computer sciences

  • Introduction
  • to Scientific Programming in

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    Ramses van Zon Scott Northrup

    SciNet/Compute Canada

    April 23, 2012

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    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 1 / 124

    Outline of the course



    2 C review (+make)

    3 Running example


  • C++ as a better C
  • 5

  • Big C++
  • (object oriented programming)


  • Important libraries
  • 7

  • Further reading
  • . . .

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 2 / 124

    Part I


    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 3 / 124


    Programming strategies

    1 Procedural programming

    2 Structured programming

    3 Object oriented programming


    In procedural programming, one takes the view that a sequence of actions
    are performed on given data.


    Structured programming uses a systematic break-down of this sequence of
    actions down to the simplest task level.

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    Introduction – Procedural and structured programming



    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 5 / 124

    Introduction – Procedural and structured programming


    Complex input data

    Multiple actions to be performed on data

    Separation data+code is bad for reusability

    Leads to reinventing the wheel

    One would instead like to build “components” with known properties and
    known ways to plug them into your program.

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    Introduction – Object oriented programming


    Object oriented programming treats data and the procedures that act on
    them as single “objects”.

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    Introduction – Object oriented programming


    Complexity can be hidden inside each component.

    Can separate interface from the implementation.

    Allows a clear separation of tasks in a program.

    Reuse of components.

    Same interface can be implemented by different kinds of objects.

    Helps maintanance.

    Gotcha: Mind The Cost!

    Complexity may be hidden, but you should know:

    • the computational cost of the operations
    • what temporary objects may be created


    • and how much creating different types of object costs.

    On a low level, OOP rules may need to be broken for best performance.

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    Introduction – Language choice

    You can apply these programming strategies to almost any
    programming languages, but:

    The amount of work involved in object-oriented or generic
    programming differs among languages.

    As a result, the extent to which the compiler helps you by forcing you
    not to make mistakes differs among languages.


    C++ was designed for object oriented and generic programming,

    and C++ has better memory management, stricter type checking,
    and easier creation of new types than C,

    while you can still optimize at a low level when needed.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 9 / 124

    Introduction: History of C++

    • 1967 Simula 67: First object-oriented language by Dahl & Nygaard.
    • 1969 – 1973 C developed by Dennis Ritchie.
    • 1979 Bjarne Stroustup writes preprocessor for classes in C
    • 1983 Now called C++.
    • 1985 1st edition “The C++ Programming Language”

    C++ supports: classes, derived classes, public/private,
    constructors/descructors, friends, inline, default arguments,
    virtual functions, overloading, references, const, new/delete

    • 1986 Object Pascal (Apple,Borland)
    • 1987 pointers to members, protected members
    • 1989 multiple inheritance, abstract classes, static member functions
    • 1995 ISO/ANSI C Standard
    • 1990 templates
    • 1993 namespaces, cast operators, bool, mutable, RTTI
    • 1995 Sun releases Java
    • 1998 ISO C++ standard
    • 2011 New C++11 standard source:

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    Part II

  • Review of C
  • Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 11 / 124

    C review: Basics

    C was designed for (unix) system programming.

    C has a very small base.

    Most functionality is in (standard) libraries.

    Most basic C program:

    int main() {
    return 0;


    main is first called function: must return an int .

    C expresses a lot with punctuation.

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    C review: Language elements


    Define a variable with
    type name;

    where type may be a

    built-in type:

    floating point type:
    float, double, long double

    integer type:
    short, [unsigned] int, [unsigned] long int

    character or string of characters:
    char, char*

    enumerated type

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    C review: Language elements


    type *name;


    int a,b;
    int *ptr = &a;
    a = 10;
    b = *ptr;

    Automatic arrays

    type name[number];

    Gotcha: limitations on automatic arrays

    • There’s an implementation-dependent limit on number.
    • C standard only says at least 65535 bytes.

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    C review: Language elements

    Dynamically allocated arrays

    Defined as a pointer to memory:

    type *name;

    Allocated by a function call:

    name = (type*)malloc(sizeof(type)*number);

    Deallocated by a function call:


    System function call can access all available memory.

    Can check if allocation failed (name == 0).

    Can control when memory is gived back.

    Can even resize memory.

    Even better in C++
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    C review: Language elements

    Structures: collection of other variables.

    struct name {
    type1 name1;
    type2 name2;



    struct Info {
    char name[100];
    unsigned int age;


    Info myinfo;

    myinfo.age = 38;
    strcpy(, “Ramses”);

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    C review: Language elements


    Used to define integer constants, typically increasing.

    enum name {
    enumerator[=value], …


    By default, successive enumerators get successive integer values.

