I want to solve only part 2… plzzz i want it ful…
Au g u s t 2 0 1 2 I S T R AT E G I C F I N A N C E 4 7
By David Axelsson, Marcus Fogelkvist, and Gary M. Cunningham, CPA
Kay Smith is frustrated. The manager of StrategicMarketing Unit Two (SMU2) for Fine Foods,Inc., a provider of branded high quality food
products, Smith is unhappy with what she perceives to be
unfair and inappropriate product costing for her unit,
especially for what Fine Foods considers to be special
orders. Smith’s education, experience, and expertise as a
food scientist and process engineer have earned her con-
siderable respect at Fine Foods, but she has limited
accounting knowledge. This lack of accounting knowl-
edge has inhibited her ability to express and demonstrate
her concerns, which she views as serious. Believing she is
a fast learner with proper guidance, Smith has hired you,
a recent accounting graduate, to develop a draft memo-
randum, a slide presentation, and a glossary of terms to
help her make her case more forcefully to management.
Foods, Inc.
Fine Foods, Inc., which has its roots in the upper Mid-
west United States, produces a wide range of food prod-
ucts in a competitive industry. Almost all its products are
sold under the Fine ’n’ Fast brand name, which is widely
recognized for its high quality and has a loyal customer
following. Most products are packaged in sizes for end
consumption and are sold through supermarkets, conve-
nience shops, and similar outlets. Depending on the
nature of the product and consumer preferences, prod-
ucts are sold frozen, refrigerated, canned, boxed, or pack-
aged in other ways. Some items, like small individual
packets of ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard, are sold to
fast food restaurants and similar outlets. The company
also sells half-gallon containers of salad dressings,
ketchup, mustard, and similar items with a plastic pump
2 0 1 3 S T U D E N T C A S E C O M P E T I T I O N
The Student Case Competition is sponsored annually by IMA®
to provide an opportunity for students to interpret, analyze,
evaluate, synthesize, and communicate a solution to a
management accounting problem.
Product Costing at Fine Foods:
Is It a Symptom or the
and branded with the company logo so that restaurant
customers can serve themselves at salad bars and similar
places. Other products are sold, often in bulk, to institu-
tional users such as large food service groups, caterers,
and the like. These products may or may not be branded.
A small portion of sales is made to other food producers,
for example, salad dressing packets are sold to producers
of packaged fresh salad greens. Fine Foods, Inc. doesn’t
deal with fresh products.
Fine Foods, Inc. is owned by Great Plains Capital, a
private equity firm. Great Plains Capital gives Fine Foods
almost complete freedom and control over management,
product selection, performance evaluation, and so forth.
Because it is privately owned, there is no external finan-
cial reporting, nor is there any obligation to use any set of
financial accounting standards for internal reporting. Any
external financial reporting is on a group or consolidated
basis and done by Great Plains Capital.
Great Plains Capital also owns Fine Foods Canada,
Ltd., which sells products almost exclusively in Canada,
with primary operations nearby in the prairie provinces.
Fine Foods, Inc. and Fine Foods Canada, Ltd. don’t have
any mutual ownership in each other, and there’s no man-
agement connection between the two. Because the two
companies produce many identical products using the
Fine ’n’ Fast brand, they do share recipes and process
technology. Fine Foods, Inc. also produces some products
for Fine Foods Canada, Ltd. that don’t have sufficient
market size in Canada to justify separate production.
Great Plains Capital also owns smaller companies with
the Fine ’n’ Fast name that are mostly importers of Fine
’n’ Fast products in countries outside of the U.S. and
Canada where high quality, branded North American
food products have niche markets. These products are
produced by Fine Foods, Inc.
Fine Foods, Inc. (Fine Foods from this point forward) is
organized into three strategic marketing units (SMUs)
based on the markets they serve. SMU1 serves supermar-
kets and similar outlets. SMU2 serves mostly institutional
customers who order in large volumes and often in bulk
quantities. SMU2 also sells special orders from time to
time that involve unbranded bulk products that are
exported. SMU3 serves affiliated Fine Foods companies in
other countries, mostly for import into those countries;
governmental organizations that sell food and have food
service facilities, such as military organizations; and simi-
lar customers that have special contracting requirements.
Products sold by all three SMUs are manufactured by
the same production facilities, including warehouses,
food preparation and cooking facilities, and packaging
facilities. The SMUs also share most headquarters activi-
ties, such as IT, accounting and other administration,
human resources, and similar activities. SMU1 and SMU2
have their own marketing and sales departments, while
there are no separate departments for these tasks in
SMU3. Figure 1 shows an organizational chart for Fine
Foods, Inc.
