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9 Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0


Magnolia dianica 0










22 Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2


Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0


29 Magnolia dianica 0


Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5


33 Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0


Coniogramme gracilis 15

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Magnolia dianica 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15



Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0



Coniogramme gracilis 15

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5



Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0




Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0



Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Cornus pumila 6


Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0



Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29


Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’ 9

Clematis crassifolia 0


Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5


Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2


Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5


Clematis crassifolia 0

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0


Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27


Coniogramme gracilis 15

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Salix ‘Rubykins’ 6


Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0


Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Cornus pumila 6

Magnolia dianica 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Magnolia chapensis 5

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Cornus pumila 6

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Tricolor’ 9

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’ 6

Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’ 9

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9


Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29


Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Rhododendron ‘Shira Fuji’ 9

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3


Clematis crassifolia 0

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Magnolia dianica 0

Cornus pumila 6


Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Osmanthus suavis 15

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’ 6

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Magnolia dianica 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0


Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Rhododendron oldhamii 11

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Cissus discolor 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Cissus discolor 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Magnolia dianica 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Cornus pumila 6

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Clematis crassifolia 0

Cornus pumila 6

Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’ 6

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’ 6

Cornus pumila 6

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0


Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29


Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15


Ilex rotunda 19

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Magnolia chapensis 5

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Rhododendron oldhamii 11

Rhododendron ‘Shira Fuji’ 9

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Osmanthus suavis 15

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Magnolia dianica 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Ilex rotunda 19

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Podocarpus acutifolius 22

Podocarpus nivalis var. erectus 7

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Cornus pumila 6


Clematis crassifolia 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Ilex rotunda 19

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15


Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’ 9

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Salix ‘Rubykins’ 6

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’ 8

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Magnolia chapensis 5

Magnolia dianica 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Cornus pumila 6

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Podocarpus nivalis var. erectus 7

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Salix ‘Rubykins’ 6

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Clematis crassifolia 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Podocarpus nivalis var. erectus 7

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Cornus pumila 6

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0


Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Severinia buxifolia 17

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Magnolia chapensis 5

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Magnolia dianica 0

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’ 43

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Meliosma parviflora 18

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Meliosma parviflora 18

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Persea thunbergii 46

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Cornus pumila 6

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Salix ‘Rubykins’ 6

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’ 6

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Indigofera kirilowii 24

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Ilex rotunda 19

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Persea thunbergii 46

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Ilex sugerokii 7

Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’ 43

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Ilex rotunda 19

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’ 43

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Ilex sugerokii 7

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Magnolia chapensis 5

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Clematis crassifolia 0

Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’ 9

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Osmanthus suavis 15

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Magnolia dianica 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Shira Fuji’ 9

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Rhododendron oldhamii 11

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Buxus harlandii 11

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Buxus harlandii 11

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Podocarpus nivalis var. erectus 7

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’ 6

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’ 8

Ilex rotunda 19

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’ 9

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43


Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Osmanthus suavis 15

Cissus discolor 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0


Podocarpus nivalis var. erectus 7

Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’ 43

Cornus pumila 6

Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’ 43

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Magnolia dianica 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Magnolia dianica 0

Cornus pumila 6

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Magnolia dianica 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Magnolia dianica 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Cissus discolor 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Cornus pumila 6

Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’ 6

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Podocarpus acutifolius 22

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Buxus harlandii 11

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Magnolia dianica 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Shira Fuji’ 9

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Cornus pumila 6

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Rhododendron oldhamii 11

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Rhododendron oldhamii 11

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Magnolia dianica 0

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Ilex rotunda 19

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Rhododendron ‘Shira Fuji’ 9

Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’ 43

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Cornus pumila 6

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Magnolia dianica 0

Magnolia chapensis 5

Cornus pumila 6

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’ 5

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Podocarpus nivalis var. erectus 7

Osmanthus suavis 15

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Cornus pumila 6

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Meliosma parviflora 18

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Salix ‘Rubykins’ 6

Cornus pumila 6

Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Tricolor’ 9

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Rhododendron ‘Shira Fuji’ 9

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Meliosma parviflora 18

Cornus pumila 6

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Clematis crassifolia 0

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Coniogramme gracilis 15

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Rhododendron oldhamii 11

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Tricolor’ 9

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’ 43

Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Clematis crassifolia 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Magnolia chapensis 5

Meliosma parviflora 18

Persea thunbergii 46

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’ 0

Viburnum cinnamomifolium 0

Clematis crassifolia 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’ 0

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Magnolia chapensis 5

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Ilex rotunda 19

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Rhododendron oldhamii 11

Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’ 11

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Magnolia dianica 0

Osmanthus suavis 15

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus 4

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Indigofera kirilowii 24

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’ 1

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Ilex sugerokii 7

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’ 0

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Tricolor’ 9

Callicarpa shikokiana 40

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™ 27

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’ 9

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’ 3

Eurya japonica (green thinly margined) 2

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’ 0

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33

Osmanthus suavis 15

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Magnolia chapensis 5

Magnolia dianica 0

Meliosma parviflora 18

Magnolia lotungensis 0

Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ 5

Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom) 3

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Clematis crassifolia 0

Begonia ‘Kaylen’ 0

Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’ 0

Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’ 11

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera 0

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Persea thunbergii 46

Sambucus nigra Black Lace™ 19

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Salix ‘Rubykins’ 6

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’ 43

Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) 9

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’ 15

Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ 0

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’ 0

Cornus pumila 6

Ilex sugerokii 7

Persea thunbergii 46

Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0

Osmanthus suavis 15

Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’ 9

Podocarpus acutifolius 22

Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’ 6

Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’ 15

Osmanthus suavis 15

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’ 0

ID PlantName PlantsOnHand
1 Osmanthus americanus ‘Woodlanders Amanda’ 0
Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Tricolor’ 9
3 Clematis crassifolia
4 Eurya japonica (green thinly margined)
5 Osmanthus suavis 15
6 Magnolia dianica
7 Podocarpus acutifolius 22
8 Cornus pumila
10 Magnolia chapensis
12 Buddleja davidii ‘Red Plume’
13 Lespedeza liukiuensis ‘Little Volcano’ 29
14 Viburnum cinnamomifolium
Edgeworthia chrysantha × E. papyrifera
16 Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum 33
17 Magnolia lotungensis
18 Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Manger’s Sunshine’
19 Coniogramme gracilis
20 Sycopsis sinensis ‘Variegata’
21 Rhododendron (‘Conversation Piece’ witch’s broom)
24 Callicarpa shikokiana 40
25 Rhododendron macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’
28 Gardenia augusta ‘Lynn Lowrey’
30 Rhododendron ‘Primitive Beauty’
32 Rhododendron ‘August Beauty’
34 Begonia ‘Kaylen’
Pittosporum eugenioides ‘Variegated’
43 Cissus discolor
44 Hydrangea serrata ‘Shishiva’
47 Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Golden Rain’
48 Podocarpus nivalis var. erectus
50 Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Central Avenue’
51 Sambucus nigra Black Lace™
52 Salix ‘Rubykins’
56 Hydrangea macrophylla ‘David Ramsey’
57 Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha Nishiki’
60 Rhododendron ‘Shira Fuji’
64 Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf)
65 Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine™
67 Berberis ×lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’
71 Serissa foetida ‘Pink Mountain’
78 Rhododendron ‘Kokinsai’
83 Cyperus albostriatus ‘Nanus’
91 Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’
96 Indigofera kirilowii
98 Severinia buxifolia
102 Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Burnished Gold’
105 Ilex rotunda
140 ×Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Morning Cloud’
151 Persea thunbergii
164 Rhododendron oldhamii
172 Viburnum rufidulum ‘Royal Guard’
193 Elaeagnus pungens ‘Chirifu’
248 Ilex sugerokii
250 Buxus harlandii
252 Hibiscus coccineus f. albus
288 Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Sunburst’
294 Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’
361 Hydrangea serrata ‘Ô amacha’
378 Meliosma parviflora
553 Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Nagaba’
559 Ilex sugerokii var. brevipedunculata