    In C, interconvertible with an int.
    Useful to reduce number of #define’s.


    Put one variable on top of another; rarely used.

    union name {
    type1 name1;
    type2 name2;


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    C review: Language elements


    Used to give a name to an existing data type, or a compound data type.

    typedef existingtype newtype;

    Similar to existingtype name; but defines a type instead of a variable.

    Example (a controversial way to get rid of the struct keyword)

    typedef struct Info Info;

    Then you can declare a struct Info simply by

    Info myinfo;

    This works become the name Info in “struct Info” does not live in the
    namespace of typenames.

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    C review: Language elements


    Function declaration (prototype)

    returntype name(argument-spec);

    Function definition

    returntype name(argument-spec) {


    Function call

    var = name(arguments);


    Procedures are just functions with return type void and are called without

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    C review: Language elements


    if (condition) {

    } else if (other condition) {

    } else {


    switch (integer-expression) {
    case integer:





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    C review: Language elements


    while (condition) {


    for (initialization;condition;increment) {


    You can use break to exit the loop.

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    C review: Operators

    C has many operators

    () [] -> .

    ! ++ — (type) – * &

    * / %

    + –

    << >> < <= > >=

    == !=

    & ^ | && || ?:

    = += -= *= /= %= |= &=


    Gotcha: Bad precendence

    Relying on operator precedence is error-prone and makes code harder to
    read and thus maintain (except for +, -, *, / and maybe %).

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    C review: Libraries


    Put an include line in the source code, e.g.

    #include “mpi.h”

    Include the libraries at link time.
    (not needed for standard libraries)

    Common standard libraries

    stdio.h: input/output, e.g.,printf and fwrite

    stdlib.h: memory, e.g. malloc

    string.h: strings, memory copies, e.g. strcpy

    math.h: special function, e.g. sqrt

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    Compilation workflow

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    Scientific computing = performance: Compile with optimization!

    Compiling C from the command-line

    If the source is in main.c, type

    $ gcc main.c -O3 -o main


    $ icc main.c -O3 -o main

    Compiling C++ from the command-line

    If the source is in main.cpp, type

    $ g++ main.cpp -O3 -o main


    $ icpc main.cpp -O3 -o main

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    Using make

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    Compiling with make

    Single source file

    # This file is called


    CC = gcc
    CFLAGS = -O3
    main: main.c

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.c -o main

    Multiple source file application

    CC = gcc
    CFLAGS = -O3
    main: main.o mylib.o

    $(CC) main.o mylib.o -o main
    main.o: main.c mylib.h
    mylib.o: mylib.h mylib.c
    \rm main.o mylib.o

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    Compiling with make

    When typing make at command line:

    Checks if main.c or mylib.c or mylib.h were changed.

    If so, invokes corresponding rules for object files.

    Only compiles changed code files: faster recompilation.


    Make can only detect changes in the dependencies.
    It does not detect changes in compiler, or in system.
    But .o files are system/compiler dependent, so they should be recompiled.
    So always specify a “clean” rule in the makefile, so that moving from one
    system or compiler to another, you can do a fresh rebuild:

    $ make clean

    $ make

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    Part III

  • Our running example, starting in C
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    #ifndef MYMATRIXH
    #define MYMATRIXH
    /* struct to hold a matrix */
    struct matrix {

    int rows,cols; /* matrix dimensions */
    double *elements; /* points to elements */

    /* initialize matrix (needed before usage) */
    void matrix construct(struct matrix *m,int r,int c);
    /* free memory held by matrix (do after last usage) */
    void matrix destructor(struct matrix *m);
    /* access matrix elements (through a pointer) */
    double * matrix element(struct matrix *m,int i,int j);
    /* set all matrix elements to value */
    void matrix fill(struct matrix *m,double value);

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    #include “mymatrix.h”
    void print(struct matrix *m) {

    int i,j;
    for (i=0; i < m->rows; i++) {

    for (j=0; j < m->cols; j++)
    printf(“%8.2g “,*matrix element(m,i,j));


    int main() {

    struct matrix A;
    matrix construct(&A, 5, 5);
    matrix fill(&A, 0.0);
    *matrix element(&A, 0, 0) = 1.3;
    *matrix element(&A, 4, 3) = -5.2;
    *matrix element(&A, 1, 3) = -3.3e-4;
    matrix free(&A);


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    #include “mymatrix.h”
    void matrix construct(struct matrix *m,int r,int c) {

    m->elements = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double )*r*c);
    if (m->elements==0) exit(1); /* exit program */
    m->rows = r;
    m->cols = c;

    void matrix free(struct matrix *m) {

    double * matrix element(struct matrix *m,int i,int j) {

    return m->elements+i*m->cols+j;
    void matrix fill(struct matrix *m, double value) {

    int i,j;
    for (i=0; i < m->rows; i++)

    for (j=0; j < m->cols; j++)
    *matrix element(m,i,j)=value;


