Critical thinking discussion board post.

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1)   Log on to

which is the website for PBS Frontline.  You will need JAVA and/or Flash Player in order to stream the video from your computer.

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2)   If the link above is broken, google PBS Frontline Watch.  Click on the link and there you will find the list of videos available to view.

3)   Select and view the video provided below.  If the link is broken just look for it in the PBS Frontline Video Archives (google) webpage.

4)   Answer the questions found in the template below.  You must type the questions and answers in the forum. Please note, I will not accept any analyses that are submitted as attachments.  Therefore, make sure you post your response in the forum. 

5)   Remember you are required to read and provide brief critical reactions to at least one of your classmate’s analysis.   

6)   Once you post your analysis in the forum and respond to your classmate(s), you are done with this assignment.


Title – President Trump – January 3, 2017

Template for Analyzing the Video

1)  State as accurately as possible the video’s purpose for presenting this information.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

2)  What is the video attempting to convey and from what perspective is it presenting the information?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

3)  What key question can you develop from the content presented in the video?  Provide your question and then your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

4)  What are the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the video’s line of reasoning?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

5)  What is the video failing to address (what might be questioned)?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

6)  What consequences are likely to follow if people take the video’s line of reasoning seriously? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

7)  What consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the video’s reasoning?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

8)  Identify the key conclusions the video comes to and presents?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

9)  What facts, experiences, or data is the video using to support its conclusions?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

The questions below are to be used as the framework for responding to at least one of your classmate’s posting.  That is, select a posting you wish to respond to then evaluate the work and answer the following questions.  Be sure to address the questions to the classmate and make it relevant to his/her work.  You are required to provide a minimum of (4) four sentences for each question (#1 – #8) posted below and to respond to at least to one of your classmates.  Let’s have some fun with this while providing critical and relevant policy discussions and remeber to respect all viewpoints.

1) What is the purpose of your classmate’s policy recommendation and/or strategy?  Explain.

2) What question is your classmate attempting to answer?  Provide at least 4 alternate questions for your classmate.

3) What information does your classmate provide as a basis for arriving at his/her own conclusion?  Explain.

4) What are the main conclusions or inferences made by your classmate?  Explain.

5) What are the main ideas that guide your classmate’s thinking?  Explain.

6) What does your classmate take for granted?  Explain.

7) What is your classmate looking at and how is s/he seeing it?  Explain.

8) If your classmate is correct (or insightful), what are some implications we should recognize?  Explain.


1)     State as accurately as possible the video’s purpose for presenting this information.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

The video presented information about Donald Trump and his career. The video’s purpose for presenting this information is probably to explain the reasons and causes of why Donald Trump played out his career the way he did. It gave a background of his morals and beliefs growing up in a wealthy family. It also used these reasons to explain why many people did not agree with Donald Trump. This negative connotation of Trump was also applied to his motive for running for President.

2)     What is the video attempting to convey and from what perspective is it presenting the information?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5)or more sentences.

I believe the video is trying to convey how deep Trump’s need for power and wealth goes. This video is presented from an anti-Trump perspective.It also conveys that the way he was brought up influenced and still impacts the way he treats other people. The video also does a good job on presenting the successes and loses of his career. It presents these events in his career in a chronological way to somewhat explain why events progressed the way they did.

3)     What key question can you develop from the content presented in the video?  Provide your question and then your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

A key question that I think is important to address from the video is if the majority of people liked him back in the late 1980s-90s. His influence on people since those years probably influenced their decisions on if he should be elected President now. Another key question I would ask is if his money and power is what won his election into office as President. Many people have suspected that he has used his power and money to get this powerful position since he had no real political background. People have doubted his qualifications for being President.

4)     What are the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the video’s line of reasoning?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

One of the most important ideas you would have to understand much of this video is that he has a well known name who is known for having a lot of money and power. This money and power has helped him get a lot of opportunities in life. Another important idea that you would have probably had to know is that President Trump was born into a wealthy family who valued working. Since he has had a silver spoon in his mouth since he was young he has probably been able to do more things in an easier way than the average middle class person would have been able to do with much harder work. These two things have probably significantly influenced why his life and career has taken the path it is taking.

5)     What is the video failing to address (what might be questioned)?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

The video fails to have much statistical evidence. Some things that might be questioned is if he earned all the opportunities and positions he has received over his career. Many people just wanted Trumps name, so he received much more wealth, power, and influence because of this. There were not many statistics in the video that showed that he had much support in the public with people, especially during his election for Presidency. It might be questioned that Trump might have gotten the position because of the immense influence he could bring to the country.

6)     What consequences are likely to follow if people take the video’s line of reasoning seriously? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

Since this video was mostly anti-Trump many people might adopt this view if they are highly influenced by what it is trying to convey. These events from his life might prove that he cannot handle being President of the United States. Some people might believe that too much power since basically being the leader of the world might leave our next generations in danger. This video could also provide many citizens a more informed look at Trump’s career. They could see what he has experienced and see what he could bring to the country.

7)     What consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the video’s reasoning?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

If people ignore the videos reasoning they might not see how powerful Trump truly is. They might miss the fact that Trump has a lot of business ventures to keep up with as he is also President of the United States. Likewise, if people ignore this video, people might loose the chance to truly understand Trump. People might loose the opportunity to understand that Trump is a hard worker who could possibly help our country. If you don’t acknowledge this video and its reasoning it can be good or bad depending on if you support Trump or not.

8)     Identify the key conclusions the video comes to and presents?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

One of the key conclusions the video comes to is that Trump has an immense amount of power and wealth. This means that he has many properties’ and business ventures he is apart of. Another conclusion made in the video is that Trump is reckless and will say and do whatever as long as his name is not tarnished publicly. In present time and as Trump ran for President he was and is known for saying and doing things that many people disagree with. It is concluded that he can do these reckless things because of the immense power, fame, wealth, and influence he has on this country.

9)     What facts, experiences, or data is the video using to support its conclusions?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

The video uses many people’s personal experiences and encounters with Trump as support for it’s conclusions. For example, the video uses Barbara Res as someone who oversaw the project of Trump Tower in New York. She experienced what Trump would have to be in control over in a project. Another person who experienced Trump was Louise Sunshine. She handled the sales for the Trump Tower project.

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