DonorID Title Firstname Middle Lastname Address City State Zip Phone ENewsletter Volunteer
1000 Mr. Bobby Lockley 5307 HOLLY RIDGE RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7254 no no
1001 Keck 315 KELLY RD Valdosta GA 31603 (404) 555-4589 yes no
1002 Mr. Ken Norwillo 5304 AMBERHILL DR Etowah NC 28729 (919) 555-8312 no no
1004 Larkin 3152 LEE ROAD Skyland NC 28776 (919) 555-9607 yes no
1006 Mr. Gary Lohmeyer 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Charlotte NC 28229-5558 (919) 555-7398 no no
1009 Lomax 5232 COVINGTON BEND DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0977 no no
1012 Mr. Bobby Lattner 316 HOOLE ST Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7172 yes no
1019 Mr. Alton TRIPKE 5205 HUNTERS TRAIL Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-5669 no no
1023 Mrs. Sherrill Strickland 4703 FREYS HILL CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6226 no yes
1026 Mr. Jeff Stroehl 3602 OWENCROFT CT Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-7323 yes yes
1057 Dr. Dick Moore 3602 OWENCROFT CT Durham NC 27708-0341 (919) 555-3616 no yes
1062 Ms. Jan Cerniglia 3520 DRAWBRIDGE PKWY #109D Boring OR 97009 (855) 555-7439 no no
1071 Mr. Gary Gardner 3520 DRAWBRIDGE PKWY #109D Olympia WA 98501 (855) 555-7986 no no
1084 Dressel 2406 RUNNING BROOK DR Lisle IL 60532 (855) 555-0297 no no
1088 Mr. Kevin Smith 2403 CAMDEN RD Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-4652 no no
1106 Mr. Robert B. McNeely 208 PALASIDE DR. NE Sophia NC 27350 (919) 555-0397 no no
1108 Mr. Robert Franklin 208 HUNTERS WOODS DR Glendale Springs NC 28629 (919) 555-7098 no no
1111 Mr. Steve Locke 1812 SNOW WIND DR Rock Hill SC 29732 (855) 555-8877 no no
1113 Mr. Jace Lang 1810 PARK DR Morganton NC 28655 (919) 555-1784 no yes
1115 Mrs. Jennifer HUBARD 4567 S Hopedale Ave. Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-5783 no yes
1118 Mr. Jim Koerwer 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Asheboro NC 27203 (919) 555-2406 no no
1126 Mr. Jeff Rhodes 1824 FALL RUN CT Matthews GA 30818 (404) 555-8689 no no
1135 Ms. Barbara T. Lapsley 1828 THORNBLADE RIDGE DR. Reidsville NC 27320 (919) 555-5404 no no
1162 Mr. Ron Carroll 3700 WEDGEDALE PL Jamestown NC 27282 (919) 555-8341 no no
1165 Mr. Jim Wessell 2104 MCLEAN ROAD Raleigh NC 27605-2800 (919) 555-5198 no yes
1166 Mr. Robert Shaw 186 CRANES CV Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-6539 no no
1169 Mr. Chris Gregory 906 BEAVERDALE LN La Grange NC 28551 (919) 555-2416 no yes
1178 President Williams 1010 MEADOWGRASS LANE CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-7503 no no
1185 Mr. Ken Shive 4745 JACKSON BLUFF RD LOT 144 Opelosas LA 70570 (855) 555-3886 no no
1186 Mr. John H. Crouse 1607 VALWOOD STREET Ether NC 27247 (919) 555-6423 no no
1193 Ms. Dee-Dee B. Rothlisberger 1729 PARK GROVE PL Reidsville NC 27320 (919) 555-7764 no no
1202 Mrs. Martha L. Wehrle 1728 SHADOWBROOK Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9507 no yes
1204 Ms. Patti Weil 8851 MAGNOLIA EST. DR. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0842 yes yes
1205 Ms. Sue C. Collins 8851 MAGNOLIA EST. DR. Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-2803 no yes
1208 Ms. JoAnn Powell 202 GLENTOWER DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6600 no yes
1220 Ms. Lisa Keyes 202 GLENTOWER DR Eden NC 27288 (919) 555-1833 no yes
1247 Mrs. Margaret S. Goodrum 2710 LA DUELA LANE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5718 no yes
1250 Ms. Melissa Finsted 100 LAURELWOOD LN Willow Springs NC 27592 (919) 555-2207 no yes
1253 Ms. Leneve H. Fischer 4218 LAMBETH DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-7180 no yes
1255 Mr. Allen Sanford 4218 LAMBETH DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8021 no yes
1258 Ms. Rosanna Wade 4108 REDWINE DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9938 yes yes
1282 Mrs. Susan Wagner 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-5509 yes yes
1287 Mr. John Wagoner 2400 LAKE BRANDT PL APT N Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8384 no yes
1289 Mrs. Mary Edith Burrill 2400 METTS AVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1071 no yes
1297 Mr. Ross Holmes 4622 NORWICH RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5362 no yes
1300 Mrs. Christine F. Holt 2007 QUEENS CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1175 no yes
1304 Mr. Jonathan Hemma 2009 FOXDEN Jamestown NC 27282 (919) 555-3636 no no
1306 Mrs. Dale W. Holbrook 103 BROMFIELD WAY Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9517 no yes
1307 Ms. Pat Jackson 404 MODENA DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8550 no no
1309 Mr. Sam D. Coleman 404 MODENA DRIVE Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-7277 no yes
1310 Mr. Daniel A. Darnley 9500 PRINCE GEORGE LANE APT. G Harmony NC 28634 (919) 555-9096 no yes
1317 Ms. June B. Day 9509 NW NEWGATE DR Raleigh NC 27608-1225 (919) 555-8407 no yes
1318 Mr. William Drapala 9509 NW NEWGATE DR Grimesland NC 27837 (919) 555-5686 no yes
1323 Ms. Frances Draver 9515 VOGUE ST. Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1887 no yes
1328 Ms. Margaret D Driscoll 9525 MILLEN DR High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-7708 no yes
1331 Ms. Anne L. Dudley 9525 MILLEN DR Chapel Hill NC 27514-5922 (919) 555-0213 no yes
1333 Dr. James Dudley 9523 WOOD VALLEY LN Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-5154 no no
1339 Mrs. Renee Anderson Krueger 9519 LIBERTY TREE LN Tarboro NC 27886 (919) 555-7461 no yes
1340 Ms. Linda K. Kuebler 976 VACATION LAND DRIVE Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-8336 no yes
1345 Mrs. Taimi T. Reynolds 976 VACATION LAND DRIVE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-6383 no yes
1349 Mrs. Dorothy Lee 9920 EDWARDS PL Apex NC 27502-1203 (919) 555-6574 no yes
1350 Mr. Mark Lewis 9067 MEADOWMONT VIEW DR. Park Hill OK 74451-9500 (855) 555-6903 no no
1351 Mrs. Susan W. Lewis 8840 UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-0372 yes yes
1352 Mrs. Virginia Bohlken 8837 CAMPFIRE TR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6275 no yes
1353 Mrs. Jeanne M. Bolen 6017 CALEDONIA ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4854 no yes
1365 Mr. Leonard Bolen 813 BERWYN WAY Sanford NC 27332-8302 (919) 555-7629 no yes
1368 Mrs. Elaine R. Danielson 6017 CALEDONIA ST Greensboro NC 27429 (919) 555-3432 no yes
1377 Dr. Joseph E. de Leon 8134 NEW TOWN RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1079 no yes
1380 Mr. Mark Dempsey 814 PEBBLEBROOK DR Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-7734 no yes
1382 Ms. Ann L. Dennis 818 SAGO BAY Charlotte NC 28207 (919) 555-7167 yes yes
1383 Ms. Debra A. DesVoigne 815 EVERGREEN AVE. Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-7076 no yes
1386 Mr. Neil Fox 814 PEBBLEBROOK DR King NC 27021 (919) 555-9643 no yes
1389 Ms. Martha B. Franke 820 ROBERT E LEE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8686 no yes
1392 Ms. Mary Lou GEBHARDT 8211 SCHOONER PL. Durham NC 27707-1607 (919) 555-3013 no yes
1395 Gustafson 8211 SCHOONER PL. Flat Rock NC 28731 (919) 555-1920 no no
1408 Mr. Bryan Guthrie 829 LAKE FOREST DR Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-8481 yes yes
1414 Mr. Roger D. Hilpert 8250 E LAKEVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27607-3413 (919) 555-0578 no no
1417 Mr. Tony Hines 829 LAKE FOREST DR Raleigh NC 27603-9326 (919) 555-0953 no yes
1419 Dr. Charles W. JACOBSON 8298 BUSICKWOOD DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8652 no yes
1421 Mr. John Killian 8298 BUSICKWOOD DR. Camden NC 27291 (919) 555-4771 no yes
1430 Ms. Pamela Kilmon 8305 SLEEPY CREEK DR Cedar Grove NC 27231-9324 (919) 555-5910 no yes
1435 Ms. Linda Kilmon 8309 PENNY RD. Bostic NC 28018 (919) 555-7725 no yes
1444 Ms. Mary Jane Pearson Kimmel 8309 PENNY RD. Carrboro NC 27510 (919) 555-7848 no yes
1445 Dr. Myron O. Koerwer 8324 WYCOMBE LANE Zebulon NC 27597-8773 (919) 555-2489 no yes
1455 Ms. Lou Koerwer 8400 SIDBURY RD Kings Mountain NC 28086 (919) 555-4682 no no
1457 Mr. Hoyt Koester 8341 WYCOMBE LN Raleigh NC 27609-3608 (919) 555-4897 yes yes
1469 Mr. John Kowalski 8411 CAMELOT DRIVE Monroe GA 30655 (404) 555-1612 no no
1480 Mr. Gary Kowalski 8412 CALDBECK DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1077 no yes
1485 Mr. Larry Lawson 8411 CAMELOT DRIVE Raleigh NC 27611-7766 (919) 555-2178 no no
1490 Mr. Mark Alan Lovin 8412 CALDBECK DR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-6459 no yes
1496 Ms. Mary Lowe 852 W. BACKBONE RD. Knoxville TN 37950 (855) 555-3952 no no
1497 Dr. Stanley Maness 8416 NEUSE RAPIDS RD Washington DC 20015-1359 (855) 555-8257 no no
1504 Mr. Ricky McKinnon 8531 PINE LANE RD. Cleveland NC 27013-9292 (919) 555-3042 no yes
1505 Mr. Kevan McNeice 8600 HARBOR DR Salisbury NC 28146-5866 (919) 555-5623 no yes
1516 Mrs. Ann B. Moody 8600 POTTER RD Charlotte NC 28209 (919) 555-5892 no yes
1530 Mr. Norman T. Mulvaney 8609 SUBURBAN DR Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-7357 no yes
1531 Mr. Mike Price 8630 FOX TRAIL LANE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5366 no no
1536 Ms. Marjorie Pridgen-Brasswell 8630 FOX TRAIL LANE Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-7917 no no
1543 Mr. Clark Prill 8633 HARPS MILL RD Union SC 29379 (855) 555-1752 yes no
1547 Ms. Daphne Riggs 8683 ORCHARD LOOP RD Cooleemee NC 27014 (919) 555-3943 no yes
1548 Mrs. Faye Rogers 870 WHITE POINT BLVD Knoxville TN 37932 (855) 555-8182 no no
1550 Mrs. Pam Rohland 8712 WELLSLEY WAY Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-1183 no yes
1553 Mr. Richard C. Schmidt 8712 WELLSLEY WAY Randleman NC 27317-7279 (919) 555-4316 no no
1565 Mr. Victor E. Snyder 8775 20th St. Lot 166 Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4837 no yes
1567 Ms. Harriet Joyner 463 BLACK ANGUS DRIVE Raleigh NC 27603-2135 (919) 555-9486 no yes
1571 Mrs. May McMillan Soderston 8775 20th St. Lot 166 Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-1797 no yes
1583 Ms. Anna W. Swofford 8800 WEATHERSFIELD CT Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-3072 no yes
1584 Mr. James Vollmer 8809 O’NEAL RD Loxley AL 36551 (855) 555-4225 no no
1588 Dr. Norman Harper 8809 WEATHERSFIELD CT Salisbury NC 28144 (919) 555-7698 no yes
1599 Mr. Robert L. DeLong 601 DOWNPATRICK LN Ho-Ho-Kus NJ 07423 (855) 555-2953 no no
1606 Mr. Richard E. Hundley 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Brevard NC 28712 (919) 555-8028 yes yes
1608 Ms. Catherine W. Hunter 5916 PRESCOTT COURT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-3789 yes yes
1610 Mr. Rick Miller 5916 PINE TREE CT Hickory NC 28603 (919) 555-9098 no yes
1616 Mr. Fred B. Winters 5947 DIXON DRIVE Shelby NC 28150 (919) 555-1459 no yes
1627 Dr. Sylvia M. Brady 601 AIRPORT RD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-7448 no yes
1629 Mr. Thomas M. Carlson 404 PINECROFT DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-3207 no no
1635 Ms. Rita Friese 405 N. ANDREWS AVE. Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-3062 no yes
1644 Dr. John A. Friese 406 BUENA VISTA DRIVE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-2927 no yes
1652 Mr. Dick Stokes 405 PINE COURT Boone NC 28607 (919) 555-4396 no no
1659 Ms. Flo A. Beckelhimer Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2331 no yes
1663 Ms. Dorothy Sykes 407 DANTON DR Stuart VA 24171 (757) 555-0686 no no
1668 Mrs. Patricia D. Barrick 407 DANTON DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8171 yes yes
1670 Ms. Wanda Boschen 3556 KIRBY SMITH DRIVE Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-6416 no yes
1672 Mr. Toby Grove 3556 KIRBY SMITH DRIVE Winston-Salem NC 27101 (919) 555-0431 no yes
1682 Mr. Henry Held 3559 BEAVER CREEK DR SE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1122 no yes
1697 Mr. Hugh M. McPherson 360 SEVEN CREEKS DRIVE Hickory NC 28601 (919) 555-0009 no yes
1707 Ms. Frances Merritt 3600 OPEN SIGHT COURT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7340 no yes
1718 Ms. Mollie Merritt 3601 MOSSBOROUGH DR Charlotte NC 28211 (919) 555-2307 no yes
1725 Ms. Moira Thompson 3601 BROOKHAVEN CT Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-4842 no yes
1764 Dr. Betty Carlson 3601 MOSSBOROUGH DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0979 no yes
1774 Ms. Mary Frances Carlson 3504 EDGEMONT RD Oxford NC 27565 (919) 555-1144 no no
1778 Mr. Timothy C. Hales 3500 GREYWOOD DRIVE Madison OH 44057-8824 (855) 555-8551 no no
1780 Mr. David J. Jones 3507 CHIPPENDALE TRAIL Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-1578 no yes
1781 Mr. Ben Tallent 3513 LAYTON RIDGE ROAD Rockwell NC 28l38 (919) 555-5375 no yes
1784 Dr. Malcolm M. Talley 3515 FROG POND PL Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-0716 no yes
1785 Mr. Eugene Wilson Vittoe 3513 LAYTON RIDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1013 no yes
1786 Mrs. Anne Hansen 2519 TIMBER LANE Raleigh NC 27636-3520 (919) 555-7906 no yes
1795 Mr. Bobby C. Hardinger 2516 DIAMONDHITCH TR Raleigh NC 27624-8266 (919) 555-4565 no yes
1802 Mr. Hunt Sagawa 2516 LEAS MILL CT Lenoir NC 28645 (919) 555-6208 no yes
1807 Ms. Kathy Long 2516 LEAS MILL CT Athens GA 30604 (404) 555-4191 no no
1811 Mr. Charles Carver 907 MERRILL DR Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-0514 yes yes
1814 Mr. Paul Cash 2424 BRASSFIELD RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1799 no yes
1815 Mr. Charles Cash 2426 BUCKINGHAM RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6932 no yes
1824 Ms. K. Isabelle Sink 2424 BRASSFIELD RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1677 no yes
1828 Ms. Dee F. Zimmer 2426 BUCKINGHAM RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2522 no yes
1835 Mr. Harvey L. Anderson 2509 MARKET ST Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-0323 no yes
1836 Mr. Tom J. Long 23 SCENIC VIEW DR Raleigh NC 27610-1825 (919) 555-9752 no yes
1838 Mr. Tommy Prevatte 230 CREEK VIEW DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4681 no yes
1849 Dr. Laurinda Queen Prevatte 230 MIDFIELD STREET Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3770 no yes
1856 Mr. Bill L. WHITE 230 MIDFIELD STREET Durham NC 27705-5644 (919) 555-0721 no yes
1868 Mr. Allen Payne 22634 DUCK LAKE RD Louisville KY 40206 (855) 555-2372 no no
1870 Mr. James A. Peacock 2105 E CHARLOTTE CT Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2485 yes yes
1871 Mr. Andy Southern 2105 N. U. ROAD Apex NC 27523-4829 (919) 555-4802 yes yes
1875 Mr. Scot Southern 211 HALIFAX ST Winchester VA 22603 (757) 555-5845 no no
1879 Mr. James Southern 211 HALIFAX ST Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2992 yes yes
1881 Mrs. Carrie Joy Spelzhausen 2109 B HARKEY AVE. Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-0049 yes yes
1882 Mrs. Flora Ann Whitmeyer 211 NORTH CHANNEL DR Winston-Salem NC 27101-5333 (919) 555-0034 no no
1887 Mr. Lee Keating Turner 200 WOODLAND TERRACE Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-4087 yes yes
1888 Mr. Gary Young 1922 W. FRONT ST Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-1540 yes yes
1891 Mr. Claude E. Barber 1922 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7741 no yes
1896 Ms. Penny Barker 1900 HAMRICK DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7866 no yes
1897 Mr. Lamar Matthias 1900 HAMRICK DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3763 yes yes
1898 Mrs. Nancy MATZNICK 1901 WOODLAND HILLS Charlotte NC 28210 (919) 555-6392 yes yes
1900 Mr. Weston Stewart 1904 LOGANWOOD DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1705 yes yes
1903 Mr. Chip F. Stewart 1906 WENDOVER DR Greensboro NC 27401 (919) 555-6438 no yes
1914 Ms. Chris Wilson 1904 LOGANWOOD DR. Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8001 no yes
1928 Mr. Ruben G. Wines 165 STATE PARK RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9548 no yes
1938 Mr. Ray Browder 1700 G-1 N ELM ST Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-4197 no yes
1942 Mr. Paul Kulik 1610 HARPER SPRING DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-3230 no no
1947 Mr. James C. McIntire 1610 VALLEYMEDE RD Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-4709 no yes
1953 Mr. Michael L. Bostian 106 BERKSHIRE RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1280 no yes
1963 Ms. Ellen Crozat Bostick 5916 PRESCOTT COURT Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-5071 no yes
1969 Dr. H. Marc Ford 5947 DIXON DRIVE Silver Spring MD 20905 (855) 555-4434 no no
1972 Mr. Kenneth N. Shefka 601 AIRPORT RD Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-7415 yes yes
1975 Mr. Ted C. Shellaway 6017 CALEDONIA ST Matthews NC 28105-1956 (919) 555-9004 no yes
1985 Ms. Florence A. Shepherd 6017 CALEDONIA ST Watkinsville GA 30677-5229 (404) 555-1699 no no
1988 Mr. Antony E. Davis 601 DOWNPATRICK LN Crozet VA 22932 (757) 555-6550 no no
1989 Mr. Doug Fox 5818 MCBRIDE ST. Beaufort NC 28516-6705 (919) 555-0829 no yes
1993 Dr. John E. Frisina 5833 SHAMROCK RD Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-3864 no yes
1995 Ms. Jane Goetze 5901-22 WILKINS DR Jefferson NC 28640 (919) 555-9863 yes yes
1996 Mr. James Goetze 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Tarboro NC 27886 (919) 555-9354 no yes
1997 Mr. Douglas Jackson 5905 SUNCREEK CT Rougemont NC 27572 (919) 555-8399 no yes
2002 Mr. Fred Jacobs 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Greensboro NC 27403 (919) 555-9052 no yes
2003 Mr. Arthur B. Jensen 5907 McCLENNY DR. Raleigh NC 27606-2638 (919) 555-4587 yes yes
2005 Mrs. Tina Belmaggio Johnson 5907 McCLENNY DR. Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-2498 no yes
2010 Mrs. Susan Pierce 5913 McCLENNY DR. Arapahoe NC 28510 (919) 555-2091 no yes
2011 Dr. John D. Feola 5913 PINE TREE CT Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-0896 no yes
2013 Mr. Michael E. English 5665 STEVENS DR. Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-9649 no yes
2015 Mr. Louis Freseman 5323 FOX COVE LN. APT. O Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-5422 no no
2016 Ms. Patrice Benge Cogger 3500 GREYWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7001 no yes
2032 Mrs. Carroll Omwake 3413 AMBER DRIVE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-3260 no yes
2033 Mr. Tim Opalinski 3413 KISTLER COURT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8845 no no
2034 Mrs. Anne Ratanaphruks 3413 AMBER DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5750 no yes
2040 Ms. Arnette Shumpert 3413 KISTLER COURT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4605 yes yes
2044 Mr. Spencer Sigler 3416 WALTHAM CIR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3880 no yes
2052 Mr. William Strawbridge 3437 ROBIOUS FOREST WAY Jonas Ridge NC 28641 (919) 555-8167 no yes
2053 Dr. George T. Huff 346 BRICKYARD RD Raleigh NC 27607-7036 (919) 555-9642 no yes
2054 Mr. Deward E. Huff 3412 SELVYN AVE. Catawba NC 28609 (919) 555-8257 no no
2063 Mr. Bruce Alan Cline 3409 CANTERBURY ST Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-7932 yes yes
2066 Mr. Richard Clinton 3400 STALLION CT Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-8981 no yes
2067 Ms. Nancye M. Hines 3404 SPARROW HAWK CT Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-0222 no no
2068 Mr. Kenneth D. Hitchcock 3404 SPARROW HAWK CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6309 no yes
2070 Mrs. Laurie Holbrook 3405 APPLE MEADOW DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1648 no yes
2071 Mrs. Lyn R. Hollar 3405 MASON PL Raleigh NC 27603-4813 (919) 555-9263 no yes
2089 Mrs. Sarah Kern 3405 MASON PLACE Southern Pines NC 28387 (919) 555-0814 no yes
2090 Ms. Ruffin Oliphant 3408 MORNINGSIDE DR Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-9913 no yes
2094 Winter 3408 MORNINGSIDE DR Jacksonville NC 28546 (919) 555-0644 no no
2099 Sally Beyer 3409 CANTERBURY ST Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5181 no yes
2103 Mr. Robert B. Cook 3317 TRENTON RD Portland OR 97204-3527 (855) 555-4826 no no
2109 Ms. Susan Cook 3330 3RD AVE NW High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-8563 no yes
2121 Mr. Albert R. Hyatt 333 WARTBURG PL Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-7944 no yes
2129 Ms. Linda Iddings 3333 CLANDON PARK DR Atlanta GA 30309 (404) 555-9863 no no
2133 Mr. Ron Irwin 3333 CLANDON PARK DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-3130 no no
2135 Ms. Sue Anne Jones 3351 18TH AVE NE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3521 no yes
2141 Ms. Jane Jones 3389 AMSTERDAM RD Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-6596 no yes
2145 Mr. Anthony King 337 WEST CREEKVIEW DRIVE Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-9397 no yes
2147 Mrs. Frances T. Reese 3400 CABARRUS DRIVE (855) 555-8354 no no
2148 Mr. Jody C.L. Sink 3400 CABARRUS DRIVE Moncure NC 27559 (919) 555-9787 no no
2151 Mr. Arthur J. Amidon 3400 STALLION COURT Morganton NC 28655-9381 (919) 555-5248 no yes
2152 Mr. Howard E. Amidon 3207 COTTINGHAM CT Greensboro NC 27404 (919) 555-7665 no yes
2153 Ms. Helen Millis Bemesser 3203 SANDBURG High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-4238 no yes
2155 Ms. Joy T. Bost 3207 COTTINGHAM CT Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-6921 no yes
2162 Ms. Nelsa Ann Christ 3217 SOUTHALL ROAD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-6884 no yes
2165 Mrs. Gretchen J. Fox 3220 HUNTLEIGH DR Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-9869 no yes
2178 Mr. Philip Franklin 3231 OAK GROVE CIR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5690 no no
2180 Dr. David L. Guy 324 LAFAYETTE DR Nacogdoches TX 75962 (855) 555-8387 yes no
2193 Mrs. Kathy L. Long 324 LAFAYETTE DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2488 no yes
2199 Mr. Kelly Lybrand 207 TRAVIS LN Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2871 no yes
2203 Ms. Chicita F McDonald 325 YORKSHIRE LN Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-0474 no yes
2214 Mrs. Jennifer McGrogan 326 BRECKENRIDGE DR Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-9135 no yes
2216 Ms. Joann McGuire 3271 POND RD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-9164 no yes
2218 Ms. Mary B. Moore 326 BRECKENRIDGE DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6171 no yes
2222 Mr. Jay Moore 330 CROWELL LN Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-2514 no yes
2229 Mr. Vincent J Northrup 330 CROWELL LN Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-6837 no yes
2230 Ms. Anne C. Northrup 3300 CHISTOW RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8624 yes yes
2232 Mrs. Genelle P. Panos 3300 CHISTOW RD Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-0975 no yes
2233 Ms. Leah Wain Rapp 3302 RIDGE CREST CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8478 yes yes
2247 Mrs. Teresa Stuart 3312 EAST ANNALEY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0791 yes yes
2254 Ms. Ellen W. White 3312 EAST ANNALEY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6188 yes yes
2257 Mr. Richard Williams 3313 DORAL CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2173 no yes
2265 Mrs. Abbie Suddath Davenport 3317 TRENTON RD Walnut Cove NC 27052 (919) 555-8438 no yes
2278 Mr. Kent Davis 312 GROSVENOR DR Raleigh NC 27606-9300 (919) 555-7165 no yes
2286 Ms. Mary H. Erickson 314 SANDY BOTTOM COURT Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-4152 no yes
2290 Ms. Marlys Hartsell 314 THOMPSON ST Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-0057 no yes
2293 Ms. Doris P. Hartsell 3140 EDSEL PLACE High Point NC 27265 (919) 555-4790 no yes
2303 Mrs. Rebecca Huffman 314 WILLIAM STREET Candler NC 28715 (919) 555-0031 no yes
2310 Mr. Robert B. Huffman 315 GOOSENECK ROQAD W Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-8404 no yes
2313 Mr. John Wade Johansson 315 GOOSENECK ROAD W Kinston NC 28504 (919) 555-7931 no yes
2316 Mr. Steve Johansson 3152 LEE ROAD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1234 yes yes
2317 Ms. Michele Johnson 315 KELLY RD Durham NC 27705-3141 (919) 555-6251 no yes
2319 Mr. David Keck 3152 LEE ROAD Zirconia NC 28790 (919) 555-1584 no no
2323 Mrs. JoAnn Larkin 316 HOOLE ST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5441 no no
2327 Mr. Allen Lattner 3160-F PATRICK HENRY DRIVE Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-4322 no no
2334 Mr. Roy Moore 316 HOOLE STREET Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3721 no no
2338 Mr. Starke Moore 318 YULAN DR Raleigh NC 27609-6358 (919) 555-3356 no yes
2340 Mr. Willie Neal 318 S. TARBORO RD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-9901 no no
2341 Mrs. Becky W. Pollock 318 YULAN DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3146 no yes
2345 Dr. Michael A. Raner 320 DUPONT CIRCLE Watkinsville GA 30677-0009 (404) 555-1731 no no
2346 Mr. Michael Raner 320 DUPONT CIRCLE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6856 no yes
2350 Ms. Patricia Amdahl 320 DUPONT CIRCLE Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-3303 no yes
2352 Ms. Elizabeth C. Amerson 3116 LANTERN WAY Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1978 no no
2358 Mrs. Nancy Hess 312 BROOK STREET Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7457 no yes
2367 Mrs. Cheryl Aarsund 312 GROSVENOR DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1876 no yes
2369 Ms. Nancy Abreu 3043 MARLBOROUGH RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-8373 no yes
2371 Mr. Jeff Adams 305 PINEY MTN DR #C-1 McLeansville NC 27301 (919) 555-9230 no yes
2373 Mrs. Katherine F. Carte 306 BIRDNEST CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1749 no yes
2375 Mr. David A. Collier 306 BIRDSNEST CT High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-2064 no yes
2382 Mrs. Cheryl Doyle Daughtridge 306 CREEKVIEW DR Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-6959 no yes
2396 Mr. Dave S. Dieter 306 CREEKVIEW DR. Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7106 yes yes
2401 Mr. Mike Dietz 307 LARRY DRIVE Thomson GA 30824 (404) 555-3399 no no
2414 Mr. William B. Hall 306 SOUTH 18th STREET High Point NC 27265 (919) 555-0148 no yes
2415 Mr. Thomas Hieronymus 307 RODGERS LAKE ROAD Charlotte NC 28207 (919) 555-3949 no yes
2416 Ms. Janice L. Huffman 307 SOUTH BND Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8906 no yes
2419 Ms. Grace C. LeBaube 308 E. 8TH STREET Chesapeake VA 23322 (757) 555-1533 no no
2430 Mr. John W. May 308 LARRY DRIVE Cary NC 27511-9639 (919) 555-6520 no yes
2433 Mr. C.J. Mayo 309 N. CHURTON ST Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-3623 no yes
2441 Mr. Rodney T. Miller 309 CUTLER ST APT 1 Kennett Square PA 19348-1815 (855) 555-0970 no no
2443 Mrs. Rosemary Murdock 309 N. CHURTON ST Oxford NC 27565 (919) 555-2481 no yes
2447 Mr. William H. Occhetti 309 WYOMING DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-3420 no yes
2449 Ms. Edith R. Roberts 309 WYOMING DR NW Lowell NC 28098 (919) 555-3179 no yes
2451 Mr. Rufus L. Robins 310 E WILSON STREET Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5198 yes yes
2453 Mrs. Suzanne Robinson 309A DAVIS RD. Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-9803 no yes
2457 Mr. Larry Rodelander 3100 WATERFORD DR Davidson NC 28036 (919) 555-1952 yes yes
2472 Mr. James Rose 3100 WATERFORD DR Chapel Hill NC 27517-7584 (919) 555-0927 no yes
2475 Ms. Wendy Salzgeber 3105 BARDWELL ROAD Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-5314 no yes
2477 Dr. C. W. Schatz 3105 SHERRY DRIVE Morganton NC 28655 (919) 555-6631 no yes
2478 Dr. Risa S. Schenck 3106 BARDWELL RD Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-0516 no yes
2481 Mr. Chris Stowell 3106 BARDWELL RD Hodges SC 29695 (855) 555-5549 no no
2486 Mr. Michael R. Tomlinson 3106 KESWICK DRIVE Loveland CO 80538-1490 (855) 555-6026 no no
2497 Ms. Hilde Walton 311 LOWER CREEK DR NE High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-9267 no yes
2504 Mr. Robert L. Hallsey 311 LOWER CREEK DR NE Lynchburg VA 24502 (757) 555-6168 no no
2506 Dr. Allan Fields 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2633 no yes
2507 Mr. Jeffrey Beckelhimer 3043 MARLBOROUGH RD Raleigh NC 27628-6487 (919) 555-0746 no yes
2508 Bennett 3009 DELLWOOD DR Greensboro NC 27415 (919) 555-3359 no no
2512 Ms. Jewell Caulder 3009 JOAN AVE Thomasville NC 27360 (919) 555-8724 no yes
2514 Ms. Deanne M. Cogan 3009 JOAN AVE Falls Church VA 22043 (757) 555-4229 no no
2522 Mr. Robert Dahl 301 BRECKENRIDGE DR Alexandria VA 22301 (757) 555-0270 no no
2523 Ms. Carolyn Y. Doss 301 FERN VALLEY LN Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7403 no yes
2525 Ms. Amy B. Doss 3014 EDMONTON PL Asheville NC 28804-2238 (919) 555-5088 no yes
2526 Mr. Jim Dressel 3014 EDMONTON PL Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2673 no yes
2529 Ms. Margaret Fisher 3014 S. MEBANE ST Scarsdale NY 10583 (855) 555-4034 no no
2534 Dr. William W. Kebschull 3015 COTTAGE PL APT G Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8841 no yes
2537 Ms. Becky Linz 302 VAN BUREN ST New Bern NC 28562 (919) 555-5348 no no
2549 Ms. Bonnie Denise Mesimer 302 W. GREENWAY DR Kinston NC 28501 (919) 555-1891 no no
2552 Dr. Max Petrie 3020 DARDEN RD APT C Linden NC 28356-9542 (919) 555-3222 no yes
2565 Mr. Ronald W. Rhoades 3021 MOSER LN Thomasville NC 27360 (919) 555-0307 no no
2569 Mr. Michael A. Rothlisberger 302-1/2 S ELM ST Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-7816 no yes
2570 Mr. Tony E. Schultz 3027 GLENDALE AVE Middlesex NC 27557 (919) 555-4135 no no
2575 Mr. Lewis M. Shoffner 3028 LAUREL SPRINGS DR Clinton NC 28328 (919) 555-5430 no yes
2581 Ms. Maria Sloan 303 MICHAEL CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27606-2710 (919) 555-7727 no yes
2588 Ms. Lucinda Sloop 304 E ROWAN ST Greensboro NC 27406-8338 (919) 555-8932 no yes
2590 Mrs. Martha M. Tucker 3037 Halifax Rd Oxford NC 27565 (919) 555-6325 no yes
2592 Mrs. Vivian Canoutas 304 OLD OAK COURT NW Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7522 no yes
2600 Mrs. Margaret H. Crea 924 VILLA DR Raleigh NC 27608-2641 (919) 555-9221 no yes
2603 Mr. Tom Fisher 929 LYNNVIEW CT. Raleigh NC 27628 (919) 555-1616 no yes
2604 Mr. R. B. Gergens 929 LYNNVIEW CT. Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-1297 no yes
2607 Ms. Judith A. Kinlaw 930 ARNOLD RD Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-8114 no yes
2614 Mr. George W. Lachner 930-28 JETTON ST Charlotte NC 28207 (919) 555-8359 no yes
2615 Mr. Mark Lamar 9316 CHARLAIS LN Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0932 no yes
2625 Mr. Roland Markle 9316 CHARLAIS LN Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6349 no yes
2631 Mrs. Diane H. Marsh 940 JONES WYND Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-7594 no yes
2632 Mr. Drake Parker 940 JONES WYND Winston-Salem NC 27103 (919) 555-9501 no yes
2633 Mr. Mark Rector 9402 VOYAGERS WAY Gainesville GA 30501 (404) 555-7704 no no
2634 Mr. Martin Reese 9402 VOYAGERS WAY Concord NC 28025 (919) 555-0841 no yes
2638 Mr. Thomas Roger 9411 WILLOWGLEN TR Geneva IL 60134 (855) 555-1338 no no
2640 Mrs. Annette W. Waegerle 9411 WILLOWGLER TR Tallahassee FL 32312-3894 (855) 555-2223 no no
2641 Mr. Jeffrey S. Guerassio 9421 OWLS NEST DR Maggie Valley NC 28751 (919) 555-6036 no no
2643 Mrs. Elizabeth B. Amdahl 5721 S. W. 5TH STREET Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-1477 no yes
2645 Mr. Charles Browder 5449 WHITING AVE Trent Woods NC 28562-7533 (919) 555-7102 no yes
2647 Ms. Kathryn D. Gardner 5449 WHITING AVE Hampstead NC 28443 (919) 555-6213 yes yes
2651 Mr. Robert G. Gardner 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3888 no yes
2653 Ms. Nancy B. Gregg 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Greensboro NC 27403 (919) 555-2031 no yes
2663 Mr. Larry Gutierrez 5505 HARBOR GATE CT. Clermont FL 34714-8212 (855) 555-9314 yes no
2665 Mr. Joseph Hammett 5508 TARRYWOOD CT Henderson NC 27537 (919) 555-4807 no yes
2671 Mr. Brian Hultquist 5510 COBBLE GLEN Kenbridge VA 23944 (757) 555-4932 no no
2677 Mrs. Barbara Humphrey 5510 COBBLE GLEN Davidson NC 28036 (919) 555-4365 no yes
2678 Ms. Cavett H. Loy 5512 KILLARNEY HOPE RD. Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-8138 no yes
2683 Mr. Wayne Mazzei 5513 CROFTON AVE Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-8429 no no
2685 Mr. Eric W. Mitchell 5516 COMERSTAFF DR Taylorsville NC 28681 (919) 555-7832 no yes
2707 Ms. Catherine A. Parker 5524 ROBIN RIDGE RD Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-6393 no yes
2710 Ms. Lynn G. Parker 5608 WESLO WILLOW CIR – #318 Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-7322 no no
2715 Mrs. Gay Pond 555 WHISTLING SWAN DRIVE Greensboro NC 27407-7894 (919) 555-1391 no yes
2719 Mr. Alan Powell 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Raleigh NC 27627 (919) 555-9388 no no
2720 Mr. Frank Pramaggiore 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Bolivia NC 28422 (919) 555-2533 no no
2721 Mr. Patton G. Schmidt 566 KELLY RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3822 no yes
2728 Mr. Tomme T. Schmidt 5665 STEVENS DR. Salisbury NC 28144 (919) 555-0715 no yes
2731 Mr. Kevin Sigman 566 KELLY RD Hickory NC 28601 (919) 555-9744 no yes
2738 Ms. Alice Sigman 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-2287 no yes
2740 Ms. Ethel Dean Soper 5700 DUMFRIES DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6418 no yes
2743 Mr. John Steckenrider 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Raleigh NC 27619-7202 (919) 555-2233 no yes
2755 Dr. Lewis J. Thompson 5701 EDERTON CT Laurel Springs NC 28644-0085 (919) 555-1740 no yes
2756 Mr. George VEHRS 5704 WANDERLUST LN Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9357 no yes
2760 Ms. Lorraine H. Veil 5716 OAK BLUFF LN High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-4970 no yes
2761 Mr. E. Louis Veil 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Shelby NC 28150 (919) 555-5187 no no
2765 Mr. Peter A. Weber 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Asheville NC 28804 (919) 555-3336 no yes
2767 Mr. Fred Gregory 5718 WINDWARD CT Virginia Beach VA 23451 (757) 555-9783 no no
2777 Mrs. Sandy L. Hagen 5404 ISLEHURST CT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8986 no yes
2779 Mr. Sammy Hefner 5407 WINTERS WAY Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1793 no yes
2782 Dr. Robert R. Morgan 5417 Rock Holly Ct Kennesaw GA 30152 (404) 555-6884 yes no
2783 Mr. James Morton 5419 HEDGECREST PL Chesnee SC 29323-9125 (855) 555-0523 no no
2786 Ms. Mary W. Neely 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Greensboro NC 27403 (919) 555-3170 no no
2787 Mr. Tom Neese 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Julian NC 27283 (919) 555-1771 no yes
2793 Dr. Hillel Ransdell 5420 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-7968 no yes
2795 Ms. Cynthia Waters 5425 DANA DR APT B Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-2913 no yes
