Create A Flowchart And A Pseudocode To Calculate The Problem

Create a FLOWCHART and a PSEUDOCODE for each problem.

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Use the information below to create a pseudocode (which can be a text-based description for solving the problems) and a flowchart (using flowchart symbols to illustrate how you would program) to solve each problem. You may use Microsoft Word® for your pseudo code and Microsoft PowerPoint® for your flowchart.

1. Problem 1: Write a program that will calculate the problem and stop after the condition has been met. This is an IF/THEN/ELSE within a loop problem.



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Condition: If c is less than 5, then the loop will continue; else, it will end.

a will increase by one after every completed loop.

2. How many loops will be necessary to meet the condition incrementing ‘c’ by 1? Why?

Create a FLOWCHART and a PSEUDOCODE for each problem.
Use the information below to create a pseudocode (which can be a text-based description for solving the problems) and a flowchart (using flowchart symbols to illustrate how you would program) to solve each problem. You may use Microsoft Word® for your pseudo code and
Microsoft PowerPoint® for your flowchart.
Problem 1: Write a program that will calculate the problem and stop after the condition has been met. This is an IF/THEN/ELSE within a loop problem.
Condition: If c is less than 5, then the loop will continue; else, it will end.
a will increase by one after every completed loop.
How many loops will be necessary to meet the condition incrementing ‘c’ by 1? Why?
Assignment Rubric:
Available Earned
Pseudocode describing
how to calculate for
Problem 1.
Flowchart illustrating
how to program for
Problem 1.
Provide a correct
response to “How
many loops will be
necessary to meet the
incrementing ‘c’ by
1? Why?”
Submission Instructions:
Create PPT with one pseudocode and one flowchart (using Microsoft PowerPoint) for the problem above. Upload here for grading.

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