Critical review see attached files

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Critical review

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Assignment: Critical Review/Reflection Papers

The book the critical review is done on is:

Michelle Miller, Branding Miss G___ (Toronto: Sumach Press, 2008).

Remember – a review is not primarily a summary. Rather, it analyses, comments on
and evaluates the book. Very important: it should also situate the book in the larger context of your learning. Your review should show that you can recognize arguments and engage in critical thinking. Keep these questions in mind as you read, make notes and then write the Critical Review/Reflection paper:

1. What is the specific topic of the book? What overall purpose does it seem to have? For what readership is it written? (Be sure to look in the preface, acknowledgments, reference list and index for clues about where and how the piece was originally published, and about the author’s background and position.)

2. Does the author state a specific thesis? Does she or he have an “axe to grind”? What are the author’s theoretical assumptions? Are these discussed explicitly?

3. What kinds of material does the book present (e.g. primary documents or secondary material, personal observations, literary analysis, quantitative data, biographical or historical accounts, etc.)?

4. How is this material used to demonstrate and argue the thesis?

5. Are there alternative ways of arguing from the same material? Does the author show awareness of them? In what respects does the author agree or disagree with these approaches?

6. What theoretical issues and topics for further discussion does the book raise?

7. What are your own reactions and informed opinions regarding the work?

What exactly does the book contribute to the overall topic of our course, Women in Protest?

As you write your Critical Reviews/Reflections, remind yourself that the assignment is primarily to discuss the book’s treatment of the topic, not the topic itself. Your key sentences should begin, “This book shows . . .”, “The author argues . . .” rather than “This happened . . .”

Notes to the writer:

1. Please try to answer all of the 8 questions listed above.

2. The ONLY source that should be used is the book.

3. Cite everything properly. If for example there are two authors of this book, don’t just use one of the authors to cite the reference.

4. Don’t be vague, try to example all of the points you are ting to get across. Use further support with ideas from the book.

5. Use the book a lot when it comes to sourcing. Don’t just use it once or twice, use it many times.

6. I have attached the rubric also, so please take a look at that.





PTER \h \r 153-410: Women in Protest

Critical Review/Reflection Grading Rubric





all 2011








Book has been thoroughly and carefully considered

considerable integration of ideas from class discussion of book

several pertinent questions from the assignment sheet are engaged

an original and provocative thesis is clearly stated at the beginning of the paper

the thesis provides the backbone for critical discussion and analysis and reaches a satisfying conclusion based on what was proposed at the beginning of the paper

based on excellent critical analysis and an original thesis, the critique is meaningful and multi-layered

supporting ideas are artfully woven throughout the analysis, thoughtfully supporting the argument

analysis extends the key ideas of the book and sets them in the broader context of the course/WS program

the paper is easy to read; analysis flows expertly

language is sophisticated without employing jargon

terms of analysis are well-defined

transitions between ideas are smooth and clear

MLA or Chicago style

12pt, double-spaced, TimesNewRoman or equivalent; 2.5cm margins; page numbers; cover page

citations are well documented throughout the paper

length is appropriate


Book has been adequately considered

some integration of ideas from class discussion

a reasonable number of questions from the assignment sheet are engaged

an interesting but predictable thesis is clearly stated a the beginning of the paper

the thesis is unclear, or tends toward description rather than argument, leading to a weak conclusion

the critique is good but there are some significant weaknesses or lapses

more supporting details are required to support the argument

analysis demonstrates a good attempt to set key ideas from the book into the broader context of the course/WS program

the critique is interesting but potentially unrealistic given the source material

the paper is well written but suffers from some significant grammatical inconsistencies or spelling errors

language is clear but lacks scholarly depth

there are lapses in definitions of terms

transitions between ideas are weak

the paper follows the technical requirements with a few minor exceptions

citations are solid but not thorough, with a few noticeable omissions

within reasonable expectations for length


Book has received some consideration

minimal consideration of recommended questions from assignment sheet

little integration of ideas from class discussion

the thesis is fundamentally descriptive or dependent on a value judgement (good/bad; right/wrong)

the argument fails to reach a satisfying conclusion with the paper simply petering out

analysis is uninteresting or uninspired, tending toward summary or description

ideas inadequately explored

little attempt to set key ideas from the book into the broader context of the course/WS program

there are significant problems with grammar and spelling

language is unclear and/or shallow

terms are not well defined and analysis leaps erratically from point to point

there are some significant problems with the technical requirements of the paper that affect its impact

citations are weak and/or bibliography is incomplete

paper is significantly longer or shorter than suggested


Book is inadequately probed

little to no consideration of questions from assignment sheet

little to no use of ideas from class discussion

there is no easily identifiable thesis

there is no conclusion because no argument was established early on

there is little critique of the source materials

what should be analysis is little more than description

minimal attempt to set key ideas from the book into the broader context of the course/WS program

major problems with spelling and grammar which sometimes impede the readers’ understanding

language is murky, confused, and difficult to follow

key terms are ill-defined

there are major problems with the technical requirements of the paper that seriously affect its impact

there are next to no citations and/or no bibliography

paper is entirely unreasonable in length (longer or shorter)


no evidence that book has received serious consideration

no integration of class discussion material

there is no thesis

the conclusion is deeply flawed or non-existent

critique/analysis is nearly non-existent, weak, minimal and unsupported

use of language is not at the university level

numerous grammatical and spelling errors

the paper is difficult to follow and lacks any sense of flow

the paper does not follow a scholarly format in either technical or citation format

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