2798 Mrs. Deborah E. Williford 5432 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-6978 no no
2801 Ms. Dollie Pattyson 5444 PINE TOP CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5271 no yes
2804 Mrs. Kathleen SEALANDER 525 E. JONES ST Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4940 no yes
2810 Ms. Ann M. Walton 524 BAY COVE LN Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-3827 yes yes
2824 Mr. Raymond H. Lombard 5244 CREED DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2086 no yes
2826 Mrs. Ann Garris 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0323 no yes
2827 Mr. David T. Hauser 4708 SHADOW RIDGE COURT Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-4424 no yes
2832 Mr. Alan Jorn 4712 ARCHER DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6937 no yes
2842 Mr. Roger Schmitt 4712 Archer Drive Springfield OR 97478-9663 (855) 555-7974 no no
2857 Ms. Carolyn Willis Rothlisberger Raleigh NC 27612-7361 (919) 555-7729 no yes
2858 Mrs. Cornelia L. Shive 4729 BROOKTREE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1036 no yes
2865 Mr. Jeffrey S. Tucker 4731 JAMESFORD DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4139 no yes
2874 Mrs. Claire B. Thompson 4740 FOREST HIGHLAND DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1538 no yes
2891 Thompson 424 MCPHEE DRIVE RTP NC 27709 (919) 555-8571 no no
2892 Dr. Martin Hollar 4234 MASONBORO LOOP RD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-8912 no yes
2903 Ms. Susan Holmes 922 POTOMOC DR Louisburg NC 27549 (919) 555-4847 no yes
2906 Mr. Steve Kraska 922-41ST ST Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-1758 no yes
2911 Mr. Robert L. Kraska 924 VILLA DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4057 no yes
2912 Mr. J. Drakulic 9228 LIGON CT Moncks Corner SC 29461 (855) 555-7308 no no
2920 Mrs. Priscilla Ann Fogleman 3643 HUYTON CT Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-5443 no yes
2922 Ms. Kathy L. Van Tassel 3687 WILLOW LAKE DRIVE Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-6426 yes yes
2923 Mr. David B. Barrett 3666 E LINKS CIR Greensboro NC 27408-5811 (919) 555-4163 no no
2931 Mr. Michael W. Colin 361 E. PALOMINO CT. Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-5784 no yes
2932 Mrs. Barbara R. Colin 3614 KIRBY SMITH DR Gloucester VA 23061-4310 (757) 555-2649 yes no
2933 Mr. Landis Smith 3614 KIRBY SMITH DR Benson NC 27504 (919) 555-9594 no yes
2954 Dr. Douglas I. Vought 3614 MORRIS FARM DR #1C Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3889 yes yes
2955 Ms. Karen M. Hess 3643 HUYTON CT Lincolnton NC 28092 (919) 555-0052 no yes
2961 Dr. Philip E. Hitchcock 3521 CARDINAL RIDGE DR. Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1243 yes yes
2964 Mr. Newell Miller 3522 BETHEL RD Bear Creek NC 27207-9382 (919) 555-0942 no no
2966 Mr. Redge Moore 3522 BETHEL RD Pfafftown NC 27040 (919) 555-0443 no no
2969 Ms. Sarah Reese 354 MILFORD RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8256 no yes
2972 Ms. Carolyn M. Seigman 354 MILFORD ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8351 no yes
2978 Dr. James W. Strader 2562 MANGUM AVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4622 no yes
2982 Ms. Irma B. Waters 2569 SOUTHBERRY PL Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5559 no yes
2986 Ms. Jacqueline H. Watts 9209 FOUR FARMS RD Raleigh NC 27607-3140 (919) 555-8284 no yes
2987 Mr. Robert Cauthen 922 POTOMAC DR Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-6307 yes yes
2988 Ms. Pamela J. HADDEN 241 MCGREGOR CIRCLE Seaford VA 23696 (757) 555-4074 no no
2993 Ms. Mary Regina Hoffman 2411 CARLFORD RD Ruffin NC 27326 (919) 555-4301 no yes
2995 Mr. Bill S. Nalepa 2415 OLD ST AUGUSTINE RD #1632 Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-2504 yes yes
3000 Mr. Cameron M. Burris 242 SHANNON DRIVE Charlotte NC 28222-0805 (919) 555-0535 no yes
3001 Mr. Edwin Chapman 208 PALASIDE DR. NE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-1338 no yes
3002 Mrs. Elizabeth Chappell 209 FODALE AVENUE Davidson NC 28036 (919) 555-5263 no no
3007 Mrs. Linda K. Coccarelli 208 S. THIRD ST Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0564 yes yes
3015 Mr. Wayne Holloway 209 LINDLEY RD – UNIT 11 Cary NC 27513-3046 (919) 555-9403 no yes
3029 Mr. Willard Holmberg 209 S. WILLIE ST Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-4606 no yes
3030 Ms. Pamela M. Puester 2101 MACON GLEN DR. Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-0085 no yes
3032 Mr. Everette F. McCombs 186 TRILLIUM PLACE Yadkinville NC 27055 (919) 555-5104 no yes
3035 Mr. Paul Gutierrez 18 BROOKGLEN DR Wilmington NC 28409 (919) 555-2095 no no
3038 Ms. Sarah Kibler 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Chapel Hill NC 27514-6635 (919) 555-6782 no yes
3041 Mrs. Betty K. Kieft 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-5833 no yes
3046 Ms. Susan Mortenson 5505 HARBOR GATE CT. Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5060 no yes
3052 Dr. Gerald Klein 5508 TARRYWOOD CT Raleigh NC 27608-1504 (919) 555-3251 no yes
3055 Mr. Blair May 534 ALBEMARLE ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-3206 no yes
3068 Mr. Robert Anderson 5392 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Pinehurst NC 28374 (919) 555-5811 yes yes
3072 Mrs. Marianne B. Anderson 5244 CREED DR High Point NC 27260 (919) 555-6152 no yes
3073 Ms. Margret Linn 524 BAY COVE LN Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-6537 no no
3074 Mr. Robert Peterson 4 ANCHORAGE PT Seneca SC 29678 (855) 555-2966 no no
3075 Mr. Brent Rector 1601 SHAMROCK DR Glouchester VA 23061 (757) 555-0017 no no
3082 Mr. Randy B. Anderson 1602 GEORGIA AVE Conover NC 28613 (919) 555-8148 no yes
3091 Mrs. Dale P. Carter 1600 PINE HOLLOW DRIVE Virginia Beach VA 23451-3810 (757) 555-3579 no no
3101 Mr. Anderson C. Schorschinsky 1600 S. Orlando Avenue Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8466 no yes
3105 Mr. Sylvester D. Bailey 1601 SHAMROCK DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1797 no yes
3126 Ms. Frances O. Bowker 15401 GREAT GLEN LANE Newport NC 28570 (919) 555-6560 no no
3129 Ms. Judith Bowker 1559 NIXONTON RD. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7743 no yes
3135 Mrs. Helen Bowland Jr. 15401 GREAT GLEN LANE Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-5518 no yes
3137 Ms. Nancy K. Eaton 15475 STONE HOLLOW DR. Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-3833 no yes
3139 Mr. Dan Ford 52 TURNPIKE RD Kingston WA 98346 (855) 555-8820 no no
3142 Ms. Kay Gainey 1562 BARKER RD Valle Crucis NC 28691 (919) 555-2717 no yes
3143 Mr. Bobby Held 1565 LAURELDALE DR Norwood NC 28128-7437 (919) 555-0742 no yes
3147 Mrs. Colleen Hoyle 1565 LAURELDALE DR Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-5613 no no
3163 Mr. John Keyes 15812 HAMPTON FALLS RD Rougemont NC 27572 (919) 555-3256 no yes
3172 Mr. Wayne Koster 15812 HAMPTON FALLS ROAD Newland NC 28657 (919) 555-8937 no no
3175 Ms. Marilyn Lunsford 159 PATRICK LN Raleigh NC 27612-4361 (919) 555-3302 no yes
3178 Mrs. Jean W. Luteman 1594 DAYBREAK RIDGE RD. Winston-Salem NC 27104-1148 (919) 555-4511 no no
3182 Mr. James R. Matson 159 PATRICK LN Lewisville NC 27023 (919) 555-9596 no yes
3189 Mrs. Lorette O. Matthews 15A FOUNTAIN MANOR DR Fayetteville NC 28303 (919) 555-0309 no yes
3193 Ms. Ilene Patten 15A FOUNTAIN MANOR DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1070 no yes
3201 Mr. Will Patten 1600 BEECHWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1515 no yes
3203 Mr. R. Fred SALEEBY 1600 BEECHWOOD DR Atlanta GA 30350 (404) 555-7712 no no
3205 Mr. Harold Sanders 1600 CHADMORE LANE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-2305 yes yes
3206 Ms. Laurie Snyder 1600 CHADMORE LANE Atlanta GA 30305-3679 (404) 555-9294 no no
3211 Mrs. Kathy S. Snyder 1600 DEERCROFT CT Lincolnton NC 28092 (919) 555-1497 no yes
3212 Mr. Harvey M. Hadden 1600 DEERCROFT COURT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1428 no no
3218 Mr. Robert D. Hansen 1521 BROWN RD. Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3661 no yes
3220 Dr. H. Robert Koenig 1521 WOOD SPRING CT. Raleigh NC 27606-2518 (919) 555-0646 no yes
3224 Mrs. Carolyn R. Lovelace 1531 COVERED WAGON ROAD Beaufort NC 28516 (919) 555-4179 no yes
3233 Mrs. Wava R. Lovin 154 HICKORY HILL LANE Winston-Salem NC 27104-3108 (919) 555-3608 no yes
3249 Ms. Betty R. Anthony 1531 COVERED WAGON ROAD High Point NC 27265 (919) 555-6727 no yes
3251 Mr. Thomas Armstrong 1506 SCALES ST Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-6854 no yes
3253 Mr. Leslie Bowen 1506 SCALES ST Cairo GA 31728 (404) 555-9599 no no
3254 Ms. Patricia Bumgarner 1507 CHESTNUT AVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7804 yes yes
3263 Ms. Nancy Bunge 1508 BURWICK RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-3445 no yes
3267 Ms. Lori Connelly 1508 BURWICK RD Cary NC 27511-5904 (919) 555-2382 no no
3273 Dr. James D. Conowall 1508 PAGAN RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1947 no yes
3275 Mrs. James B. Conrad 1509 BARLEY PL Lucama NC 27851 (919) 555-3792 no no
3285 Mr. T.J. Hart 1509 BARLEY PL Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-7023 no yes
3289 Mr. Fred Hartsell 151 PUDDIN RIDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8718 no yes
3292 Mr. Frank KING 151 PUDDIN RIDGE ROAD Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-9671 no yes
3301 Mrs. Roberta Lyerly 15105 SAVANNAH HTS Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-0932 no yes
3302 Mr. Donald R. Parks 1511 OAKDALE RD Stoneville NC 27048 (919) 555-9261 no no
3315 Mr. L. A. Parra 1513 COVEY LN Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-0854 no yes
3323 Ms. Wynona Riegel 1511 OAKDALE RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-8739 no yes
3329 Mr. Paul S. Riehm 1515 CAROMAR PL Boones Mill VA 24065 (757) 555-6168 no no
3330 Mr. James W. M. Smith 1515 CAROMAR PL Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9529 yes yes
3340 Mr. William A. Hemphill 152 GREEMONT LN Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-0598 no no
3352 Mr. Gary A. Hill 14404 YALE ST Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-2817 no yes
3355 Mrs. Beth Hill 145 COPPERHEAD Lane Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3516 no yes
3356 Dr. Richard G. Hoyle 14460 NEW FALLS OF NEUSE RD. Raleigh NC 27606-9027 (919) 555-4859 no yes
3367 Mrs. Frances Jones 14502 CABARRUS RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3538 no yes
3369 Mr. Horace Martin 14524 TAMERISK LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7563 no yes
3372 Mrs. Janice B. Martin 146 LAKEWOOD DR, #1106 Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-0464 no yes
3376 Mr. David Millius 146 LAKEWOOD DR, #1106 Willard NC 28478-7557 (919) 555-9441 no yes
3378 Mrs. Opal Misenheimer 1470 AZALEA DR Lexington NC 27292-5516 (919) 555-8318 yes yes
3380 Mr. Ozzie W. Murray 1500 LAFAYETTE CT Marietta GA 30062 (404) 555-9799 no no
3395 Mrs. Shirley Rader 1500 LAFAYETTE CT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6908 no yes
3399 Mr. Dwayne Sprecher 1502 PECH ROAD #8 Waynesboro VA 22980 (757) 555-5949 no no
3401 Mr. Gregory Vittoe 1503 BRANCH ST NW Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-1242 no yes
3427 Mrs. Margaret Vittoe 1505 BRIDGETWON COURT Raleigh NC 27612-2356 (919) 555-1021 no yes
3433 Mr. William Amato 1504 VALLEY RUN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5368 yes yes
3436 Dr. Laura Bolog 1416 RAY SUGGS PL Madison WI 53719 (855) 555-2759 no no
3439 Ms. Gail B. Conner 1425 HOLT RD Plano TX 75023-5774 (855) 555-6854 yes no
3441 Mr. Kevin Conner 1433 CHESTER RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-8575 no yes
3444 Dr. Kathie E. Hales 1427 KEITH COURT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1068 no yes
3448 Mrs. Adele L. King 14356 MACLAUREN LN Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0085 yes yes
3450 Dr. Kenneth S. King 144 LONG RIDGE DRIVE Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-9426 no yes
3452 Mr. Edward Pratt 14356 MACLAUREN LN Durham NC 27712-1030 (919) 555-8597 no yes
3455 Mr. Daniel G. Adams 144 LONG RIDGE DRIVE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6880 no yes
3460 Mrs. Rosemary A. Benda 1317 OPEN FIELD DRIVE Des Moines IA 50321 (855) 555-1311 no no
3464 Dr. Barrett Coleman 132 GARRITT ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0206 no no
3468 Mr. Scott Davis 132 GARRITT STREET Greensboro NC 27401 (919) 555-5753 no yes
3475 Dr. Charles R. Englander 13231 MINT LAKE DR Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-2436 no yes
3476 Ms. Pauline Forrest 1332 BEAUFORD DRIVE Charlotte NC 28226 (919) 555-0435 no no
3482 Dr. Arthur Freeman 1332 BEAUFORD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4022 yes yes
3494 Ms. Mary J. Freismuth 1333 N MEBANE ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9475 no yes
3498 Mrs. Olivia Galligan 1333 N MEBANE ST Henderson NC 27536 (919) 555-4968 no yes
3500 Mrs. Sara J. Galvin 1335 N. NC 87 Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-6999 no yes
3501 Ms. Betty P. Gibbons 136 WESTVIEW DR Chapel Hill NC 27515-4150 (919) 555-6826 no yes
3502 Mr. Thomas S. Gibney 1381 EASTFIELD DR Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-8417 no no
3511 Mr. Phil Gray 136 WESTVIEW DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0628 no yes
3538 Ms. Virgie C. Hall 1381 EASTFIELD DRIVE Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-6299 no yes
3543 Mrs. Jennette Harris 13837 ECHO PARK CIR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0818 no yes
3546 Mrs. Mary Neely Harris 140 NE 18TH STREET Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8859 no yes
3548 Mrs. Susan Hayden 14 GREENHAVEN BAY Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-5920 no yes
3549 Mrs. Joan Inzerillo 1400 BOSTON ROAD Stoneville NC 27048-8484 (919) 555-7041 yes no
3551 Ms. Nelsa Mead 1400 BOSTON ROAD Fuquay-Varina NC 27526-0097 (919) 555-1442 no yes
3556 Ms. Doris Michael 1400 MORNINGSIDE DR Prospect KY 40059-9485 (855) 555-0905 no no
3560 Mr. Edmund T. Michelena 1400 WHITMAN DR NW Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3876 yes yes
3571 Mr. Stephen Miller 1400 MORNINGSIDE DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-9085 no yes
3578 Mrs. Sherri Miller 1401 MOORESVILLE ROAD Cary NC 27511-5904 (919) 555-1142 no yes
3580 Mrs. Marilynn Opper 1401 DIXIE TRAIL Atlanta GA 30309 (404) 555-2525 no no
3594 Mr. Mark Ordelt 1402 PARAMORE DR Salem OR 97301-9242 (855) 555-9704 no no
3597 Mr. Thomas A. Oriti 1402 WOODSIDE DR Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-3367 no yes
3602 Dr. Charles L. Owens 1402 PARAMORE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7514 no yes
3604 Ms. Anita Pace 1402 WOODSIDE DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1663 no yes
3609 Mrs. Annetta H. Pack 1409 KESWICK DR Annapolis MD 21402 (855) 555-1084 no no
3622 Mrs. Terrie Peoples 1404 MAPLE ST Winston-Salem NC 27101-5293 (919) 555-2235 no yes
3625 Mrs. Emily Pipan 1409 KESWICK DR Thomasville NC 27360 (919) 555-4878 no yes
3631 Mr. Jack R. Richardson 141 CHEYENNE TR Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-2091 no yes
3635 Mrs. Amelia P. Voelker 1411 CAMERON WOODS DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2032 no yes
3636 Mr. Bryce Yount 1412 KESWICK DR CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-9025 no no
3637 Mrs. Beth Williams 1412 KESWICK DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0242 no yes
3643 Mr. James Abreu 1316 AMY LEE TRAIL Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-5257 no yes
3648 Mr. Richard Elliott Anderson 12520 PECAN HILL CT Raleigh NC 27617 (919) 555-1644 no yes
3653 Mr. Charles T. Blanks 12520 PECAN HILL CT Hendersonville NC 28792-2842 (919) 555-4685 no yes
3656 Mr. Todd Brady 1257 TULA LAMBERT RD Colfax NC 27235 (919) 555-4150 no no
3659 Mr. William Brady 128 CEDAR PT BLVD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4867 no yes
3664 Ms. Gisela Brady 12619 HEADQUARTERS FARM RD. Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-1688 no yes
3668 Mr. George W. Burnette 1257 TULA LAMBERT RD Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-9513 no yes
3669 Mrs. Linda Lamm Davis 128 S. LEXINGTON AVE Wilmington NC 28403 (919) 555-4314 no yes
3671 Mr. Herbert Davis 12881 COYOTE RUN Statesville NC 28677 (919) 555-9855 yes yes
3673 Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon Dzus 128 S. LEXINGTON AVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8484 no yes
3685 Ms. Elizabeth B. Earp 129 North 3rd AVE Lumberton NC 28358-5578 (919) 555-8827 no yes
3696 Mr. Wyatt Feagin 12881 COYOTE RUN Kernersville NC 27284 (919) 555-0126 no yes
3698 Mr. Jim C. Goeckerman 12930 Brisgstock Ct Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-0107 yes yes
3712 Dr. Ronald A. Gray 12930 Brisgstock Ct Birmingham AL 35216 (855) 555-0960 no no
3720 Ms. Susan Greene 13 MANOR DR #7 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7007 no yes
3724 Dr. Elizabeth Maxted 130 PLANETREE LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4990 no yes
3729 Mr. B. Frank McCauley 1300 BIRD DOG CT Richmond VA 23225 (757) 555-4103 no no
3751 Ms. Mary McCombs 1300 BIRD DOG CT. Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9052 no yes
3752 Mr. Lembit McIntire 1300 VELVET CT Charlottesville VA 22901 (757) 555-8765 no no
3755 Ms. Betsy Reibert 1301 N. ELAM AVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8938 no yes
3758 Mr. George A. Reid 1301 YOUNGS MILL RD Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-4701 no no
3759 Mrs. Ruth F. SEALANDER 1301 N. ELAM AVENUE Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-0520 yes yes
3763 Ms. Karen Smith 1301 YOUNGS MILL RD Mount Airy NC 27030 (919) 555-2633 no no
3766 Ms. Elsa C. Snipes 1308 INDEPENDENCE BLVD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-7190 no yes
3767 Ms. Grey White 1308 INDEPENDENCE BLVD Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-5249 no yes
3770 Ms. Patricia Wuenscher 1309 SHELLEY RD Waxhaw NC 28173 (919) 555-1580 no yes
3781 Mr. Mack Briscoe 1316 AMY LEE TRAIL Raleigh NC 27602-1448 (919) 555-0923 no yes
3782 Ms. Barbara Lee Caves 1208 MAPLE AVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4670 no yes
3793 Mr. Peter Chesson 1208 MAPLE AVE Asheville NC 28803 (919) 555-0341 no yes
3796 Mr. Robert Eichler 1209 BARKSDALE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-6496 no yes
3798 Mr. Paul R. Eure 1210 PINCKNEY ST Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-8369 no yes
3801 Mr. Gregory Fick 1210 PINCKNEY ST. VA Beach VA 23456 (757) 555-9310 yes no
3806 Ms. Marie Hallsey 12108 WARWICKSHIRE WAY (855) 555-3801 no no
3808 Mrs. Dee Hefner 12108 WARWICKSHIRE WAY Tarboro NC 27886 (919) 555-0836 no yes
3811 Dr. Walker Heuer 1211 S. ANDREWS AVE. Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-1309 no yes
3828 Ms. Mary Lib Hines 1212 CLINTON RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3990 no yes
3835 Mr. Harry R. Hoss 1212 LITTLE LAKE RD Clemmons NC 27012-8636 (919) 555-8851 no yes
3850 Mr. Don Hott 1214 QUEENS ISLAND COURT Georgetown SC 29440 (855) 555-8072 no no
3851 Ms. Jeanne T. Hoyle 12124 WARWICKSHIRE PARK Woodside CA 94062 (855) 555-6967 no no
3855 Mr. Leon Hoysler 1220 LOCKCARRON LN El Campo TX 77437 (855) 555-2118 yes no
3856 Mr. Leon Hyatt 1220 LOCKCARRON LN Park Hill OK 74451 (855) 555-9313 no no
3857 Mr. John L. Kebschull 12204 QUEENSBRIDGE CT Mobjack VA 23118 (757) 555-3996 no no
3858 Mr. Alan Klotzberger 1224 STONE CREEK WAY Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-7979 yes yes
3865 Mr. Tom MacAdam 1227 GENEVA ALBRIGHT RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5390 yes yes
3866 Dr. Sandy Madden 1227 GENEVA ALBRIGHT RD Raleigh NC 27699 (919) 555-0731 no no
3878 Robert H. Madritch 123 DEEP POND ROAD Newton Grove NC 28366 (919) 555-4096 no no
3880 Ms. Martha S. Matthews 123 DEEP POND LANE Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-3583 no no
3881 Mr. Gus Mazzei 123 DEEP POND LANE Charlotte NC 28210 (919) 555-9086 no yes
3884 Mrs. Caroline McAskill 123 West Elm Street Greensboro NC 27408-7532 (919) 555-0839 no yes
3885 Mr. Bernard A. McLean 1230 RACOON CT Raleigh NC 27609-4619 (919) 555-8596 no yes
3888 Col. Richard E. Neely 12316 GALWAY DRIVE Goldsboro NC 27534 (919) 555-3683 no yes
3890 Dr. Tift Powell 12317 CHASTAIN DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5594 no yes
3897 Ms. Sarah D.S. Powell 1236 TOMMIES DRIVE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1043 no yes
3906 Dr. Donna F. Riddle 12317CHASTAIN DR Carrboro NC 27510-1107 (919) 555-6440 no yes
3914 Dr. Leroy Rieck 12410 MADELEY LN Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0233 yes no
3915 Mr. Harold L. Rosko 1236 TOMMIES DRIVE High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-5450 no no
3917 Ms. Sarah Ross 12411 OLYMPIC CLUB DR. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0545 no yes
3918 Ms. Marilee Sipe 12411 OLYMPIC CLUB DR. Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-2460 no no
3928 Mr. Tommy Stroud 12412 BRANDON HALL RD Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-5893 no yes
3930 Mr. John Stroud Jr. 12417 NORWOOD ROAD Cumming GA 30040-9195 (404) 555-6414 no no
3939 Mrs. Kathy Strunk 12412 BRANDON HALL ROAD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1749 no yes
3945 Ms. Catherine Hadden 1600 DEERCROFT CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4640 no yes
3950 Mr. Terry G. Tolliver 1242 FARMFIELD RD Atlanta GA 30318-1022 (404) 555-9551 no no
3967 Mr. Edd Tomlinson 12432 CANOLDER ST Mount Airy NC 27030 (919) 555-0002 no yes
3971 Mrs. Drane V. Vockeroth 1242 FARMFIELD RD Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-1561 no yes
3981 Mr. Scott Wiseman 125 BOBBY DR Cary NC 27512 (919) 555-8068 yes yes
3982 Mr. Bill Woolard 125 BOBBY DR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-3651 no no
3983 Ms. Mary Wray 12508 BOONE HALL CT Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-9734 no yes
3989 Mr. Patrick Haar 12508 BOONE HALL CT Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-8323 no no
3992 Ms. Joann Haddow-Green 120 SUBURBAN AVENUE High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-8952 no yes
3994 Ms. Hope Hicks Jr. 1200 CARLOS DR, APT 310 Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4887 yes yes
4004 Mrs. Mary J. Hilbinger 1200 S. MISSOURI AVE APT 130 Wilmington NC 28409 (919) 555-1190 no no
4005 Dr. Michael B. Ketner 1200 CENTRAL DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0383 no yes
4010 Ms. Evelyn M. Lee 1200 WOODACRE CIRCLE Charleston SC 29401 (855) 555-7036 no no
4015 Ms. Caroline K. Lee 1201 ASHTON HOLLOW DR High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-9173 no no
4016 Ms. Deborah Lewis 1200 WOODACRE CIRCLE Willow Spring NC 27592 (919) 555-0862 no yes
4018 Ms. Betty A. Lewis 1201 LANE STREET Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4059 no yes
4020 Dr. John Rasmussen 1201 DUPLIN ROAD Asheville NC 28803 (919) 555-0064 no yes
4023 Mr. Henry W. Stephenson 1201 PICCADILLY DR Knoxville TN 37919 (855) 555-0703 yes no
4027 Ms. Marilyn A. Stewart 1203 COLUMBUS CIR APT A Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-7182 no yes
4034 Ms. Lillian L. Stith 1203 KINGSBROOK RD Charlotte NC 28207 (919) 555-1991 no no
4036 Mr. Claude E. Stitzer 1204 FAIRFAX WOODS DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5548 no yes
4038 Mr. Ross Streba 1203 KINGSBROOK RD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-2477 no yes
4039 Mrs. Carol Lynn THOMPSON 1207 COPAS RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1318 no no
4041 Mr. Thurman Willis 1207 COPAS RD Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-6259 no no
4042 Mrs. Foil Willis 1208 FAIRFAX DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5992 no yes
4045 Mr. Ralph Baker 1207 SHACKLETON RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4713 no yes
4047 Ms. Mary Baker 1133 THERESA COURT Raleigh NC 27629 (919) 555-6662 yes yes
4050 Ms. Lois Baker 11307 BALDY HILL ROAD Durham NC 27704 (919) 555-3361 yes yes
4056 Ms. Rosalind Bays 113 PENNY RD Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-0620 no yes
4060 Ms. Betty Bursian 1133 THERESA CT Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-0635 no yes
4071 Ms. Julie Capps 1136 ERINS WAY LN Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-9070 no yes
4075 Mr. James Foss 1137 CHILMARK AVE Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-3269 no yes
4076 Mrs. Frances J. Foster 1137 CHILMARK AVE Godley TX 76044 (855) 555-9120 no no
4077 Dr. Robert L. Hanck 114 BRIARCLIFF RD. Winston-Salem NC 27106-3522 (919) 555-8959 no yes
4078 Mr. Rob Hanck 115 JAY MATTHEWS LANE Yadkinville NC 27055 (919) 555-7822 no no
4080 Ms. Joyce Hopkins 114 SILVERWOOD LN Kitty Hawk NC 27949 (919) 555-8775 no no
4085 Mr. John Johnson 115 MAIN STREET Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9228 no yes
4091 Dr. L. P. Kelly 11501 BURBERRY DR High Point NC 27260 (919) 555-8829 no no
4092 Mr. Guy Kelly 116 KELSEY CT New Hill NC 27562 (919) 555-9126 yes yes
4095 Mr. Larry Kelly 1155 MISTYWOOD LANE Charlotte NC 28205 (919) 555-4157 yes yes
4105 Ms. Rita N. Layman 11501 BURBERRY DR Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-1464 yes yes
4115 Dr. Assad Lenz 116 PECAN LANE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1113 no yes
4121 Mrs. Margaret A. LEWIS 116 W. GALE STREET Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-8246 no no
4127 Mr. Carlton Miller 116 W. GALE STREET Raleigh NC 27613-5455 (919) 555-9903 no yes
4133 Dr. Carolyn Rae Mitchell 1165 GREENBRIAR DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2444 no yes
4141 Mrs. Gail Boulton Mitchell 117 GATES DRIVE Greensboro NC 27408-5601 (919) 555-7541 no yes
4153 Mr. Don Morrison 1165 GREENBRIAR DRIVE La Grange NC 28551 (919) 555-4926 no yes
4163 Mrs. Katherine C. Muhlbach 117 GATES DRIVE Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-5435 no yes
4168 Mrs. Zermeena M. Olson 117 GREEN VALLEY RD Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-7104 yes yes
4175 Mrs. Cynthia Opgrand 117 MAYPOP Atlanta GA 30309-3518 (404) 555-0257 no no
4176 Mr. Mark Owens 117 MAYPOP LN Oak Ridge TN 37830 (855) 555-6702 no no
4177 Mrs. Georgia Remaklus 117 MOHICAN TRAIL Rocky Mt. NC 27804 (919) 555-6857 no yes
4184 Dr. Thomas Sanders 1180 BOWMER CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4028 no yes
4187 Dr. John Shoffner 1180 BOWMER CT Bahama NC 27503 (919) 555-0979 no yes
4193 Ms. Paige Silveri 119 ROSE ST Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-3494 no yes
4212 Ms. Cecelia Simmel 11904 LITTLE STONEY CT. Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8163 no yes
4220 Mr. George P. Suggs 119 ROSE ST Chapel Hill NC 27514-3924 (919) 555-2648 yes yes
4222 Mr. James D. Sullivan 11907 HARRIS RIDGE RD Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-7543 no no
4233 Mr. Dan Walker 12 NORTH 6TH ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1530 no yes
4234 Robert E Whisnant 12 NORTH 6TH STREET Athens GA 30606 (404) 555-0191 no no
4235 Mrs. Caroline Whitaker 12 PALMETTO DR Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-8164 no yes
4243 Mrs. Betty W. Whitner 12 YAUPON WAY Monroe NC 28112 (919) 555-3701 no yes
4249 Mr. Laddie Wilkins 120 FOREST RIDGE DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3202 no yes
4255 Mrs. Linda Yale 120 FOREST RIDGE DR Rose Hill NC 28458 (919) 555-7867 no yes
4265 Mrs. Frances H. York 120 FOREST RIDGE DR Raleigh NC 27607-4031 (919) 555-5872 no yes
4272 Mr. John H. Hillary 120 STONEMARK CT Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-2031 yes yes
4273 Mrs. Greg Hillary 112 TWIN OAKS PLACE Durham NC 27708 (919) 555-4722 no yes
4284 Mr. Brian Kessler 1115 MCLAUGHLIN DR Mooresville NC 28115 (919) 555-2007 no yes
4285 Ms. Carol J. Montaperto 1122 BIRCH TREE WAY Chapin SC 29036-7721 (855) 555-0508 no no
4296 Mr. Gary See 1129 W CONANT ST Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-6109 no no
4299 Ms. Lindsay Thorpe 1129 W CONANT ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6054 no yes
4300 Mr. Mac Tyrrell 113 BROOKSHIRE AVENUE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5773 yes yes
4305 Mrs. Diana Healey 113 EASTWAY LANE Gainesville VA 20155 (757) 555-8056 no no
4311 Ms. Janice P. Healey 1110 OLIVE CHAPEL RD Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-2503 no yes
4312 Mrs. Rachel Taylor 111 SPRINGWAY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9338 no yes
4319 Mr. Alex Taylor 1115 MCLAUGHLIN DR Blacksburg VA 24060 (757) 555-6769 no no
4331 Dr. Ray PACKER 1115 Council Street Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6388 no yes
4332 Mrs. Jeanette Paff 111 SPRINGWAY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0501 no yes
4339 Mr. Charles G. Bernesser 111 SE 29TH STREET Natural Bridge Sta. VA 24579 (757) 555-1538 yes no
4340 Ms. Rebecca S. Greeson 414 EDGEWOOD CIRCLE Asheville NC 28804 (919) 555-6811 no yes
4343 Ms. Allison R. Lamoreux 414 EDGEWOOD CIR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1968 no yes
4344 Mrs. Marjorie A. Waegerle 4132 WHITNEY PL Burlington NC 27215-8737 (919) 555-2673 no yes
4347 Mrs. Beverly Huggins 414 BLACKBEARD ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8046 yes yes
4354 Mrs. Karen Nowell Hulslander 52 TURNPIKE RD Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-0745 no yes
4357 Mr. Jim Philbeck 4122 ROMAINE ST Henderson NC 27537 (919) 555-8548 yes yes
4358 Mr. Jonathan Keehn 4126 BARRETT DR. Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-0163 yes yes
4361 Mr. Thad W. McDonald 412 FAYETTEVILLE AVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6634 no yes
4366 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Kowalski 412 EAST FOX ROAD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5773 no yes
4369 Mrs. Marjorie Neal 4118 ENCHANTED LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1640 no yes
4370 Mrs. Nancy C. Weisner 105 CANTERFIELD ROAD Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-2841 yes yes
4371 Mr. Brian David Klimek 104 LITTLE RIVER DRIVE Virginia Beach VA 23464-7126 (757) 555-3866 no no
4375 Mrs. Tina Kline 4746 LUDWELL BRANCH CT. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-4049 no yes
4377 Chancellor James L. Miller 4746 PORT LOOP RD SE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5356 no yes
4381 Mrs. Sheila Hale Sink 477 WOODBURY COURT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0501 no yes
4382 Mr. Paul Ormsby 477 WOODBURY COURT Hickory NC 28601 (919) 555-1858 no yes
4383 Dr. Elpenor R. Fitzgerald 403 THE CAPE BLVD. (855) 555-8149 no no
4387 Rita Braun 2709 HEATTER AVENUE Raleigh NC 27622 (919) 555-5824 no yes
4388 Mrs. Pat Bays 180 JONES IAN TRAIL Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6191 yes yes
4396 Ms. Janice Brett 2705 WYCLIFF RD Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-7022 no yes
4400 Mr. David Brewbaker 2708 MOORSFIELD CT Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-5015 no yes
4401 Dr. Robert Brigman 2707 E OAK ISLAND RD San Francisco CA 94702 (855) 555-8116 no no
4402 Ms. Georgia B. Dunn 2707 E OAK ISLAND RD High Point NC 27262-4585 (919) 555-6931 no yes
4409 Mr. James C. Lovick 2708 MOORSFIELD CT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2154 no yes
4410 Dr. Michael R. Smith 2709 HEATTER AVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8045 no yes
4417 Mr. John Snipes 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612-4378 (919) 555-0056 no yes
4429 Mr. Robert Cline 5701 EDERTON CT Melfa VA 23410 (757) 555-5609 no no
4430 Mr. Arthur D. Dunston 5419 HEDGECREST PL Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2438 no yes
4436 Mr. Alton Holt 1725 2ND AVE SW, APT 119 Elm City NC 27822 (919) 555-5487 no no
4439 Mr. Douglas S. King 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9892 no no
4444 Mrs. Matilda M. Feagin 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-0709 no yes
4445 Ms. Shirley FEAGINS 525 EAST JONES STREET Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9438 no yes
4448 Mr. David W. Holmes 525 E. JONES ST Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-0549 no yes
4449 Dr. Clifford Holmes 5278 BEECHMONT DR Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-9296 no yes
4452 Ms. Diana Dalton 525 WADE AVE #50 Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-1969 no yes
4454 Mr. Chris Panos 408 BROOK CREEK DRIVE Apex NC 27523-5003 (919) 555-7294 no yes
4457 Ms. Robin D. Parker 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Raleigh N.C. 27607 (855) 555-5479 no no
4459 Ms. Kim Ellington_Boynton 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5508 no yes
4467 Ms. Mary Belle Elliot 407 DANTON DR Raleigh NC 27603-3105 (919) 555-8259 yes yes
4482 Mr. Richard Arrington 407 DANTON DR Locustville VA 23404 (757) 555-6806 no no
4491 Mrs. Margaret M. Arthofer 408 BROOK CREEK DRIVE Franklinton NC 27525 (919) 555-4883 no no
4494 Mr. Tom Bouchelle 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-2920 no yes
4495 Mr. Kenneth Bouknight 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Raleigh NC 27603-2673 (919) 555-9049 yes yes
4497 Ms. Melissa Richards 4095 FAIRWAY DR Raleigh NC 27608-2307 (919) 555-9450 no yes
4504 Mr. Roy H. Richardson 409HAIG DR Winston-Salem NC 27101 (919) 555-7375 no no
4505 Mr. James C. Shipton 410 R.L. HONEYCUTT DR Garner NC 27529-0155 (919) 555-2828 no yes
4510 Mr. Willie Strickland 410 R.L. HONNEYCUTT DR Raleigh NC 27603-8819 (919) 555-7125 no yes
4515 Mr. Michael F. Dupree 4100 USHW 29N #230 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2254 no yes
4518 Ms. Rebecca L. Dysart 4102 APPLETON RD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-4667 no yes
4523 Mr. Jesse Jones 4102 APPLETON ROAD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3792 no yes
4525 Dr. Thomas O. Jordan 4102 LEAFMORE ST Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0481 no yes
4527 Mr. Mark Padgett Talley 4102 LEAFMORE STREET Colfax NC 27235 (919) 555-5794 no yes
4529 Mr. Paxton Page 4104 FRATERNITY CT Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-5129 no no
4534 Ms. Julie Beckelhimer 4104 FRATERNITY CT Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-4236 no yes
4544 Ms. Elizabeth Beddard 25212 WATERBRIDGE CT New Bern NC 28562-4905 (919) 555-9405 no yes
4546 Dr. Walter Davidson Dew 25212 WATERBRIDGE CT Greensboro NC 27410-6078 (919) 555-0678 no yes
4567 Ms. Grace Wilkinson 2527 COSTMARY LANE, Unit 2 Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-0467 no yes
4569 Mrs. Linda Wilkinson 2534 BRANDT FOREST CT. Carrollton VA 23314-2419 (757) 555-3544 no no
4575 Ms. Betty A. Wunderlich 2530 MEDWAY DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-6009 yes yes
4579 Ms. Shirley T. Wurn 2562 MANGUM AVE High Point NC 27265 (919) 555-5014 no yes
4587 Mr. Charles A. Alphin 2536 EASTBROOK DR Raleigh NC 27619-8009 (919) 555-8335 no yes
4595 Mr. Robert Alphin 103 MEADOWGLADES LN Easley SC 29642 (855) 555-8492 no no