Cost Allocation
Smith tells you somewhat strongly and persistently that
she believes her unit is being treated unfairly in the way
costs are allocated to products. In particular, she has a
problem with the product cost allocation for special
orders of product MP, a basic product that is widely con-
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Figure 1: Fine Foods, Inc. Organization Chart
sumed in North America. SMU2 is the only unit with
special orders, and almost all the special orders are for
product MP. While all three units sell product MP, it rep-
resents a significantly larger percentage of total sales for
SMU2 than it does for the other two units. SMU1 and
SMU3 don’t perceive a product-costing problem because
a substantial portion of their sales come from other prod-
ucts, which means the product costs for product MP
aren’t a major part of their cost of sales.
After talking with Smith, you review what you learned
in your accounting classes about product costing and
special orders. With this knowledge, you set out to con-
duct an in-depth look at product costing and accounting
for special orders at Fine Foods, especially in SMU2.
The Production Process
In order to learn about product costing at Fine Foods,
you decide you first need to understand the physical flow
of products through production lines. A simplified dia-
gram of the product MP production process, which is
typical of many of the company’s products, is shown in
Figure 2.
Basic raw food items begin production with prelimi-
nary inspection, sorting, and so forth. The raw material
then goes to the first stage of preparation, which can
involve chopping, peeling, and other preparation. Some
preliminary cooking can also take place at this step. After
possible temporary storage, additional ingredients are
added, such as seasonings, flavorings, etc., and the final
cooking and processing occur. The prepared product is
then packaged, frozen, stored temporarily (if necessary),
and then shipped to the customer.
Product Costing
The management of Fine Foods believes that it must allo-
cate all costs to its products in order to get a true and
accurate measure of each product’s profitability. Here’s a
look at the product-costing procedure that would apply
to product MP as well as virtually all
other products.
(Product MP is one of several different products that
come from the same initial raw material but are then
processed and sold in different configurations and pack-
age sizes.)
Raw material, packaging material, and direct produc-
tion salaries are added to determine what Fine Foods calls
direct calculated costs. Electricity, steam, water, and ware-
house costs are then allocated based on estimates and a
mark-up to cover spoilage and other incalculable costs.
This calculation gives an amount the company calls vari-
able manufacturing costs. Material costs are determined
based on the cost required for one unit of product. Direct
salaries are determined by the amount of time normally
required for one unit multiplied by the hourly labor cost.
Fine Foods allocates what it considers to be fixed pro-
duction costs in a complicated process. A list of what Fine
Foods considers to be fixed production costs is shown in
Table 1.
Costs for production management, steam boilers, and
quality are shared by different factories. Estimates are
made about usage of these activities, and costs are allo-
cated to factories based on these estimates. If only one
factory uses a service, the entire cost of the service is allo-
cated to that factory. When these and other costs are
assigned to factories, two approaches are used for further
allocation to product groups (which represent groups of
similar products, such as salad dressings, canned soups
and vegetables, and puddings) and products:
◆ All costs for steam boilers, building maintenance,
vehicles, and sanitation are allocated directly to products
using net weight or gross weight.
◆ Remaining factory costs are first allocated to prod-
uct groups. One allocation is a fixed percentage based on
estimates that don’t change for each product group. Oth-
er costs are allocated based on the weight, labor time, and
A u g u s t 2 0 1 2 I S T R AT E G I C F I N A N C E 4 9
Figure 2: Production Process for Product MP
production time of the product produced. If the alloca-
tion of remaining factory costs is a fixed percentage, then
allocation to products is based on production time.
◆ For special orders (virtually all product MP), the
total freight out is accumulated for a month and then
allocated based on the weight of product shipped. The
estimated freight cost is included in the sales price. Simi-
lar procedures are followed for other products, for which
Fine Foods pays the freight.
Media and sales promotion costs for SMU1 and SMU2
are allocated to product groups and to individual prod-
ucts based on weight of product sold.
Fine Foods allocates what it calls other fixed costs in
two ways:
◆ Sales and marketing costs, which are incurred only
in SMU1 and SMU2, are allocated to products based on
sales volume.
◆ Costs for top management, business administration,
information systems, human resources, supply manage-
ment, and logistics are allocated in two steps. Costs are
first allocated to cost centers based on number of
employees, labor time, production time, or set percent-
ages. Then costs are further allocated to products based
on gross sales, amount of time spent on internal reviews,
number of marketing campaigns, quantity sold, number
of orders, net weight of product delivered, or equally to
each product.
