Criminal Justice Assignment Due July 25, 2013

Complete the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and Self-Report Data Matrix in Appendix B. To complete this matrix, list two pros and two cons of using UCR data and two pros and two cons of using self-report data.

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Locate two web resources—one official and one unofficial—with information about occurrences of delinquency in the United States. Copy and paste the URLs into Appendix B.

Associate Level Material

Appendix B

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UCR and Self-Report Data

Complete the matrix below. To complete this matrix, list two pros and two cons of Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data and two pros and two cons of self-report data.

Statistical Information



Official Information: Uniform Crime Report (UCR)

Unofficial Information: Self-Report Data

Web Resources

Identify one Web resource of official information and one Web resource of unofficial information about the occurrence of delinquency in the United States. Copy and paste the URL addresses into the spaces provided.

Official Information

URL of Web site:

Name of Web site:

Unofficial Information

URL of Web site:

Name of Web site:

CJS 240

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