4596 Mr. Ken Hooft 103 LANDON LN. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1989 no yes
4599 Mr. Edward Harris 4525 SAGEDALE DR. Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6430 no yes
4602 Mrs. Mary Ann Kern 4512 SOMERSWORTH DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1227 no no
4605 Mr. Gregory Moser 4517 DEAN DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6752 no yes
4608 Mr. Lawrence B. Moser 4517 DEAN DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5617 no yes
4610 Mr. Robert L. Payne 4517 DEAN DR Greenwich NJ 08323 (855) 555-8910 no no
4617 Mr. Norris Steffen 4521 TOWER RD Creedmoor NC 27522-9710 (919) 555-5545 no yes
4624 Ms. Loleta K. Womble 4524 VITEX STREET Princeton NC 27569 (919) 555-4588 no no
4625 Mr. Kim Adair 4524 VITEX STREET New Hill NC 27562 (919) 555-8227 no yes
4631 Ms. Sandra Adams 4317 GALLATREE LN Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-6646 no yes
4632 Mr. James Agner 4317 GALLATREE LN Raleigh NC 27612-2653 (919) 555-8931 no yes
4636 Mrs. Charlotte Ahrens 4320 OMNI PL Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1800 no yes
4643 Ms. Gerry Coccarelli 4320 OMNI PL Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0039 no yes
4650 Mrs. Donaldine J. Dahl 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Burlington NC 27215 (919) 555-1942 no no
4651 Ms. Elizabeth C. Hines 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-7425 no yes
4652 Mrs. Mary Jo Hinkley 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Kinston NC 28504 (919) 555-0628 no yes
4653 Mr. John S. Houser 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-7083 no yes
4658 Mr. Austin K. Hudgins 440 DOGWOOD RD Raleigh NC 27613-4208 (919) 555-1922 no yes
4661 Ms. Louise P. Jenkins 4405 OMNI PLACE Matthews NC 28106 (919) 555-2427 no no
4663 Mr. Mike Johannesen 4405 OMNI PLACE Parkton NC 28371 (919) 555-6112 no yes
4670 Mr. Tom Johannesen 4410 GREEN FOREST DR Raleigh NC 27675 (919) 555-7361 no yes
4678 Dr. Suzanne Johnson 4405 OMNI PLACE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1746 no yes
4679 Ms. Kathleen Oates 4411 HALSTEAD DRIVE Charlotte NC 28211 (919) 555-9273 no yes
4685 Ms. Freda B. Pence 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR New Bern NC 28560-4910 (919) 555-8620 yes yes
4690 Mrs. Linda Petrie 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-6851 no no
4705 Mr. Keith Ratanaphruks 4414 WESTBOURNE RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2278 no no
4708 Mr. William Roth 442 SEMMES DR Wilson NC 27893-0929 (919) 555-0429 yes no
4710 Mr. W. Kenan Sanford 442 SEMMES DR Durham NC 27715-2627 (919) 555-9400 no no
4711 Mr. Robert G. Townsend 4444 LLOYD CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7751 no yes
4712 Mr. Tom Tucker 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Arden NC 28704 (919) 555-3546 yes yes
4713 Dr. John L. Wehrle 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Charlotte NC 28210 (919) 555-8129 yes yes
4719 Ms. Kathe Widnes 4501 BRAMTON RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4204 no yes
4720 Mr. William Balliet 4501 BRAMTON RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2555 yes yes
4722 Mr. Lanny Bancroft 4303 KINGSLAND DR Holt MO 64048 (855) 555-5102 no no
4724 Dr. Graham Hayes 4304 FORWALT PLACE Greensboro NC 27410-3242 (919) 555-2027 no yes
4727 Mr. Frederick H Headinger 4304 FORWALT PLACE Springfield PA 19064-1006 (855) 555-6128 no no
4738 Mrs. Mary A. Lenz 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-3137 no yes
4742 Ms. Kathleen L. Messer 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Norfolk VA 23505 (757) 555-7630 no no
4751 Dr. Paul A. Waynick 4305 WOOD VALLEY DRIVE Oxford NC 27565 (919) 555-9097 no yes
4759 Mr. Bernie Agner 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0652 no yes
4761 Mr. Sherrill Agner 43 MONTAGUE PLACE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-5507 no yes
4763 Mrs. Alexandra Persson 429 STAR HILL DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0842 no yes
4764 Mr. William F. P. Stafford 4201 MAIN ST APT 208 Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1869 no yes
4773 Mr. Curtis R. Stallings 4201 N MAIN ST Cary NC 27511-4390 (919) 555-9320 no yes
4778 Ms. Millie Holzhauzer 4201 N. MAIN ST APT #206 Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5255 no no
4785 Mr. Jimmy Wells 4146 AMBLESTONE WAY Princeton NC 27569 (919) 555-7434 no yes
4796 Mr. Theadore G. Mullis 4152-B BREEZEWOOD DRIVE Mountain Home NC 28758 (919) 555-7279 no no
4797 Mr. James B. Beard 3601 SWANN DR Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-1692 no yes
4798 Mr. Edward Beaver 2601 CHURCHILL DR Raleigh NC 27613-1036 (919) 555-7019 no no
4803 Ms. Sallie W. Bipes 2604 ISAAC DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1646 yes yes
4806 Mr. Michael Bunn 2606 MIMOSA PLACE Winston-Salem NC 27107 (919) 555-4853 no no
4811 Mr. Rudy Y. Van Hoy 2607 HILL-N’DALE DR Hurdle Mills NC 27541 (919) 555-8704 no yes
4820 Dr. George E. Van Tassel 261 CATHI LN Burlington NC 27215 (919) 555-0465 no yes
4823 Ms. Cheryl Brown 2607 HILL-N’DALE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3730 no yes
4826 Mrs. Jane Diehl 2320 ROCKLANE DRIVE Salisbury NC 28147 (919) 555-0777 no yes
4830 Mrs. Nancy Council Dienes 232 FOREST POND ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5452 no yes
4831 Mrs. Deborah D. Hopping 2311 W VANDALIA RD Pittsburgh PA 15206 (855) 555-4445 no no
4845 Mrs. Mary P. Horan 2324 41ST STREET APT 138 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1110 no yes
4850 Ms. Ellen McClarren 2328 RUSTIC TR Glen Ridge NJ 07028 (855) 555-1219 no no
4852 Ms. Wyndham McClarren 23432 CANDOLER STREET Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-9000 no no
4857 Mrs. Laura N. Regan 2328 RUSTIC TR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6423 yes yes
4860 Mrs. Patricia Rehder 237 OAKCREST DR Charlotte NC 28226 (919) 555-5850 no yes
4865 Mrs. Margaret A. Russell 23638 WILSON Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-5377 yes yes
4873 Ms. Susan Russell 238 Fairview Rd Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5732 no yes
4875 Mr. Robert Schreuder 237 ORCHARD TRACE LN APT 8 Flat Rock NC 28731 (919) 555-5941 no yes
4891 Mr. Robert C. Schultz 238 Fairview Rd Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6386 yes yes
4892 Mr. John Joseph Frederick 24 MORGAN RD Falls Church VA 22043-1954 (757) 555-8347 no no
4894 Mr. Michael P. Freeman 2308 PACIFIC DR West Springfield PA 16443 (855) 555-9424 no no
4907 Mr. Thomas J. SCHULL 2308 PACIFIC DR Winston-Salem NC 27106-5451 (919) 555-6097 no yes
4911 Mr. Douglas Adams 2309 BRACYRIDGE RD Belmont NC 28012 (919) 555-9278 no yes
4915 Ms. Jean Cole 22 SOYARS DRIVE Hillsborough NC 27278-8563 (919) 555-7031 no yes
4918 Mr. Ralph Coleman 220 TRILLINGHAM LN Semmes AL 36575 (855) 555-3636 no no
4919 Dr. Alice Brown Davis 220 TRAVIS LN Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2611 no yes
4921 Mr. Charles Erickson 2202 SOUTHERN HILLS DR Columbia SC 29205 (855) 555-8650 no no
4922 Mr. Clifton Eriksen 2202 SOUTHERN HILLS DRIVE Wilson’s Mills NC 27593 (919) 555-8205 no no
4927 Ms. Mary C. Ford 2204 CRESCENT DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0824 no yes
4930 Mr. Richard J. Ford 2204 MASONS POINT PLACE Four Oaks NC 27524 (919) 555-0919 no yes
4932 Mr. James C. Fowler 2204 HRRKEY AVE. Ocala FL 34477 (855) 555-1302 no no
4934 Ms. Elizabeth Fowlkes 2204 MASONS POINT PLACE Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-8129 yes no
4941 Ms. Susan Fowlkes 2207 MEADS ST. Charlotte NC 28209 (919) 555-9220 no yes
4950 Mr. Maurice Fuhrmann 2206 CARLTON AVENUE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5595 no yes
4954 Ms. Harriet Fuller 2207 MEADS ST. Cary NC 27511-3887 (919) 555-0402 no yes
4955 Ms. Emma Garnett Herje 221 DAVIE DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6747 no yes
4956 Mr. Bill HESS 2210 VAN BUREN AVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0944 no no
4957 Mr. Kenneth E. Heyl 2210 WEST FLORIDA ST Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-0561 no yes
4958 Ms. Deborah Tatum Kane 2210 WEST FLORIDA ST Elizabeth City NC 27909 (919) 555-1038 no yes
4965 Ms. Claire Klohr 2217 Dorsett Street Swarthmore PA 19081 (855) 555-5513 no no
4968 Mr. Marilyn Mottonen 2217 Dorsett Street Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-9916 no yes
4972 Mr. Fielding Mowrey 2219 DELANEY DR STE 313 Charlotte NC 28270 (919) 555-9069 no yes
4979 Mrs. Mary Ann Reubel 2219 NC HIHGWAY 42 W #F Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4486 no no
4986 Ellen W. Sain 2221 EDGEWATER DR Greensboro NC 27403 (919) 555-3843 no yes
4994 Mrs. Elizabeth Salzgeber 223 BAY DR Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-7816 no yes
4995 Mr. Carl Bennett Hempstead TX 77445 (855) 555-2359 no no
4997 Mr. John L. Schoolmeester 223 FOREST RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4822 no no
5000 Mr. Arty Shepherd 225 KOONTZ AVENUE Atlanta GA 30316 (404) 555-6255 no no
5013 Mr. Jeff Vaughan 2250 West Main Street Kenly NC 27542 (919) 555-9180 no yes
5017 Mr. Jess W. Whitley 226 N. 4TH AVE Danbury NC 27016-0128 (919) 555-3563 no yes
5018 Mrs. Dawn E. Winter 226 N. 4TH AVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9918 no no
5020 Mr. Dan Ankney 226 ROUEN STREET Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5995 no yes
5039 Mr. Don Cunningham 2112 ASCOTT PL Winchester TN 37398 (855) 555-9104 no no
5041 Mr. Carl Daughety 2112 ASCOTT PL Henderson NC 27536 (919) 555-8113 yes yes
5043 Ms. Julie A. Gavin 2115 SOUTHVIEW DR. Newport NC 28570 (919) 555-7346 no yes
5045 Mr. Jule Gergens 2118 FOREST HILL Raleigh NC 27607-6832 (919) 555-2535 no no
5063 Mrs. Gwen Harvey 212 DAVIS ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7940 no yes
5076 Mr. Lincoln Haskins 2123 CHILDERS DR. Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-2765 no yes
5078 Mrs. Janet R. Hough 212 JEB STUART DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5514 yes yes
5082 Ms. Donna Miller 2124 RIVERSHORE RD. Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-2397 yes yes
5084 Ms. Julia E. Pedersen 2125 WRIGHT AVE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-4504 yes yes
5090 Mr. Robert L. Ray 2125 WRIGHT AVE Charlotte NC 28211 (919) 555-8937 yes yes
5095 Mr. Alan Rhyne 2126 CONCORD LANE Madison GA 30650 (404) 555-1766 no no
5111 Mr. John Ross 2126 PINE DRIVE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-4351 no yes
5116 Mr. Frank Reid 1301 N. ELAM AVE Blowing Rock NC 28605-2627 (919) 555-6196 no no
5119 Mrs. Debra Rudisill 2128 SOUTH NC 61 Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8149 no yes
5121 Mr. David Rudisill 217 MCCRAE LN APT A Winston-Salem NC 27101 (919) 555-0254 no no
5123 Mrs. Carol Rudolph-Lisle 215 CALHOUN DR Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-8725 no yes
5125 Mrs. Caroline Wellman Sael 214 BAY DR Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-9088 no no
5126 Mr. Terrence Sebe 2171 HAWTHORNE LANE Hamburg IA 51640-0205 (855) 555-6831 no no
5149 Mrs. Gabriella Cates 2171 HAWTHORNE LN Greensboro NC 27407-7268 (919) 555-3726 no yes
5150 Mr. Gary K. Cates 2101 LIBERTY DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4569 yes no
5152 Mr. Gregory Karstensen 2101 LIBERTY DR Raleigh NC 27607-6943 (919) 555-8036 no yes
5164 Ms. Martha Ellen Gray 2021 LONGWOOD DR Lexington NC 27292 (919) 555-9683 no no
5165 Mr. P. Allen Poovey 5404 ISLEHURST CT Little Rock AR 72206-1221 (855) 555-8566 no no
5170 Robyn E. Thorson 19449 PENINSULA SHORES DR. Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-0723 no yes
5171 Ms. Sara Louise Thorson 199 SAINT MARKS CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3624 no yes
5177 Mr. C. B. Kiser 1988 LUTHERAN SYNOD DR Wilmington NC 28409-2203 (919) 555-0489 no yes
5185 Dr. Beaman Klatt 1820 MARKET ST. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7370 no yes
5195 Ms. Angela L. Johnston 1816 EDGEWOOD AVE Durham NC 27715-3288 (919) 555-2975 no yes
5204 President Molly C. Jones 1806 FAIRVIEW RD Chapel Hill NC 27514-5897 (919) 555-1836 no yes
5211 Mr. Robert Grandstaff 1808 BENNETT ST Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1755 no yes
5213 Ms. Shirley B. Karnwie-Cook 1749 SIGNATURE PLACE Hot Springs NC 28743 (919) 555-9870 no no
5226 Ms. Louisa C.H. Kastelberg 105 CARRIAGE TR Philadelphia PA 19118-2822 (855) 555-9909 no no
5233 Ms. Priscilla P. Abdel-Hameed 105 CARRIAGE TR Richmond GA 31324 (404) 555-1200 no no
5238 Mr. Terry V. Adams 102 DEER SPRING LN Canton NC 28716 (919) 555-2447 no no
5240 Mr. Donald Adams 102 DRISKELL CT Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-0466 no yes
5242 Dr. Ronald J. Dietz 102 DRISKELL CT Boone NC 28607 (919) 555-5401 no yes
5254 Mr. Henry S. Hillman 102 FOREST HILLS DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8252 no yes
5262 Mrs. Carol Maryman 102 PENNYPACKER CT Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-1261 yes yes
5264 Dr. Edward O. Mason 102 SILVERWOOD LANE Raleigh NC 27607-4036 (919) 555-6730 yes yes
5266 Mr. Ted Ragsdale 102 PENNYPACKER CT North Augusta SC 29860 (855) 555-3805 no no
5269 Ms. Joye A. Richardson 10201 BOND Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-8952 no no
5270 Ms. Marian Vanderwerff 1021 OLD MEETING HOUSE WAY Chapel Hill NC 27514-1466 (919) 555-3207 yes yes
5271 Mr. Russell VanSchoich 10210 FALLS MILL #306 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6902 no no
5272 Mr. W. Paul Falk 1021 OLD MEETING HOUSE WAY Willow Springs NC 27592-8159 (919) 555-2625 no no
5273 Dr. Susan T. Weller 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9516 yes yes
5274 Ms. Katherine G. Ioos 566 KELLY RD Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-9045 no yes
5276 Ms. Judy S. Caulder Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-4754 no yes
5278 Ms. Beverley L. Cogan Pine Knoll Shores NC 28512 (919) 555-1429 no yes
5281 Mr. Jeff Stewart 5417 Rock Holly Ct Apison TN 37302 (855) 555-3680 no no
5282 Mr. Richard Y. Stirewalt 1924 WOODLAND AVENUE Cary NC 27511-8301 (919) 555-7745 no yes
5284 Mr. Leslie R. Horne 193 CRYSTAL VIEW DR NW Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1522 no yes
5299 Ms. Jane R. Horvath 516 B. PEELE ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1545 no yes
5301 Mr. Ray Rhue 517 SOUTH 3RD AVENUE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-3684 no yes
5307 Mr. Joe Driggers 51705 BIRCH AVENUE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-6301 no yes
5309 Mr. Clifton C. Groothuis 515 HARVARD ST (855) 555-5654 no no
5315 Mrs. Mary Kell 514 I AVENUE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-3507 no yes
5318 Ms. Theresa L. Linn 513 SIERRA DRIVE Pinehurst NC 28374 (919) 555-6344 no yes
5323 Dr. John P Scott 514 BARTLING RD Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-3431 no yes
5324 Mrs. Jacqueline Scott 514 I AVENUE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2950 no yes
5327 Mr. Sidney F. Nemoseck 514 BARTLING RD Raleigh NC 27615-3108 (919) 555-0577 no yes
5330 Mrs. Mary Ann Astalos 513 SIERRA DRIVE Wenham MA 01984 (855) 555-1396 no no
5331 Mr. Rick Sykes 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Blowing Rock NC 28605-0222 (919) 555-9957 no no
5334 Mr. George Taipale 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-3586 no yes
5335 Mr. James Walls 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0341 no yes
5339 Dr. Harriett S. Cornelius 513 DEBRA CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27612-4944 (919) 555-0112 yes yes
5340 Mr. Hunter L. Norris 5105 HUNTINGDON DR Asheville NC 28806 (919) 555-7871 no yes
5346 Mr. William W. Norris 5113 NORTH OAKS DRIVE Elkins WV 26241 (855) 555-9922 no no
5354 Mr. Bud Soraghan 511 CLARIDGE CIR Irvine CA 92720 (855) 555-9783 no no
5356 Ms. Jane VARNUM 5118 WADENA CT Broadway NC 27505 (919) 555-7076 no yes
5357 Dennis Blackwelder 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Oak Ridge TN 27831-5382 (855) 555-5629 no no
5360 Ms. Ann P. Blade 504 FENMARK PL Cary NC 27511-6436 (919) 555-6042 no yes
5364 Mr. James C. Jacobson 5036 PINE ST Charlotte NC 28226-7422 (919) 555-6125 no yes
5372 Mr. Edward Kepley 505 JOHN S. MOSBY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5864 no yes
5374 Ms. Ruth Kuklentz 505 KIMBERLY DR Raleigh NC 27636 (919) 555-0009 no no
5376 Mrs. Elaine Kuklentz 506 FLORENCE DR Winston-Salem NC 27106-3490 (919) 555-1018 no no
5386 Mr. David Lomax 506 DECATUR DR Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-1215 yes yes
5387 Mr. Cornelius M. Perry 506 FLORENCE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6340 yes yes
5394 Mr. Jarred Poe 5063 CAMERON RD Charlotte NC 28203 (919) 555-1499 yes yes
5397 Mr. William R Pohlig 508 CAROLYN CT Carrboro NC 27510 (919) 555-7886 no no
5398 Ms. Priscilla Setzer 507 HAWTHORNE LN Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-5899 no yes
5400 Mr. Rodney Seyler 5080 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1600 yes yes
5405 Mrs. Betsy Shumpert 508 COLE ST. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0687 no yes
5410 Mr. Rhett Waegerle 509 MILL CREEK CT. APT. C Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2414 yes yes
5415 Mrs. Louise Elwood 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5257 no yes
5420 Mrs. Anthea Taylor Walls 5101 CANDLEWICK RD Vass NC 28394 (919) 555-0244 no yes
5431 Mr. Richard Walter 5101 KNARESBOROUGH RD Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-6173 yes yes
5432 Mrs. Lillian McCombs 5101 CANDLEWICK RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4198 no yes
5439 Ms. Enola Jane Bowman 503 TRAPPERS RUN DR Kennett Square PA 19348-0501 (855) 555-3197 no no
5443 Mr. Jeffrey W. Freismuth 5001 NE 4TH AVE Bellville TX 77418 (855) 555-0904 no no
5448 Mr. Nile Hubbard 5005 RAINTREE CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3321 yes yes
5452 Dr. Alan L. Hubert 501 Albertson Rd. Trailer #27 Raleigh NC 27606-2674 (919) 555-1302 no yes
5457 Mr. John C. Little 5005 RAINTREE CT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5967 no yes
5458 Dr. Thyra Little 501 PEELE ST Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4732 no yes
5461 Mr. John Richey 501 PEELE ST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7851 no yes
5462 Mr. Lanny Riddle 5013 SANDLEWOOD CT Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-5010 yes yes
5468 Mr. Thomas E. Stamm 5010 SIX FORKS ROAD Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-1557 no no
5477 Mr. J. D. Stankelis 5014 CHALICE LANE Leland NC 28451-7689 (919) 555-6352 no yes
5478 Mrs. Kathleen Wertz 5014 CHALICE LANE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-1601 no yes
5488 Mrs. Margaret Chapman Wesell 502 N FRANKLIN ST Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-7422 yes yes
5491 Ms. Mary Ann E. Phillips 502 N FRANKLIN ST Charlotte NC 28226 (919) 555-9753 no yes
5492 Ms. Teri D. Yetter 5001 KOREM DRIVE Natchez MS 39120-3342 (855) 555-8012 yes no
5497 Mr. Herrick Armstrong 5001 KORM DR Castle Hayne NC 28429 (919) 555-1549 yes yes
5498 Mr. John Huff 4947 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-6458 no yes
5501 Ms. Barbara Maxwell 5 PELICAN POINT RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4499 no yes
5505 Mrs. Julia Roper 5 PELICAN POINT ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7208 yes yes
5512 Mr. Crystal Simmel 500 BLUE ROCK DR Brown Summit NC 27214 (919) 555-5161 no yes
5518 Ms. Marion Simmons 5001 BRENWOOD CT Tobaccoville NC 27050 (919) 555-9606 no no
5522 Ms. M. E. Tysinger 500 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8095 no yes
5537 Mrs. LaWanda Greaves 5001 BRENWOOD CT Sanford NC 27332 (919) 555-7252 no yes
5539 Mrs. Greyson S. Greenawald 4937 CROSSWINDS DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6389 yes yes
5553 Mrs. Betty Hinde 4933 BUTTERWICK Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9390 no yes
5554 Dr. Helen Miller 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-2869 no no
5555 Mr. Richard E. Bland 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD Clarksville VA 23927 (757) 555-4000 no no
5556 Mr. Gerald E. Glenn 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT St. Louis MO 63139 (855) 555-1425 no no
5560 Ms. Valerie J. Glenn 4900 LATIMER DR Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-3742 no no
5563 Mr. Brian Gaugert 4947 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE Fletcher NC 28732 (919) 555-0263 no yes
5565 Mr. Andrew J. Hall 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-3460 no yes
5567 Mr. Nicholas Heck 4900 LATIMER DR Azusa CA 91702-1385 (855) 555-8803 no no
5570 Mr. M. E. HECK 4906 QUAIL HOLLOW DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8506 no no
5571 Mrs. Shirley Hott 4903 CAROLWOOD DR. Clyde NC 28721 (919) 555-7229 no yes
5575 Mrs. Paulette C. Houck 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Raleigh NC 27614-9191 (919) 555-0808 no yes
5576 Dr. Willem Montgomery 4908 WORDSWORTH CIR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8007 no yes
5577 Mrs. Salem Montgomery 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT Linville NC 28646-0785 (919) 555-2874 no no
5581 Mr. Case Pfeifer 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Pantego NC 27860 (919) 555-2223 no no
5598 Mrs. Linda W. Pfeifer 4912 LILES RD Ruffin NC 27326 (919) 555-4836 no yes
5608 Ms. Betsy R. Procknal 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8453 no yes
5611 Ms. Annie D. Grigerick 5 PELICAN POINT RD Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-3534 no yes
5616 Mrs. Judith M. Reynolds 4912 LILES ROAD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4091 yes yes
5635 Ms. Lisa K. Yount 4914 COTTONWOOD Clemson SC 29631 (855) 555-1136 no no
5637 Dr. George H. Rector 4916 WINDMERE CHASE DR. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3185 no yes
5638 Mrs. Jane Rector 4865 HIGHWAY 101 Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-1506 no yes
5639 Mr. David Sisk 4853 COLLEGE ACRES DR Morris Plains NJ 07950 (855) 555-5177 no no
5642 Mr. Philip Cawein 4900 DEVILS CT Dix Hills NY 11746 (855) 555-8964 no no
5644 Ms. Daryl F. Hance 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Chapel Hill NC 27516-0320 (919) 555-5075 no yes
5646 Mrs. Donna Bolick 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7862 no yes
5661 Mr. Justin Bolick 4 ANCHORAGE PT Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-2995 no yes
5667 Mrs. Martha Brown Bryant 4 ANCHORAGE PT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8872 no yes
5674 Mr. Robert P. Caves 4 MAINSAIL CT. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9113 no no
5677 Dr. Bobby Grimm 500 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27609-4356 (919) 555-4890 no yes
5685 Mr. John T. Elza 4 MAINSAIL CT. Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-5967 no yes
5691 Mr. Scott Gompers 40 CARRIAGE HILL DR Shelby NC 28150 (919) 555-9716 no yes
5693 Ms. Sandie Good 401 1/2 CENTER ST CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-2731 no no
5699 Mrs. Gwen Hansen 400 ESHON ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3470 no no
5707 Mrs. Linda P. Putnam 402 FERN CREEK LANE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0043 no yes
5711 Mrs. Molly C. Barnes 402 HILLCREST RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8928 no yes
5725 Ms. Alice Whitney Liefer 3937 YORKFORD DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6799 no no
5736 Ms. Bee Bowman 3954 APPLETON WAY Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6354 no no
5737 Mr. Bob HARRASS 5 PELICAN POINT ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-6121 no yes
5748 Mr. Ned Bowman 3921 LAWNDALE PLACE Medina WA 98039-2343 (855) 555-7012 no no
5749 Mr. David V. Fowlkes 3920 INGRAM DR West Grove PA 19390 (855) 555-0157 no no
5750 Ms. Virginia Hanvelt 3921 LAWNDALE PLACE Beaufort NC 28516 (919) 555-1722 no yes
5751 Dr. Dennis J Farris 3926 HOUGH RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5357 no no
5753 Ms. Geneva McLaughlin 374 WINDCROFT DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2504 no yes
5766 Mrs. Linda L. Teasley 3920 INGRAM DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5879 no yes
5769 Dr. Elisabeth Faggart 3920 INGRAM DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9190 yes yes
5770 Mr. Charles L. Fairbanks 100 SEVENSTONE DR Raleigh NC 27608-4198 (919) 555-3761 no yes
5784 Mrs. Eugenia N. Slimick 100 TRAILVIEW DR Charlotte NC 28205 (919) 555-5612 no yes
5786 Mr. Richard Sloop 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-7189 no yes
5798 Dr. Jerry L. Huffman 5608 WESLO WILLOW CIR – #318 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2114 yes yes
5813 Mrs. Hollis Huggins 5201 FIELDBROOK DR Glendale Springs NC 28629 (919) 555-8971 no yes
5816 Mr. Bobby G. Hoeft 500 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0912 yes yes
5817 Mr. Bill A. Way 5205 HUNTERS TRAIL Knightdale NC 27545-0154 (919) 555-6559 no yes
5821 Mr. Rolla Woodall 5232 COVINGTON BEND DR Somis CA 93066 (855) 555-2382 no no
5822 Ms. Carrie Ramirez 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2535 yes yes
5823 Mrs. Jean V. Allen 52 TURNPIKE RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3828 no no
5825 Ms. Sheila Beaver 506 FLORENCE DRIVE Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-0819 no no
5826 Mrs. Jackie B. Blythe 5063 CAMERON RD Wilson NC 27894-0372 (919) 555-2986 no no
5829 Mrs. Babs Botros 507 HAWTHORNE LN Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5453 no yes
5832 Mrs. Judiann Cash 508 CAROLYN CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3320 no yes
5842 Ms. Anne Clegg 508 COLE ST. Durham NC 27707-1536 (919) 555-7129 no yes
5846 Mr. Tod Helmey 5080 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-1546 no yes
5855 Mr. Robert D. Dahl Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3377 no yes
5859 Mr. Ross F. Hess 509 MILL CREEK CT. APT. C Garner NC 27529-5156 (919) 555-8644 no yes
5868 Mr. John D. Johansson 5101 CANDLEWICK RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8539 yes yes
5870 Mr. Barnes Johnson 5101 CANDLEWICK RD Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-6370 no no
5874 Ms. Carolyn S. Ketner 5101 KNARESBOROUGH RD High Point NC 27261 (919) 555-0165 no no
5880 Mr. James S. King 5105 HUNTINGDON DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4256 no yes
5884 Ms. Martha H. Kinlaw 511 CLARIDGE CIR Durham NC 27705-5688 (919) 555-7711 no no
5885 Ms. Mary Lindeman Madden 5113 NORTH OAKS DRIVE Charlotte NC 28209 (919) 555-3582 no yes
5887 Dr. Noah R. Mahler 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-8423 no yes
5896 Mr. William E. Moeller 5118 WADENA CT Martinsville VA 24112 (757) 555-9812 no no
5898 Mrs. Marcia R. Mozingo 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27615-5704 (919) 555-9827 no yes
5901 Dr. Farrell C. Murphy 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Takoma Park MD 20912 (855) 555-3162 no no
5903 Mr. Harry L. Perryman 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Charleston WV 25314 (855) 555-5907 no no
5907 Mr. Thomas P. Porterfield 513 DEBRA CIRCLE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2680 no yes
5927 Mrs. Brenda Roush 513 SIERRA DRIVE Kinston NC 28504 (919) 555-7655 no yes
5931 Mr. Richard Roy 514 BARTLING RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0998 no yes
5932 Mr. R.P. Rudisill 514 BARTLING RD Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-1791 no no
5933 Dr. Joe H. Sampson 513 SIERRA DRIVE Charlotte NC 28211-3837 (919) 555-8516 no yes
5936 Mrs. Lytle Smith 514 I AVENUE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5141 no no
5939 Mr. Steve Stein 514 I AVENUE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2862 yes no
5940 Ms. Jean Stewart 515 HARVARD ST Finksburg MD 21048 (855) 555-6651 no no
5941 Mr. Richard Stough 516 B. PEELE ST Raleigh NC 27606-9201 (919) 555-5536 no yes
5945 Ms. Marietta T. Strader 51705 BIRCH AVENUE Greensboro NC 27410-3323 (919) 555-5569 no yes
5950 Ms. Louise Agee Taylor 517 SOUTH 3RD AVENUE Birmingham AL 35213 (855) 555-4670 no no
5952 Mr. V. C. Belk 52 TURNPIKE RD Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-2599 no yes
5964 Mr. Larry L. Bell 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2364 yes yes
5972 Ms. Caren Copeland Bodenstab 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-7965 no yes
5974 Mr. Philip Boggs 4912 LILES RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6422 no yes
5975 Mr. Smedes Bramley 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-5405 no yes
5976 Mr. Smedes Buff 4912 LILES ROAD Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-9352 no no
5989 Ms. Alice Buff 4916 WINDMERE CHASE DR. Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-4423 no yes
5992 Mr. Ken Clarke 4914 COTTONWOOD Columbia SC` 29211-2283 (855) 555-1926 no no
5995 Dr. Donglin Cooke 4933 BUTTERWICK Orono ME 04469-5722 (855) 555-7583 no no
6002 Mr. Larry Core 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-2772 no no
6006 Mr. Mark Eklund 4937 CROSSWINDS DRIVE Wintergreen VA 22958 (757) 555-8731 no no
6033 Mr. Terry Holmberg 5001 BRENWOOD CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3166 no yes
6038 Mr. Tom Hulslander 5001 BRENWOOD CT Canton GA 30115 (404) 555-0203 no no
6041 Mrs. Nathalie Johnston 5001 KOREM DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2400 no no
6042 Mr. Karl Mottonen 5001 KORM DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9201 yes yes
6045 Mr. Anthony L. Shoffner Cary NC 27511-9183 (919) 555-8498 no yes
6046 Ms. Esther M. Schultz Atlanta GA 30309 (404) 555-5031 no no
6055 Mr. Alan Nelson 5001 NE 4TH AVE Monkton MD 21111 (855) 555-1292 no no
6059 Mrs. Diane Nelson 501 Albertson Rd. Trailer #27 Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-9523 no yes
6065 Mr. Jack Nelson 5005 RAINTREE CT Phoenix MD 21131-0329 (855) 555-0198 no no
6068 Mr. George H. Patterson 5005 RAINTREE CT Reidsville NC 27320 (919) 555-1581 yes yes
6072 Mr. Tom Pedersen 501 PEELE ST Piney River VA 22964 (757) 555-9032 no no
6076 Mrs. Donie Neal Pike 501 PEELE ST Cortland AL 35618 (855) 555-2295 no no
6080 Mr. John Pilkington 5013 SANDLEWOOD CT Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1914 no yes
6098 Mr. Jim Rettie 5010 SIX FORKS ROAD Riner VA 24149 (757) 555-1903 no no
6099 Mr. Charles Rhue 5014 CHALICE LANE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-8956 no yes
6120 Mrs. Patricia Richards 5014 CHALICE LANE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-8373 yes yes
6123 Mrs. Phebe San Miguel 502 N FRANKLIN ST Winston-Salem NC 27106-4482 (919) 555-0706 no yes
6129 Mr. Mike San Miguel 503 TRAPPERS RUN DR Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-4581 no yes
6136 Mrs. Verna Sutton 502 N FRANKLIN ST Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2672 no yes
6140 Mr. Alton E. Thompson 5036 PINE ST Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5633 no yes
6141 Mr. Charlie D. Warriner 504 FENMARK PL Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-1214 no yes
6156 Mr. Ed Wassum 505 KIMBERLY DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3607 no yes
6169 Mr. John C. Yates 505 JOHN S. MOSBY DRIVE Wagram NC 28396 (919) 555-1268 no yes
6175 Mr. Mike Yingling 506 DECATUR DR Godwin NC 28344 (919) 555-7853 no yes
6177 Mr. Ronnie Gale 506 FLORENCE DR Semmes AL 36575 (855) 555-1530 no no
6208 Ms. Krista Hardie 4903 CAROLWOOD DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4243 yes yes
6209 Ms. Kirtley Raynor 4906 QUAIL HOLLOW DRIVE Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-7848 no yes
6214 Mrs. Barbara Raynor 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-8887 no yes
6220 Col. Thomas C. St. John 4908 WORDSWORTH CIR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4746 no yes
6221 Dr. Donald E. Stafford 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT Raleigh NC 27606-2562 (919) 555-5615 no yes
6224 Mrs. Elaine Stafford 4900 LATIMER DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3844 no no
6230 Mr. Robert Bailey 4900 LATIMER DR Raleigh NC 27607-6732 (919) 555-2539 no yes
6235 Mrs. Debbie Beebe 4411 HALSTEAD DRIVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3278 no yes
6240 Mr. Tom J. Bliss 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-7733 no yes
6243 Mrs. Margaret H. Bober 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR Wilmington NC 28467 (919) 555-2832 no yes
6244 Mr. Tony Bodenstab 4414 WESTBOURNE RD Raleigh NC 27603-8946 (919) 555-3793 yes yes
6252 Mr. John Brazel 442 SEMMES DR Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-7518 no yes
6254 Mr. Robert John Chaffee 442 SEMMES DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4215 no yes
6261 Mr. Timothy D. Chandler 4444 LLOYD CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9628 no yes
6262 Ms. Sonja L. Chapman 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6771 yes yes
6267 Mr. Stephen Carl Darnley 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8342 no yes
6270 Ms. Karen M. Davis 4501 BRAMTON RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6179 no yes
6272 Dr. Ted Decatur 4501 BRAMTON RD CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-5464 no yes
6282 Mr. Keith Evans 4512 SOMERSWORTH DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4233 no yes
6288 Mr. Stuart Fabiano 4517 DEAN DR CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-7206 no yes
6296 Ms. Kathleen Faison 4517 DEAN DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1969 no no
6304 Ms. Helen Wolfe Falls 4517 DEAN DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3396 no yes
6305 Ms. Frankie L. Fraser 4521 TOWER RD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-3179 no yes
6311 Mr. John Frazier 4524 VITEX STREET Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0306 yes yes
6312 Mr. E. Roy Goyne 4524 VITEX STREET High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-4763 no yes
6314 Mr. Jack Hansen 4525 SAGEDALE DR. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6096 no yes
6326 Mr. James P. Hanson 4550 S. HWY 62 High Point NC 27262-3604 (919) 555-3633 no yes
6328 Mr. Albert Hepler 4550 S. HWY 62 Opelousas LA 70570 (855) 555-3550 no no
6333 Mr. Charles H. Herbst 4580 70TH ST. W. #127 Suffolk VA 23435-1899 (757) 555-2953 no no
6335 Mr. Eelco H. Herje 4603 WHITBY PL Castle Hayne NC 28429 (919) 555-8348 no yes
6351 Ms. Sallie B. Hulslander 4609 W 110TH STREET High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-4355 no yes
6366 Mr. Christopher R. Hultquist 4616 FERNHARN PLACE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3574 no yes
6374 Mr. John Joyner 4616 REIGATE WAY High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-4333 no yes
6390 Mr. Charles Miller 4622 NORWICH RD Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-2184 no yes
6489 Mr. Charles F. Misenheimer 4632 LONG LEAF HILLS DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1497 no no
6491 Ms. Julia S. Misenheimer 4703 FREYS HILL CT Kinston NC 28504 (919) 555-7914 no yes