Smith is concerned that the amount of costs allocated
to special orders for product MP is excessive and there-
fore causing her unit to be viewed less favorably than the
other units. Among other things, she believes allocations
based on weight are unfair because product MP is a rela-
tively dense, bulky, and heavy product that, while prof-
itable, has a relatively low profit per pound compared to
other products.
Special Orders
Because of Smith’s concerns, you further explore what
Fine Foods considers to be special orders. According to
Smith, a special order is one in which the contract speci-
fies that it can be rejected within one year before delivery;
otherwise it isn’t special. Such special orders constitute
2% of total revenues for Fine Foods.
Virtually all of the special orders are for product MP
and for a food distributor in Mexico. Product MP isn’t a
normal part of the diet of Mexican people, but there is a
niche market for it. The market isn’t large enough to
motivate a Mexican food production company to pro-
duce the item, but Fine Foods is motivated to provide the
items to Mexican food suppliers as so-called special
orders because the company is already producing the
product for a variety of customers in the U.S. and Cana-
da. It’s packaged unbranded for sale in Mexico because it
will be used primarily by institutional food preparers; it’s
shipped frozen in 10-pound packages.
The raw material used to make product MP can be
kept in storage for a fairly long time under proper condi-
tions, and there’s always a ready stock on hand because
it’s used in many other products. Once product MP is
produced, it can be kept frozen for up to one year. These
factors provide a high degree of flexibility in scheduling
production to meet such special orders. Production of
product MP can be readily scheduled when there’s idle
production capacity. Sometimes requests for these special
orders come unexpectedly; other times, SMU2 approach-
es the customer to indicate that idle capacity is planned.
Typically, orders are in relatively large quantities.
SMU2 accepts special orders when the contribution
margin (CM1) is positive. As shown in Table 2, Fine
Foods defines CM1 as net sales minus variable manufac-
turing costs (defined above) and freight out. Smith is
convinced that decisions to accept the special orders are
good for the company and contribute to Fine Foods’
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Table 1: Fixed Production Costs
Allocated to Product MP
Workshop Storage
Maintenance Mechanics
Production Line Maintenance
Production Line Cleaning
Lower Production Management
Handling Raw Material Department
Production Office Services
Production Manager and Related Costs
Internal Logistics/Resource Planning
Building Maintenance
Steam Boiler
overall profitability, but she’s frustrated at the impact on
the results of her unit’s operations.
Performance Evaluation at Fine Foods
At about the time you were halfway through your project,
you found yourself discussing it with friends and col-
leagues who are also recent accounting graduates. As you
described Smith’s concerns with Fine Foods’ product
costing, as well as your frustration as you attempt to ana-
lyze and develop recommendations, one friend interrupt-
ed to say that the product-costing problem appeared to
be only a symptom of a larger issue. Your friend had
recently covered the issue of symptoms vs. underlying
problems in her management control class, and it seemed
to her that the major issue is performance evaluation of
the SMUs, not product costing.
Somewhat skeptical, you looked at some of your text-
books and other sources to brush up your knowledge of
performance evaluation. You then explored performance
evaluation at Fine Foods. You began by speaking to Peter
Jones, the controller of Fine Foods, Inc., who explained
how the company computes CM1, CM2, CM3, CM4, and
operating profit for each unit (see Table 2). Jones said the
SMUs have the ability to control the costs of their divi-
sions, and other costs are allocated easily and fairly. Targets
are established for CM1, CM2, CM3, CM4, and operating
profit, and the numbers are reviewed monthly to see if cor-
rective action is necessary. Evaluation of performance
against the targets is made at the end of the year.
Smith, however, tells you that the primary evaluation
for the SMUs is operating profit. This is confirmed by
SMU2’s controller and another unit controller. Smith
feels the method used by Fine Foods to calculate operat-
ing profit doesn’t reflect the true performance of the
SMUs because unit management can’t control several of
the cost elements included in the calculation. Further, she
believes using operating profit as the primary indicator
for evaluating units has a negative motivational effect on
the employees of her unit.