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    CC = gcc
    CFLAGS = -O3 -march=native
    main: main.o mymatrix.o

    $(CC) main.o mymatrix.o -o main
    main.o: main.c mymatrix.h
    mymatrix.o: mymatrix.h mymatrix.c

    $ make
    gcc -O3 -march=native -c -o main.o main.c
    gcc -O3 -march=native -c -o mymatrix.o mymatrix.c
    gcc main.o mymatrix.o -o main
    $ main 1.3 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 -0.00033 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 -5.2 0

    Get the code at:

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    Part IV

    C++ as a better C

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    Nice C++ features

    1 Comment style

    2 Declare variables anywhere

    3 Namespaces

    4 Improved I/O approach

    5 References

    6 Improved memory allocation

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    Nice C++ features: Comment style

    C comments start with /* and end with */

    C++ allows comments which start with // and last until the

    In addition, C-style comments are still allowed.

    C99 shares this nicety.



    /* This is a C comment*/


    // This is a C++ comment

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    Nice C++ features: Declare variables anywhere

    C: variables are declared at start of function or file.

    C++: you can mix statements and variable declarations.

    C99 shares this nicety.

    double f() {
    double a,b;
    int c;
    for (c=0; c < 10; c++)

    return a;


    double f() {
    double a=5.2, b=3.1;
    for (int c=0; c < 10; c++)

    return a;

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    Nice C++ features: Namespaces

    In larger projects, name clashes can occur.

    I had a 3d vector struct called vector. Then came along the Standard
    Template Library, which defined vector to be a general array. Before

    namespaces, I had to rename vector to Vector in all my code.

    No more: put all functions, structs, . . . in a namespace:

    namespace nsname {


    Effectively prefixes all of … with nsname::

    Many standard functions/classes are in namespace std.

    To omit the prefix, do “using namespace nsname;”

    Can selectively omit prefix, e.g., “using std::vector”

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    Nice C++ features: I/O streams

    Standard input/error/output

    Streams objects handle input and output.

    All in namespace std.

    Global stream objects (header: )

    cout is for standard output (screen)
    cout is the standard error output (screen)
    cin is the standard input (keyboard)

    Use insertion operator << for output:

    std::cout << "Output to screen!" << std::endl;

    (endl ends the line and flushes buffer)

    Use extraction operator >> for input:

    std::cin >> variable;

    These operators figure out type of data and format.

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    Nice C++ features: I/O streams

    File stream objects (header: )

    ofstream is for output to file.
    Declare with filename: good to go!

    std::ofstream file(“name.txt”);
    file << "Writing to file";

    ifstream is for input from a file.
    Declare with filename: good to go!

    std::ifstream file(“name.txt”);
    int i;
    file >> i;

    Can also open and close by hand.

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    Nice C++ features: I/O streams

    double a,b,c;
    FILE* f;
    scanf(f, “%lf %lf %lf”, &a, &b, &c);
    f = fopen(“name.txt”,”w”);
    fprintf(f, “%lf %lf %lf\n”, a, b, c);


    using namespace std;
    double a,b,c;
    cin >> a >> b >> c;
    ofstream f(“name.txt”);
    f << a << b << c << endl;

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    Nice C++ features: I/O Streams

    Formatting (header: )

    Set width of next output:

    double d = 14.545;
    cout << "[" << setw(10) << d << "]" << endl;

    [ 14.525]
    Set significant digits of output to follow:

    cout << "[" << setprecision(3) << d << "]" << endl;


    Set precision of next output:

    cout << setw(9) << setfill('#') << d << endl;


    Change to scientific notation

    cout << scientific << d << endl;

    1.454e+01(revert with fixed)

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    Nice C++ features: I/O Streams

    Gotcha: text (ASCII) versus binary I/O

    While easy, writing ASCII is rarely the best choice in scientific code.
    “What is wrong with ASCII,” you ask, “isn’t it nice that it is readable?”

    ASCII typically doesn’t preserve the data’s accuracy.

    ASCII typically takes more space than writing binary.

    Writing and reading ASCII is much slower than binary:
    Writing 128M doubles

    Format /scratch (GPFS) /dev/shm (RAM) /tmp (disk)

    ASCII 173s 174s 260s
    Binary 6s 1s 20s

    Writing binary

    std::ofstream has a write(char*,int) member function.
    std::ifstream has a read(char*,int) member function.
    Remember sizeof!

