Criminal law

Criminal law
Each response should be at least 2-4 well-developed paragraphs, primarily written in your own words.
1. Why is it necessary to require a “substantial step” before mere plans become a criminal attempt?
2. Why are courts hesitant to punish a person for “evil thoughts” alone?
3. What is the difference between conspiracy and criminal solicitation?
4. Why is is easier for prosecutors to build a case when they are not required to establish whether the defendant is a principal in the first degree, a principal in the second degree, or an accomplice?
5. When is a corporation liable for the acts of its officers?
6. Under the statues of many states, a bar owner is criminally liable when an employee-bartender sells liquor to a juvenile. What if the bar owner instructs the bartender not to sell liquor to juveniles, but the bartender disregards those instructions and sells to juveniles anyway? Should the owner be held criminally liable? Why or why not?
7. Should vicarious criminal liability exist? What are the implications of holding a corporation liable for the actions of its employees? What about holding parents responsible for the actions of their children? Who benefits from such liability, and who can be harmed by it?

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