assignment is about files, python scripts, compute de average, median and the mode of a list of numbers.
This project requires the following steps:
- Read chapter 14 in the background reference, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Version 1.3.3). Implement and run all examples and exercises in the Python-IDLE environment. Save your programs into Python files.
- Read chapter 10 in the background reference, A Byte of Python. Implement and run all the examples and exercises in the Python-IDLE environment. Save your programs into Python files.
- Build a module that contains three functions that do the following:
– Compute the average of a list of numbers
– Finds the statistical median value of a list of numbers
– Finds the mode of a list of numbers
If you don’t know what the statistical median and mode of a list of numbers are, visit the following website:
Descriptive Statistics — from MathWorld
Save your resulting module from the Python-IDLE to a Python file.
4. Write a program that allows you to do the following five operations:
– Prompt the user to input a list of numbers (Hint: be sure to have a way for the user to indicate that they are done finished providing the list of numbers)
– Open a file that contains a list of numbers
– Compute the average, statistical median, and mode of the list of numbers
– Store your answers in another file
– Asks the user whether they want to see the answers and if the answer is yes, opens the file and displays the numbers
Implement this program in the Python-IDLE editor and run and debug it. After you have completed the program, save it to a Python file.
Write a one page paper describing your efforts in the above 4 requirements. Combine this writeup and all the saved Python files into a zip file.