Computer Science Question

Assignment Instructions

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This assignment will consist of two parts.


Before you begin developing the actual database, you need to do a bit of research. Database administrators today continually research customer’s needs when designing and developing a database. This activity will help prepare you to conduct this type of research.

You will compose an essay that fulfills the following requirements:

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  • Define the terms database, table, record, field, and value and describe the hierarchy that exists between these terms.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of a relational database. Your goal is to demonstrate to your professor that you understand what a relational database is.
  • Describe the six database objects available in Microsoft Access
  • Describe the five-step design method discussed in your reading.

The paper must be written in your own words. You are encouraged to read the assigned readings first to gain valuable insight for your paper.


You must have the Microsoft Access database system installed for this part.

Using your physical model, create a database in Microsoft Access. Each entity in your diagram represents a table object in your database.

  1. Start by creating a new, blank database.

Reference: Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible. Wiley.

Chapter 2: “Getting Started with Access / How to Create a Blank Database”

  1. Create the tables in your database. Use the table names, field names, primary key information and data types from your physical model to design your tables.


  • Use the “AutoNumber” data type to assign unique values for primary key fields.
  • Set the required field property to yes for fields that must have a value. For fields you had identified as nullable (allowed to be blank), you can leave the default value of no.

Reference:Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible. Wiley.

Chapter 3: “Creating Access Tables / Creating a New Table / Changing a Table Design / Setting the Primary Key”

For extra help see Optional Resources for Assignment under the Academic Tools, Library link:

Required property (Access)…

  1. Open each table you created in the design view and take a screenshot (showing the fields, data types and field properties in the design view for each table you defined).
  1. Append the screen shots to the end of the document before the final reference page.

Assignment Requirements

Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors, and contain no evidence of plagiarism. Follow all APA style guidelines, including properly formatted title and reference pages. Your paper must be at least two pages, double-spaced, excluding the title and reference pages.

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