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    Nice C++ features: References

    A reference gives another name to an existing object.

    References are similar to pointers.

    Do not use pointer dereferencing (->), but a period .

    Cannot be assigned null.

    Standalone definition (rare)

    type & name = object;

    object has to be of type type.

    name is a reference to object.

    name points to object, i.e., changing name changes object.

    Members accessed as name.membername (as you would for object).

    Definition as arguments of a function

    returntype functionname(type & name, …);

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    Nice C++ features: References

    To change a function argument, need a pointer in C:

    void makefive(int * a) {
    *a = 5;

    } …
    int b = 4;
    makefive(&b); /* b now holds 5 */

    C++: can pass by reference using &:

    void makefive(int & a){
    a = 5;

    } …
    int b = 4;
    makefive(b); /* b now holds 5 */

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    Nice C++ features: References

    Gotcha: Avoid copies of objects in function calls

    Compare these two functions

    struct Point3D {
    double x,y,z;

    void print1(Point3D a){

    std::cout << a.x << ' ' << a.y << ' ' << a.z << std::endl; }

    void print2(Point3D& a){

    std::cout << a.x << ' ' << a.y << ' ' << a.z << std::endl; }

    Calling print1 copies the content of a to the stack (24 bytes).

    Calling print2 only copies the address of a to the stack (8 bytes).

    Memory copies are not cheap!

    If we do this with classes, a so-called constructor is called everytime
    print1 is called, whereas print2 still only copies 8 bytes.

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    Nice C++ features: Improved memory allocation

    Basic allocation
    type* name = new type;

    Allocation with initialization
    type* name = new type(arguments);

    Array allocation

    type* name = new type[arraysize];

    Basic de-allocation
    delete name;

    Array de-allocation

    delete [] name;

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    Nice C++ features: Improved memory allocation

    struct credit {
    long number, balance;


    No more of this mess:
    #include “stdlib.h”
    struct credit* a;
    double * b;
    a = (struct credit*)malloc(sizeof(struct credit));
    b = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double )*10000);

    free(a); free(b);

    Instead, simply:

    credit* a = new credit;
    double * b = new double [10000];

    delete a; delete[] b;

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    HANDS-ON 1:
    Use these nice c++ features to rewrite the matrix routines and the main

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    Hands-on 1 – instructions

    Make a directory for this course in your home directory, e.g.

    $ mkdir scinetc++
    $ cd scinetc++

    Copy the example directory from scinetcppexamples.tgz
    This is the matrix example that we looked at after the c review.

    Work from that new directory:

    $ cd example

    Try to build the code

    $ make

    If successful, try to execute the program

    $ ./main

    Every with me so far?

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    Hands-on 1 – instructions continued

    Copy the example directory to example nice, and work there:

    $ cd ..
    $ cp -r example example nice
    $ cd example nice

    This will be the first c++ version of the matrix example.

    Rename a the .c files to .cpp files:

    $ mv main.c main.cpp
    $ mv mymatrix.c mymatrix.cpp

    Copy the makefile for this set of files from the example nice directory
    in scinetcppexamples.tgz.

    Try to build and run the code

    $ make
    $ ./main

    Still with me?
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    Hands-on 1 – instructions continued

    Modify the code to use (one at a time):

    1 C++ comment style

    2 Declarations of iteration variables in for loops

    3 Improved memory allocation

    4 Improved I/O

    5 References

    Test that the code builds and runs after implementing each feature.

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    Hands-on 1 – answers

    If you did not quite get there, or if you have a few remaining bugs:

    Copy the c++ version I made, from the example nice directory in
    scinetcppexamples.tgz, so we can continue later.

    Test that the code builds and runs.

    Be sure to look at the source code and see if it make sense to you.

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    Part V

    Big C++

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    Object oriented programming (OOP)

    Non-OOP: functions and data that are accessible from everywhere.

    OOP: Data and functions (methods) together in an object.

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    Object oriented programming (OOP)

    Data is encapsulated and accessed using methods specific for that
    (kind of) data.

    The interface (collection of methods) should be designed around the
    meaning of the actions: abstraction.

    Programs typically contain multiple objects of the same type, called

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    Object oriented programming (OOP)

    Programs typically contain different types of objects.

    Types of objects can be related, and their methods may act in the
    same ways, such that the same code can act on different types of
    object, without knowing the type: polymorphism.

    Types of object may build upon other types through inheritance.

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    OOP Example

    Example (abstract object hierarchy)

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    OOP Languages

    C++ was one of the earlier languages which supported OOP.
    (it also supports other programming paradigms.)