6501 Ms. Dora Newton 4633 MCCLELLAND DR #5-203 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0511 no yes
6503 Mr. Larry P. Niparts 4708 SHADOW RIDGE COURT Portland OR 97215 (855) 555-0132 no no
6508 Mr. Marvin Plavocos 4712 ARCHER DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0085 no yes
6536 Mr. James W. Poovey 4712 Archer Drive Raleigh NC 27602 (919) 555-2254 no no
6537 Mrs. Nancy Margaret Pope 4731 JAMESFORD DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8949 no yes
6556 Mr. Bill Powell 4729 BROOKTREE DRIVE Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-7824 no yes
6566 Mr. Doug Powell 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Raleigh NC 27608-2442 (919) 555-2031 no yes
6577 Ms. Brenda Baldwin Powell 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Durham NC 27705-9114 (919) 555-0942 no yes
6584 Ms. Deborah J. Riedel 4740 FOREST HIGHLAND DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3975 no yes
6585 Ms. Amy Riegel 4745 JACKSON BLUFF RD LOT 144 Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2116 yes yes
6592 Mr. John M. Simonsen 4746 LUDWELL BRANCH CT. Randleman NC 27317 (919) 555-0813 no yes
6600 Mr. Harrison Smith 4746 PORT LOOP RD SE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8010 no yes
6616 Mr. Greg Smith 477 WOODBURY COURT Wallace NC 28466 (919) 555-7629 no no
6625 Ms. Judy Spence 477 WOODBURY COURT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1096 no no
6753 Mr. T. Edward Spike 2420 WENTWORTH ST Raleigh NC 27602 (919) 555-0231 no yes
6763 Ms. Janet Stephenson 242 SHANNON DRIVE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-2042 yes yes
6766 Mr. Ronald M. Stewart 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Raleigh NC 27626 (919) 555-7359 no yes
6804 Mr. Jim Thompson 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6228 no no
6810 Mr. James Tyson 4805 SWEETBRIAR RD. Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1115 no yes
6826 Ms. Virginia Rand Van Fleet 4811 GARRETT DR APT 105 Durham NC 27715-2476 (919) 555-5522 no no
6828 Mr. Robert Vogelpohl 4815 CAROLINA BEACH RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1595 no yes
6839 Dr. H. Keith Wallis 4806 JENNA DR Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-3776 no yes
6887 Mr. Jeffrey Walter 4824 FARM POND LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2975 no yes
6894 Dr. Jeff Walton 4845 WILLOW DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8402 no no
6931 Mr. Bob Weisner Jr. 4841 THORNWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27602 (919) 555-8921 no yes
6942 Mr. James L. Weller 4853 COLLEGE ACRES DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9868 no yes
7069 Mr. Ron E. Williams 4865 HIGHWAY 101 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0253 no yes
7139 Ms. Van S. Williams 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT Raleigh NC 27617-7514 (919) 555-0890 no yes
7147 Mr. Hugh Harrison 4900 DEVILS CT Raleigh NC 27602 (919) 555-0483 no no
7157 Mr. Grady Jacobs 4320 OMNI PL Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8264 no no
7177 Dr. Powell G. Kieft 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5593 no yes
7188 Mr. William Leonard 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-1898 no no
7217 Dr. Leland Lester 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-8607 no yes
7253 Mr. Frank Loux 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Cary NC 27512 (919) 555-2916 no yes
7301 Mr. Richard Praire 440 DOGWOOD RD Raleigh NC 27607-7360 (919) 555-5765 no yes
7313 Mrs. Vicki Prairie 4405 OMNI PLACE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3582 no no
7314 Mr. A. E. Stutelberg 4405 OMNI PLACE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9109 no yes
7328 Mr. John W. Wargo 4405 OMNI PLACE Raleigh NC 27602 (919) 555-9056 no yes
7358 Mr. Vance Bacon 4410 GREEN FOREST DR Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-4319 no yes
7362 Mrs. Rosalind Bacon 412 EAST FOX ROAD Cary NC 27511-9307 (919) 555-5950 no yes
7369 Mr. Thomas Bader 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-0201 no yes
7454 Ms. Nan Bailey 4118 ENCHANTED LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0812 no no
7458 Mr. James B. Ballard 412 FAYETTEVILLE AVE Raleigh NC 27626 (919) 555-5837 no no
7467 Mr. Jerry Blanchard 4122 ROMAINE ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4698 yes yes
7478 Blanks 4126 BARRETT DR. Raleigh NC 27603-1689 (919) 555-0381 no no
7482 Mrs. Betsy Boyer 4132 WHITNEY PL Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4424 no yes
7523 Mr. Joseph Bramley 414 BLACKBEARD ROAD Raleigh NC 27608-2314 (919) 555-2441 no no
7530 Dr. Keith Burkhead 414 EDGEWOOD CIR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8842 no yes
7537 Mr. E. L. Laurence Canupp 414 EDGEWOOD CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3681 no no
7540 Mr. Larry Carter 414 W. BLACKBEARD RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4092 no no
7568 Mr. Phillip J. Chaffee 4146 AMBLESTONE WAY Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2347 no no
7601 Mr. Eugene M. Cormier 4152-B BREEZEWOOD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6146 no yes
7628 Mr. Rick Cornwell 416 SAWGRASS HITT CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6731 no yes
7637 Mr. Frank R. Didert 4171-203 HEARTHSIDE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3248 no yes
7654 Mr. John P. Diehl 420 OAKRIDGE RD Raleigh NC 27612-5318 (919) 555-7391 no yes
7746 Dr. Michael D. Elza 4175 MEDFORD DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4450 no yes
7851 Mr. Charles Faison 4201 MAIN ST APT 208 Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6759 no no
7865 Dr. Van B. Falk 4201 N MAIN ST Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8692 no yes
7931 Mr. Mack Fontana 4201 N. MAIN ST APT #206 Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8371 no no
7989 Mr. Lacy M. Fox 4203 PHEASANT RUN DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0486 no no
8000 Mr. Louis Gavilan 4209 FROST CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6787 no yes
8015 Mr. Trent Gray 4209 OMNI PLACE Raleigh NC 27622 (919) 555-6744 no no
8024 Mr. Kenneth D. Hayes 421 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4743 no no
8026 Mr. Robert C. Hayes 4218 LAMBETH DR Greensboro NC 27408-5812 (919) 555-1690 no yes
8113 Dr. Richard Hubert 4215 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2625 no yes
8144 Ms. Amy Jones 4218 LAMBETH DR Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-7300 no no
8146 Mr. Herb Jones 4234 MASONBORO LOOP Box 8501 (855) 555-0411 no no
8158 Mrs. Nora Hutton Lee 423 E SECOND ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0542 no yes
8187 Mr. Bill Lein 4234 MASONBORO LOOP RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2731 no no
8222 Ms. Shannon Lester 424 MCPHEE DRIVE RTP NC 27709 (919) 555-8944 no no
8228 Mr. Thomas Lineberger 4248 LAKE CLIFF DR Raleigh NC 27605-1265 (919) 555-0225 no yes
8248 Mr. Michael A. McCoy 427 HAW BRANCH RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7806 no yes
8273 Mr. Steven K. McDaniel 427-F WOODS OF NORTH BEND DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0745 no yes
8283 Mrs. Joan McDonald 429 STAR HILL DR Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-3956 no yes
8315 Dr. Hugh H. Meilus 428 SAWGRASS HILL COURT Woolwich ME 04579-0480 (855) 555-8429 no no
8331 Ms. Lu Meindl 4303 KINGSLAND DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3990 no no
8346 Dr. Henry A. Meyer 43 MONTAGUE PLACE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8381 no yes
8365 Mr. C. Edwin Miller 4304 FORWALT PLACE Raleigh NC 27636-3068 (919) 555-7496 no yes
8400 Mr. Joseph C. Nesbitt 4304 FORWALT PLACE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4185 no yes
8445 Mrs. Elizabeth Neuman 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Raleigh NC 27608-1116 (919) 555-0346 no yes
8450 Mr. Edward H. Phillips 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2929 no yes
8451 Ms. Laura C. Pickard 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5484 no yes
8455 Mr. John A. Piel 4305 WOOD VALLEY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4677 no yes
8456 Mr. John C. Pierce 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9474 no no
8509 Mr. Thomas C. Pike 4312 PRINCETON AVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9701 no no
8514 Mr. Miles Raack 4312 PRINCETON AVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2752 no yes
8575 Mr. Roger Showalter 4313 FOXHOUND RD Wyncote PA 19095-1815 (855) 555-0767 no no
8589 Dr. Edward L. Stamm 4317 GALLATREE LN Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-3982 no yes
8598 Ms. Caroline D. White 4317 GALLATREE LN Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2631 no no
8610 Dr. Jason J. Eighmy 4320 OMNI PL Derby KS 67037 (855) 555-9956 yes no
8623 Mr. Russell L. Eisenhart 9000 PLEASANT MEADOW DR Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-0867 no no
8628 Ms. Marie O. Guidry 9000 PLEASANT MEADOW DR Raleigh NC 27609-5859 (919) 555-2634 no yes
8629 Mrs. Michelle Saxe Gunnet 9009 NEW OAK LANE PIttsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-0227 no yes
8632 cash payments/anonymous Keehn 9009 NEW OAK LANE (855) 555-6920 no no
8649 Ms. Elizabeth Keely 901 PERSIMMON PLACE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-8041 yes yes
8655 Mr. John Bagby 901 EMORY LN Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-2454 yes yes
8656 Ms. Susan Keys 900 KNOLLWOOD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9985 no yes
8661 Mr. Thearon Woitineck 8824 WALKING STICK TRAIL Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5900 no yes
8670 Mrs. Beverley S. Baetz 8837 CAMPFIRE TR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4075 no yes
8678 Mr. Frank Chapman 5794 HWY 150 EAST Durham NC 27704 (919) 555-8386 no yes
8688 Mrs. Noel Lilly 5800 VALLEY ESTATES DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7765 no yes
8696 Ms. Betty M. Lindemeyer 207 GUILFORD ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5280 no yes
8697 Mr. Charles D. Nelson 207 ABERCROMBIE DR. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4943 no yes
8704 Mrs. Donna Ostby 5809 ORCHID VALLEY RD. Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-4750 no yes
8714 Mr. C. Michael Smith 5818 MCBRIDE ST. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-9897 no yes
8716 Mrs. Jeanette W. Hogshire 5816 MARSHVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4836 no yes
8719 Mr. R.L. Hogue 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-1645 no yes
8720 Mrs. Helen Sipe 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-4682 no yes
8725 Ms. Jaine Skoor 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4973 no yes
8727 Mr. Melvyn Dollar 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-3976 no no
8733 Mr. Alden J. Donaldson 2613 DARTMOUTH DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7367 no yes
8735 Mr. Robert Dove 2613 DARTMOUTH DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8326 no yes
8741 Mr. Lee James Fuquay 2615 E WOODLYN WAY Dunn NC 28334-4822 (919) 555-2911 no yes
8751 Mr. Joe Furr 2679 24TH AVE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-5252 no no
8752 Mr. Tommy Barrick 269 KRISTI LYNN’S WAY Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9211 no yes
8759 Dr. George Baucom 5721 S. W. 5TH STREET Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0306 no yes
8767 Ms. Margaret R. Baumann 577 VIKING PLACE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0965 no yes
8768 Mrs. Karen Peterson 577 VIKING PLACE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0512 no no
8775 Mr. Larry PETREE 5794 HWY 150 EAST Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-0497 no yes
8777 Ms. Barbara Baker 5800 VALLEY ESTATES DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3442 no yes
8780 Mr. Jim Bemer 204 PASSAGE GATE WAY DR. Pfafftown NC 27040 (919) 555-7977 no yes
8798 Mr. Don Galloway 204 ST LUKE CT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-6372 no yes
8810 Mr. Jim Greeson 2045 MONROE ST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7757 no yes
8814 Ms. Jennu Bunn Greeson 205 APPLECROSS DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-7446 no no
8816 Mr. Todd Hartsell 205 FIFTH AVE N Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0589 no no
8817 Ms. Jenny Lombard 205 CHOWAN DR Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-8328 no yes
8819 Mr. Joe McElwain 205 CHOWAN DR Isle of Palms SC 29451-2716 (855) 555-5305 no no
8821 Ms. Judy McGrogan 205 GRASSY VALLEY ROAD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6902 no yes
8822 Ms. Nancy Slaughter 205 FIFTH AVE N Cary NC 27604 (919) 555-3567 no yes
8828 Ms. Jean Stapleton 205 ROCKFISH ST. Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-2548 no yes
8838 Mr. Harley Stresemann 205 ROCKFISH ST. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6987 no yes
8841 Mr. Michael A. Williams 206 BELL ARTHUR DR Raleigh NC 27603-2143 (919) 555-9662 no yes
8845 Ms. Rachel H. Williams 206 PLEASANTVIEW DR Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-6267 no no
8852 Dr. Alexander J. Wuebbens 206 NE 36TH STREET Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7056 no yes
8856 Mr. Mark D. Wuenscher 206 PLEASANTVIEW DRIVE Clayton NC 27527 (919) 555-7569 yes yes
8868 Ms. Mitzi Hill 206 WEATHERVANE WAY Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-0702 no yes
8874 Mr. Stephen Tweedy 2011 TEMPLETON GAP DR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-4887 no yes
8879 Dr. Gary T. Montgomery 2011 TEMPLETON GAP DR Chapel Hill NC 27517-7590 (919) 555-0068 no yes
8887 Mr. Bob Moose 10316 LAKE WHEELER RD Raleigh NC 27602 (919) 555-6061 no yes
8888 Mr. John T. Propst 1037 WATER PLANT ROAD Columbus NC 28722 (919) 555-1878 no yes
8891 Mr. Alan R. Pugh 104 BARDSEY CT Walnut Cove NC 27052 (919) 555-6755 no yes
8895 Mrs. Peggy Bremer 104 BARDSEY CT Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-6568 no yes
8897 Mrs. Lynnette B Eklund 1000 BARBCREST AVE, APT 1B Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-4295 yes yes
8900 Mr. John T. Galloway 10008 WHITESTONE RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6790 no yes
8902 Mrs. Patricia Naugle 10008 WHITESTONE RD Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-6321 no yes
8915 Mr. Karl Parker 1001 QUEENS RD Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-2156 no yes
8923 Mr. John D. Sadja 1005 TRILLIUM PLACE Statesville NC 28625-9605 (919) 555-4715 no yes
8937 Mr. Jeff Waters 10071 KINGS RD Morganton NC 28655 (919) 555-6350 no no
8958 Mrs. Deborah Truesdell Berry 101 COLCHIS COURT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8987 yes yes
8971 Dr. Robert E. Dunnavant 1705 RIVER RD. Landenberg PA 19350 (855) 555-8416 yes yes
8975 Mr. Victor McGuire 1705 RIVER RD. Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2049 no yes
8977 McIntosh 1712 LEXINGTON DR. Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-2194 no no
8988 Ms. Mary R. Pearson 1708 HILLANDALE RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2361 yes yes
8995 Setzer 1712 LEXINGTON DR. Raleigh NC 27626 (919) 555-1676 no no
9003 Chancellor Marye Anne Weis 1713 SWORDFISH LANE CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-2717 no no
9005 Ms. Jane Lockley 1713 SWORDFISH LANE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1914 no yes
9014 Mr. Mack Dew 5816 MARSHVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1389 no no
9019 Mr. Lawrence M. Santmyer 165 RALEIGH DR Charlotte NC 28215-7356 (919) 555-3848 no no
9021 Mr. James H. Atherton 165 STATE PARK RD Pilot Mountain NC 27041 (919) 555-8697 no no
9026 Ms. Trisha A. Austin 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Newton NC 28658 (919) 555-0054 no no
9040 Mr. Brian Grigsby 5304 AMBERHILL DR Middletown MD 21769 (855) 555-1615 no no
9049 Mrs. Carole D. Grumm 5307 HOLLY RIDGE RD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1596 no yes
9059 Mr. Leland E. STRAIGHT 5309 CHERRYCREST CT Zirconia NC 28790 (919) 555-2965 no no
9065 Mr. Richard H. Wargo 5309 PETRAL CT. Willow Spring NC 27592 (919) 555-9138 yes yes
9067 Mr. Nancy Waters 5312 NEWHALL RD Morganton NC 28680 (919) 555-6411 no yes
9068 Mr. Alan Wingate 5312 WILLOW CRY LN Stony Point NC 28678 (919) 555-1184 no no
9071 Mr. Jeff Winrich 5320 CHERRYCREST CT Lavonia GA 30553 (404) 555-4687 no no
9073 Mr. Joey Andrews 5313 INGLEWOOD LANE Great Falls SC 29055 (855) 555-7966 no no
9081 Mr. Thomas Collette 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-6361 no yes
9087 Ms. Louise S. McDonald 4 ANCHORAGE PT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3124 no yes
9094 Occhetti 4 MAINSAIL CT. Byron GA 31008 (404) 555-2477 no no
9106 Ms. Jennifer Stein 4 MAINSAIL CT. Asheville NC 28805 (919) 555-5926 no no
9107 Ms. Pat Stewart 400 ESHON ROAD Laurinburg NC 28353 (919) 555-5213 no no
9112 Mr. Daniel M. Turner 401 1/2 CENTER ST Farmville NC 27828 (919) 555-2408 no yes
9115 Mr. Edward E. Horne 40 CARRIAGE HILL DR Virginia Beach VA 23454 (757) 555-2167 no no
9122 Ms. Beverly Sael 2400 METTS AVENUE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5878 yes yes
9123 Mrs. Cynthia Smith 2304 CRESCENT COURT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2239 no yes
9137 Mrs. Anne Walker 2304 WAGONER RD. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0380 no no
9156 Mr. Chuck Drakulic 2305 L GINGER LN Salisbury NC 28145-1037 (919) 555-6741 no no
9158 Mr. Fred Overcash 230 SEMINOLE TRAIL Mineral VA 23117 (757) 555-6610 no no
9176 Mr. Keith Weis 2302 ORANGE GROVE RD Boring OR 97009 (855) 555-0923 no no
9195 Mr. Charles W. Weisner 2302 ORANGE GROVE RD Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-1760 no yes
9199 Mrs. Mina Cheek McHenry 2302 PISGAH CHURCH RD Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-8415 no yes
9215 Ms. Nancy Lewis 1812 SNOW WIND DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3342 no no
9237 Ms. Jann Schaefer 1734 SANDALWOOD DRIVE SW Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-4921 no yes
9242 Mr. Thomas R, Hester 105 PINE CONE DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8724 no no
9262 Ms. Janice Lee Richardson 5716 OAK BLUFF LN Raleigh NC 27615-3221 (919) 555-6749 no yes
9278 Mr. Danny Schoenberg 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Greensboro NC 27409-9717 (919) 555-1974 no no
9279 Mr. Stephen Yingling 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-4941 yes yes
9291 Ms. Marilyn E. Doss Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0408 no yes
9293 Mrs. Phronsie Galvin 403 THE CAPE BLVD. Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6327 no yes
9296 Ms. Kristy Toerne 2519 WESTMORELAND DR. FPO AE 09619-0800 (855) 555-9638 no no
9299 Mr. David Beck 900 INDIAN TRAIL Kitty Hawk NC 27949 (919) 555-6529 no yes
9300 Mrs. Lisa W. Simonsen 4312 PRINCETON AVE Lewisville NC 27023 (919) 555-5028 no yes
9302 Mr. Gary S. Kenyon 111 PLANTATION PASSAGE Sherrills Ford NC 27050 (919) 555-4469 no no
9309 Mr. Richard Pfeifer 3806 BON REA DRIVE Olin NC 28660 (919) 555-6930 no no
9317 Mr. Warren A. Phelps 3807 ASBURY CT. Ararat VA 24053 (757) 555-9141 no no
9339 Ms. Iris Brown 3806 BON-REA DRIVE Mayo FL 32066 (855) 555-9072 no no
9342 Mr. David Bryan 5700 DUMFRIES DR Carthage NC 28327 (919) 555-9777 no no
9347 Mr. Lee Iwaniac 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Goldsboro NC 27530 (919) 555-9118 no no
9355 Mr. Damon JACKSON 2320 ROCKLANE DRIVE State Road NC 28676 (919) 555-1529 no no
9366 Ms. Margaret McDaniel 232 FOREST POND ROAD Pikeville NC 27863 (919) 555-1884 yes no
9373 Mr. Richard L. Yount 89 WOODLAND ROAD Allentown NJ 08501 (855) 555-5379 yes no
9374 Mrs. Lynn Zetzer 8932 TALFAIR CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7750 no yes
9385 Mrs. Dorothy Houser 8943 OSAGE ROAD Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-8045 no no
9408 Mr. Scott J. Deworth 9065 MAGUIRES BRIDGE St. Louis MO 63122 (855) 555-8472 no no
9410 Ms. Misty P. Dickert 9424 PALM BAY CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27613-6319 (919) 555-6441 no yes
9428 Mr. Francis C. Swanson 9424 PALM BAY CIRCLE Christiansburg VA 24073-5414 (757) 555-3434 no no
9430 Ms. Elizabeth Swofford 2007 NORMANDY ROAD Durham NC 27705-3254 (919) 555-7999 no yes
9440 Mrs. Margaret M. Harris 2005 CARRINGTON DRIVE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-1732 yes yes
9441 Mr. William E. LaCoss 4550 S. HWY 62 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6987 no yes
9447 Mr. Kevin D. Yost 4580 70TH ST. W. #127 Lincolnton NC 28092 (919) 555-1906 no no
9454 Mrs. Ellen M. Thomas 4603 WHITBY PL Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4107 no no
9472 Ms. Ginny Thompson 378 W. FRANCIS STREET Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-3456 no yes
9478 Mr. Donald Johnson 38 PINE ST Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3441 no yes
9480 Ms. Joan-Ellen Johnston 1801 PROVENCE DR Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-7166 no yes
9489 Mr. James R. Frantz 1801 REGAL LANE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2569 no yes
9496 Mrs. Sarah McHenry 101 MIDDLEPOINT RD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-1124 no no
9498 Mr. Earl L. Dunston 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2813 no yes
9499 Mr. James N. DUNSTON 5425 DANA DR APT B Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-3946 no yes
9503 Ms. Jolene W. Milholland 5420 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1053 no yes
9507 Mr. Thomas C. CAMPBELL 427 HAW BRANCH RD Creedmoor NC 27522-8680 (919) 555-9464 no no
9527 Mrs. Ruby Canavan 18310 MANDRIAN POINT RD. Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-3273 no yes
9542 Mrs. Dianne Canupp 18310 MANDRIAN POINT RD. Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-5414 no no
9552 Mr. G. Bruce Victorson 1842 DENNIS STREET Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3121 no yes
9555 Mrs. Shirley T. Howard 17871 HOFFMAN AVENUE Cary NC 27512-0593 (919) 555-2284 no yes
9556 Ms. Marty Yost 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0085 no yes
9557 Mr. William M. Romisher 5704 WANDERLUST LN Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2046 no yes
9558 Ms. Amy E. JACOBSEN 403 THE CAPE BLVD. Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-1707 no yes
9560 Mrs. Barbara Vought 105 PINE CONE DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9184 no yes
9571 Ms. Karen A. Thompson 18942 WOODSAGE DRIVE Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-7391 no yes
9580 Mrs. Rachel R. Smith 1612 COPPERPLATE ROAD Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-2178 no yes
9584 Ms. Pat Bantel 9019 WILLOW TRACE COURT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8983 no yes
9589 Mr. Ronald E. Montaperto 101 WINNEBAGO TRAIL Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8980 no yes
9590 Mrs. Jane J. Ritchie 89832 W TELFAIR CIRCLE Davidson NC 28036 (919) 555-1667 no yes
9591 Dr. David Ritzema 4633 MCCLELLAND DR #5-203 CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-9190 no no
9595 Dr. William K. Niparts 4632 LONG LEAF HILLS DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6755 no yes
9598 Mr. David M. Noel 2017 BATTLEWOOD RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2152 no yes
9600 Sen. Allen Hart 2018 TOWNVIEW DRIVE Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-7353 no yes
9603 Ms. Carol P. Hart 101 EXCALIBUR CT Wilmington NC 28405-4125 (919) 555-8954 no yes
9604 Mr. David P. Hutchby 101 CORBEL PLACE Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-1503 yes yes
9607 Mrs. Adelaide Enberg 10104 TOUCHWOOD PL Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9156 no yes
9608 Mr. William Englander 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Goldsboro NC 27530-9129 (919) 555-5013 no yes
9610 Mr. Robert R. Simpson 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Nashville NC 27856 (919) 555-2942 no yes
9612 Ms. Mary Howard Helmey 3700 WEDGEDALE PL Kinston NC 28502 (919) 555-5227 no yes
9621 Mr. Chris Sipe 4171-203 HEARTHSIDE Burlingame CA 94010-5251 (855) 555-5120 no no
9631 Ekas 20 MCARTHUR DR CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-2479 no no
9634 Ms. Mary Watson Winters 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-6450 no yes
9638 Mr. Peter Soper 903 DANIEL DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7159 no yes
9643 Mr. George HUDOLIN 10245 INVERSHIELD COURT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-1604 no yes
9644 Mr. Don McCoy 1805 HERMITAGE RD Morganton NC 28655 (919) 555-4093 no no
9654 Mr. Brian Anderson 100 BIRDIE COURT Creedmoor NC 27522 (919) 555-9290 no no
9671 Mr. Stephen P. Goad 1608 CRAIG ST Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-3869 no yes
9672 Dr. Gloria Russell 3692 WILLOW LAKE DRIVE Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-8072 yes yes
9673 Mr. David K. MIJON 1636 MOUNT EVANS DRIVER Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7543 no yes
9675 Mr. R. F. Buch 19903 225TH ST Asheboro NC 27203 (919) 555-6470 no yes
9681 Ms. Carolyn Ide 9461 HWY 65 Mars Hill NC 28754-6932 (919) 555-3873 no no
9682 Mr. Mark A. Riedel 1924 WOODLAND AVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-9364 no no
9683 Ms. Gail E. Lilienthal 2402 OLD TOWNE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8949 no yes
9684 Mrs. Kay Allison 2401 CLURTTE Dr, Apt 103 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6046 no yes
9686 Mrs. Phyllis Arthofer 240 BELLEMONT ALAMANCE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-5771 yes yes
9697 Ms. Dee A. Atherton 202 KIRKLAND DR Raleigh NC 27608-2460 (919) 555-8784 no yes
9703 Mr. Frederick W. Blade 202 NE 60th STREET Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-7903 no yes
9704 Mr. John Selinsky 9065 MAGUIRES BRIDGE Murphy NC 28906 (919) 555-1986 no no
9706 Ms. Sharon Crouse 906 LORRAINE DR NORTH Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-7671 no yes
9714 Ms. Josephine T. Cunningham 4101 PALMETTO PL Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9708 no yes
9716 Ms. Wanda W. Thompson 4101 PALMETTO PL Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-5085 no yes
9717 Mrs. Melrose M. Hauser 525 EAST JONES STREET Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-1770 no yes
9722 Mr. Kevin Vought 577 VIKING PLACE Raleigh NC 27608-2454 (919) 555-6051 no yes
9728 Sherman JOHNSON 1633 WHITFIELD AVENUE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2104 no no
9735 Mrs. Sandra S. Johnson 106 EAGLE SWOOP CT Washington NC 27889 (919) 555-4793 no no
9736 Mr. George F. Gregg 106 CONNORS CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6246 no yes
9740 Mr. Ronald D. Gregory 3705 D. MANOR DR. Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5569 yes yes
9745 Ms. Cynthia Wayne 3703 SAND TRAP CT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7420 yes yes
9749 Mrs. Robin Milholland 9426 FAIRMEAD DR Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-8341 no yes
9751 Mrs. Diane J. Moore 16215 NORTH 35TH ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4386 no no
9755 Ms. Mary A. Burson 106 OAK ISLAND DRIVE Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-5125 yes yes
9756 Mr. Ralph Weirick 404 MODENA DR Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-0416 yes yes
9761 Mr. Chris Haney 9 GREAT CASTLE CT Wilson NC 27896 (919) 555-7743 no no
9762 Mr. John E. Hanrahan 8809 WEATHERSFIELD CT Accomac VA 23301 (757) 555-7554 yes no
9763 Mr. Kenneth W. Winrich 8824 NEW HOPE FARM ROAD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-9623 no no
9766 Mrs. Caelia R. Dunn 5510 COBBLE GLEN Durham NC 27701-1520 (919) 555-4180 no yes
9772 Mr. Dennis J. Hilpert 100 LAURELWOOD LN Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3997 no yes
9779 Mrs. Annie Laurie Plavocos 3812 FORESTGATE DR APT. 315 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2470 no yes
9787 Ms. Clara B. Connelly 183 DAVEFIELD DR. Farmville NC 27828 (919) 555-7277 no yes
9791 Ms. Ruth L. Loy 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Manteo NC 27954 (919) 555-3944 no no
9800 Ms. Elizabeth Allison 5510 COBBLE GLEN High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-8361 no no
9801 Ms. Annie M. Allsbury 1907 IVY ROAD Vernon CT 06066-4071 (855) 555-6074 no no
9811 Mr. Paul E. Forbes 1911 FORDHAM RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6065 no no
9823 Mr. Scott A. McBride 1921 HUNTING RIDGE RD Kinston NC 28504 (919) 555-2100 yes yes
9825 Mrs. Lauri McBride 5278 BEECHMONT DR Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-1365 no yes
9826 Mrs. Jean C. Shipton 525 WADE AVE #50 Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0414 no yes
9831 Ms. Tiffany P. Koceja 3601 SWANN DRIVE Matthews NC 28105 (919) 555-0821 no no
9835 Dale Philbeck 4616 REIGATE WAY Wilkesboro NC 28697 (919) 555-4288 no no
9836 Warfel 4616 FERNHARN PLACE Mount Holly NC 28120 (919) 555-8719 no no
9847 Mrs. Dorothy B. Wargo 2104 GLENWOOD ST Reidsville NC 27320 (919) 555-7986 yes yes
9858 Mrs. Jane O. Jaszewski 2104 MCLEAN ROAD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-3703 no yes
9859 Mrs. Jennifer Cobb Andreas 1620 VanDyke DR Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-6452 no yes
9864 Ms. Heidi Andrews 405 N. ANDREWS AVE. Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-0723 no yes
9869 Mr. Charles Readling 405 PINE COURT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3706 no no
9873 Mr. Harold DiMuzio 404 PINECROFT DR Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-6963 no yes
9875 Ms. Lisa DiNunzio 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-4504 no yes
9911 Mr. Malcolm Lee Keller 5913 PINE TREE CT Raleigh NC 27607-4100 (919) 555-1319 no yes
9914 Mr. Vergean R. Keller 5913 McCLENNY DR. Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6170 no yes
9916 Ms. Sylvia N. Luteman Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1487 no Yes
9917 Ms. Lillian Storholt 5907 McCLENNY DR. Mebane NC 27302-2509 (919) 555-1596 no yes
9926 Mr. Anthony R. Collins 404 MODENA DRIVE Amelia VA 23002 (757) 555-7531 no no
9933 Mr. Bruce Judd 2513 NEWINGTON CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9122 no yes
9941 Ms. Anna Lees Ferguson 105 STONEHOLLOW CT Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-9749 yes yes
9960 Dr. W. Stacy Ferguson 103 LANDON LN Raleigh NC 27609-7048 (919) 555-6880 no no
9962 Ms. Carolyn Peterson 103 BROMFIELD WAY Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3759 no yes
9969 Ms. Cheri W Prill 5916 PINE TREE CT Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-7810 yes yes
9977 Ms. Margaret W Gresham 566 KELLY RD Lexington NC 27292 (919) 555-5033 no yes
9978 Ms. Gayle Gresham 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Morehead City NC 28557 (919) 555-1900 no no
9979 Ms. Carolyn S Tonnesen 53 TROY LEE ACRES Raleigh NC 27604-5927 (919) 555-6157 yes yes
9983 Mrs. Sally L Tonneson 3005 LAGER LANE Louisville KY 40207-1141 (855) 555-7882 no no
9985 Mrs. Shelley L Simpson 3002 ST. REGIS RD Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-6797 no yes
10007 Ms. Olene Sink 300 E ROSEMARY ST Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9992 no yes
10011 Mr. James Allen 300 PATRICK AVENUE Macon NC 27551 (919) 555-7337 no yes
10012 Mrs. Otis V. Miller 300 BARLEY MILL DR Raleigh NC 27607-4120 (919) 555-4474 no yes
10015 Mr. Blake LUTZ 300 BARLEY MILL DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4159 no yes
10016 Mr. Andy Werner 3 LINDEN PLACE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8940 no yes
10028 Mr. Thomas P. Wertz 2970 HICKSBORO RD Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-3083 no yes
10031 Mr. Harald Boyer 3 FERN BLUFF CT Belvidere TN 37306 (855) 555-8398 no no
10035 Mr. William E. Hinde 2964 TILLINGHAST TR Warsaw NC 28398 (919) 555-0741 no yes
10037 Mr. Scott Ingolia 2958 MOSER LN Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-9376 no yes
10038 Mr. Walt Messer 2958 MOSER LN Goldsboro NC 27530 (919) 555-5249 yes no
10042 Mr. Kevin Schabinger 2948 FOREST CIR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-2178 no yes
10044 Mr. George S Wittmer 2924 HICKORY HILL ROAD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3561 no yes
10046 Ms. Barbara Woitineck 2924 HICKORY HILL ROAD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2092 yes yes
10047 Mrs. Anita Laudati 2924 HICKORY HILL RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7421 no yes
10048 Ms. Ann Stitzer 292 GHOLSON AVENUE Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-6358 yes no
10120 Dr. Charles V. Lovelace 2919-C COTTAGE PL Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-0429 no no
10151 Ms. Leah Mason 2913 OLD ORCHARD ROAD Davidson NC 28036 (919) 555-5944 no yes
10194 Mr. Ron Priser 291 JEFFERSON CT NE Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-4633 no yes
10195 Mr. Philip S. Deter 2909 LEGARE CT Four Oaks NC 27524 (919) 555-0618 no yes
10198 Mr. David L DETRAZ 2900 CORDOVA ROAD Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-2031 no yes
10200 Mr. Jack Moyers 2867 TREESTEAD CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3148 yes yes
10208 Mrs. Kelly C Moyers 2867 TREESTEAD CIRCLE Pinehurst NC 28370 (919) 555-5333 no yes
10209 Ms. Carolyn J. Kelsey 2856 PARK PL Cary NC 27511-9619 (919) 555-5998 no yes
10212 Mr. Steve Kennard 2830 BARMETTLER ST Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6725 no no
10231 Mr. Gordon Tilden 2830 BARMETTLER ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1808 no yes
10239 Mrs. Karolyn H Todd 2828 BLANCHE DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2591 no no
10241 Ms. Dot Baumann 282 DOBSON RD Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-4094 no yes
10303 Mrs. Lynn E. Cormier 282 DOBSON RD High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-7289 no yes
10305 Ms. Anne Cormier 2808 CROASDAILE DR APT T-6 Boone NC 28607-8282 (919) 555-5140 no yes
10306 Ms. Diane Wilson 2750 SHANDY LANE Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-5571 no yes
10309 Ms. Sonya Penner 2748 KECK DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5766 no no
10315 Ms. Dixie W Hite 2740 LAMPLIGHTER DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0397 no yes
10317 Mrs. Terry Hizer 2729 24TH AVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9448 no yes
10323 Mr. Charles D Koceja 2730 MULBERRY LANE Raleigh NC 27608-2302 (919) 555-6025 yes yes
10325 Mrs. Virginia M Koch 2715 ODDIE ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1046 no yes
10330 Mr. Hoyt Q. Jeffries 2728 KIRKWOOD DRIVE APT D Shelby NC 28151 (919) 555-4495 no yes
10331 Ms. Debra King 2714 VON THURINGER CT Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-9796 no yes
10332 Mr. Monty Schultz 2713 TOWNES DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6347 no no
10347 Mr. David Brown 2712 MATTLYN CT Asheboro NC 27203 (919) 555-0334 no yes
10362 Ms. Jeanette Crump Peterson 2712 MATTLYN CT Canton GA 30114 (404) 555-8059 no no
10364 Mr. Merle Withers 2710 LA DUELA LANE Charlotte NC 28226 (919) 555-2384 no no
