Criminal Law-750-1000 words

Assignment Guidelines

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 Address the following in 750–1,000 words:


Describe the 3 branches of the U.S. federal government.


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Explain the role of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

            Why are there three branches of government? Explain.

            What is the purpose of the concept separation of powers? Explain.

            What is federalism? Explain.

How does this impact the criminal justice system? Explain.

        With regard to the criminal justice system, explain the roles of the following primary components:

            Law enforcement

            Criminal courts

            Civil courts


        Explain the role of each component. Explain how each component is both interdependent and independent.

        What are the similarities and differences between the federal and state criminal court systems? Explain.

    Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

CJUS290-1302B-03: Criminal Law

Task Type: Phase 1 Individual Project

Deliverable Length: 750–1,000 words

Due Date: 5/27/2013 11:59:59 PM CT

Assignment Guidelines: Address the following in 750–1,000 words:

The three branches of the U.S. federal government are the executive, the legislative and the judicial

The Executive Branch is made up of our President, Vice-President and fifteen Cabinet-level departments. Examples of such are the State, Defense, Interior, Transportation and Education. The most important power of the Executive Branch rests with the president, the vice-president of his choice, and his Cabinet members who head the respective departments. A crucial function of the Executive Branch is to ensure that laws are carried out and enforced to facilitate such day-to-day responsibilities of the federal government, such as collecting taxes, safeguarding the homeland and representing the United States’ political and economic interests around the world.

The Legislative Branch consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives, collectively known as the Congress. There are 100 senators; each state has two. Each state has a different number of representatives, with the number determined by the state’s population. At present, there are 435 members of the House. The legislative branch, as a whole, is charged with passing the nation’s laws and allocating funds for the running of the federal government and providing assistance to the 50 U.S. states.

The Judicial Branch consists of the United States Supreme Court and lower federal courts. Its primary function is to hear cases that challenge legislation or require interpretation of that legislation. The U.S. Supreme Court has nine Justices, who are chosen by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and have a lifetime appointment.

Why are there three branches of government? Explain.

Checks and Balances- there are three distinct branches of government, each with a different function. The framers of the Constitution did not wish to return to the totalitarian system of governance imposed on colonial America by the British. To ensure that no single person or entity had a monopoly on power, they instituted a system of checks and balances. The president’s power is checked by the Congress, which can refuse to confirm his appointees, for example, and has the power to impeach, or remove, a president. Congress may pass laws, but the president has the power to veto them (Congress, in turn, may override a veto). In addition, the Supreme Court can rule on the constitutionality of a law, but Congress, with approval from two-thirds of the states, may amend the Constitution.

What is the purpose of the concept separation of powers?

Separation of powers is the idea that the powers of a sovereign government should be split between two or more strongly independent entities, preventing any one person or group from gaining too much power.

What is federalism?

Federalism is the theory or advocacy of federal principles for dividing powers between member units and common institutions. Unlike in a unitary state, sovereignty in federal political orders is non-centralized, often constitutionally, between at least two levels so that units at each level have final authority and can be self-governing in some issue area. Citizens thus have political obligations to, or have their rights secured by, two authorities. The division of power between the member unit and center may vary, typically, the center has powers regarding defense and foreign policy, but member units may also have international roles. The decision-making bodies of member units may also participate in central decision-making bodies.

How does this impact the criminal justice system? Explain.

Habeas corpus presents the classic federalism problem in criminal law: how can federal courts overturn flawed state-court judgments while maintaining due respect for state sovereignty and the autonomy of state criminal-justice systems? However, federalism issues can also appear in criminal cases that originate in federal court. In its new term, the Supreme Court has at least two such cases.

With regard to the criminal justice system, explain the roles of the following primary components:

1. Law enforcement

2. Criminal courts

3. Civil courts

4. Corrections

· Explain the role of each component.

· Explain how each component is both interdependent and independent.

· What are the similarities and differences between the federal and state criminal court systems?

· Explain.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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