarians claim the purpose
of morality is to make the
world a better place.
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“Daddy, that’s not fair”
The Ethics of Justice
• Begins early in the family
with fairness to all family
• What is fair for one should
be fair for all.
• Treating people equally
may not mean treating
them the same.
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“Be a good person”
Virtue Ethics
• Developed by Plato and Aristotle
• Seeks to develop individual
424 – 347 BC
– Character traits are essential to human
• Assumes good persons will
make good decisions
– Justice exists in individuals when intellect,
emotion and desire act in harmony
– Individuals act justly because it is just
• Virtues of justice provides a way
of integrating all the theories
384 – 322 BC
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