10366 Ms. Sharon R. Tompkins 9209 FOUR FARMS RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6159 no yes
10369 Mr. Keith Thompson 9201 Sulkirk Dr. Statesville NC 28677-3937 (919) 555-6414 no no
10370 Ms. Saranne HERRMANN 9201 Sulkirk Dr. Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-0023 no yes
10371 Mrs. Dorsey Gutierrez 919 MAYFIELD RD Charlotte NC 28211 (919) 555-9524 no no
10379 Mr. Peter Colyer 919 MAYFIELD RD Chatham VA 24531 (757) 555-1661 no no
10381 Mrs. Ethelene W Colyer 9155 BLUE MOUNTAIN DR Lenoir NC 28645 (919) 555-9754 no no
10391 Mr. Christopher Todd Wolkan 913 DEERFIELD DR Wake Forest NC 27587-6351 (919) 555-6915 yes no
10395 Mrs. Mary J. Gibney 5392 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-0536 no yes
10412 Ms. Barbara Auxier Gillespie 5323 FOX COVE LN. APT. O Athens GA 30605-4941 (404) 555-9369 no no
10417 Peuster 534 ALBEMARLE ROAD Castle Hayne NC 28429 (919) 555-9482 no no
10422 Mr. David B. Peuster 5321 SUN COAST DR. High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-1553 no yes
10424 Ms. Karen E. Omwake Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-3436 no yes
10427 Mr. Christopher W. McClintic 5320 CHERRYCREST CT Rheems PA
520 17570 (855) 555-3147 no no
10429 Hance 5313 INGLEWOOD LANE Jackson Springs NC 27281 (919) 555-6142 no yes
10430 Johnson 5312 WILLOW CRY LN Seneca SC 29672-6619 (855) 555-7067 no no
10437 Gilbert 5312 NEWHALL RD Midland NC 28107 (919) 555-2592 no no
10450 Mrs. Eileen S. Gillon 5309 CHERRYCREST CT Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-5745 no yes
10465 Mr. Matthew Farmer 5309 PETRAL CT. Winston-Salem NC 27107-4575 (919) 555-9442 no yes
10469 Mr. Brent Lang 5449 WHITING AVE Pearson GA 31642 (404) 555-2025 no no
10470 Mr. Miles Phillips 5449 WHITING AVE Rocky Mount NC 27802 (919) 555-9580 no no
10491 Dr. A. J. Piel 5432 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Mt. Olive NC 28365 (919) 555-2515 no yes
10492 Mr. A. B. Scott 5444 PINE TOP CIRCLE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-0810 no yes
10505 Ms. Chris Walton 3954 APPLETON WAY Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-7677 no no
10517 Dr. Thomas D. Waters 111 PLANTATION PASSAGE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-9944 no yes
10520 Mr. Joel Myers 111 KNOLLWOOD CT Pinebluff NC 28373 (919) 555-7831 no no
10534 Mrs. Rebecca Myers 111 GREEN FOREST DR Chapel Hill NC 27517-8570 (919) 555-4998 no no
10561 Mrs. Pat Kuster 1108 BANCROFT DR Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-1071 no no
10606 Dr. Betty Lambie 1105 ERINS WAY LN Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-5684 no no
10667 Mrs. Linda S. Hartis 1105 ERINS WAY LN Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-1605 no no
10669 Mr. Eric S. Hartis Jr. 1105 CASTALIA DR Spencer NC 28159 (919) 555-5538 no no
10735 Mr. Agustinus Hudspeth 1105 CASTALIA DR Olympia WA (855) 555-3061 no no
10742 Mr. Ian Thomas 11029 SOUTHWALK LN Lexington NC 27292-5418 (919) 555-2128 no yes
10750 Mr. Ben C. Sumner 11020 NC HWY 801 Mount Holly NC 28120 (919) 555-3537 no no
10756 Mr. Leonard C. Mesimer 11020 NC HWY 801 Winston Salem NC 27103-3406 (919) 555-0146 no yes
10758 Ms. Sarah A. Bailey 1102 KINDLEY CT Swanzey NH 03446 (855) 555-8791 yes no
10764 Mrs. Darlyne H. Bolick 1102 KINDLEY CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0492 no yes
10953 Dr. Albert Bolin 1101 CENTENNARY DRIVE Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-5635 no no
10954 Mr. Mike Thomas 1102 BRITTLEY WAY Athens GA 30604 (404) 555-9482 no no
10963 Mrs. Geraldine H. Lynn 11001 W DEKALB PL Lady Lake FL 32159 (855) 555-0403 no no
10968 Mr. Pieter Howard 11001 W DEKALB PL Clinton NC 28328 (919) 555-3640 no yes
10970 Mr. Herbert G. Chesson 1100 MAYBERRY PL Apex NC 27523-5501 (919) 555-5305 yes yes
10973 Ms. Judy Chut Jr. 1100 GLENCASTLE WAY Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3114 no no
10979 Mr. Michael Tompkins 1100 GLENCASTLE WAY Raleigh NC 27602 (919) 555-1551 no yes
10996 Ms. Leslie Halfhill 1100 CLAREDON ST #407 Huntersville NC 28078 (919) 555-1892 no yes
10998 Ms. Megan Williams 110 YORK AVENUE Salisbury NC 278147 (919) 555-1883 no no
11008 Mr. Glenn T. Rector 110 WEST A STREET Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6434 no yes
11012 Ms. Rosa Ostby 110 SW 21ST ST Benson NC 27504 (919) 555-5125 no no
11030 Ms. Mary K. Behnke 110 SW 21 ST Gettysburg PA 17325-0693 (855) 555-9872 no no
11031 Dr. Katie Behrend 110 BAYREUTH PLACE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8689 no yes
11032 Mr. Michael Behrend 11 ROBERT E LEE DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8846 no yes
11034 Mr. Ben G. Odom 11 ROBERT E LEE DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2551 no yes
11039 Mr. Bill Sheldon 10917 WASHAM POTTS RD Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-3476 no yes
11044 Mr. Terry Shell 109 N KERR AVE #205 NCSU Campus (855) 555-9629 no yes
11051 Ms. Leslie Pence 109 GREENGATE CT Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-3494 no yes
11053 Dr. Barbara Pence 109 DEER COVE RD Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-5277 no yes
11055 Ms. Adair Albee 109 DEER COVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3288 no yes
11056 Mrs. Terri Allen 109 CAPE FEAR DRIVE Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-3495 no yes
11061 Mr. Terry M. Wiggins 109 CAPE FEAR DRIVE Laurinburg NC 28352 (919) 555-8518 no yes
11066 Dr. Dan P. Wilkinson 10800 W. BRIDGFORD DR. Lincolnton NC 28092 (919) 555-8849 no yes
11074 Ms. Leah L. Korte 1085 ANCHOR PT Raleigh NC 27613-5411 (919) 555-4516 no yes
11077 Mr. Mike Korte 10800 W. BRIDGFORD DR. Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-1973 no yes
11084 Mr. Samuel Weaver 108 TURTLE CAY DR. Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-9298 no no
11086 Mr. Kurt H. Weber 108 MAYODAN DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8459 yes no
11088 Mr. Chris Fangmeier 108 LOCHBERRY LANE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-7824 no yes
11092 Mr. Trace Ostby 108 LOCHBERRY LANE Holly Springs NC 27527540 (919) 555-9023 no yes
11094 Mr. Matthew Eichler 108 GREYSTONE CIRCLE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2226 yes yes
11102 Dr. Jon F. Wooden 108 FORESTCREAT CT. CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-0841 yes no
11103 Dr. Joe Woodham 10729 TRAPPERS CREEK DR CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-5892 no no
11108 Dr. Johnny Ros 10729 TRAPPERS CREEK DR CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-9987 no yes
11111 Ms. Rita Lohmeyer 107 WALNUT CREEK RD. RTP NC 27709 (919) 555-1418 no yes
11123 Mr. Bill Gray 107 RIVERBIRCH PL Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8301 no no
11129 Ms. Christopher Austin 107 ISLAND DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-5848 no yes
11135 Mr. Michael J. Austin 107 ISLAND DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6743 no no
11169 Ms. Michelle Taylor 1066 CENTRAL DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7462 no yes
11172 Dr. Deborah Taylor 1060 WINWOOD DRIVE Fletcher NC 28732 (919) 555-8593 no yes
11177 Mr. Haddon M. Maloney 1060 WINDWOOD DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6284 no yes
11181 Dr. David Mason Gerhard 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4085 no yes
11187 Mr. George L. Wilson 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9682 yes yes
11188 Mr. Richard D. See 4108 ROSE DR Raleigh NC 27612-3762 (919) 555-3035 no no
11190 Ms. Patricia L. Seeber 104 LARK CT High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-0176 no yes
11192 Mr. Fred H. Koester 104 LITTLE RIVER DRIVE Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-9679 no yes
11195 Ms. Anne M. Kohn 2704A SOUTH 17TH ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2718 no yes
11199 Ms. Anne Persson 2705 WYCLIFF RD Purcellville VA 20134 (757) 555-3465 no no
11209 Ms. Samantha Nagel 2704 ELDERWOOD LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9892 no yes
11215 Mr. Tom Nalepa 2701 RYDAL CT Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-4611 no no
11216 Ms. Karen Woodall 2701 RYDAL CT Lansing WV 25862-0039 (855) 555-6742 no no
11224 Ms. Marian Castle 406 BUENA VISTA DRIVE Virginia Beach VA 23454-1449 (757) 555-9581 yes no
11233 Mr. Ed Fraser 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5208 no yes
11236 Mr. Walter A. Saenger 4313 FOXHOUND RD Yorktown VA 23692 (757) 555-0873 no no
11237 Mr. Patrick Safrit 420 OAKRIDGE RD Creedmoor NC 27522 (919) 555-5226 no no
11241 Ms. Lynda Gurganus 4175 MEDFORD DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-0431 no no
11247 Mr. Bob Schoenberg 2569 SOUTHBERRY PL Tarboro NC 27886 (919) 555-2204 no no
11252 Mr. Rick Hoffmann 2110 ROBINHOOD RD Leicester NC 28748 (919) 555-7467 no yes
11256 Mr. Turner Hofstedder 1810 PARK DR Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-2286 no no
11273 Mrs. Louise M. Wall 1808 WOOD HENGE DR Rolesville NC 27571 (919) 555-4693 no yes
11279 Patrick Bourbeau 1019 BROWNING RD. Boone NC 28607-8282 (919) 555-8736 no no
11280 Ms. Colin Bowman 1016 SHADICK RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3263 yes no
11282 Ms. Mary Turner 1018 WENTWORTH DR. Buies Creek NC 27506 (919) 555-0894 no yes
11285 Dr. Eric F. Ballard 1012-B PARKER STREET Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-9623 no yes
11292 Mr. Sebastian Sink 4845 WILLOW DR Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-7244 no yes
11300 Mr. Greg A. Carnaghie 4841 THORNWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-8579 yes yes
11303 Ms. Sheila Boyer 4824 FARM POND LN Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-4694 yes no
11306 Mr. Robert J. Brooks 4815 CAROLINA BEACH RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0019 no yes
11314 Mr. Matthew Brian Orr 4811 GARRETT DR APT 105 Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3400 no yes
11315 Ms. Barbara E. Rehbein 4806 JENNA DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2967 no yes
11318 Mr. Jacob H. Rabenhorst 4805 SWEETBRIAR RD. Athens GA 30605 (404) 555-4042 no no
11326 Mrs. Elva Wolf 3918 EVERGREEN Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-8897 no yes
11334 Ms. Linda Flowers Wood 3906 RED CHIEF ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4076 no yes
11342 Ms. Norma H. Aarsund 3906 RED CHIEF ST Wilson NC 27896 (919) 555-8997 no yes
11349 Ms. Anne Hoffmann 3906 RED CHIEF ST Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-3646 no no
11355 Ms. Elizabeth Wurn 3905 VALLEY STREAM DR Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0715 no yes
11357 Mrs. Cynthia K. Fick 3721 DUXFORD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0240 yes yes
11370 Mr. John N. Mann 3850 STONEY CREEK CHURCH RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6769 no yes
11376 Ms. Jamison V. Marian 3904 HUNT CHASE CT Central SC 29630 (855) 555-3794 no no
11405 Dr. John Collette 3904 CASCADE DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1287 no yes
11407 Ms. Frankie M. Collier 3838 KELLIE LEE LN Princeton NC 27569 (919) 555-9516 no yes
11409 Dr. Burns Shellaway 3838 KELLIE LEE LN Durham NC 27705-1316 (919) 555-1405 no yes
11410 Mrs. Joyce N. Herman 2403 CAMDEN RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2266 no yes
11411 Mrs. Barbara C. Herrmann 1618 PAISLEY DR Louisburg NC 27549 (919) 555-8691 no yes
11412 Ms. Dorothy P. IOCONA 1619 ROANOKE COURT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6536 no yes
11414 Ms. Annette Rhoads 1608 CRAIG ST Raleigh NC 27607-3140 (919) 555-5513 yes yes
11415 Ms. Kaelani Lindley 555 WHISTLING SWAN DRIVE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-0854 yes yes
11417 Mr. Johnny R. Lindsay 5524 ROBIN RIDGE RD Richlands NC 28574 (919) 555-6145 no yes
11422 Ms. Catherine Feola 5516 COMERSTAFF DR Raleigh NC 27615-7106 (919) 555-1852 yes yes
11425 Mr. Thomas L. James 4108 ROSE DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7771 no yes
11426 Mr. Donald W. Rhoades 4108 REDWINE DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0466 yes yes
11442 Ms. Barbara C. Pourcho 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-5963 yes yes
11445 Mrs. Barbara B. Caple 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4576 no yes
11446 Mrs. Eliza H. Bliss 4104 FRATERNITY CT Raleigh NC 27607-3135 (919) 555-1151 no yes
11447 Mr. Robert Bliss 4104 FRATERNITY CT Fairfax VA 22030 (757) 555-4386 yes no
11454 Mrs. Carrie C. Jarchow 4102 LEAFMORE STREET Charlotte NC 28226 (919) 555-6983 no yes
11457 Ms. Kelley L. Jarchow 4102 LEAFMORE ST Horse Shoe NC 28742 (919) 555-4108 yes yes
11459 Mrs. Janet Pope 4102 APPLETON ROAD Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-6221 yes yes
11462 Mr. James P. Donohoe 4102 APPLETON RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9338 no yes
11466 Mr. Dennis Dorton 4101 PALMETTO PL Charlotte NC 28215 (919) 555-1059 no yes
11467 Mr. Donald R. Guidry 4101 PALMETTO PL Huntersville NC 28078 (919) 555-2136 no yes
11468 Mr. John Kennard 4100 USHW 29N #230 Asheville NC 28803 (919) 555-5751 no yes
11471 Kennette 410 R.L. HONEYCUTT DR Statesville NC 28677-2481 (919) 555-7302 no no
11472 Donelle R. Abbe 410 R.L. HONNEYCUTT DR Huntersville NC 28078 (919) 555-0271 no yes
11473 Mr. John D. Albright 409HAIG DR Ruffin NC 27326 (919) 555-9180 no yes
11474 Ms. Barbara D. Roth 4095 FAIRWAY DR Louisburg NC 27549 (919) 555-8261 no yes
11484 Mr. Scott Lyon 577 VIKING PLACE Shelby NC 28150 (919) 555-5998 no no
11487 MacAdam 2610 SHADY LAWN DR Asheville NC 28801 (919) 555-1717 no no
11488 Ms. Karen E. Botelho 2611 EAST WOODLYN WAY Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9312 no yes
11506 Ms. Marie Botteicher 20342 PINEHURST DRIVE Leasburg NC 27291 (919) 555-1617 no yes
11513 Mr. William Mowrey 204 PASSAGE GATE WAY DR. Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-3682 no yes
11529 Mrs. Catherine M. MANN 1703 DUNLEITH Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0825 no yes
11555 Mrs. Kelly Lake Mann 101 WINNEBAGO TRAIL Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0484 no no
11561 Mr. Jeff Opalinski Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-5357 yes yes
11580 Mr. Bryan M. Strassenburg 101 SHERRIE LN Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-5882 no no
11598 Mr. L. Alfred McPherson 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7187 no yes
11599 Mr. Robert L. Richey 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4744 yes yes
11607 Mr. Richard Kline 402 HILLCREST RD Roxboro NC 27573 (919) 555-3657 no yes
11609 Mr. Joe Beck 5718 WINDWARD CT Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-6694 no no
11610 Ms. Donna Kettle 2519 WESTMORELAND Williamsburg VA 23185 (757) 555-0609 no no
11625 Mr. Kevin M. Brandon 2519 TIMBER LANE Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-6612 yes yes
11626 Mr. T.J. Brandon 201 WOODS REAM DR Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-6581 no yes
11633 Ms. Katherine A. Sommers 201 GAIL RIDGE LN Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2558 no yes
11636 Mr. Gregory J. Steffen 905 LONG COVE CT Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-9035 no yes
11638 Mrs. Marty Stewart 8874 SW 197 TERRACE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-1072 no yes
11639 Mrs Joyce H. Citty 89 WOODLAND ROAD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2607 no yes
11640 Mr. Timothy Clark 203 S FRANKLIN ST Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-8606 no yes
11648 Mr. James J. Kuhn 203 S. FRANKLIN ST Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5289 no yes
11651 Ms. Gail G. Maxwell 5407 WINTERS WAY Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7140 yes yes
11654 Mr. Craig Richardson 4312 PRINCETON AVE Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-2323 no yes
11663 Praveen Williams 2012 LAWRENCE DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6378 no no
11666 Ms. Jayme Vogelpohl 2002 KATHERINE STREET Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5363 no yes
11670 Mr. David Roberts 4550 S. HWY 62 Durham NC 27703-5813 (919) 555-8648 no yes
11673 Ms. Ina Doss Chapel Hill NC 27515 (919) 555-7191 no yes
11679 Mrs. Rita G. Coble 5201 FIELDBROOK DR Raleigh NC 27605-1303 (919) 555-3434 no yes
11682 Ms. Margaret M. Coble 4209 FROST CT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9679 yes yes
11686 Ms. Jessica Smith 4203 PHEASANT RUN DR Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-4532 no yes
11690 Mr. Bruce Matthias 20 MCARTHUR DRIVE Richmond VA 23236 (757) 555-6139 no no
11691 Ms. Donna S. Michelsen 1801 REGAL LN Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-6910 no yes
11693 Ms. Natasha Miller 269 KRISTI LYNN’S WAY Charlotte NC 28208 (919) 555-2715 no no
11702 Mrs. Noel T. Randolph 269 KRISTI LYNN’S WAY Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8560 no yes
11703 Ms. Jane C. Weaver 101 EXCALIBUR CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2207 no yes
11709 Mrs. Cheryl Weaver 3720 GREENE’S CROSSING Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8446 no yes
11712 Mrs. Linda Weinrich 3717 COLEWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3831 no yes
11717 Mr. Dan Peterson 2420 WENTWORTH ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6580 no yes
11736 Mr. Marvin L. Peterson 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-7037 no yes
11740 Mrs. Julia K. Wassum 5905 SUNCREEK CT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9686 yes yes
11761 Ms. Shirley Stallings 9426 FAIRMEAD DR Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-8403 no yes
11771 Mr. Stephen A. Mayo 230 SEMINOLE TRAIL Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-8712 no yes
11775 Ms. Carolyn . Kowalski 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Kings Mountain NC 28086 (919) 555-9641 no no
11778 Mrs. Debra Kraft 5512 KILLARNEY HOPE RD. Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-6554 no yes
11779 Mr. Chad J. Howard 5513 CROFTON AVE Plainfield IL 60544-2473 (855) 555-1153 no no
11781 Ms. Alison G. Wise 416 SAWGRASS HITT CT Apex NC 27523-9601 (919) 555-1948 no yes
11785 Mr. Lewis H. Kietzman 9019 WILLOW TRACE COURT Chapel Hill NC 27516-8614 (919) 555-6907 no yes
11791 Mr. James I. Petry 463 BLACK ANGUS DRIVE Angier NC 27501-9225 (919) 555-0626 no yes
11802 Mr. Carl P. Young 1800 EASTWOOD RD #271 Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-4331 no yes
11806 Mr. Charles H. Yount 8943 OSAGE ROAD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3344 no no
11808 Mr. Stephen Lumpkin 10104 TOUCHWOOD PL Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1793 no yes
11809 Mr. John Fontana 4609 W 110TH STREET Shelby NC 28152 (919) 555-9666 no yes
11814 Haun 4248 LAKE CLIFF DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8937 no yes
11817 Mr. Daniel B. Bader 2511 Broken Oak Drive Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-0868 yes yes
11818 Dr. Edward W. Ernst 5321 SUN COAST DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8835 no yes
11819 Dr. Leonard Eubanks 3838 KELLIE LEE LN Fearrington Village NC 27312-5037 (919) 555-4966 no yes
11822 Mr. Jack McKinley Drewry 3812 FORESTGATE DRIVE APT. 315 Winston-Salem NC 27107 (919) 555-0861 no yes
11825 Mr. Bob Query 18 LINDA TER Warsaw NC 28398 (919) 555-6872 no no
11828 Ms. Elizabeth B. Quigley 261 CATHI LN Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-4425 no no
11829 Mr. Edmund Neusse 2610 MERRYWOOD RD Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-7258 no yes
11830 Mr. Albert Newton 1802 SWANNONOA DR Princeton NJ 08540-6419 (855) 555-1473 no no
11835 Ms. Mary K. Schmidt 1802 SWANNONOA DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5692 no yes
11836 Mr. Donald Schmitt 229 N LINCOLN ST Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8949 no yes
11837 Mr. Jon Lineberger 2290 CRAWFORD DAIRY RD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-8414 no yes
11838 Ms. Sarah E. Lingle 3720 MOSS CREEK RD Sanford NC 27332 (919) 555-5707 no yes
11839 Mr. Jiles P. Chaffee 3721 DUXFORD DRIVE Garner NC 27529-9803 (919) 555-0992 no yes
11847 Mr. Danny Peterson 414 W. BLACKBEARD RD Fletcher NC 28732 (919) 555-2431 no yes
11848 Dr. James Lingle 101 MIDDLEPOINT RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-6366 no no
11849 Ms. Petra E. Lininger 1609 WESTBRIDGE CT Raleigh NC 27603-9326 (919) 555-0105 no no
11850 Ms. Barbara Moore 1609 WESTBRIDGE CT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-7420 no yes
11901 Ms. Christina Bozart-Barnes 403 THE CAPE BLVD. Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-9165 no yes
11902 Mr. James E. Cogan 402 FERN CREEK LANE Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-0218 yes yes
11905 Ms. Lona E. Hodges 5907 McCLENNY DR. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4093 no yes
11907 Ms. Joan Hoffman 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5672 no yes
11916 Mrs. Jane Bottomley 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3497 no yes
11918 Mr. Tim J. Koehler 9049 MCGUFFEY RD Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-5706 no yes
11919 Dr. Jennifer L. Hess 1900 28TH STREET SW #115 Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2129 no yes
11939 Mrs. Mozelle Scott 183 DAVEFIELD DR. Gibson NC 28343 (919) 555-9660 no yes
11941 Dr. Cynthia C. Hansen 1828 THORNBLADE RIDGE DR. Florence SC 29506 (855) 555-9621 no no
11942 Mr. Keith V. Hardee 423 E SECOND ST Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4914 no yes
11946 McConnell 4234 MASONBORO LOOP Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-6325 no no
11950 Mrs. Donna H. Jones 905 HYLAND DR Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-3344 no yes
11951 Mr. Thomas R. Jones 1615 AINSWORTH BLVD Raleigh NC 27612-3025 (919) 555-8929 yes yes
11952 Mrs. Joyce B. Wessell 1614 ROSSMORE RD Portsmouth VA 23703 (757) 555-3874 no no
11957 Mr. Harry M. Wessenauer 4215 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Raleigh NC 27615-2429 (919) 555-2809 no yes
11960 Mrs. Donna K. Boynton 421 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0620 no yes
11962 Ms. Anna Reed Dumas 4209 OMNI PLACE Raleigh NC 27617 (919) 555-2307 no yes
11971 Mrs. Margaret Muhlbach 1633 WHITFIELD AVE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2362 no yes
11973 Mr. Mason Milling 354 MILLFORD ROAD Raleigh NC 27610-2449 (919) 555-8851 no no
11974 Mr. George D. Rhynes 100 CIRCLEVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1720 yes yes
11976 Mrs. Katie Andrews 100 CIRCLEVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6505 no yes
11977 Ms. Peggy Anne Sebe 19903 225TH ST Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3146 no yes
11986 Mrs. Cecilia W. Clark 5809 ORCHID VALLEY RD. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4447 no yes
11988 Mr. Larry Thompson Broderick 165 RALEIGH DR Elm City NC 27822 (919) 555-4996 no yes
11995 Ms. Karen E. Graham 16205 RAWHIDE AVE Moncure NC 27559 (919) 555-1339 yes yes
11998 Dr. Sandra D. Wolf 3540 BARRON WAY Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7742 yes yes
11999 Mr. David W. Deal 53 TROY LEE ACRES Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-4437 no yes
12001 Mr. Chris DeBaggis 5833 SHAMROCK RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3504 no yes
12006 Mr. Russell Albright 5901-22 WILKINS DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0673 no yes
12010 Mr. Paul C. Alfredson 427-F WOODS OF NORTH BEND DR Goochland VA 23063-2707 (757) 555-4126 no no
12011 Mr. Geoffrey Cowan 428 SAWGRASS HILL COURT Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-3271 no no
12013 Mrs. Lynn Cox 1012 TRADERS TRAIL Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5180 no yes
12016 Mr. Augustus B. Perry 1012 TRADERS TRAIL Indian Trail NC 28079-4234 (919) 555-8019 no yes
12018 Mr. George S. HUBARD 9049 MCGUFFEY RD Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-2218 no yes
12028 Ms. Sharolyn Koerwer 413 South Fayetteville St. Raleigh (855) 555-9181 no no
12030 Mrs. Lacy Woods Rhodes 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Davidson NC 28036 (919) 555-6904 no no
12035 Mrs. Judy F. Lapsley 1824 FALL RUN CT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6343 yes yes
12067 Mrs. Elizabeth D. Carroll 1828 THORNBLADE RIDGE DR. Fuquay-Varina NC 27526-2190 (919) 555-1750 yes yes
12083 Ms. Susan Wessell 3700 WEDGEDALE PL Washington NC 27889 (919) 555-2161 no yes
12121 Mr. Pretlow Shaw 2104 MCLEAN ROAD Atlantic NC 28511 (919) 555-7532 no no
12125 Mrs. Virginia R. Gregory 186 CRANES CV Greensboro NC 27403 (919) 555-5883 yes yes
12126 Ms. Phyllis Williams 906 BEAVERDALE LN Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2706 no yes
12127 Mr. Joseph B. Shive 1010 MEADOWGRASS LANE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2795 no no
12128 Mrs. Kara Crouse 4745 JACKSON BLUFF RD LOT 144 Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-8032 no yes
12131 Ms. Phyllis Rothlisberger 1607 VALWOOD STREET Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-4975 no no
12134 Dr. Celeste H. Wehrle 1729 PARK GROVE PL Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-5102 no yes
12140 Ms. Ann C. Weil 1728 SHADOWBROOK Hickory NC 28601 (919) 555-3623 yes yes
12141 Mrs. Karen Collins 8851 MAGNOLIA EST. DR. Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-4804 yes yes
12144 Ms. Kerry Powell 8851 MAGNOLIA EST. DR. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4211 no no
12146 Mrs. Bonnie F. Keyes 202 GLENTOWER DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7386 no yes
12148 Ms. Rose K. Goodrum 202 GLENTOWER DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2035 no yes
12153 Ms. Katherine K. Finsted 2710 LA DUELA LANE Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-2712 no yes
12157 Mr. Mike Fischer 100 LAURELWOOD LN Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7847 yes yes
12158 Ms. Margaret Sanford 4218 LAMBETH DR Greensville NC 27858 (919) 555-1958 no yes
12160 Ms. Bonnie Wade 4218 LAMBETH DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4319 no no
12166 Mr Aubrey Wagner 4108 REDWINE DR Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-3916 no yes
12168 Mr. David Wagoner 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Durham NC 27705-5478 (919) 555-3403 no yes
12169 Mrs. Joan Burrill 2400 LAKE BRANDT PL APT N CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-9214 no yes
12172 Mrs. Jennifer Holmes 2400 METTS AVE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4491 no no
12175 Ms. Dureen Holt 4622 NORWICH RD Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-0896 no no
12176 Mr. Turner Hemma 2007 QUEENS CT Willow Spring NC 27592 (919) 555-6177 no yes
12177 Mr. Duane Holbrook 2009 FOXDEN Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-3138 no yes
12186 Ms. Lena Jackson 103 BROMFIELD WAY Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0871 no yes
12191 Mr. Alvah H. Coleman 404 MODENA DR Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-2980 yes yes
12197 Mr. Charlie Darnley 404 MODENA DRIVE Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-4051 no yes
12201 Mr. Timothy Day 9500 PRINCE GEORGE LANE APT. G Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5978 no yes
12204 Mrs. Janice Drapala 9509 NW NEWGATE DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9923 no yes
12205 Mr. Martin Draver 9509 NW NEWGATE DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5992 no yes
12208 Mr. Jason Driscoll 9515 VOGUE ST. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1545 no yes
12210 Mrs. Marjorie Dudley 9525 MILLEN DR Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-5766 no no
12211 Mrs. Aileen Dudley 9525 MILLEN DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3329 no yes
12215 Mr. Robert G. Krueger 9523 WOOD VALLEY LN Fayetteville NC 28301 (919) 555-5452 no yes
12216 Fr. Richard W. Kuebler 9519 LIBERTY TREE LN Helena MT 59624-1444 (855) 555-7589 no no
12218 Mr. Jonathon Reynolds 976 VACATION LAND DRIVE Frankinton NC 27525 (919) 555-6094 no no
12219 Mr. Joseph Lee 976 VACATION LAND DRIVE Wrightsville Beach NC 28480 (919) 555-5157 no yes
12220 Ms. Alice Lewis 9920 EDWARDS PL Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4048 no no
12221 Mr. Thomas Lewis 9067 MEADOWMONT VIEW DR. Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-4351 no yes
12222 Mrs. Margaret Bohlken 8840 UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9358 no yes
12223 Mr. Bill Bolen 8837 CAMPFIRE TR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3513 yes yes
12224 Mr. Gene Bolen 6017 CALEDONIA ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2612 no yes
12226 Ms. Charlotte Danielson 813 BERWYN WAY Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5795 no yes
12228 Mrs. Dianne de Leon 6017 CALEDONIA ST Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-7578 no yes
12233 Mr. Norbert Dempsey 8134 NEW TOWN RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3779 no yes
12237 Mrs. Lynda B. Dennis 814 PEBBLEBROOK DR Summerfield NC 27358 (919) 555-1448 yes yes
12243 Mrs. Elizabeth A. DesVoigne 818 SAGO BAY Raleigh MC 27606 (855) 555-0169 no no
12251 Mrs. Betty R Fox 815 EVERGREEN AVE. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3142 no yes
12252 Mrs. Dorothy Franke 814 PEBBLEBROOK DR Reidsville NC 27323 (919) 555-9249 no yes
12258 Dr. Shealy GEBHARDT 820 ROBERT E LEE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8044 no yes
12259 Mrs. Frances Gustafson 8211 SCHOONER PL. Raleigh NC 27618 (919) 555-0229 no yes
12260 Mr. Rudolf A. Guthrie 8211 SCHOONER PL. Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-5054 no yes
12266 Ms. Mary L. Hilpert 829 LAKE FOREST DR Raleigh NC 27606-9010 (919) 555-7877 no yes
12267 Ms. Patricia A. Hines 8250 E LAKEVIEW DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3904 no yes
12272 Mrs. Sara JACOBSON 829 LAKE FOREST DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7905 no yes
12280 Mr. Walter Killian 8298 BUSICKWOOD DR. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2722 no yes
12282 Dr. John C. Kilmon 8298 BUSICKWOOD DR. Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3575 yes yes
12283 Mrs. Lila Kilmon 8305 SLEEPY CREEK DR Boone NC 28607 (919) 555-9268 no yes
12286 Mr. Richard Kimmel 8309 PENNY RD. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-1757 no no
12287 Mr. William Koerwer 8309 PENNY RD. Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-0426 no yes
12289 Mr. Louis Koerwer 8324 WYCOMBE LANE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8371 no yes
12290 Ms. Catherine D Koester 8400 SIDBURY RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-5016 no yes
12291 Ms. Dwen Kowalski 8341 WYCOMBE LN Raleigh NC 27616-0718 (919) 555-2393 no yes
12296 Ms. Bonnie Kowalski 8411 CAMELOT DRIVE Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-9786 no no
12298 Ms. Judi Lawson 8412 CALDBECK DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1985 no no
12299 Ms. Tracy Lovin 8411 CAMELOT DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4892 no yes
12309 Mr. Patrick Lowe 8412 CALDBECK DR Harrisonburg VA 22803-0791 (757) 555-6971 no no
12310 Mrs. Lois Maness 852 W. BACKBONE RD. Mount Olive NC 28365 (919) 555-0514 no no
12313 Ms. Lisbeth Brittain McKinnon 8416 NEUSE RAPIDS RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1467 no yes
12315 Mr. Adam P. McNeice 8531 PINE LANE RD. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0240 yes yes
12318 Ms. Eve Jones Moody 8600 HARBOR DR Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-3825 no yes
12320 Mr. David Mulvaney 8600 POTTER RD Morehead City NC 28557 (919) 555-0626 no no
12322 Ms. Carolyn U. Price 8609 SUBURBAN DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4121 no yes
12326 Ms. Sarah Pridgen-Brasswell 8630 FOX TRAIL LANE Raleigh NC 27650 (919) 555-8100 no no
12332 Ms. Sandy Prill 8630 FOX TRAIL LANE WIlksboro NC 28697 (919) 555-8083 no no
12333 Mrs. Juliet H. Riggs 8633 HARPS MILL RD Greensboro NC 27410-8836 (919) 555-3030 no yes
12335 Mr. Bruce Rogers 8683 ORCHARD LOOP RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-4835 no no
12337 Mrs. Rebecca Rohland 870 WHITE POINT BLVD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2376 no yes
12339 Mrs. Marlene S. Schmidt 8712 WELLSLEY WAY Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6839 no yes
12341 Mrs. Charleen R. Snyder 8712 WELLSLEY WAY Raleigh NC 27614-8407 (919) 555-2118 no yes
12346 Mr. Lee Soderston 8775 20th St. Lot 166 CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-2513 no yes
12349 Mr. Bill Swofford 8775 20th St. Lot 166 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6228 no yes
12350 Mrs. Myra Vollmer 8800 WEATHERSFIELD CT Troy NC 27371-0748 (919) 555-8283 yes yes
12354 Mr. Dalton Harper 8809 O’NEAL RD Opelousas LA 70570 (855) 555-4574 no no
12362 Mrs. Judith W. DeLong 8809 WEATHERSFIELD CT Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-3413 no yes
12363 Mrs. Phoebe M. Hundley 601 DOWNPATRICK LN Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5696 yes yes
12365 Mr. Eric Hunter 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-8271 no yes
12366 Ms. Annette Miller 5916 PRESCOTT COURT Gum Spring VA 23065-2255 (757) 555-0834 yes no
12369 Ms. Beth Winters 5916 PINE TREE CT Martinsville VA 24112 (757) 555-4841 no no
12371 Mrs. Julie B. Brady 5947 DIXON DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1124 no yes
12373 Mrs. Cathy Carlson 601 AIRPORT RD Fayetteville NC 28303-4109 (919) 555-4275 no yes
12374 Mr. Lawrence Friese 404 PINECROFT DR Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-4358 no yes
12377 Mr. William Friese 405 N. ANDREWS AVE. Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-1133 no yes
12379 Mr. William Stokes 406 BUENA VISTA DRIVE Burlington NC 27216 (919) 555-3528 no yes
12381 Ms. Josie Sykes 405 PINE COURT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-2871 no yes
12384 Ms. Rae W. Barrick 407 DANTON DR Greenville NC 27858 (919) 555-1706 no yes
12387 Ms. Elaine D. Boschen 407 DANTON DR Durham NC 27704 (919) 555-7937 no yes
12389 Mr. G. Mattern Grove 3556 KIRBY SMITH DRIVE Winston-Salem NC 27104-1273 (919) 555-8908 yes yes
12395 Mr. Andy Held 3556 KIRBY SMITH DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5403 no yes
12396 Ms. Jessica McPherson 3559 BEAVER CREEK DR SE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2850 no no
12402 Mrs. Martha H. Merritt 360 SEVEN CREEKS DRIVE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8261 no yes
12403 Mr. Whitney Merritt 3600 OPEN SIGHT COURT Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-3184 yes yes
12409 Mr. Scott Thompson 3601 MOSSBOROUGH DR Winston-Salem NC 27101-2506 (919) 555-5375 no no
12416 Mr. H. Walker Carlson 3601 BROOKHAVEN CT Greensboro NC 27420 (919) 555-0494 no no
12417 Ms. Patrice Carlson 3601 MOSSBOROUGH DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2505 no no
12419 Mr. John K. Hales 3504 EDGEMONT RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7204 no yes
12420 Mrs. Jane Wilsey Jones 3500 GREYWOOD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4579 no yes