    Not the earliest OOP language though: Simula, Smalltalk

    Java, C#, D all came later.

    And one can program in an object oriented fashion in almost any
    modern programming language (see matrix example in C).

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    Aspects of OOP in C++

    1 Classes and objects

    2 Polymorphism

    3 Derived types/


    4 Advanced: Generic programming/


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    Big C++: Classes and objects

    What are classes and objects?

    Objects in C++ are made using ’classes’.

    A class is a type of object.

    Using a class, one can create one or more instances of that class.

    These are the objects.

    Syntactically, classes are structs with member functions.

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    Classes: Why structs with member functions?

    An object should have properties.

    1 A struct can already collect properties of different types.

    2 It should be possible to declare several objects of the same type, just
    as in “int x,y;”. A struct already constitutes a type definition.

    3 Functions on structs often pass a pointer to a struct as a parameter.
    Embedding functions in structs gives a natural implied parameter.

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    Classes: How do we add these member functions?

    class classname {

    type1 name1;
    type2 name2;
    type3 name3(arguments); // declare member function


    public allows use of members from outside the class (later more)


    class Point2D {

    int j;
    double x,y;

    void set(int aj,double ax,double ay);


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    Classes: How do we define these member functions?

    The scope operator ::

    type3 classname::name3(arguments) {


    void Point2D::set(int aj,double ax,double ay) {

    j = aj;
    x = ax;
    y = ay;


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    Classes: How do we use the class?


    classname objectname;
    classname* objectptrname = new classname;

    Access operator . and -> // variable access; // member function access
    objectptrname->name // variable access
    objectptrname->name(arguments); // member function access


    Point2D myobject;
    std::cout << myobject.j << std::endl;

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    Classes: How do we use the class?

    The this pointer

    The member functions of a class know what object to work on
    because under the hood, they are passed the pointer to the object.

    For those cases where the pointer to the object is needed, its name is
    always this.

    In other words, in the set function, j and this->j are the same.

    this is implicitly the first argument to the member function
    (this will become important in operator overloading later).

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    Data hiding: The secret agenda of classes

    Good components hide implementation data and member functions.

    Each member function or data member can be
    1 private: only member functions of the same class can access these
    2 public: accessible from anywhere
    3 protected: only this class and its derived classes have access.

    These are specified as sections within the class.

    Example (Declaration)

    class Point2D {

    int j;
    double x,y;

    void set(int aj,double ax,double ay);
    int get j();
    double get x();
    double get y();

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    Data hiding: The secret agenda of classes

    Example (Definition)

    int Point2D::get j() {
    return j;

    double Point2D::get x() {

    return x;
    double Point2D::get y() {

    return y;

    Example (Usage)

    Point2D myobject;
    std::cout << myobject.get j() << std::endl;

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    Data hiding: The secret agenda of classes

    When hiding the data through these kinds on accessor functions, now,
    each time the data is needed, a function has to be called, and there’s an
    overhead associate with that.

    The overhead of calling this function can sometimes be optimized
    away by the compiler, but often it cannot.

    Considering making data is that is needed often by an algorithm just
    public, or use a friend .

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    Constructors and deconstructors

    A class defines a type, and when an instance of that type is declared,
    memory is allocated for that struct.

    A class is more than just a chunk of memory.
    For example, arrays may have to be allocated (new . . . ) when the
    object is created.

    When the object ceases to exist, some clean-up may be required
    (delete . . . ).


    . . . is called when an object is created.


    . . . is called when an object is destroyed.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 71 / 124


    Declare constructors as member functions of the class with no return type:

    class classname{



    Define them in the usual way,

    classname::classname(arguments) {


    Use them by defining an object or with new.

    classname object(arguments);
    classname* object = new classname(arguments);

    You usually want a constructor without arguments as well.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 72 / 124

    class Point2D {
    int j;
    double x,y;

    Point2D(int aj,double ax,double ay);
    int get j();
    double get x();
    double get y();

    Point2D::Point2D(int aj,double ax,double ay) {

    j = aj;
    x = ax;
    y = ay;

    Point2D myobject(1,-0.5,3.14);

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    . . . is called when an object is destroyed.
    Occurs when a non-static object goes out-of-scope, or when delete is
    Good opportunity to release memory.


    classname* object = new classname(arguments);

    delete object;// object deleted: calls destructor

    classname object;

    }// object goes out of scope: calls destructor

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 74 / 124


    Declare destructor as a member functions of the class with no return type,
    with a name which is the class name plus a ˜ attached to the left.

    class classname{




    Define a destructor as follows:

    classname::˜classname() {


    A destructor cannot have arguments.

