Conduct online research to locate two (2) recent cases (one of child abuse and one of elder abuse). In a 3–5 page paper, summarize the cases and identify the forms of abuse involved and the overall effects on the victims.

Be sure to conduct online research to locate two (2) recent cases:

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· One case must involve child abuse.

· One case must involve elder abuse.

In a 3–5 page paper:

· Summarize the cases.

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· Identify the forms of abuse involved.

· Identify the overall effects on the victims. 

PLEASE NOTE: This project will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material.) You may consult the Kaplan Online Library, the Internet, the textbook. . . Further, I will be using the following grading rubric:


Identify cases of child abuse and elder abuse.

Student identifies recent cases of child abuse and elder abuse and identifies the forms of domestic violence involved in the cases.


Research the forms of domestic violence.

Student used at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discussed how they evaluated the credibility of the resources used.


Apply knowledge of the forms of domestic violence against the children and the elderly.

Student applies knowledge by summarizing cases of child abuse and elder abuse, the forms of domestic violence in the cases and the indicators of child and elder abuse.

Examine the forms of domestic violence against children and the elderly as indicators of child and elder abuse.

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