Computer Science Question

This assignment is the crowning achievement of your efforts in thiscourse. It is your best opportunity to show your grasp of the course competencies and learning objectives. Due on the last day of class, it will count for a significant portion of your course grade. In this paper, you will argue for a particular position or stance on one of the issues listed below in the List of Topics. Your paper must be highly original and written in a strong first person voice, with your obvious and authenticstamp of originality, so that there is no doubt that you wrote the paper for this course without relying on outside sources.

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The paper must be @ 1800-2300 words in length, and should contain at least 6 direct quotes (with quotation marks) and extensive information from the course textbook (The Moral of the Story,9th ed). No outside sources may be used unless absolutely necessary to illustrate your claims or embellish those of Nina Rosenstand or the other course materials from the weekly units. Proper documentation must be used, with proper direct quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing, with page numbers and retrieval dates clearly identified, in order for the paper to receive credit. Get the assistance of the helpful tutors in the

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Write the paper in a strong first-person voice, with your obvious stamp of originality so that it is abundantly clear that you wrote the paper, for Prof Starr, and for this course. Refer to very current events and popular media.

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List of Topics for Final Academic Opinion Paper

  1. According to Socrates, an unexamined life is not worth living. Based upon your studies this term, what do you personally think this means? What do you personally think were the best theories put forth in the chapters we read in Rosenstand about a life worth living? Summarize them thoroughly and then weigh in on the theories yourself. Refer to a current event, t.v. series, or popular film that relates (current = Summer/Fall 2023). Carefully cite all page numbers and list Rosenstand in your References, along with accurate retrieval dates.
  2. After studying Ethics this term, can you conclude that there is value in the study of Ethics? To what extent? Bring in one philsopher or thinker or hero, etc, from our book to lend support to yrou argument. Refer to a favorite book, film, or current event (current = Summer/Fall 2023) to give your paper a creative, original element, such as Batman, 7 Pounds, or Pay it Forward. Quote Rosenstand extensively with careful citations (page numbers, quotation marks, and retrieval dates).
  3. Do you think morality is universal or relative? Why? Explain and bring in a major thinker from The Moral of the Story to lend support to your reasoing. Quote them extensively with careful citations (page numbers, quotation marks, etc.) Make reference to one example from popular media such as The Good Place, Black Mirror, or Better Call Saul.
  4. Are people essentially good? Bad? Or a mixture of both? What of altruism, according to Rosenstand? Choose a major thinker brought in by Rosenstand to illustrate your claims. Quote them extensively with careful citations (page numbers and retrieval dates). Thoroughly define altruism and describe what you think our world would look like if people were more altruistic. Refer to current affairs from late 2023.
  5. Is there a reliable way for a person to rationally determine the ethically right thing to do in most situations? Who has a better strategy for decision-making, Immanuel Kant or JS Mill? Take a strong stand and argue your position with your first person voice and examples that are unique to you. Also argue against the opposing view. Quote Rosenstand extensively with careful citations (page numbers, quotation marks, etc.). Lastly, identify a modern character in a book, film, or series who you think the Philosopher (you side with) would approve of, such as the Black Panther or Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov (“The Grand Inquisitor” chapter).
  6. What do you personally think it means to be virtuous? Is character superior to conduct? in other words, which is more important, being a good person or acting properly? Choose two Philosophers, major thinkers, heroes, or characters brought in by Rosenstand to illustrate your claims. Or you can create your own angle such as Akan thought, as compared with Jesus of Nazareth or Siddhartha Gautama who proscribed the Eightfold Path. Quote them extensively with careful citations (page numbers, quotation marks, retrieval dates, etc.). You may use an outside source if necessary — with permission in advance.
  7. What is it to be just? What is it to do an injustice? Give some examples. Can the sometimes abstract aspects of Ethics be utlitized to foster a “just society”? Why or why not, in your personal estimation? Choose two Philosophers or thinkers brought in by Rosenstand to illustrate your claims. Quote them extensively with careful citation. Also bring in a particular current event or ongoing issue in society (current = Summer/Fall 2023) that addresses issues of justice or injustice such as the Israel War or the Elijah McClain case.
  8. What do you personally think it means to be “authentic”? What role do ethics and morality play in this? J.P. Sartre said we shape our own identity and are responsible for developing ourselves to be good, contributing members of society. He struggled with the fact that we are free – at times celebrating that and other times lamenting it. Based upon your careful studies in Rosenstand, do you personally think existentialist thinkers such as Sartre, Nietzsche, de Beauvois, and/or Kierkegaard are onto something? Or are they mistaken? Can authenticity be less significant than we make it out to be? Quote two of the thinkers listed above extensively with careful citation (page numbers, quotation marks, retrieval dates, etc.). Tie in a Netflix series or a popular film such as Black Mirror (Nosedive episode), Her, Cold Souls, or Defending Your Life to show your engagement with the topic.
  9. Many of us get the basic structure of our moral reasoning during our upbringing. Commitment to family is considered paramount in many cultures. Often loyalty and conformity are expected. But what about when families don’t get along, or there is trauma, abuse, neglect, and/or toxicity? Is it justified to cut ties? Why or why not? Justify your position with ample references to Nina Rosenstand’s Moral of the Story, as well as to a popular book, film, tv series, or famous/infamous family in the news (current to the past year or two). Consider family hardship, healing, estrangement, recovery, etc. Quote Rosenstand extensively and cite her thoroughly using page numbers, quotation marks, retrieval dates, etc.
  10. Whom do you personally think is the greatest modern hero? Why? Describe their life and actions. Explain thoroughly their heroism and evaluate why you think they qualify, based upon Rosenstand’s definition of “heroism.” Answer to possible critics. Bring in one Philosopher or major thinker from our book whose theories add value to the topic, e.g., Plato, Confucius, Gilligan, or Levinas. Quote Rosenstand extensively and cite her thoroughly using page numbers, quotation marks, retrieval dates, etc. Describe something heroic you’ve done or would do if given the opportunity.

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