Contemporary Global Health Governance: Origins, Functions, and Challenges


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Taking the policy in attached file 1, look at the Systems Model on the policy process, Figure 1.3 (Problem Identification, Policy Formulation, Policy Implementation, Policy Evaluation) on page 36 in your textbook (attached). Write a paper with the purpose of overcoming the problems described by the four Rs (Reaction, Repetition, Results, and Raising Funds) on page 57 (attached).

Assume the role of the leader who will be building a coalition by creating a policy vision for the internal and external stakeholders of your geographical area or country. First, begin by identifying the deficiencies in a global policy that you have researched so that you can establish a policy vision by determining the needed funding for the services you feel must be provided and including that in the policy. Explain how your policy would benefit your target population. Include the following headings/sections in your submission:

  • Introduction—Describe the population affected by the policy
  • Deficiencies of—Name of Global Policy
  • Vision of Changes—Needed what needs to change to make the policy better
  • Gaining Support for the Vision—Internal and external
  • Needed Funding—Where will funding come from for services discussed in the policy
  • Conclusions
  • References

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles.
  • Be formatted according to APA writing guidelines.
  • Remember to utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

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Overcoming the Four Rs: Recommendations

Overcoming problems of reaction, repetition, results, and raising funds requires the fol- lowing. The first is strong leadership to articulate a short- and medium-term vision, galva- nizing support for such a vision both inside and outside an institution, and diversifying the funding base of that organization. Such diversification of funding cannot, however, con- tradict the strategic vision of the institution or the leadership. Strong leadership requires the building of coalitions within the broad and expansive global health community and relying less on donors to outline policy objectives. Hence those articulating global health policy must be separate to those who fund health policy. This is not easily achieved, as donors often want to know where their money is going and private philanthropists seek to invest in those causes they deem to be the most worthwhile. Actors should play to their strengths and assert their experience, expertise, and legitimacy. Global policy-making needs to be less driven by global finance for health. Money is intrinsic for the delivery of drugs, education campaigns, medical supplies, construction of health centers, health worker training, and a whole host of issues. However, the need to generate, maintain, and increase funds should exist separately to policy-making, otherwise policy-making is more reactionary and less visionary and strategic.

Second, key principles of public health – the right to health, distributive justice, ques- tions of equality in access to healthcare, and how different people experience good or bad health – must be re-engaged with as a matter of policy practice (see Chapters 4, 10, 12, 25, and 28). Results-based frameworks and the need for a return on investment should not exclude such commitments and principles. One way of reintroducing these themes is to bring the public back into discussions on global health and making the private – includ- ing philanthropic organizations – subject to the same accountability and transparency structures as public bodies, whether governmental or intergovernmental. Whilst private actors may not be spending taxpayers’ money, they have considerable influence on the health of the world’s population. The plurality of actors and ideas is a unique and pos- itive component of global health, yet such plurality needs to translate to decision- and policy-making and be held to account.

Third, global health policy must be designed in-country, by the government, as the elected government through public engagement and discussion sees fit. Global institutions such as the World Bank and the Global Fund should provide support through finance and as such can make recommendations, but such recommendations should not form the basis of conditional lending. Country-based agendas will make health strategies more context- specific, will reduce the burden on state-based health agencies that often have to juggle competing donor demands, and will avoid repetition in the formation of health policy. Focusing on country-based strategies will invert current structures of policy-making so that implementers of policy at the local level become the policy formulators and those who currently make policy at the global level concentrate on working with countries on effective implementation.


Health Policy


Health policies can be characterized as the plans and activities that emanate from decisions undertaken to accomplish particular human health services objectives and strategies. According to WHO (2016), a definite healthcare plan and policies can accomplish things like; it characterizes the futures’ vision, it plots needs and the healthy parts of various society and groups and it finally it fabricates agreement and educates people in the society concerned.


There are numerous classes of healthcare approaches, comprising worldwide healthcare arrangement, public healthcare strategy, psychological wellness approach, social insurance administration’s approach, individual human services approach, pharmaceutical arrangement, and strategies identified with general public healthcare, for example, inoculation strategy, tobacco control arrangement or breastfeeding advancement policy approach.


The main point of health policy is to provide an insightful platform for analysis through research that affects healthcare in the US. Through this platform congressional staffers, policymakers and healthcare administration officials are presented with non-partisan evidence materials that expressly and vividly explains health policy matters.

There are a few approaches to address the inexorably universal nature of general public healthcare and preparedness. The prevailing financial conditions require practical approach elucidations and strategy policies, which can be actualized. The most important territory for auspicious activity to have the capacity to address the worldwide dimension of US readiness is to sharpen healthcare professionals, clinicians, attendants, and other general healthcare offices concerning the nature and sort of the sickness when they are treating (Newton, Heiman, and Schmitz, 2011).

Accordingly, it is essential to learn and comprehend the kind of sicknesses and to get data about the patients (Dausey, Chandra & Shaefer, 2008). Likewise, it is essential to report the cases that are significant to malady episode using observation frameworks. The other fundamental approach is to react to the flare-ups to guarantee that the Americans individuals are knowledgeable about the ebb and flow nature of infections.

The Affordable Care Act was set up to construct the quality and sensibility of prosperity assurance, cut down the uninsured rate by broadening wide and private security scope and diminish the costs of human administrations for individuals and the governing body. It introduced instruments like orders, blessings, and security exchanges. The law obliges protection organizations to cover all hopefuls inside new slightest measures and offer similar rates paying little regard to earlier conditions or sex. In 2011 the Congressional Budget Office expected that the Affordable Care Act would bring down both future deficiencies and Medicare spending.


Affordable Care Acts request for an act of Congress depleting for the circumstance National Federation of Independent Business vs. Sibelius. In any case, the Court held that states couldn’t be constrained to partake in the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid augmentation under the discipline of losing their existing Medicaid financing. Since the choice, the law and its execution have continued defying troubles in Congress and chose courts, and from some state governments, preservationist backing get-togethers, laborer’s organizations, and little business affiliations (Morrissey, 2013).


Healthcare financial and economic matters enable doctors to touch base at treatment choices all the more decently and transparently not at all like in the past where the specialists acted verifiably and settled on all treatment choices for the benefit of their patients. Healthcare financial policies enable the therapeutic services framework to apply particular and steady systems in financing and sorting out the wellbeing area and administration conveyance to the citizenry (Haycox and Nobles, 2009).

Healthcare financial specialists utilize different economic aspects ideas, for example, cost-adequacy, which goes for expanding advantages to the residents served from the rare assets. Plus, wellbeing financial matters stresses effectiveness in the usage of constrained assets to accomplish the coveted outcomes. Allocative proficiency guarantees that the human services framework doles out assets and administrations to the neediest patients who advantage the most from them (Haycox and Nobles, 2009). Then again, technical efficiency determines the extent to which the physicians can combine resources to realize the best outcome.


Dausey, D., J., Chandra. A., Shaefer, A., G. (2008). Measuring the performance of telephone-based disease surveillance systems in local health departments. American Journal of Public Health. 2008; 98(9):1706–1711

Haycox, A., & Noble, E. (2009). What is health economics? Hayward Medical Communications, a division of Hayward Group Ltd, 3-6.

Morrissey, W. (2013). Obamacare’s Employer-Shared Responsibility Provision: The Impact on Employers and Employees. Ariz. Summit L. Rev., 7, 103.

Newton, A., E., Heiman, K.E., & Schmitz, A. (2011). Cholera in United States associated with epidemic in Hispaniola. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 17(11):2166–2168.

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