create the game and 5 chapters for final power point presentation.

I have done milestone 1, but I have not done the milestones two and three now based on my milestone 1need to finish the final power point today for that requirements are like

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  1. Incorporate any feedback from Milestone 3.
  2. If needed, call or meet virtually with me to make sure you have the okay to move forward with the game (I will indicate whether a call or virtual meeting is necessary in the feedback on Milestone 3).

There are four parts to your final:

  1. A working version of your Adventure Game meeting the following criteria:Use of a Class object in your game (take a look at the game example introduced in Module 7, also Module 8’s Lab Problem 5 has a sample of a Class object you can use in your game)Each Chapter in your game should be in a separate Python file (take a look at the game example introduced in Module 7, it uses different files and the ‘include’ statement to make the game more modular).
  2. Technical Documentation (saved as a readme.txt)
  3. Launching your game via to share for review
  4. Use the discussion board to post reviews for two other games (these will be assigned by the professor)

Parts 1 and 2

Your Adventure Game and Technical Documentation should be zipped together and uploaded to this assignment submission folder and hosted (non-zipped) on GitHub.

Technical Documentation Outline: This technical documentation is for other developers and/or administrators. Imagine

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  1. You are a new developer joining a software project. What kind of information would be useful to get introduced to the project?
  2. You are an administrator who needs to maintain a software product. What kind of information would be useful (e.g., in case of errors, etc.)?

This document should include the following sections:

  • Where the code is hosted
  • External services (if there are any)
  • Languages and technologies
  • System requirements and supported applications
  • Coding/naming conventions
  • How to run/build/deploy the program
  • An overview of the architecture
  • How to start the program (start the game)

Part 3

You will launch your came in a console and share it with two other students in the class. These students will be assigned to you to share your game with.

  1. Create an account on
  2. Go to the Files page and upload your Python game file(s).
  3. Once uploaded, click on the file and run it. Make sure that the program works as expected.
  4. After testing and any last debugging, go to the Consoles page.

The following steps will need to be performed twice to create two consoles. You will want to distribute separate consoles to the two students you are assigned.

  1. Under Start a new console: click on the + besides Custom:. Give your game a name and in the second box type python3.7 then the path to your file (e.g., /home/accountname/
  2. Click the check mark and click the game name next to Custom:. This will launch the console.
  3. Share this console using the Share with others option and entering in the email for the student you have been assigned to share this with.

Part 4

Leave reviews for the two games you have been assigned on the discussion board.

Reminder: Submit the working version of your Adventure Game and your technical documentation (saved as a readme.txt) to this assignment submission folder (zipped together). Remember to also ensure your game is hosted (non-zipped) on GitHub. This assignment is due by Sunday at 11:59 PM CT.