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    Gotcha: Mixing new/delete and malloc/free

    Trivial objects (plain structs without constructors) can in principle be
    a allocated with new or with malloc.

    But pointers allocated with new cannot be freed using free, and for
    pointers allocated with malloc, delete should not be used.

    Non-trivial objects cannot be allocated with malloc, since the
    constructor is not called.

    It is best to stick to new and delete .

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 76 / 124

    More member functions

    . . . to support the class as a new type:


    Default constructor

    The default constructor is a constructor without arguments.
    If you have no constructors at all, C++ already knows what to do
    upon construction with no arguments (i.e., nothing), and you do
    not need to supply a default constructor (but it can still be a good
    If you have any constructors with arguments, omitting a default
    constructor severely limits the use of the class.


    Copy constructor


    Assignment operator

    If the constructor allocates memory, the latter two should be
    supplied. If there is no memory allocation in the constructor, C++
    can generate the copy constructor and assignment operator for
    you, performing a bit-wise or shallow copy.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 77 / 124

    Default constructor

    classname {




    classname::classname() {


    This function is needed to be able to

    Declare an object without parameters: classname name;

    Declare an array of objects: name = new classname[number];

    Should set elements to values so that destruction or assignment work.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 78 / 124

    Copy constructor
    classname {


    classname (classname & anobject);


    classname::classname(classname & anobject) {


    Used to

    Define an object using another object: classname name(existing);

    Pass an object by value to a function (often a bad idea).

    Return an object from a function.

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    Assignment operator
    classname {


    classname& operator=(classname & anobject);


    classname& classname::operator=(classname & anobject) {
    return *this;


    Used to assign one object to another object: name = existing;
    But not in classname name = existing; calls the copy constructor.
    Returns a reference to this, to allow for the common C-construction

    name = anothername = existing;

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    Convert the matrix structure to a proper c++ class, and rewrite main to
    use it.

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    Hands-on 2 – instructions

    Copy the whole example nice directory to example big

    $ cp -r example nice example big

    Modify the code to use:

    1 Classes instead of structs

    2 Member functions

    3 Constructors and deconstructors

    4 Private member variables

    Test that the code builds and runs.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 82 / 124

    Hands-on 2 – answers

    If you did not quite get there, or if you have a few remaining bugs:

    Copy the c++ version I made from the example big directory in
    scinetcppexamples.tgz, so we can continue later.

    Test that the code builds and runs.
    Be sure to look at the source code and see if it make sense to you.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 83 / 124

    Big C++: Polymorphism

    Poly what now?

    Objects that adhere to a standard set of properties and behaviors can
    be used interchangeably.

    Implemented by Overloading and Overriding

    Why bother?

    Avoid code duplication/reuse where not necessary

    Simplifies and structures code

    Common interface

    Consistency of design should be more understandable


    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 84 / 124

    Operator Overloading

    Use expected syntax for non-built in Types

    A = B + C, regardless of what A, B, or C is.


    classname {

    classname& operator=(classname & anobject);

    classname& classname::operator=(classname & anobject) {
    return *this;

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 85 / 124

    Operator Overloading

    Example (Matrix Class)

    class matrix {

    int rows, cols;
    double *elements;

    matrix(int r, int c);
    matrix& operator= (matrix &m);
    int get rows();
    int get cols();
    void fill(double value);
    matrix operator+ (const matrix &C);


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    Operator Overloading

    Example (Add two martices)

    matrix A(5,5), B(5,5), C(5,5);
    A.fill(1.0); B.fill(1.0); C.fill(1.0);
    for (int i=0, i

    for (int j=0, j

    Example (Add two martices using ”+” operator)

    matrix A(5,5), B(5,5), C(5,5);
    A.fill(1.0); B.fill(1.0); C.fill(1.0);
    A = B + C;

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    Operator Overloading

    ”+” Operator

    matrix matrix::operator+ (const matrix &C) {
    matrix Temp(*this);
    for (int i=0, i

    Temp.elements[i] += C.elements[i];
    return Temp;


    ”+=” Operator

    matrix& matrix::operator+= (const matrix &C) {
    for (int i=0, i

    elements[i] += C.elements[i];

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    Operator Overloading


    set a constant variable at compile time

    keyword to protect your variables

    const references

    ”+=” Operator with bounds checking

    matrix& matrix::operator+= (const matrix &C) {
    if ( rows == C.rows && cols == C.cols) {

    for (int i=0, i

    } else {
    cerr<<"Matrix Indicies don't match, can't add"; exit(1);


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    Operator Overloading

    ”( )” Operator

    double & matrix::operator() (int &i, int &j) {
    return elements[i*cols + j];


    A(1,4) = 6;
    double y = A(1,4);

    ”[ ]” Index Operator

    double matrix::operator[] (int &i) {
    return elements[i];


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    Operator Overloading

    ”<<” ”>>” Stream Operators

    std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, matrix& m) { for (int i=0; i

    for (int j=0; j

    o << std::endl;


    std::cout<<"Matrix A = "<< A << std::endl;

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 91 / 124

    Operator Overloading


    friend keyword allows non-member functions access to private data.