12424 Ms. Jennifer Tallent 3507 CHIPPENDALE TRAIL Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-2634 no no
12435 Ms. Mary Pope Talley 3513 LAYTON RIDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1085 yes yes
12440 Ms. Wendy Vittoe 3515 FROG POND PL Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7992 no yes
12443 Ms. Michelle Hansen 3513 LAYTON RIDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1321 no yes
12450 Ms. Cheryl Hardinger 2519 TIMBER LANE Northglenn CO 80233 (855) 555-7370 no no
12451 Mrs. Nancy Sagawa 2516 DIAMONDHITCH TR Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-6703 no no
12456 Ms. Elizabeth A. Long 2516 LEAS MILL CT Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-8228 yes yes
12460 Ms. Ann Carver 2516 LEAS MILL CT Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-3723 no no
12476 Mr. Gary Cash 907 MERRILL DR New Bern NC 28563 (919) 555-2286 no no
12480 Mr. Peter Cash 2424 BRASSFIELD RD Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-6565 no yes
12481 Mr. Bob Sink 2426 BUCKINGHAM RD Columbia SC 29205 (855) 555-5744 no no
12482 Ms. Elizabeth Zimmer 2424 BRASSFIELD RD Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-9839 yes yes
12492 Mr. James F. Anderson 2426 BUCKINGHAM RD Newell NC 28126 (919) 555-8002 no yes
12493 Ms. Bette F. Long 2509 MARKET ST Greenville NC 27858-4954 (919) 555-8521 no yes
12494 Mr. Jim Prevatte 23 SCENIC VIEW DR Washington NC 27889 (919) 555-3924 no no
12500 Ms. Rekha Prevatte 230 CREEK VIEW DRIVE Pendleton SC 29670 (855) 555-0877 no no
12501 Ms. Mary WHITE 230 MIDFIELD STREET Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2858 no no
12502 Mr. Richard Payne 230 MIDFIELD STREET Winterville NC 28590 (919) 555-0221 no no
12509 Mr. Bradley Peacock 22634 DUCK LAKE RD NCSU CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-3912 no no
12512 Ms. Nancy Southern 2105 E CHARLOTTE CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0327 no yes
12514 Ms. Angela Southern 2105 N. U. ROAD Raleigh NC 27695 (919) 555-7942 no no
12523 Mrs. Ginny Southern 211 HALIFAX ST Morehead City NC 28557 (919) 555-4735 no yes
12525 Mrs. Mary Spelzhausen 211 HALIFAX ST Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-2140 no yes
12527 Mr. Greg Whitmeyer 2109 B HARKEY AVE. Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-0325 no yes
12537 Mr. Charles A. Turner 211 NORTH CHANNEL DR Wilmington NC 28405 (919) 555-3330 no yes
12541 Ms. Nancy Young 200 WOODLAND TERRACE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4069 no yes
12545 Dr. Patricia Barber 1922 W. FRONT ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6160 yes yes
12547 Mr. Roger Barker 1922 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0239 no yes
12549 Mr. Gregory V. Matthias 1900 HAMRICK DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0034 no yes
12550 Mrs. Yvonne MATZNICK 1900 HAMRICK DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6407 no yes
12552 Mr. Chris Stewart 1901 WOODLAND HILLS Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-1612 no yes
12553 Ms. Paula Stewart 1904 LOGANWOOD DR. Savannah GA 31405 (404) 555-3155 no no
12556 Ms. Kim Wilson 1906 WENDOVER DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0982 no yes
12557 Ms. Ann Wines 1904 LOGANWOOD DR. Wilmington NC 28405 (919) 555-2691 no yes
12567 Mr. James J. Browder 165 STATE PARK RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2824 no yes
12568 Mrs. Ann R. Kulik 1700 G-1 N ELM ST Willow Springs NC 27592 (919) 555-5943 no yes
12570 Mrs. Estelle McIntire 1610 HARPER SPRING DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2250 no yes
12571 Mr. David M. Bostian 1610 VALLEYMEDE RD Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-7473 no yes
12573 Mr. C. T. Bostick 106 BERKSHIRE RD North Augusta SC 29860 (855) 555-5700 no no
12576 Mr. Charles Ford 5916 PRESCOTT COURT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8891 no no
12587 Mr. Edward Shefka 5947 DIXON DRIVE Willow Springs NC 27592 (919) 555-2494 no yes
12588 Mr. Raymond W. Shellaway 601 AIRPORT RD Angier NC 27501-8335 (919) 555-9419 no yes
12592 Ms. Karen Shepherd 6017 CALEDONIA ST Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0112 no yes
12601 Mrs. Betty F. Davis 6017 CALEDONIA ST Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-3169 no yes
12602 Mr. Richard Fox 601 DOWNPATRICK LN Wake Forest NC 276587 (919) 555-8222 no yes
12603 Frisina 5818 MCBRIDE ST. West Chicago IL 60185-2698 (855) 555-5879 no no
12605 Ms. Twila J. Goetze 5833 SHAMROCK RD Mebane NC 27302 (919) 555-1724 no yes
12607 Ms. Elizabeth Goetze 5901-22 WILKINS DR Richmond VA 23229-4209 (757) 555-3981 no no
12608 Mrs. Kathryn Jackson 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-7430 no yes
12612 Ms. Tracey Ann Jacobs 5905 SUNCREEK CT Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-9731 no yes
12619 Ms. Hiroko Jensen 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Raleigh NC 27604-6534 (919) 555-3352 no no
12623 Ms. Karla M. Johnson 5907 McCLENNY DR. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-4951 yes yes
12626 Mrs. Sarah Pierce 5907 McCLENNY DR. Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0874 no yes
12629 Mr. Tom Feola 5913 McCLENNY DR. Mebane NC 27302 (919) 555-8495 no yes
12630 Ms. Dottie English 5913 PINE TREE CT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1892 no yes
12632 Ms. Cynthia Freseman 5665 STEVENS DR. Raleigh NC 27605-1516 (919) 555-0229 no yes
12633 Ms. Marjorie O. Cogger 5323 FOX COVE LN. APT. O Lenoir NC 28645 (919) 555-1874 yes yes
12649 Omwake 3500 GREYWOOD DR Pinehurst NC 28374 (919) 555-6331 no yes
12655 Mrs. Antoinette G. Opalinski 3413 AMBER DRIVE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-8032 no yes
12657 Mrs. Nancy Clark Ratanaphruks 3413 KISTLER COURT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8401 no yes
12658 Mrs. Alma Shumpert 3413 AMBER DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5506 no yes
12663 Mr. Edward Sigler 3413 KISTLER COURT Wilmington NC 28409-2113 (919) 555-9417 no yes
12666 Mrs. Kathleen Strawbridge 3416 WALTHAM CIR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-2644 no yes
12669 Mr. Jerry Huff 3437 ROBIOUS FOREST WAY Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-9571 yes yes
12671 Mr. Joseph Huff 346 BRICKYARD RD Deerfield Beach FL 33441-3805 (855) 555-9094 no no
12672 Mr. John C. Cline 3412 SELVYN AVE. Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-8499 no yes
12673 Ms. Margaret Clinton 3409 CANTERBURY ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6040 yes yes
12675 Mr. L. M. Hines 3400 STALLION CT Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-5657 no yes
12680 Ms. Anna Hitchcock 3404 SPARROW HAWK CT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7418 no yes
12681 Ms. Diana Holbrook 3404 SPARROW HAWK CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3297 no yes
12686 Mrs. Ann Hollar 3405 APPLE MEADOW DR Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-9788 no no
12688 Ms. Sarah Kern 3405 MASON PL Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-4581 no yes
12691 Mrs. Barbara Oliphant 3405 MASON PLACE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5298 no no
12692 Pat Winter 3408 MORNINGSIDE DR Asheville NC 28802 (919) 555-8715 no no
12693 Mrs. Anne Beyer 3408 MORNINGSIDE DR Ann Arbor MI 48104 (855) 555-4160 no no
12696 Ms. Virginia E. Cook 3409 CANTERBURY ST Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-1823 no yes
12697 Ms. Rebecca Jane Cook 3317 TRENTON RD Waxhaw NC 28173 (919) 555-1330 no yes
12703 Mr. Gary B. Hyatt 3330 3RD AVE NW Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-8105 no yes
12706 Ms. Gary Iddings 333 WARTBURG PL Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-5388 no yes
12710 Mrs. Willie W. Irwin 3333 CLANDON PARK DR Lexington NC 27295 (919) 555-3917 no no
12712 Mr. Paul Jones 3333 CLANDON PARK DR High Point NC 27261 (919) 555-8314 no no
12715 Mr. Frank Jones 3351 18TH AVE NE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-8877 no no
12721 Ms. Bernadette King 3389 AMSTERDAM RD CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-5288 no no
12722 Ms. Tiffany A. Reese 337 WEST CREEKVIEW DRIVE Tempe AZ 85283 (855) 555-3977 no no
12723 Dr. James H. Sink 3400 CABARRUS DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3030 no yes
12724 Mr. Mark J. Amidon 3400 CABARRUS DRIVE Moncks Corner SC 29461-3726 (855) 555-5761 no no
12726 Mr. Thomas Denny Amidon 3400 STALLION COURT Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-9212 yes yes
12736 Mr. Carl Bemesser 3207 COTTINGHAM CT Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-7211 no yes
12737 Mrs. Judith Bost 3203 SANDBURG Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8610 no yes
12742 Ms. Anne P. Christ 3207 COTTINGHAM CT Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2757 no yes
12745 Ms. Barbara J. Fox 3217 SOUTHALL ROAD Apex NC 27502-5625 (919) 555-3440 no yes
12749 Ms. Shannon Franklin 3220 HUNTLEIGH DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-5535 no no
12752 Ms. Lydia Guy 3231 OAK GROVE CIR Bolton MA 01740 (855) 555-2722 no no
12754 Mr. Michael Long 324 LAFAYETTE DR Statesville NC 28625 (919) 555-7367 no no
12755 Mrs. Deborah B. Lybrand 324 LAFAYETTE DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7012 no yes
12761 Mr. Bob McDonald 207 TRAVIS LN Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-3955 no yes
12763 Mr. Johnny McGrogan 325 YORKSHIRE LN Stem NC 27581 (919) 555-2346 no no
12766 McGuire 326 BRECKENRIDGE DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-5661 no no
12770 Moore 3271 POND RD Rougemont NC 27572 (919) 555-3320 no no
12779 Ms. Sandra L. Moore 326 BRECKENRIDGE DR Brockport NY 14420 (855) 555-0375 no no
12781 Mr. James Hunter Northrup 330 CROWELL LN Clemmons NC 27102 (919) 555-8442 no yes
12784 Ms. Martha Northrup 330 CROWELL LN Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-9777 no yes
12787 Ms. Dawn M. Panos 3300 CHISTOW RD Bolivar NY 14715-9681 (855) 555-0932 no no
12822 Mr. George Rapp 3300 CHISTOW RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-5659 no yes
12826 Mr. R. J. Stuart 3302 RIDGE CREST CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4498 no yes
12837 Mr. Douglas White 3312 EAST ANNALEY DRIVE Charlotte NC 28277-2781 (919) 555-3301 no yes
12851 Mrs. Sheldon Williams 3312 EAST ANNALEY DRIVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2864 no yes
12858 Ms. Mary Ann Davenport 3313 DORAL CT Forest City NC 28043 (919) 555-1137 no yes
12861 Mr. Bruce Davis 3317 TRENTON RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2850 no yes
12873 Ms. Patricia Erickson 312 GROSVENOR DR Raleigh NC 27603-1908 (919) 555-7561 no yes
12875 Mr. William F. Hartsell 314 SANDY BOTTOM COURT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6708 no yes
12877 Mr. Robert Hartsell 314 THOMPSON ST Tryon NC 28782 (919) 555-7507 yes yes
12883 Mr. Marc A. Huffman 3140 EDSEL PLACE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4406 no yes
12884 Mr. Fernando Huffman 314 WILLIAM STREET Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5795 no yes
12886 Mr. Hugh Johansson 315 GOOSENECK ROQAD W Burlington NC 27215 (919) 555-9160 no yes
12889 Mr. Perry W. Johansson 315 GOOSENECK ROAD W Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8281 yes yes
12892 Ms. Eileen Johnson 3152 LEE ROAD Carolina Beach NC 28428-4042 (919) 555-6314 no yes
12898 Mrs. Carol R. Moore 3160-F PATRICK HENRY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8705 no yes
12902 Ms. Amy Moore 316 HOOLE STREET CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-4844 no yes
12904 Ms. Judy Neal 318 YULAN DR Raleigh NC 27608-2509 (919) 555-7653 no yes
12907 Pollock 318 S. TARBORO RD Raleigh NC 27624-8896 (919) 555-8830 no no
12912 Mr. Paul R. Raner 318 YULAN DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4171 yes yes
12915 Dr. Leonard Raner 320 DUPONT CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0240 no no
12919 Mr. Frank J. Amdahl 320 DUPONT CIRCLE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5809 yes yes
12920 Ms. Elizabeth Amerson 320 DUPONT CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8210 yes yes
12927 Hess 3116 LANTERN WAY Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6999 no yes
12929 Mr. Wendell Aarsund 312 BROOK STREET Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-5652 no yes
12934 Mr. Craig Abreu 312 GROSVENOR DR Houston TX 77057-4032 (855) 555-1085 no no
12935 Dr. Gerald Adams 3043 MARLBOROUGH RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6054 no yes
12936 Ms. Lois M. Carte 305 PINEY MTN DR #C-1 Lexington NC 27295 (919) 555-0355 no yes
12937 Ms. Lorraine Collier 306 BIRDNEST CT Boston MA 02109 (855) 555-2104 no no
12938 Mr. Neil Daughtridge 306 BIRDSNEST CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2951 yes yes
12939 Mrs. Dixie Dieter 306 CREEKVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8858 yes yes
12942 Ms. Wendy Dietz 306 CREEKVIEW DR. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7489 yes yes
12949 Ms. Katherine Hall 307 LARRY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1668 yes yes
12950 Ms. Alexa Hieronymus 306 SOUTH 18th STREET Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-6501 yes yes
12952 Ms. Phyllis Huffman 307 RODGERS LAKE ROAD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3314 no no
12953 Mr. Steve LeBaube 307 SOUTH BND Davis WVA 26260 (855) 555-1941 no no
12954 Mr. Bill May 308 E. 8TH STREET Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5120 no no
12955 Mr. Lawrence Mayo 308 LARRY DRIVE Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-3727 no yes
12956 Ms. Kathy Miller 309 N. CHURTON ST Durham NC 28802-3060 (919) 555-0446 no yes
12957 Mr. George Murdock 309 CUTLER ST APT 1 Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-9385 no yes
12958 Mrs. Rose K. Occhetti 309 N. CHURTON ST Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3572 no yes
12960 Mr. Rufus Roberts 309 WYOMING DR Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-3667 no no
12962 Dr. Kuruvilla Robins 309 WYOMING DR NW Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1638 no yes
12965 Ms. Meredith Robinson 310 E WILSON STREET Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2067 no yes
12968 Ms. Susan Rodelander 309A DAVIS RD. Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2120 no yes
12969 Ms. Rebecca Rose 3100 WATERFORD DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2777 no yes
12971 Dr. James W. Salzgeber 3100 WATERFORD DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3638 no yes
12974 Mrs. Claire Schatz 3105 BARDWELL ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27517-8066 (919) 555-2831 yes yes
12976 Mrs. Lou Schenck 3105 SHERRY DRIVE Rocky Mount NC 27803 (919) 555-0572 no yes
12979 Ms. Anne Stowell 3106 BARDWELL RD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-1861 no no
12982 Mr. William E. Tomlinson 3106 BARDWELL RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8014 no yes
12984 Mr. Eric Walton 3106 KESWICK DRIVE Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-7339 no yes
12986 Ms. Fredda Hallsey 311 LOWER CREEK DR NE Knightdale NC 27545 (919) 555-4944 no yes
12992 Mr. John Fields 311 LOWER CREEK DR NE Charlotte NC 28201-1015 (919) 555-0449 no yes
12994 Mrs. Nancy Beckelhimer 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-7182 no yes
12995 Mrs. Connie Bennett 3043 MARLBOROUGH RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0905 no yes
12997 Mr. Gene Caulder 3009 DELLWOOD DR Winston-Salem NC 27102 (919) 555-9340 no yes
13001 Ms. Mary Margeret Cogan 3009 JOAN AVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3165 no no
13004 Mr. Dan Dahl 3009 JOAN AVE Apex NC 27519 (919) 555-6650 no yes
13008 Mr. Kerrick Doss 301 BRECKENRIDGE DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-1421 no yes
13009 Mr. Keith Doss 301 FERN VALLEY LN Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-7464 no no
13016 Ms. Marcia Dressel 3014 EDMONTON PL Mentor on the Lake OH 44060 (855) 555-0121 no no
13018 Mr. Walter Fisher 3014 EDMONTON PL Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-7126 no yes
13021 Tia Kebschull 3014 S. MEBANE ST Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-4127 no no
13022 Mr. Robert Linz 3015 COTTAGE PL APT G Denton NC 27239 (919) 555-3468 no no
13024 Mr. Blake Mesimer 302 VAN BUREN ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9157 no yes
13026 Mr. Tom Petrie 302 W. GREENWAY DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2542 no yes
13027 Mr. Richard Rhoades 3020 DARDEN RD APT C Wilson NC 27891 (919) 555-6795 no yes
13031 Lee Rothlisberger 3021 MOSER LN (855) 555-0176 no no
13033 Marc Schultz 302-1/2 S ELM ST (855) 555-3663 no no
13035 Ms. Carol Shoffner 3027 GLENDALE AVE Pinehurst NC 28374 (919) 555-9134 no yes
13036 Dr. James A Sloan 3028 LAUREL SPRINGS DR PIttsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-1607 yes yes
13038 Mrs. Catherine Sloop 303 MICHAEL CIRCLE Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-6740 no yes
13042 Ms. Debi Tucker 304 E ROWAN ST Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2307 no yes
13043 Mrs. Hilda Canoutas 3037 Halifax Rd Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5574 no yes
13044 Mr. Lou Crea 304 OLD OAK COURT NW Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4189 no yes
13045 Mr. John Paul Fisher 924 VILLA DR Asheville NC 28814 (919) 555-0808 no yes
13048 Mr. Joseph Gergens 929 LYNNVIEW CT. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0681 no yes
13049 Mr. Ralph Kinlaw 929 LYNNVIEW CT. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5574 no yes
13055 Ms. LeAnne Lachner 930 ARNOLD RD Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-5855 no yes
13058 Mr. Albert Lamar 930-28 JETTON ST Pinehurst NC 28374 (919) 555-3548 no yes
13059 Ms. Elizabeth Markle 9316 CHARLAIS LN Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4491 no yes
13060 Mr. James Marsh 9316 CHARLAIS LN Knoxville MD 21758 (855) 555-3598 no no
13061 Mr. Larkin Parker 940 JONES WYND Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-6421 no yes
13066 Mr. Earl Rector 940 JONES WYND Newport News VA 23602 (757) 555-8720 no no
13068 Mr. William Reese 9402 VOYAGERS WAY Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-4255 no yes
13070 Ms. Candice Alana Roger 9402 VOYAGERS WAY Chamblee GA 30341-5942 (404) 555-6306 no no
13077 Mr. Robert L. Waegerle 9411 WILLOWGLEN TR Raleigh NC 27619 (919) 555-6537 no yes
13078 Ms. Ann J Guerassio 9411 WILLOWGLER TR Wilson NC 27896 (919) 555-9364 no yes
13082 Mr. Stephen Amdahl 9421 OWLS NEST DR Raleigh NC 27612-5037 (919) 555-7171 no yes
13086 Ms. Martha Browder 5721 S. W. 5TH STREET Reidsville NC 27320-5444 (919) 555-8778 no yes
13088 Ms. Marlyn S. Gardner 5449 WHITING AVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5075 no yes
13089 Mrs. Sheila Gardner 5449 WHITING AVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8184 no yes
13090 Ms. Emily Gregg 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5159 no yes
13094 Mrs. Gloria Gutierrez 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Sevens Lakes NC 27376 (919) 555-2666 no yes
13095 Mrs. Meriel Newcomb Hammett 5505 HARBOR GATE CT. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0529 yes yes
13099 Mrs. Clotilde C Hultquist 5508 TARRYWOOD CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1948 no Yes
13100 Mr. David Humphrey 5510 COBBLE GLEN Kernersville NC 27284 (919) 555-8869 no Yes
13103 Mr. Rick Loy 5510 COBBLE GLEN Raleigh NC 27616-5117 (919) 555-0146 no Yes
13105 Ms. Mary A Mazzei 5512 KILLARNEY HOPE RD. Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-8923 no Yes
13106 Mrs. Jeannette Mitchell 5513 CROFTON AVE Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-6304 no Yes
13110 Mr. J. L. Parker 5516 COMERSTAFF DR Princeton NC 27569 (919) 555-4241 no Yes
13111 Mrs. Ann Parker 5524 ROBIN RIDGE RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-5938 no no
13113 Mr. Thomas Pond 5608 WESLO WILLOW CIR – #318 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6199 no no
13116 Ms. Margaret Powell 555 WHISTLING SWAN DRIVE Louisburg NC 27549 (919) 555-2980 no Yes
13119 Mr. William D Pramaggiore 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Raleigh NC 27611 (919) 555-6349 no Yes
13120 Ms. Sylvia Rea Schmidt 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4550 no Yes
13121 Mr. Richard W Schmidt 566 KELLY RD Princeton NC 27569 (919) 555-3155 no Yes
13122 Ms. Theresia Sigman 5665 STEVENS DR. Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-0808 no Yes
13123 Mr. Paul C Sigman 566 KELLY RD Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-3609 no Yes
13130 Ms. Julie Soper 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-1194 no Yes
13131 Ms. Gerda Steckenrider 5700 DUMFRIES DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4193 no Yes
13132 Thompson 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Birmingham AL 35202 (855) 555-7492 no no
13149 Ms. Frances VEHRS 5701 EDERTON CT Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-7973 no Yes
13150 Mr. Brian Veil 5704 WANDERLUST LN Louisville KY 40229 (855) 555-1858 no no
13151 Mr. S.L. Veil 5716 OAK BLUFF LN Miami FL 33137 (855) 555-3669 no no
13153 Vriel Weber 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-1584 no no
13154 Mr. John Gregory 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Chocowinity NC 27817 (919) 555-8401 no Yes
13155 Mrs. Penny Hagen 5718 WINDWARD CT Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6430 no Yes
13156 Ms. Dana Hefner 5404 ISLEHURST CT Marietta GA 30067 (404) 555-5305 no no
13157 Mr. Al Morgan 5407 WINTERS WAY Tequesta FL 33469 (855) 555-7028 no no
13158 Mr. Dan Morton 5417 Rock Holly Ct Piedmont CA 94610 (855) 555-7267 no no
13159 Mr. David Neely 5419 HEDGECREST PL Hanover VA 23069 (757) 555-1690 no no
13160 Ms. Marge Neese 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Poromac MD 20854 (855) 555-2205 no no
13162 Ms. Mary Jane Ransdell 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Ames IA 50010 (855) 555-7688 no no
13163 Mr. Michael Waters 5420 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE NY NY 10025 (855) 555-9385 no no
13164 Ms. Gaby Williford 5425 DANA DR APT B Villanova PA 19085 (855) 555-6214 no no
13166 Mr. Mark Allen Pattyson 5432 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Falls Church VA 22042 (757) 555-8671 no no
13167 Ms. Betsy SEALANDER 5444 PINE TOP CIRCLE Memphis tn 38119 (855) 555-0124 no no
13168 Mr. Albert Walton 525 E. JONES ST Beaufort SC 29902 (855) 555-1477 no no
13169 Ms. Wendy Lombard 524 BAY COVE LN Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-2494 no Yes
13170 Mr. Jeff Garris 5244 CREED DR Gainesville FL 32605 (855) 555-2933 no no
13172 Ms. Cindy Hauser 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-2112 no no
13174 Ms. Susan Jorn 4708 SHADOW RIDGE COURT Charlotte NC 28270 (919) 555-4945 no Yes
13175 Mr. Juan Schmitt 4712 ARCHER DR Miami FL 33135 (855) 555-6350 no no
13176 Mr. Max Shive 4712 Archer Drive Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9143 no Yes
13177 Mr. Rick Tucker 4729 BROOKTREE DRIVE Cary NC 27513-2245 (919) 555-9700 no Yes
13178 Mr. Steve Thompson 4731 JAMESFORD DR Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2301 yes Yes
13181 Mr. Dwight Thompson 4740 FOREST HIGHLAND DR Hookerton NC 28538 (919) 555-1546 no Yes
13185 Mr. Leonard Hollar 424 MCPHEE DRIVE Thibodaux LA 70301 (855) 555-8701 no no
13186 Mrs. Pamela Holmes 4234 MASONBORO LOOP RD Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-1512 no Yes
13187 Ms. Martha Kraska 922 POTOMOC DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8423 no Yes
13190 Mrs. Sarah Kraska 922-41ST ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8026 no Yes
13191 Mrs. Karen Drakulic 924 VILLA DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6145 no Yes
13192 Mrs. Beth Fogleman 9228 LIGON CT Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-4932 no Yes
13193 Mr. Roy Van Tassel 3643 HUYTON CT West Columbia SC 29169 (855) 555-5205 no no
13194 Barrett 3687 WILLOW LAKE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5886 no no
13195 Ms. Carol Colin 3666 E LINKS CIR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8949 no Yes
13200 Mrs. Jeanne R Colin 361 E. PALOMINO CT. Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-0624 no Yes
13202 Mrs. Robin Smith 3614 KIRBY SMITH DR Midland VA 22728 (757) 555-5281 no no
13204 Kelley Vought 3614 KIRBY SMITH DR Lillington NC 27546 (919) 555-6990 no Yes
13205 Ms. Anne New Hess 3614 MORRIS FARM DR #1C Clyde NC 28721 (919) 555-2167 no Yes
13206 Mr. Lee Hitchcock 3643 HUYTON CT China Grove NC 28023 (919) 555-5852 no Yes
13207 Mr. Alton Miller 3521 CARDINAL RIDGE DR. Indian Trail NC 28079 (919) 555-1165 no Yes
13209 Mr. John Moore 3522 BETHEL RD Indian Trail NC 28079 (919) 555-6010 no Yes
13211 Mr. Robert Reese 3522 BETHEL RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1427 no Yes
13213 Ms. Cyndi Seigman 354 MILFORD RD Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-5336 no Yes
13215 Mr. Vernon Strader 354 MILFORD ROAD Marietta GA 30067 (404) 555-3447 no no
13216 Mr. Ronald M Waters 2562 MANGUM AVE Manassas VA 20112 (757) 555-2950 no no
13217 Mr. Thomas Watts 2569 SOUTHBERRY PL Raleigh NC 27609-6031 (919) 555-8399 no Yes
13221 Ms. Jane M. Cauthen 9209 FOUR FARMS RD Woodlief NC 27054 (919) 555-3228 no yes
13226 Mr. David HADDEN 922 POTOMAC DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3307 yes Yes
13227 Ms. Jean L. Hoffman 241 MCGREGOR CIRCLE Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-4942 no Yes
13228 Mr. Daniel Nalepa 2411 CARLFORD RD Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-7755 no Yes
13230 Ms. Carol Burris 2415 OLD ST AUGUSTINE RD #1632 Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-7312 no Yes
13231 Ms. Glenda Chapman 242 SHANNON DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2753 no Yes
13234 Mrs. Elizabeth Chappell 208 PALASIDE DR. NE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6386 no Yes
13235 Mrs. Lee Coccarelli 209 FODALE AVENUE Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-0791 no no
13236 Ms. Magalene Holloway 208 S. THIRD ST Sanford NC 27330-7208 (919) 555-3164 no Yes
13237 Holmberg 209 LINDLEY RD – UNIT 11 Wilimington NC 27403 (919) 555-4227 no Yes
13239 Ms. Margaret Puester 209 S. WILLIE ST Olivia NC 28368 (919) 555-4794 no Yes
13240 Ms. Carolyn McCombs 2101 MACON GLEN DR. Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5005 no Yes
13241 Ms. Helen Gutierrez 186 TRILLIUM PLACE Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-5432 no Yes
13243 Mr. Desmond Kibler 18 BROOKGLEN DR Raleigh NC 27615-4510 (919) 555-2407 yes no
13244 Mr. E.B. Kieft 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Tappahannock VA 22560 (757) 555-3046 no no
13245 Mr. Marshall Mortenson 5503 SHADOWBROOK DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0415 no Yes
13250 Klein 5505 HARBOR GATE CT. Asheville NC 28805 (919) 555-9572 no Yes
13251 Mr. H.V. May 5508 TARRYWOOD CT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4325 no Yes
13252 Mrs. Judy Anderson 534 ALBEMARLE ROAD Marshall VA 20115 (757) 555-2914 no no
13254 Mr. Edgar Anderson 5392 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7099 no Yes
13256 Ms. Frances Linn 5244 CREED DR Hurdle Mills NC 27514 (919) 555-9520 no Yes
13258 Mr. John Peterson 524 BAY COVE LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7185 no Yes
13259 Mr. Robert Rector 4 ANCHORAGE PT Pittsburgh PA 15228 (855) 555-4542 no no
13261 Ms. Patricia Anderson 1601 SHAMROCK DR Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-5447 no Yes
13262 Mr. Charles Carter 1602 GEORGIA AVE Blacksburg VA 24060 (757) 555-6252 no no
13263 Ms. Dorsie O Schorschinsky 1600 PINE HOLLOW DRIVE Charlotte NC 28214 (919) 555-0659 no Yes
13264 Mr. Skip Bailey 1600 S. Orlando Avenue Jamestown NC 27282 (919) 555-9190 no Yes
13267 Margaret Bowker 1601 SHAMROCK DR Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-0157 no yes
13269 Mr. Langdon D Bowker 15401 GREAT GLEN LANE Columbia SC 29205 (855) 555-0072 no no
13270 Ms. Ethel C. Bowland Jr. 1559 NIXONTON RD. Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-5975 no Yes
13271 Mr. Parker Eaton 15401 GREAT GLEN LANE Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-3946 no no
13272 Ms. Margaret Ford 15475 STONE HOLLOW DR. Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-3759 no Yes
13273 Ms. Celine Gainey 52 TURNPIKE RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8076 no Yes
13274 Mrs. Teresa S. Held 1562 BARKER RD Raleigh NC 27608-1018 (919) 555-5397 no Yes
13275 Mr. Arthur Hoyle 1565 LAURELDALE DR Raleigh NC 27615-5703 (919) 555-3938 no Yes
13276 Ms. Judith Keyes 1565 LAURELDALE DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5061 no yes
13277 Mr. Allen Koster 15812 HAMPTON FALLS RD San Francisco CA 94116 (855) 555-8816 no no
13279 Lunsford 15812 HAMPTON FALLS ROAD Meadows Of Dan VA 24120 (757) 555-3279 no no
13280 Mr. Robert Luteman 159 PATRICK LN Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8334 no Yes
13282 Ms. Audrey Matson 1594 DAYBREAK RIDGE RD. Westfield NJ 07090 (855) 555-0871 no no
13284 Mr. James I. Matthews 159 PATRICK LN Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-3148 yes Yes
13285 Ms. Kimberly Kay Patten 15A FOUNTAIN MANOR DR Columbia MD 21044 (855) 555-4509 no no
13286 Mrs. Janis J Patten 15A FOUNTAIN MANOR DR Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-3018 no Yes
13287 Ms. Kathy SALEEBY 1600 BEECHWOOD DR Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-5341 no Yes
13288 Sanders 1600 BEECHWOOD DR New Bern NC 28563 (919) 555-9528 no no
13289 Mr. Jim Snyder 1600 CHADMORE LANE Loxley AL 36551 (855) 555-4231 no no
13290 Ms. Betty Snyder 1600 CHADMORE LANE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2570 no Yes
13295 Mr. Robert Hansen 1600 DEERCROFT COURT Chocowinity NC 27817 (919) 555-2961 no Yes
13296 Mrs. Tanya Koenig 1521 BROWN RD. Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-9372 no Yes
13297 Ms. Bobbie Jo Lovelace 1521 WOOD SPRING CT. Franklinton NC 27525 (919) 555-1733 no Yes
13298 Mr. John Lovin 1531 COVERED WAGON ROAD Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-0974 yes Yes
13299 Mrs. Charlottee Anthony 154 HICKORY HILL LANE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8555 no Yes
13300 Armstrong 1531 COVERED WAGON ROAD Denver CO. 80231-3965 (855) 555-6048 no no
13301 Mr. Paul G. Bowen 1506 SCALES ST Mt Airy NC 27030 (919) 555-7631 no Yes
13302 Dr. Nadine F Bumgarner 1506 SCALES ST Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0658 no Yes
13303 Mrs. Susan Bunge 1507 CHESTNUT AVE Gladwyre PA 19035 (855) 555-1113 no no
13304 Ms. Earleen H Connelly 1508 BURWICK RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6788 no Yes
13305 Mr. Richard Conowall 1508 BURWICK RD Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-7885 no no
13307 Ms. Shelly Conrad 1508 PAGAN RD Wake Forest NC 27587-4881 (919) 555-9018 no Yes
13308 Mr. Hasmukh R Hart 1509 BARLEY PL Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-6355 no Yes
13310 Mr. Sheldon Hartsell 1509 BARLEY PL Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9944 yes Yes
13311 Mrs. Erika KING 151 PUDDIN RIDGE ROAD Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-9415 no Yes
13315 Mrs. Barbara Scott Lyerly 151 PUDDIN RIDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-0662 no Yes
13316 Ms. Stephanie Parks 15105 SAVANNAH HTS Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-0991 no Yes
13317 Mr. Lloyd Parra 1511 OAKDALE RD Kenly NC 27542 (919) 555-5772 no Yes
13318 Mr. Rick Riegel 1513 COVEY LN Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-7749 no Yes
13319 Ms. Melissa Riehm 1511 OAKDALE RD Four Oaks NC 27524 (919) 555-7214 no no
13320 Ms. Sandra Smith 1515 CAROMAR PL Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-1067 no Yes
13321 Ms. Sally Hemphill 1515 CAROMAR PL Rocky Mount NC 27803 (919) 555-4000 no Yes
13326 Ms. Rebecca Hill 152 GREEMONT LN Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5249 no Yes
13327 Mr. Kenneth Hill 14404 YALE ST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6782 no Yes
13328 Mr. Pralhad Hoyle 145 COPPERHEAD Lane Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-9303 no Yes
13329 Ms. Debra J Jones 14460 NEW FALLS OF NEUSE RD. Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2852 no Yes
13330 Mr. Micheal Martin 14502 CABARRUS RD Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-9181 no Yes
13331 Ms. Elizabeth C Martin 14524 TAMERISK LN Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7898 no Yes
13337 Mr. Richard Millius 146 LAKEWOOD DR, #1106 Groves TX 77619 (855) 555-3629 no no
13338 Mr. Lawrence Misenheimer 146 LAKEWOOD DR, #1106 Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3688 no Yes
13339 Ms. Mary C Murray 1470 AZALEA DR Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-4087 no Yes
13340 Mrs. Frances L Rader 1500 LAFAYETTE CT Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-8250 no Yes
13341 Mr. Earle Sprecher 1500 LAFAYETTE CT Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-1697 no Yes
13342 Vittoe 1502 PECH ROAD #8 Sanford NC 27332 (919) 555-6972 no Yes
13345 Mrs. Bonnie Vittoe 1503 BRANCH ST NW Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-2293 no Yes
13346 Ms. Peggy Jo Amato 1505 BRIDGETWON COURT Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-9906 no Yes
13347 Mr. Henry G Bolog 1504 VALLEY RUN Siler City NC 27344 (919) 555-3893 no Yes
13350 Ms. Thelma A Conner 1416 RAY SUGGS PL Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4624 no no
13351 Ms. June Ellen Conner 1425 HOLT RD Jonesboro GA 30236 (404) 555-8433 no no
13352 Mr. Howard Hales 1433 CHESTER RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8082 no Yes
13354 Mr. Paul King 1427 KEITH COURT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6215 no Yes
13355 Mr. Robert King 14356 MACLAUREN LN RTP NC 27709 (919) 555-4868 no Yes
13356 Mr. Robert Pratt 144 LONG RIDGE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1539 no Yes
13357 Mr. Richard Adams 14356 MACLAUREN LN Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9878 no Yes
13358 Mr. Micheal Benda 144 LONG RIDGE DRIVE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-9245 no Yes
13359 Mr. Judson Coleman 1317 OPEN FIELD DRIVE Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-0472 no Yes
13360 Ms. Valeria Davis 132 GARRITT ST Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-6583 no Yes
13361 Mr. Richard Englander 132 GARRITT STREET Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-0650 no Yes
13362 Mrs. Debi Forrest 13231 MINT LAKE DR Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7471 no Yes
13363 Mrs. Diane Freeman 1332 BEAUFORD DRIVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6404 no Yes
13364 Dr. Diane Freismuth 1332 BEAUFORD DRIVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9515 no Yes
13365 Mr. Mike Galligan 1333 N MEBANE ST Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-9634 no no
13366 Ms. Farida Galvin 1333 N MEBANE ST Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-1285 no Yes