and it’s due tonight

Milestone 1 – Adventure Game Outline: Creating a Narrative
For the first milestone, you must create your narrative for your adventure game. This
will be a story to keep the player entertained. You may choose from any genre. You may
be a fan of mysteries, sci-fi, a fantasy story, or choose something closer to real life.
Story genre: Fantasy
Story Location: Narule
Character background (player): A young traveler looking for an opportunity to be a hero
Game Objective/Actions: Travel the land, visit new villages and settlements, talk to
people, and learn about the dark shadow cast upon the ground.
Outline five chapters:
Chapter 1 Intro
Player Actions
Chapter 2 Intro
Player Actions
Chapter 3 Intro
Player Actions
“It was a cold night, and the rain swept in from the west with a
ferocity known only to the gods.”
The player comes across a town; locals tell of a disruption to the
– interact with locals (find out information)
– take on tasks (get money/supplies)
– stay (rests at the inn)
– Search the north (moves on to Chapter 2)
“The northern route was shrouded in fog. The only sound was a
loud pounding in the distance.”
The player comes across an ogre.
– fight (dies or wins; if the player wins, the player receives a key)
– run north (moves on to Chapter 3)
– run south (loops back to Chapter 1)
“A gust of wind cleared the fog just in time. What remained was
an abyss, echoing the pounding.”
The player comes across a ledge.
– look for a way to cross (finds nothing)
– look for a way to descend (find a narrow set of stairs)
– walk along it towards the east (runs into another ogre)
– walk along it towards the west (gets bitten by a snake and dies)
– go back south (Chapter 2 if the ogre wasn’t cleared; Chapter 1 if
it was)
Chapter 4 Intro
Player Actions
Chapter 5 Intro
Player Actions
“The stairs snaked back and forth endlessly. The pounding grew
louder and louder.”
The player reaches a cave.
explore the cave (player finds the pounding coming from a small
box; gets the option to open it if the ogre was defeated earlier; if
the chest opens, continue to Chapter 5)
go back up the stairs (returns to Chapter 3)
“There was a bright light, then darkness. The sound ceased.”
The player wakes up at the inn, confused.
interact with locals (find out information)
take on tasks (get money/supplies)
stay (rests at the inn)
Name: Hemangi Chaudhari
Date: 10/20/2023
Class: 225
Story genre: Science Fiction
Character background (player): adventurous space explorer looking for information on
a puzzling abnormality in the universe.
Game Objective/Actions: Explore far-off universes, interact with strange civilizations,
and learn more about mysterious issues.
Outline five chapters:
Chapter 1 Intro
Player Actions
“The infinite galaxy opens before you as you operate your
cutting-edge spacecraft. The crew is waiting with expectation as
they turn to you for explanations for the puzzling anomaly.”
The player is cruising through space on a spacecraft.
• Get to know the members of the crew.
• Inspect the spaceship’s controls.
• Upon receiving a distress signal from a neighboring star
system, you must decide whether to investigate or
disregard it and continue your journey.
Chapter 2 Intro
Player Actions
Chapter 3 Intro
Player Actions
Chapter 4 Intro
Player Actions
Chapter 5 Intro
Player Actions
“Your spaceship is directed to a desolate planet by the star
system’s distress signal, whose emptiness echoes the cosmos’
mysteries. An abandoned spacecraft lies still, a mystery unto
When the spaceship arrives in the unstable star system, it
discovers a desolate planet and a broken spacecraft.
• Investigate the abandoned spacecraft.
• Collect supplies.
• Strange markings on the planet’s surface suggest an alien
“As you land on the planet, the alien world unfolds before you,
revealing alien creatures and an awe-inspiring city in the
distance, enticing you with unknown secrets.”
The player lands in a foreign world, surrounded by weird species
and a technologically advanced city in the distance.
• Make communication with the aliens.
• Trade superior technology with aliens.
• Investigate a neighboring cave that is said to contain
ancient mysteries.
“In the cave, old artifacts and a weathered map led you to an
asteroid base, where the anomaly’s throbbing heartbeat
Inside the cave, the player discovers ancient relics and a map
indicating the anomaly’s location.
• Follow the map to find a secret asteroid base.
• Face the base’s obstacles and puzzles.
• Discover the anomaly, a mysterious and powerful energy
source with the potential for terrible, sound, or
enormous evil.
“Your crew awaits you as you return to your starship, their
expressions reflecting the gravity of your decision about the
anomaly and its potential implications.”
The player returns to their starship, knowing what the anomaly
can do.
• Determine whether to share your discovery with the alien
• Select how you want to use the anomaly’s power.
• Face the consequences of your choices, resulting in many
game endings.
Milestone 2 – Adventure Game Outline: Flowchart Development
For the second milestone, you will need to develop several flowcharts that will
represent the flow of execution for your game. Before you start, make sure you:
1 – incorporate any feedback from Milestone 1;
2 – discuss your game with your professor and make sure you have the ok to
move forward with it.
You will need a flowchart for each chapter of your game.
EXAMPLE – Chapter 1 Flowchart from Milestone 1 Example outline
Milestone 3 – Adventure Game Outline: Module Development
For the third milestone, you will need to develop several modules that incorporate the
actions throughout your game. Before you start, make sure you:
1 – incorporate any feedback from Milestone 2;
2 – discuss your game with your professor and make sure you have the ok to
move forward with it.
You will create the modules needed for your action game. This will be for each part of
your flowchart from Milestone 2 that has been designated by you or your professor as a
good fit for a module.
EXAMPLE – Chapter 1 Modules for actions set in the game
This example shows a module for the interactions with locals within the town.
# This will create a randomly named villager to interact with
def villager():
global npcName
global response
# Below is a list we can store lots of things in a list and
# then retrieve them later.
responses = [“Hi”, “Are you a hero?”, “Are you from this village?”]
npcNameChoice = [“Dexter”, “Ryan”, “Dawn”, “Andie”]
# Shuffle will shuffle the list contents into a random order
npcName = npcNameChoice[0]
print(npcName, “:] Hello, I am “, npcName, “ , would you like to talk to me?”)
answer = input(print(“Press y to talk to the villager”))
if answer == “y”:
print(npcName, “:] “, responses[0])
print(npcName, “:] Goodbye”)

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