    ”<<” ”>>” Stream Operator using friend

    class matrix {

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, matrix& m); };

    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, matrix& m) { for (int i=0; i

    for (int j=0; j

    o << std::endl; } };

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 92 / 124

    Operator Overloading

    C++ operators available to overload

    + – * / % ^ &

    | ~ ! = < > +=

    -= *= /= %= ^= &= |

    << >> >> = << = == != <=

    >= && || ++ — ->* ,

    -> [ ] ( ) new new[ ] delete delete[ ]

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 93 / 124

    Overload +=, (), and stream operators for matrix c++ class, and rewrite
    main to use it.

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    OOP: Inheritance (Derived Classes)

    Example (abstract object hierarchy)

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 95 / 124


    child classes are derived from other parent classes

    automatically include parent’s members

    inherit all the accessible members of the base class


    A derived class inherits every member of a base class except:

    its constructor and destructor

    its assignment operator

    its friends

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 96 / 124


    Base Class
    class baseclass {



    baseclass ()


    Derived Class
    class derivedclass : public baseclass {


    derivedclass : baseclass ()


    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 97 / 124


    Example (Matrix Base Class)

    class matrix {

    int rows, cols;
    double *elements;

    matrix(int r, int c);
    int get rows();
    int get cols();
    void fill(double value);
    matrix operator+ (const matrix &C)


    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 98 / 124


    Example (Square Matrix Derived Class)

    class squarematrix : public matrix {

    squarematrix(int r, int c) : matrix(r,c) {
    if(r!=c) std::cerr<<"not a square matrix"; exit(1);

    double trace() {

    double sum(0.0);
    for(int i=0; i


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    matrix P(5,5);
    squarematrix Q(5,5);
    std::cout<<" Trace = "<

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    Come up with a derived class inheriting the matrix class as a base class.

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    Polymorphism in Inheritance


    Use base class as framework for derived classes usage.

    Define member functions with virtual keyword.

    Override base class functions with new implementations in derived

    If virtual keyword not used, overloading won’t occur.

    Polymorphism comes from the fact that you could call the based method
    of an object belonging to any class that derived from it, without knowing
    which class the object belonged to.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 102 / 124

    Example (Matrix Base Class)
    class matrix {
    int rows, cols;
    double *elements;

    matrix(int r, int c);
    int get rows();
    int get cols();
    virtual void fill(double value);


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    Example (Square Matrix Derived Class)
    class squarematrix : public matrix {
    squarematrix(int r, int c) : matrix(r,c) {
    if(r!=c) std::cerr<<"not a square matrix"; exit(1);

    double trace();
    void fill(double value) {

    for (int i=0; i < rows*cols; i++) elements[i] = value;


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    Example (non-virtual)

    squarematrix Q(5,5);
    std::cout<<" Trace = "<

    Example (virtual)

    matrix *Q;
    Q = new squarematrix(5,5);
    std::cout<<" Trace = "<trace();

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    Virtual functions are run-time determined

    Equivalent cost to a pointer dereference

    Not as efficient as compile time determined (ie non-virtual)

    Should be avoided for many use functions


    Friend keyword allows non-member functions access to private data.

    Useful but does break OOP and will cause problems in inheritance.

    ”friends are your enemies”

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    Modify your derived and base class using the virtual keyword.

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    Generic Programming

    Definition: Generic Programming

    Programming style in which specific Types are not specified initially, but
    instantiated when needed.


    In C++ generic programming is implemented using Templates and
    instantiated at compile time.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 108 / 124


    template < typename T > funcname (T &a)

    template < class T >
    class classname {

    T a, b;

    classname ();

    memberfunction(T &c, T &d);


    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 109 / 124


    Example (Double Matrix Class)

    class matrix {
    int rows, cols;
    double *elements;

    matrix(matrix& m);

    void fill(double value);
    matrix& operator= (const matrix &m)


    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 110 / 124


    Example (Templated Matrix Class)

    class matrix {

    int rows, cols;
    T *elements;

    matrix(matrix& m);

    void fill(T value);
    matrix& operator= (const matrix& m);


    matrix::matrix() {

    rows = 0; cols = 0;
    elements = new T[0];


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    Example (Calling Templated Class)

    matrix A(5,5);
    A(0,0) = 1.3;
    A(4,3) = -5.2;

    matrix B(5,5);
    B(0,0) = 1;
    B(4,3) = 2;

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    Explicit Instantiation

    Can override generic template abstract-type instantiation for a
    specific concrete-type.

