Construction of Hydro Schemes: 3 Gorges China, Hoover Dam & Snowy Mountains Scheme


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1. 3 Gorges China

Hoover Dam Hydro

Snowy Mountains Scheme


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The objective of the assignment is to increase knowledge of an area of construction of interest to the project group and to demonstrate their ability to gather, use and present construction information.


Ground Rules




Resource material availability should not be a consideration as there is a wide range of material available for each topic.

–          Use diagrams and images liberally.

–          Note that as the subject is Construction Engineering submissions should focus on construction aspects of the topic.

The assignment should include Executive Summary, Table of contents, Discussion and Conclusion. Very importantly, the Discussion part should present a brief comparison of the differences and commonalities of construction technologies used in the three projects.



–          Outline the reason for the scheme

–          With diagrams etc describe the overall scheme including dams, pipelines and power stations



For the main dam and the main hydro station of each scheme

–          Describe equipment used and the method of construction

–          Describe the construction problems encountered and overcome

–          Comparison of different construction methods used in projects

Dam construction description should include Diversion works, Spillway, outlet structures and main dam body construction. (Diagrams, cross sections, photographs essential)

Hydro station construction description should discuss location, access for construction and civil construction method. (No material required on mechanical / electrical work)



–          Out of 100 marks for this group project, 10 marks are given for the standard of presentation, 10 marks for the conclusions and 5 marks for the quality of the references.

–          Note – the report is to be presented clearly in the sections and under the headings given. Marks will be deducted for failure to use the given headings.

–          The submission is to include:-

–          3000 to 5000 of your own words. The word count is to be listed on thefirst page.

–          Images (the report should be not more than 20 pages total, not includingreference and appendix) including diagrams, photographs or other materialcopied from outside sources. Diagrams should be used freely through thesubmission.

–          Conclusion – 500 word minimum (included in the word count.) Please note that the conclusion should be a brief of all 3 dams.


A complete reference:

– Submission to be spirally bound. Color should be used if possible.

– Cut and paste of words from any information source is not to be used other than when copying proprietary information where the source is clearly identified. A zero mark will be awarded in instances of inappropriate cut and paste.

– Be aware that Internet references may be inadequate. Some are aimed at promotion not technical orientation.



A conclusion in your own words of the key findings you have made during the assignment. (Re – statement of material from the body of the assignment is not a conclusion.) 500 word minimum. (10 marks)


References demonstrating the range of publications researched to prepare the assignment. (5 marks)

As above, be sure your submission focuses on construction aspects of the project.


4989 Words

20 Sources

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