Your Report
With your analysis complete, you are ready to present
your findings. For better organization, you decide to
divide everything into four sections: product costing, spe-
cial orders, performance evaluation, and conclusions and
Part 1: Product Costing
1. Develop a glossary of terms and definitions to be used
by Smith in her presentation and discussions to ensure
consistency and mutual understanding of terms. In addi-
tion to definitions, provide a brief description of the
applicability of terms to Fine Foods. The glossary should
include, but not be limited to:
◆ Cost object
◆ Cost driver
◆ Product vs. period
◆ Fixed vs. variable
◆ Direct vs. indirect
◆ Incremental and common
◆ Relevant vs. irrelevant
◆ Controllable vs. Noncontrollable
◆ Dual allocation (sometimes called departmental)
◆ Volume allocation
◆ Activity-based allocation
A u g u s t 2 0 1 2 I S T R AT E G I C F I N A N C E 5 1
Table 2: Contribution Margins
and Operating Profit
Gross sales
(Standard discounts)
(Activity discounts)
(Special discount activities for customers)
Net sales
(Variable manufacturing cost)
(Fixed manufacturing cost)
(Freight out)
(Sales promotion)
(Marketing and sales)
(Top management)
(Business administration)
(Information system)
(Human resources)
(Supply chain)
(External logistics for finished goods)
(Markup – Manufacture expenditures)
(Other fixed costs)
(Structural costs)
(Total depreciation)
Write a draft of a memorandum that Smith can present
to her colleagues and management to support her case. The
memo should include, but not be limited to, an analysis of
current product costing approaches used at Fine Foods,
Inc., changes she should recommend, and the extent to
which the recommend changes would resolve her concerns.
Part 2: Special Orders
Write a draft of a memorandum that Smith can present
to her colleagues and higher management that focuses on
what Fine Foods calls special orders. The memo should
include, but not be limited to:
◆ A description of the accounting and other consider-
ations that should be considered with respect to special
◆ A brief definition of the terms “by products” and
“joint products” and the extent to which these items
apply to special orders at Fine Foods, if at all.
◆ Identification of all the benefits that Fine Foods
receives from special orders.
◆ An analysis of the way Fine Foods, Inc. handles its
special orders and any recommended changes
Part 3: Performance Evaluation
1. Develop a glossary of terms and definitions to be used
by Smith in her presentation and discussions to ensure
consistency and mutual understanding of terms. In addi-
tion to definitions, provide a brief description of the
applicability of terms to Fine Foods. The glossary should
include, but not be limited to:
◆ Types of responsibility centers:
• cost centers
• revenue centers
• profit centers
• investment centers
◆ Computation methods of monetary amounts to
evaluate performance:
• contribution margin
• operating profit
• return on investment
• residual income and similar value-added
approaches, such as EVA™
◆ Agency costs
2. Prepare a draft of a memorandum for Smith to pre-
sent to her colleagues and management that includes, but
isn’t limited to:
◆ What roles do performance-evaluation and reward
systems play in organizations? Discuss individual vs.
team-based performance evaluation in this context. Are
these roles relevant for all types of organizations and
employees? To what extent, if any, do these roles apply to
Fine Foods?
◆ Discuss basic concepts of performance evaluation,
particularly results control. Discuss issues of financial vs.
nonfinancial performance in this context.
◆ What types of responsibility centers are the SMUs in
Fine Foods? Are these appropriate types of responsibility
centers for Fine Foods? Why or why not?
◆ Identify potential agency costs that might occur
within Fine Foods. Discuss performance measurement
(monitoring) and incentive systems as mechanisms to
decrease agency costs at Fine Foods. Identify and discuss
any recommendations to implement a reward system.
Analyze the extent to which your recommendations
would solve the issues that concern Smith and would
decrease agency costs.
◆ Analyze the performance evaluation approaches at
Fine Foods. Identify and discuss any changes you might
recommend. Analyze the extent to which these changes
would resolve the issues raised by Smith.
Part 4: Conclusion and Recommendations
1. Prepare a draft memorandum for Smith to present to
her colleagues and management that gives recommenda-
tions for changes and discusses their benefits for the
company as a whole.
2. Prepare a draft of an executive summary of the entire
memorandum (Parts 1-4).
3. Prepare a slide presentation for Smith to use when
presenting the memorandum to her colleagues and
management. SF
David Axelsson is the accountant and controller for an
expanding wholesaler and a board director for a local
savings bank and a family company that distributes
consumer goods. You can contact David at
Marcus Fogelkvist is a research and development group con-
troller in a large consumer goods manufacturing company.
You can reach him at marcus.fogelkvist@gmail.com.
Gary M. Cunningham, CPA, Ph.D., is Visiting Professor of
Accounting at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland.
You can reach him at gcunning@abo.fi.
The authors acknowledge the valuable assistance of
Dr. Catherine Lions in preparation of the case.
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