Computer Science

 Choose one of the following four topics:United States GovernmentLocal Church or Community GroupHospitalLibraryCharitable OrganizationUsing your chosen topic, identify at least one example of a one-to-one relationship, one-to-many relationship and a many-to-many relationship.Document the relationships you identified by justifying/explaining each of the relationship examples. Describe in terms of how both entities are related to each other. Each example should be one or two sentences.Create a visual representation of the relationships in an entity relationship diagram. The ERD should include: entity names, attributes, relationships and unique identifiers.For each entity, provide at least eight instances of sample data. This should be done in Microsoft Word. Create a table for each entity with attributes as columns and the sample data instances as rows. Your chosen sample data should help illustrate the relationship types.Deliverable: One Word document with:Name of chosen topicRelationship type examples with justificationsERDSample dataFill out acoording to provided sample and template, Must be orginal and non plagarized

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{Enter Your Name Here}

My selected topic is: _____________________________________________.

Entity List & Descriptions

Entity Name

Description / Special Notes

Unique Identifier

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Relationship Type

Entity #1

Entity #2

Description / Justification

one-to-one (1:1)

{why is this an example of a 1:1 and not a 1:M or M:N?}

one-to-many (1:M)

{why is this an example of a 1:M and not a 1:1 or M:N?}

many-to-many (M:N)

{why is this an example of a M:N and not a 1:1 or 1:1?}

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

{Insert your ERD here}

Sample Data

· Highlight Unique Identifiers in Yellow

· Note: Format the table so that all rows and columns are visible.

· Delete un-needed columns and rows.

· Add more columns/rows as needed. Just make sure all columns are visible in the white space.

{Entity #1}

{Entity #2}

{Entity #3}

{Entity #4}

{Entity #5}

{Entity #6}

{Entity #7}

{Entity #8}

Page 1 of 12

Page1 of 10

Tony LoCoco

My selected topic is a University system for a fictitious school called LoCoco University.

Entity List & Descriptions

Entity Name Description / Special Notes Unique Identifier

Employees Contains a list of the University’s employees Employee ID

Departments Contains a list of the University’s organizational

departments. Employees are assigned to departments.


Advisors Contains a list of Academic Advisors assigned to students.

An Advisor is also a University employee

Employee ID

(from the Employees table)

Students Contains a list of the University’s students Student ID

Courses Contains a list of Courses offered at the University that

students may enroll in.

Course ID

Sessions Contains a list of the Sessions. An academic school year is

broken down into several sessions. Several courses are

conducted during a session. Sessions is a look-up table

which contain a list of the valid Sessions a in which a

student can enroll in a course.


Student/Courses Maintains a list of each of the courses a student took as

well as the grade earned during that course and section.

Session ID (from Sessions)

Course ID (from Courses)

Student ID (from Students)

Page 2 of 10




Entity #1 Entity #2 Description / Justification

one-to-one (1:1) Advisors Employees An Advisor is an Employee with additional data

attributes. An Employee may or may not be an Advisor.

one-to-many (1:M) Employees Departments A Department may have 0, 1 or many Employees and an

Employee is assigned to just one Department.

one-to-many (1:M) Advisors Students An Advisor may be assigned to 0, 1 or many Students and

a Student is assigned to just one Advisor.



Students Courses A Student be take 0 , 1 or many Courses and a Course can

contain 0, 1 or many Students.

Relational Databases can not support many-to-many

relationships. These M:N must be broken down into two

one-to-many relationships with a bridge entity

connecting the M:N entities. In this case, Student_


is that bridge entity.

Page 3 of 10

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)


PK Employee_ID






FK1 Department_ID



PK Department_ID



PK Student_ID





FK1,FK2 Advisor_ID


PK,FK1 Employee_ID



PK Course_ID




PK Session_ID




PK,FK1 Session_ID

PK,FK3 Course_ID

PK,FK2 Student_ID


Page 4 of 10

Sample Data
(Primary keys are in Yellow)


Employee_ID Certification_Level

1344 100

1565 80

Page 5 of 10


Course_ID Course_Code Course_Name Credit_Hours

1 ITD200 Database I 4

2 ITD300 Database II 4

3 ITD400 Advanced Databases 4

4 ITN200 Networking I 4

5 ITN300 Networking II 4

6 ITN400 Advanced Networking 4

7 ITP200 Intro to Programming 4

8 ITP300 Programming II 4

9 ITP400 Advanced Programming 4

Page 6 of 10


Department_ID Department_Name

1 Academics

2 Finance

3 Student Advisors

4 Marketing

5 Recruitment

6 Office of Provost

7 Information Technology

Page 7 of 10


Employee_ID Last_Name First_Name Birth_Date Employment_Start_Date Hourly_Pay Department_ID Manager_ID

1000 Smith Chris 1980-09-14 2001-01-02 30.50 2 1000

1121 Townsend Robert 1976-02-03 2001-03-02 24.30 1 1121

1223 Cogdon Luis 1974-04-05 2001-04-21 24.30 2 1000

1344 Lancette Joseph 1980-03-05 2002-04-10 23.34 3 1344

1366 Lark James 1985-06-06 2005-05-19 23.55 2 1000

1565 Whitely Jeremy 1973-10-23 2011-02-05 23.45 3 1344

1808 Fix Julie 1968-02-04 2003-12-01 30.04 1 1121

Page 8 of 10


Session_ID Session_Name Session_Start_Date

10 1201-A 2012-01-02

11 1201-B 2012-02-15

12 1202-A 2012-04-01

13 1202-B 2012-05-15

14 1203-A 2012-07-01

15 1203-B 2012-08-15

16 1204-A 2012-10-01

17 1204-B 2012-11-15

Page 9 of 10


Student_ID Last_Name First_Name Birth_Date Enroll_Date Status_Code Total_Hours Advisor_ID

11232 Bowser Timothy 2/3/1980 1/2/2011 1 20 1565

12100 Chavez Kelly 12/10/1976 4/1/2011 2 22 1565

13310 Clark Ethan 10/13/1982 6/15/2011 1 24 1344

14641 Colon Alexander 1/14/1980 8/1/2011 1 20 1565

16105 Cutts Cardright 5/16/1970 6/15/2011 2 22 1565

17715 Fair Jermaine 5/17/1982 4/1/2011 2 24 1344

19487 Garrett Michael 4/19/1975 8/1/2011 2 20 1565

21435 Hintz Valarie 5/3/1980 1/2/2011 1 22 1344

23579 Mcclain Clint 5/3/1979 4/1/2011 1 24 1565

25937 McFarlane Brenda 7/25/1976 6/15/2011 1 16 1344

28576 Mohr Bryan 6/26/1980 8/1/2011 1 28 1565

31384 Rettino Steven 11/15/1969 1/2/2011 3 20 1344

34522 Sanchez Thomas 2/17/1980 4/1/2011 1 22 1344

37974 Sudbury Dale 9/4/1967 8/1/2011 3 24 1565

41772 Tribbitt Patrick 4/17/1981 1/2/2011 2 32 1344

Page 10 of 10


Session_ID Course_ID Student_ID Earned_Grade

10 1 11232 F

10 1 12100 A

10 1 13310 B

10 1 14641 B

10 1 16105 C

11 1 11232 A

11 2 12100 B

11 2 13310 B

11 2 14641 A

11 2 16105 C

11 2 11232 A

11 6 12100 B

11 6 13310 B

3 6 14641 B

3 6 16105 A

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