    Similar to derived class override of base class member function.

    template<> matrix::fill(double value){
    for (int i=0; i < rows; i++) {

    for (int j=0; j < cols; j++){ std::cout<<" I'm used for doubles "; (*this)(i,j)=value;



    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 113 / 124


    Compile times can be significantly longer.

    Large header files.

    Debugging can be a pain.

    Syntax can get complicated.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 114 / 124

    Template your matrix class.

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    Part VI

    Important libraries

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    Important libraries

    Don’t reinvent the wheel

    It may be interesting to code your own linear algebra solver (say), but
    is it worth your time?

    There are some good scientific libraries out there.

    The nice thing is, they needn’t be c++ libraries, as you can use c
    libraries in c++.

    Even for basic functionality, there are libraries.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 117 / 124

    STL: Standard Template Library

    Offers a lot of basic functionality

    Supplies a lot of data types and containers (templated).

    Often presented as part and parcel of the C++ language itself.

    Also contains a number of algorithms for e.g., sorting, finding

    Efficiency implementation dependent, and generally not great.

    Some of the STL data types

    vector Relocating, expandable array
    list Doubly linked list
    deque Like vector, but easy to put something at beginning
    map Associates keys with elements
    set Only keys
    stack LIFO
    queue FIFO
    . . .

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 118 / 124

    STL: Standard Template Library

    #include “iostream”
    #include “vector”
    class Grape {

    int nseeds;

    int main() {

    using namespace std;
    Grape grapes[10];
    vector bunch(grapes,grapes+9);
    bunch.push back(grapes[9]);
    for (int i=0; i

    cout << bunch[i].nseeds << endl; vector::iterator i;
    for (i=bunch.begin(); i!=bunch.end(); i++)

    cout << (*i).nseeds << endl; }

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 119 / 124

    STL: Standard Template Library

    Gotcha: Performance

    The purpose of the STL is not to provide a high performance library,
    i.e., runtime speed is not the objective.

    Rather it aims to have flexible containers with a uniform usage

    As a result, using e.g. an std::vector in an inner loop of you
    computation, instead of a simple array, can substantially slow down
    your code (even with the improvements in the implementation since
    the early days).

    The STL still does not have higher dimensional arrays, and the last
    thing you want is to have vectors of vectors.

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 120 / 124

    Other useful (scientific) libraries

    library functionality C++ parallel
    MPI distributed parallel program X X

    OpenMP shared memory parallelism X X
    Blas/Lapack linear algebra (in MKL, ESSL) × X×

    Petsc matrices, vectors, linear solvers × X
    GSL numerical library × ×

    Boost continues where STL left off X ×
    (+math, statistics, random, blas) Thread&MPI

    IT++ templated matrix implementations X ×
    Blitz++ (not exhaustive) X ×

    Armadillo X X×

    Eigen X ×
    . . .

    Again: Don’t reinvent the wheel!
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    Part VII

    Further reading

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    Not covered so we could get to the heart of the matter:

    Basic stuff (you’ll want to learn these)

    Const correctness


    Inline functions


    New names for c header files

    Default parameters

    Advanced material

    Initializer lists

    Static class members and enums

    Advanced template parameters

    Abstract base classes

    Multiple inheritance


    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 123 / 124

    Books and links


    C++ Interactive Course, Lafore, Waite Group ’96

    C++ FAQs, Cline, Lomow & Girou, Addison-Wesley ’99

    The C++ Programming Language, Stroustup, Addison-Wesley ’00

    C+ Templates Vandervoorde & Josuttis, Addison-Wesley ’03

    Effective C++, Meyers, Addison-Wesley ’03 Addison-Wesley,


    C++ FAQ,

    C++ Annotations,

    C++ Reference,

    Google is your friend!

    Ramses van Zon, Scott Northrup (SciNet) Intro Scientific Programming in C++ April 23, 2012 124 / 124

      Review of C
      C review
      Language elements
      Compilation workflow
      Compilation with make

      Our running example, starting in C
      Running Example
      C++ as a better C
      Nice features of C++
      Comment style
      Declare variables
      IO Streams
      Memory allocation
      Hands-on 1
      Hands-on 1
      Big C++
      Object oriented programming
      Hands-on 2
      Inheritance: Derived Classes
      Generic programming with templates
      Important libraries
      Important libraries
      Further reading
      Not covered
      Books and links

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