1. In your opinion, what have we learned about ecological succession and disturbance that can be used to manage forests and other natural areas in a sustainable manner? Are there ways to mimic nature? Feel free to do additional research on this topic.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
2. Earth’s oceans are vast, covering about 70% of our planet’s surface. Humans are having increasing effects on the structure and function of the Earth’s oceans, ranging from unsustainable fisheries to pollution and climate change. Describe at least two ways in which we, as a society, can lessen our impact on ocean life. In what ways can you personally reduce your impact on ocean life?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
3. The ecological services provided by conservation areas are diverse and sometimes not easily understood or appreciated by the general public who may desire quantifiable, economic measures of their value. How would you persuade someone who believes that ecological services are unmeasurable and provide no value to human society that they are, in fact, valuable?