13367 Mr. J. Gibbons 1335 N. NC 87 Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-7520 no Yes
13368 Ms. Debra Gibney 136 WESTVIEW DR Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-5807 no Yes
13369 Dr. Roger Gray 1381 EASTFIELD DR Chapel Hill NC 27514-1414 (919) 555-1794 no no
13370 Mr. Darryl Hall 136 WESTVIEW DR Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0791 no Yes
13371 Mr. Micheal W Harris 1381 EASTFIELD DRIVE Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-4124 no Yes
13372 Mrs. Angela Harris 13837 ECHO PARK CIR Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-7981 no Yes
13373 Ms. Eugenia Hayden 140 NE 18TH STREET Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2326 no Yes
13374 Mr. Robert Inzerillo 14 GREENHAVEN BAY Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-6467 no Yes
13378 Mr. Gordon Mead 1400 BOSTON ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0488 no Yes
13379 Mrs. Jacqueline K Michael 1400 BOSTON ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27517-4041 (919) 555-3767 no Yes
13380 Mr. Ich-Kien Michelena 1400 MORNINGSIDE DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-7366 no Yes
13381 Mr. Christopher Arness Miller 1400 WHITMAN DR NW Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-1969 no Yes
13382 Ms. Cynthia Miller 1400 MORNINGSIDE DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8228 no Yes
13383 Dr. Peter Blaise Opper 1401 MOORESVILLE ROAD Winston-Salem NC 27103 (919) 555-2853 no Yes
13384 Mrs. Helen Ordelt 1401 DIXIE TRAIL Winston-Salem NC 27103 (919) 555-1330 no Yes
13385 Mr. Thomas Oriti 1402 PARAMORE DR Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-5653 no Yes
13386 Mr. Raymond Owens 1402 WOODSIDE DR Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-9952 no Yes
13387 Dr. Barbara S Pace 1402 PARAMORE DRIVE Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-9567 no Yes
13388 Ms. Carol Pack 1402 WOODSIDE DR Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-8818 no Yes
13394 Ms. Cathy Peoples 1409 KESWICK DR Annapolis MD 21401 (855) 555-0537 no no
13396 Mr. Tim Pipan 1404 MAPLE ST Grand Haven MI 49417 (855) 555-6708 no no
13397 Richardson 1409 KESWICK DR Asheboro NC 27205 (919) 555-5155 no Yes
13398 Ms. Anne Voelker 141 CHEYENNE TR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9354 no yes
13399 Ms. Louise Yount 1411 CAMERON WOODS DR Jacksonville NC 28540 (919) 555-5021 no Yes
13400 Mr. Amber Holquist Williams 1412 KESWICK DR Burlington NC 27215-9201 (919) 555-4376 no Yes
13401 Mr. Edward Abreu 1412 KESWICK DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5401 no Yes
13402 Mrs. Karen Anderson 1316 AMY LEE TRAIL Wilson NC 27896 (919) 555-1386 no Yes
13403 Blanks 12520 PECAN HILL CT Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-5585 no Yes
13404 Brady 12520 PECAN HILL CT Raleigh NC 27611 (919) 555-0412 no no
13405 Mr. Larry Brady 1257 TULA LAMBERT RD Fountain NC 27829 (919) 555-6101 no Yes
13406 Mr. James N. Brady 128 CEDAR PT BLVD Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-3538 yes Yes
13407 Mrs. Lisa Burnette 12619 HEADQUARTERS FARM RD. Raleigh NC 27613-1108 (919) 555-1045 yes Yes
13408 Ms. Sara Davis 1257 TULA LAMBERT RD Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3360 no Yes
13413 Ms. Phil Davis 128 S. LEXINGTON AVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3951 no Yes
13414 Mrs. Jill Dzus 12881 COYOTE RUN Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-2126 no Yes
13415 Mrs. Nina K. Earp 128 S. LEXINGTON AVE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-4823 no Yes
13416 Mr. Thomas C. Feagin 129 North 3rd AVE Creedmoor NC 27522-8689 (919) 555-5916 no Yes
13417 Ms. Claire Goeckerman 12881 COYOTE RUN Elkin NC 28621 (919) 555-2029 no no
13418 Ms. Martha Gray 12930 Brisgstock Ct Elkin NC 28621 (919) 555-6330 no Yes
13419 Ms. Pam Greene 12930 Brisgstock Ct Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6947 no Yes
13420 Ms. Lorraine Maxted 13 MANOR DR #7 Boston MA 02109 (855) 555-3816 no no
13422 Ms. Karen McCauley 130 PLANETREE LN Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0633 no Yes
13423 Mr. Kevin McCombs 1300 BIRD DOG CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0374 no Yes
13424 Mr. Alexander McIntire 1300 BIRD DOG CT. Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4225 yes Yes
13427 Mr. Jim Reibert 1300 VELVET CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3396 no Yes
13429 Mr. Robert M. SEALANDER 1301 YOUNGS MILL RD Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-8571 no Yes
13430 Ms. Arleen Smith 1301 N. ELAM AVENUE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8466 no Yes
13431 Mrs. Mary Snipes 1301 YOUNGS MILL RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9883 no Yes
13432 Mr. Patrick K White 1308 INDEPENDENCE BLVD Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-6864 no Yes
13436 Dr. Warren R. Wuenscher 1308 INDEPENDENCE BLVD Raleigh NC 27613-1619 (919) 555-2639 no Yes
13437 Ms. Sharon Briscoe 1309 SHELLEY RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1726 no Yes
13438 Mr. A. Jackson Caves 1316 AMY LEE TRAIL Littleton NC 27850 (919) 555-5369 no Yes
13440 Ms. Judith Chesson 1208 MAPLE AVE Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-5628 no Yes
13441 Ms. Vivian B. Eichler 1208 MAPLE AVE Raleigh NC 27612-3842 (919) 555-3741 no yes
13442 Ms. Jennifer L Eure 1209 BARKSDALE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3914 no Yes
13443 Ms. Heather N Fick 1210 PINCKNEY ST Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7965 no no
13444 Mr. Larry Hallsey 1210 PINCKNEY ST. Boring OR 97009 (855) 555-8120 no no
13445 Ms. Briana Hefner 12108 WARWICKSHIRE WAY Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6775 no no
13446 Mrs. Peggy M. Heuer 12108 WARWICKSHIRE WAY Louisburg NC 27549 (919) 555-0314 no Yes
13449 Dr. Sandra Hines 1211 S. ANDREWS AVE. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-3937 no Yes
13450 Ms. Madra Hoss 1212 CLINTON RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9372 no no
13451 Mr. Mike Hott 1212 LITTLE LAKE RD Hampshire SO51 0QA
England, United Kingdom (855) 555-5515 no no
13454 Hoyle 1214 QUEENS ISLAND COURT Charlotte NC 28288 (919) 555-7054 no Yes
13455 Ms. Marisa Hoysler 12124 WARWICKSHIRE PARK Monroe NC 28110-6005 (919) 555-5125 no no
13456 Mr. W.D. Hyatt 1220 LOCKCARRON LN Whiteville NC 28472 (919) 555-3312 no Yes
13457 Mrs. Deborah Kebschull 1220 LOCKCARRON LN Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-1935 no Yes
13458 Mrs. Susan Klotzberger 12204 QUEENSBRIDGE CT Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-8146 no Yes
13460 Mr. Michael MacAdam 1224 STONE CREEK WAY Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1079 no Yes
13461 Ms. Georgia D. Madden 1227 GENEVA ALBRIGHT RD Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-8980 yes Yes
13462 Madritch 1227 GENEVA ALBRIGHT RD Winston Salem NC 27101 (919) 555-7261 no Yes
13463 Mrs. Dorine Matthews 123 DEEP POND ROAD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7478 no Yes
13464 Mrs. Eileen Mazzei 123 DEEP POND LANE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-4525 no Yes
13465 Ms. Shin Yiing McAskill 123 DEEP POND LANE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-9560 no no
13466 McLean 123 West Elm Street Mount Holly NC 28120 (919) 555-4121 no Yes
13467 Ms. Marguerite Neely 1230 RACOON CT Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0790 no Yes
13468 Mr. David Powell 12316 GALWAY DRIVE Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-4927 no Yes
13469 Mr. Don Powell 12317 CHASTAIN DR Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-4116 no Yes
13470 Mr. Kerrell Riddle 1236 TOMMIES DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0091 no Yes
13471 Mr. Coleman Rieck 12317CHASTAIN DR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-7902 no Yes
13472 Mr. Raymond Rosko 12410 MADELEY LN Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-1339 no Yes
13473 Mr. Raymond Ross 1236 TOMMIES DRIVE Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-1136 no Yes
13474 Mr. Morris Sipe 12411 OLYMPIC CLUB DR. Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-1631 no Yes
13476 Stroud 12411 OLYMPIC CLUB DR. Mascotte FL 34753 (855) 555-3822 no no
13480 Mrs. Harriet Stroud Jr. 12412 BRANDON HALL RD Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-0615 no Yes
13481 Dr. Ward R. Strunk 12417 NORWOOD ROAD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7044 no Yes
13483 Mr. Carmen Tolliver 12412 BRANDON HALL ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5219 no Yes
13487 Mr. Frank Tomlinson 1242 FARMFIELD RD Greenboro NC 27408 (919) 555-6746 no Yes
13489 Mr. Dale Vockeroth 12432 CANOLDER ST Raleigh NC 27603-9016 (919) 555-5187 no Yes
13490 Mr. Denis Wiseman 1242 FARMFIELD RD Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-5256 yes Yes
13491 Mrs. Sandy Woolard 125 BOBBY DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8457 no Yes
13492 Mr. Everett Wray 125 BOBBY DR Chantilly VA 20151 (757) 555-6874 no no
13493 Mr. David Haar 12508 BOONE HALL CT Newton NC 28658-8559 (919) 555-5903 no Yes
13494 Mrs. Jean Haddow-Green 12508 BOONE HALL CT Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-9804 no Yes
13495 Mrs. Gail R. Hicks Jr. 120 SUBURBAN AVENUE Clemmons NC 27012 (919) 555-1419 no Yes
13496 Mrs. Ann Jackson Hilbinger 1200 CARLOS DR, APT 310 Greenville NC 27858 (919) 555-6190 no Yes
13497 Mrs. Julia Ketner 1200 S. MISSOURI AVE APT 130 Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8875 no Yes
13498 Mr. Frederick Lee 1200 CENTRAL DRIVE Winterville NC NC 28590-9821 (919) 555-9264 no Yes
13499 Mr. Stephen Lee 1200 WOODACRE CIRCLE Charlotte NC 28226 (919) 555-7759 no Yes
13500 Mrs. Melba P. Lewis 1201 ASHTON HOLLOW DR Goldsboro NC 27530 (919) 555-8270 no Yes
13501 Mrs. Kerry Lewis 1200 WOODACRE CIRCLE Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-8681 no Yes
13502 Mrs. Allison Rasmussen 1201 LANE STREET Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-4596 no no
13503 Mr. John Stephenson 1201 DUPLIN ROAD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-5245 no Yes
13504 Mr. Matthew Stewart 1201 PICCADILLY DR Carrboro NC 27510 (919) 555-2538 no Yes
13505 Mr. Hans Stith 1203 COLUMBUS CIR APT A Greensboro NC 27410-2802 (919) 555-2733 no Yes
13507 Ms. Mary Ann Stitzer 1203 KINGSBROOK RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3848 no Yes
13508 Ms. Jan Streba 1204 FAIRFAX WOODS DR. Dunn NC 28334 (919) 555-4697 no Yes
13509 Ms. Sallie THOMPSON 1203 KINGSBROOK RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3366 no Yes
13510 Ms. Tracy Willis 1207 COPAS RD Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-0015 no Yes
13511 Ms. Colleen Willis 1207 COPAS RD North Wilkesboro NC 28659-8670 (919) 555-7092 no no
13512 Ms. Margaret Baker 1208 FAIRFAX DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4053 no Yes
13513 Mr. J.S. Baker 1207 SHACKLETON RD Sibley LA 71073 (855) 555-7598 no no
13515 Ms. Kathryn Baker 1133 THERESA COURT Durham NC 27705-2204 (919) 555-8757 no Yes
13516 Mr. William Bays 11307 BALDY HILL ROAD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-6928 no Yes
13517 Mr. Jerry Bursian 113 PENNY RD Libertyville IL 60048 (855) 555-8047 no no
13519 Ms. Ann Capps 1133 THERESA CT Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0718 no Yes
13520 Mr. Joe Foss 1136 ERINS WAY LN Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-6201 no Yes
13521 Ms. Marjorie Foster 1137 CHILMARK AVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0044 no Yes
13522 Mr. Thomas Hanck 1137 CHILMARK AVE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0291 no Yes
13523 Hanck 114 BRIARCLIFF RD. Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-9942 no Yes
13524 Ms. Kathleen Hopkins 115 JAY MATTHEWS LANE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3933 no Yes
13525 Ms. Lucie Lea Johnson 114 SILVERWOOD LN Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-7192 no Yes
13526 Ms. Katie Kelly 115 MAIN STREET Raleigh NC 27608-2132 (919) 555-8119 yes Yes
13527 Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly 11501 BURBERRY DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6118 no Yes
13528 Ms. Margaret Kelly 116 KELSEY CT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-8559 no Yes
13529 Mr. Spencer Layman 1155 MISTYWOOD LANE Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-5324 no Yes
13530 Ms. Marie Lenz 11501 BURBERRY DR Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-0613 no Yes
13531 Mr. Gabriel S. LEWIS 116 PECAN LANE Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-2290 no Yes
13532 Mrs. Patricia Miller 116 W. GALE STREET Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-2667 yes Yes
13533 Ms. Susan Mitchell 116 W. GALE STREET Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4848 no Yes
13535 Mr. M.L. Mitchell 1165 GREENBRIAR DRIVE Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-0079 no Yes
13536 Ms. Suzanne Morrison 117 GATES DRIVE West Sacramento CA 95691-5869 (855) 555-3954 no no
13538 Ms. Lois Muhlbach 1165 GREENBRIAR DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5209 no Yes
13543 Mrs. Suzanne Olson 117 GATES DRIVE Cary NC 27512 (919) 555-2900 no Yes
13549 Mr. Dallas Opgrand 117 GREEN VALLEY RD (855) 555-2365 no no
13551 Mr. Harold Owens 117 MAYPOP Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0042 yes Yes
13552 Remaklus 117 MAYPOP LN Nantucket MA 02554 (855) 555-3203 no no
13554 Mrs. Barbara Sanders 117 MOHICAN TRAIL Salem SC 29676 (855) 555-1544 no no
13555 Mr. L.S. Shoffner 1180 BOWMER CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8535 no Yes
13560 Mr. James Silveri 1180 BOWMER CT Burlington NC 27215 (919) 555-0522 no Yes
13561 Mrs. Laura Simmel 119 ROSE ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6703 no Yes
13562 Ms. Michelle Suggs 11904 LITTLE STONEY CT. Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-2556 no Yes
13563 Mrs. Michele Sullivan 119 ROSE ST Oxford NC 27565 (919) 555-1605 no Yes
13564 Ms. Ashley Walker 11907 HARRIS RIDGE RD Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-2466 no Yes
13565 Ms. Kim Whisnant 12 NORTH 6TH ST Lillington NC 27546 (919) 555-8565 no Yes
13566 Ms. Cyndy Whitaker 12 NORTH 6TH STREET Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4416 no Yes
13567 Whitner 12 PALMETTO DR Charlottesville VA 22911 (757) 555-5953 no no
13569 Ms. Anita Wilkins 12 YAUPON WAY Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-4046 no Yes
13572 Mr. Thomas Yale 120 FOREST RIDGE DR Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-9943 no Yes
13573 Ms. Carolyn York 120 FOREST RIDGE DR Central SC 29630 (855) 555-1836 no no
13574 Mr. Mark Hillary 120 FOREST RIDGE DR Carrboro NC 27510 (919) 555-4099 yes Yes
13577 Mr. Bob Hillary 120 STONEMARK CT Wingate NC 28174-7707 (919) 555-9098 no Yes
13582 Ms. Jeanette Kessler 112 TWIN OAKS PLACE Julian NC 27283 (919) 555-8845 no Yes
13583 Ms. Brenda Montaperto 1115 MCLAUGHLIN DR Atlantic Beach NC 28512 (919) 555-4088 no Yes
13584 Mr. Lloyd See 1122 BIRCH TREE WAY Wilmington NC 28412 (919) 555-5431 no Yes
13587 Mr. Wilkie Thorpe 1129 W CONANT ST Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-5990 no Yes
13588 Mrs. Mary Louise Tyrrell 1129 W CONANT ST Fayetteville NC 28303 (919) 555-4383 no Yes
13589 Healey 113 BROOKSHIRE AVENUE Vilas NC 28607 (919) 555-8868 no Yes
13592 Mr. James Healey 113 EASTWAY LANE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5211 no Yes
13594 Ms. Judy Taylor 1110 OLIVE CHAPEL RD Willow Springs NC 27592 (919) 555-4754 no Yes
13595 Mr. Sam Taylor 111 SPRINGWAY DRIVE Bristol VA 24201 (757) 555-2725 no no
13596 PACKER 1115 MCLAUGHLIN DR Waynesville NC 28786 (919) 555-8912 no Yes
13597 Mrs. Mary Paff 1115 Council Street Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5503 no Yes
13598 Mrs. Annette Bernesser 111 SPRINGWAY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2578 no Yes
13599 Ms. Diane Greeson 111 SE 29TH STREET Huntersville NC 28078 (919) 555-2823 no Yes
13601 Mr. Dale Lamoreux 414 EDGEWOOD CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8908 no Yes
13602 Dr. Janet
and Steve Waegerle 414 EDGEWOOD CIR Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-2067 no Yes
13603 Ms. Mary Huggins 4132 WHITNEY PL Raleigh NC 27629 (919) 555-4442 no Yes
13604 Hulslander 414 BLACKBEARD ROAD Mounty Airy NC 27030 (919) 555-4765 no Yes
13605 Ms. Rebecca Philbeck 52 TURNPIKE RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9992 no Yes
13606 Mr. Tom Keehn 4122 ROMAINE ST Fort Valley GA 31030 (404) 555-3479 no no
13607 Mr. Woody McDonald 4126 BARRETT DR. Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-2534 no no
13608 Mr. Steve Kowalski 412 FAYETTEVILLE AVE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1791 no Yes
13609 Mr. Cecil L. Neal 412 EAST FOX ROAD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6004 no Yes
13610 Mr. James Weisner 4118 ENCHANTED LN Hickory NC 28601 (919) 555-1227 no Yes
13611 Ms. Clarice Klimek 105 CANTERFIELD ROAD Jacksonville NC 28540 (919) 555-5586 no Yes
13612 Ms. Beth Kline 104 LITTLE RIVER DRIVE Fall Branch TN 37656-2127 (855) 555-6933 no no
13613 Mrs. Ellen M. Miller 4746 LUDWELL BRANCH CT. Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-1776 yes Yes
13614 Mrs. Joyce Watkins Sink 4746 PORT LOOP RD SE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-1631 no Yes
13615 Mrs. Rebekah Ormsby 477 WOODBURY COURT Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-8882 no Yes
13617 Ms. Qian Fitzgerald 477 WOODBURY COURT Raleigh NC 27607-3014 (919) 555-2297 no Yes
13618 Ms. Kara Braun 403 THE CAPE BLVD. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-9252 no no
13619 Mr. John Bays 2709 HEATTER AVENUE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9043 no Yes
13620 Mr. Stephen Brett 180 JONES IAN TRAIL Fairbanks AK 99708 (855) 555-3786 no no
13621 Ms. Susan Brewbaker 2705 WYCLIFF RD Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8003 no Yes
13623 Mr. Worth Brigman 2708 MOORSFIELD CT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6536 no Yes
13624 Ms. Susan Dunn 2707 E OAK ISLAND RD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5993 no Yes
13625 Lovick 2707 E OAK ISLAND RD Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (919) 555-8582 no Yes
13626 Mrs. Julia Smith 2708 MOORSFIELD CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9729 no no
13628 Mrs. Meg Snipes 2709 HEATTER AVE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4100 no yes
13629 Mr. Douglas Cline 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Abingdon VA 24211 (757) 555-1627 no no
13630 Dr. Dwight Dunston 5701 EDERTON CT Newbern NC 28562 (919) 555-2370 no Yes
13632 Mr. Juan Holt 5419 HEDGECREST PL Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2373 no Yes
13633 Ms. Joyce D King 1725 2ND AVE SW, APT 119 Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0480 no Yes
13634 Mr. Rob Feagin 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5887 no Yes
13635 Ms. Anne Hoffner FEAGINS 542 RIVERWOOD DRIVE SE Willow Springs NC 27592 (919) 555-3022 no Yes
13637 Mrs. Peggy Holmes 525 EAST JONES STREET Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2343 no Yes
13638 Gertraude Holmes 525 E. JONES ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1100 no Yes
13639 Mr. Perry Dalton 5278 BEECHMONT DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-8781 no Yes
13640 Mr. David Panos 525 WADE AVE #50 Brevard NC 28712 (919) 555-0998 no Yes
13641 Ms. Janice Parker 408 BROOK CREEK DRIVE Rocky Mount NC 27804 (919) 555-2541 no Yes
13642 Ms. Lou Hollowell Ellington_Boynton 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-6120 no Yes
13643 Elliot 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-0361 no Yes
13644 Mrs. Allison Harris Arrington 407 DANTON DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7974 no Yes
13645 Ms. Lorna Arthofer 407 DANTON DR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-9489 no Yes
13646 Ms. Anne Bouchelle 408 BROOK CREEK DRIVE Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-7428 no Yes
13647 Ms. Christine Bouknight 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5637 no Yes
13648 Ms. Judith Richards 409 MILLHOUSE ROAD Charlottesville VA 22901-2824 (757) 555-9858 no no
13649 Ms. Marie Richardson 4095 FAIRWAY DR New Bern NC 28562 (919) 555-3397 no no
13650 Dr. Edwin Shipton 409HAIG DR Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-1296 no Yes
13651 Mr. Anthony Strickland 410 R.L. HONEYCUTT DR Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-8863 no Yes
13652 Mr. James Dupree 410 R.L. HONNEYCUTT DR Raleigh NC 27608-1665 (919) 555-9518 no Yes
13653 Mr. David Dysart 4100 USHW 29N #230 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2185 no Yes
13655 Ms. Jan Jones 4102 APPLETON RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3148 no Yes
13656 Mr. Kenneth Jordan 4102 APPLETON ROAD Pink Hill NC 28572 (919) 555-2707 no Yes
13657 Ms. Susan Padgett Talley 4102 LEAFMORE ST Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-9786 no Yes
13658 Ms. Marcial Page 4102 LEAFMORE STREET Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2877 no Yes
13659 Mr. Larry Beckelhimer 4104 FRATERNITY CT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7432 no Yes
13660 Mrs. Barbara Beddard 4104 FRATERNITY CT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6729 yes yes
13661 Mr. Dave Dressel Raleigh NC 27614-6891 (919) 555-9878 no Yes
13662 Mrs. Susan Fisher Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-6143 no Yes
13663 Mr. Jesse D Dew 25212 WATERBRIDGE CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2004 no Yes
13664 Ms. Jane S. Wilkinson 25212 WATERBRIDGE CT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7909 no Yes
13665 Ms. Julie Wilkinson 2527 COSTMARY LANE, Unit 2 Kinston NC 28501 (919) 555-6514 no Yes
13666 Mr. David Wunderlich 2534 BRANDT FOREST CT. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0667 no Yes
13667 Ms. Bonnie Wurn 2530 MEDWAY DR Elken NC 28621 (919) 555-0976 no Yes
13668 Mr. Victor Alphin 2562 MANGUM AVE Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-6257 no Yes
13669 Mr. Larry Alphin 2536 EASTBROOK DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5442 no Yes
13671 Mr. Robert Hooft 103 MEADOWGLADES LN Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9655 no Yes
13672 Ms. Tammy L. Harris 103 LANDON LN. Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6012 no yes
13673 Mr. Jim Kern 4525 SAGEDALE DR. Atlanta GA 30305-3811 (404) 555-2627 no no
13674 Mr. Charles Moser 4512 SOMERSWORTH DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8138 no Yes
13675 Ms. Cynthia Moser 4517 DEAN DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4957 no Yes
13677 Ms. Hilda Payne 4517 DEAN DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0664 no Yes
13678 Mr. Floyd Steffen 4517 DEAN DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2711 no Yes
13679 Womble 4521 TOWER RD Cincinati OH 45202 (855) 555-6730 no no
13682 Ms. Marjorie F. Adair 4524 VITEX STREET Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8065 yes Yes
13683 Ms. Melinda Adams 4524 VITEX STREET Carlisle MA 01741 (855) 555-7492 no no
13684 Dr. Johnny Agner 4317 GALLATREE LN Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1557 no no
13685 Mr. Robert Ahrens 4317 GALLATREE LN Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-6414 no Yes
13687 Ms. Joyce Coccarelli 4320 OMNI PL Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-9115 no Yes
13690 Mr. Jeffrey Dahl 4320 OMNI PL Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-7488 no Yes
13691 Ms. Sheila Hines 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-6351 no Yes
13692 Hinkley 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9378 no Yes
13693 Houser 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5799 no Yes
13694 Ms. Tricia Hudgins 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8284 no Yes
13696 Jenkins 440 DOGWOOD RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7043 no Yes
13697 Ms. Nancy Johannesen 4405 OMNI PLACE Charlotte NC 28202 (919) 555-6618 no Yes
13698 Dr. John Johannesen 4405 OMNI PLACE CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-6579 no Yes
13699 Ms. Patsy Johnson 4410 GREEN FOREST DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6456 no Yes
13701 Mr. Kenny Oates 4405 OMNI PLACE Rougemont NC 27572-8549 (919) 555-6951 no Yes
13702 Mr. Thomas Pence 4411 HALSTEAD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-7514 no no
13703 Mrs. Debbie Petrie 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR Cary NC 27616 (919) 555-3871 no Yes
13704 Dr. Lane Ratanaphruks 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR Mississippi State MS 39762 (855) 555-8036 no no
13705 Mr. Robert Roth 4414 WESTBOURNE RD D. N. Merom Hagalil ISRAEL 13845 (855) 555-8075 no no
13707 Mr. Daniel Sanford 442 SEMMES DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3362 no no
13708 Ms. Christine Townsend 442 SEMMES DR Lake Geneva WI 53147-1136 (855) 555-2651 no no
13709 Tucker 4444 LLOYD CT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5584 no no
13710 Wehrle 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-5873 no Yes
13711 Mrs. Julia Atwell Widnes 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1394 no Yes
13712 Dr. Michael David Balliet 4501 BRAMTON RD Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-1449 no Yes
13713 Mr. Chris Bancroft 4501 BRAMTON RD Clemmons NC 27012 (919) 555-8044 no no
13714 Mr. Michael Hayes 4303 KINGSLAND DR Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-4419 no Yes
13715 Ms. Patricia Headinger 4304 FORWALT PLACE Mount Olive NC 28365 (919) 555-2826 no Yes
13716 Mr. Giles L. Lenz 4304 FORWALT PLACE Kinston NC 28504 (919) 555-6589 no Yes
13717 Ms. Virginia Temple Messer 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Raleigh NC 27604-1233 (919) 555-2376 yes Yes
13719 Mr. Craig Waynick 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Oak Ridge NC 27310 (919) 555-0807 no Yes
13720 Ms. Lynn Agner 4305 WOOD VALLEY DRIVE Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-7110 yes Yes
13721 Mr. Arnel Agner 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Harbor City CA 90710 (855) 555-3567 no no
13723 Mr. Daniel Persson 43 MONTAGUE PLACE New Bern NC 28562 (919) 555-5020 no Yes
13724 Ms. Ann Stafford 429 STAR HILL DR Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-9765 no Yes
13726 Mr. Clint Stallings 4201 MAIN ST APT 208 Raleigh NC 27612-8707 (919) 555-2830 no no
13727 Ms. Virginia Holzhauzer 4201 N MAIN ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0309 no Yes
13728 Ms. Nona Wells 4201 N. MAIN ST APT #206 Hampstead NC 28443 (919) 555-2656 no Yes
13729 Mrs. Lois Mullis 4146 AMBLESTONE WAY Hampstead NC 28443 (919) 555-5359 yes Yes
13730 Ms. Donna Beard 4152-B BREEZEWOOD DRIVE Tallahassee FL 32308 (855) 555-0670 no no
13731 Beaver 3601 SWANN DR Myrtle Beach SC 29575 (855) 555-0071 no no
13732 Mrs. Nancy Bipes 2601 CHURCHILL DR Raleigh NC 27615-3091 (919) 555-9828 no Yes
13733 Ms. Doris Bunn 2604 ISAAC DR. Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-0813 no Yes
13734 Mr. Albert L. Van Hoy 2606 MIMOSA PLACE Jacksonville NC 28540 (919) 555-0362 no Yes
13735 Mrs. Nancy Van Tassel 2607 HILL-N’DALE DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5507 no Yes
13736 Ms. Janncey Brown 261 CATHI LN Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8776 no Yes
13737 Mrs. Gail Diehl 2607 HILL-N’DALE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1513 no Yes
13738 Ms. Willi Dienes 2320 ROCKLANE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-4362 no Yes
13739 Ms. Lee Ann Hopping 232 FOREST POND ROAD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1649 no Yes
13740 Ms. Cynthia Horan 2311 W VANDALIA RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6068 no Yes
13741 Ms. Annyce McClarren 2324 41ST STREET APT 138 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7995 no Yes
13743 Ms. Grace McClarren 2328 RUSTIC TR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7998 no Yes
13744 Ms. Susan Regan 23432 CANDOLER STREET Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6443 no Yes
13745 Ms. Lori Rehder 2328 RUSTIC TR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2640 no Yes
13746 Mr. Jerome Russell 237 OAKCREST DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5455 no Yes
13747 Mrs. Laurie Russell 23638 WILSON Swannanoa NC 28778-2144 (919) 555-2830 no Yes
13748 Mr. Phillip Schreuder 238 Fairview Rd Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-5097 no Yes
13749 Ms. Leslie Schultz 237 ORCHARD TRACE LN APT 8 Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0932 no Yes
13750 Dr. Michael Frederick 238 Fairview Rd Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3613 no Yes
13751 Ms. Linda S. Freeman 24 MORGAN RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2102 yes Yes
13752 Mrs. Lorrin SCHULL 2308 PACIFIC DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6349 no Yes
13753 Ms. Pat Adams 2308 PACIFIC DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6328 no Yes
13754 Mr. Clay Cole 2309 BRACYRIDGE RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8231 no no
13755 Ms. Beth Coleman 22 SOYARS DRIVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1030 no Yes
13756 Ms. Wendy Davis 220 TRILLINGHAM LN Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9455 no Yes
13757 Mr. Charles Erickson 220 TRAVIS LN Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-0204 no Yes
13758 Mr. Richard Eriksen 2202 SOUTHERN HILLS DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2635 no Yes
13759 Ms. Kathy Ford 2202 SOUTHERN HILLS DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6078 yes Yes
13760 Ms. Ann Ford 2204 CRESCENT DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8677 no Yes
13761 Mr. Christopher Fowler 2204 MASONS POINT PLACE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2624 no Yes
13762 Mrs. Mary Lu Courtney Fowlkes 2204 HRRKEY AVE. Raleigh NC 27606-3641 (919) 555-7601 no Yes
13763 Fowlkes 2204 MASONS POINT PLACE Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-4898 no no
13765 Mr. Paul Fuhrmann 2207 MEADS ST. Jackson NC 27845 (919) 555-8873 no Yes
13766 Ms. Charlene Fuller 2206 CARLTON AVENUE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0516 no Yes
13767 Mr. George Herje 2207 MEADS ST. Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9357 no Yes
13768 Ms. Elizabeth HESS 221 DAVIE DR Tucson AZ 85710 (855) 555-5546 no no
13771 Mr. Jerry Heyl 2210 VAN BUREN AVE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-3299 no Yes
13772 Mr. James Kane 2210 WEST FLORIDA ST Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-6568 no Yes
13773 Ms. Barbara Klohr 2210 WEST FLORIDA ST Williamsport PA 17701-5012 (855) 555-9399 no no
13775 Dr. David Mottonen 2217 Dorsett Street Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3994 no Yes
13776 Ms. Jo Mowrey 2217 Dorsett Street Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1681 no Yes
13777 Mr. William E. Reubel 2219 DELANEY DR STE 313 Raleigh NC 27622 (919) 555-8908 no no
13778 Mr. Paul E. Sain 2219 NC HIHGWAY 42 W #F Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1717 no Yes
13779 Mr. Patrick Salzgeber 2221 EDGEWATER DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0914 no no
13780 Ms. Brenda Schoolmeester 223 BAY DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3077 no Yes
13781 Ms. Barbara Shepherd 223 FOREST RD Aberdeen NC 28315 (919) 555-5792 no Yes
13782 Ms. Jennifer Vaughan 225 KOONTZ AVENUE Atlanta GA 30318-2946 (404) 555-5905 no no
13783 Dr. Susan Whitley 2250 West Main Street Vienna WV 26105-3296 (855) 555-3278 no no
13784 Mr. Alan Winter 226 N. 4TH AVE Apopka FL 32703 (855) 555-2521 no no
13785 Ms. Diana Suarez Ankney 226 N. 4TH AVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6980 no Yes
13786 Dr. Steven Cunningham 226 ROUEN STREET Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8099 no Yes
13787 Ms. Carol C. Daughety 2112 ASCOTT PL Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-3930 no Yes
13789 Ms. Britt Gavin 2112 ASCOTT PL Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-0189 no Yes
13790 Mrs. Linda Gergens 2115 SOUTHVIEW DR. Pinehurst NC 28374 (919) 555-9816 yes Yes
13791 Mr. John Harvey 2118 FOREST HILL Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-3705 yes Yes
13792 Ms. Patricia Haskins 212 DAVIS ST Clover SC 29710 (855) 555-0486 no Yes
13793 Mr. Hank Hough 2123 CHILDERS DR. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0625 no Yes
13794 Ms. Paige Miller 212 JEB STUART DR Louisville KY 40222 (855) 555-2964 no no
13798 Ms. Julie Pedersen 2124 RIVERSHORE RD. Brocton NY 14716 (855) 555-2629 no no
13799 Ms. Kathleen Ray 2125 WRIGHT AVE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-2638 no Yes
13801 Ms. Helen Rhyne 2125 WRIGHT AVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0981 yes Yes
13802 Mr. Peter Ross 2126 CONCORD LANE Carthage NC 28327 (919) 555-1792 no Yes
13805 Ms. Janet Rudisill 2126 PINE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-8065 no Yes
13806 Ms. Mary Jane Rudisill 2128 SOUTH NC 61 Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8814 no Yes
13807 Ms. Ericka F Rudolph-Lisle 217 MCCRAE LN APT A Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-8839 no Yes
13808 Mrs. Faye Sael 215 CALHOUN DR Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-4364 yes no
13809 Ms. Lisa Sebe 214 BAY DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1901 yes Yes
13810 Mr. William Cates 2171 HAWTHORNE LANE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0554 no Yes
13811 Ms. Sarah Cates 2171 HAWTHORNE LN Raleigh NC 27612-4348 (919) 555-2307 no yes
13813 Ms. Eugene Karstensen 2101 LIBERTY DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2488 no Yes
13814 Mr. Larry Gray 2101 LIBERTY DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-9031 no Yes
13815 Ms. Christine Poovey 2021 LONGWOOD DR Minneapolis MN 55410 (855) 555-3114 no no
13816 Mr. Edwin Thorson 5404 ISLEHURST CT Elizabethtown NC 28337 (919) 555-6353 no Yes
13817 Mrs. Anne Thorson 19449 PENINSULA SHORES DR. Lewisburg NC 27549 (919) 555-1108 no Yes
13818 Ms. Marilyn Kiser 199 SAINT MARKS CT Chattanooga TN 37401 (855) 555-8501 no no
13819 Ms. Joyce Klatt 1988 LUTHERAN SYNOD DR Reidville SC 29375 (855) 555-6898 no yes
13820 Ms. Edna Glenn Johnston 1820 MARKET ST. Tar Heel NC 28392 (919) 555-9829 yes Yes
13821 Mrs. Diane Jones 1816 EDGEWOOD AVE Gloucester VA 23061-2422 (757) 555-3968 no no
13822 Mr. Tip Grandstaff 1806 FAIRVIEW RD Lexington NC 27292 (919) 555-3745 no Yes
13823 Mr. Ivan Karnwie-Cook 1808 BENNETT ST Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-1026 no no
13824 Mrs. Susan M. Kastelberg 1749 SIGNATURE PLACE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-7127 yes Yes
13826 Mr. Mark W. Abdel-Hameed 105 CARRIAGE TR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1396 no Yes
13827 Ms. Jennifer Adams 105 CARRIAGE TR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-2989 no Yes
13829 Mr. Tim Adams 102 DEER SPRING LN Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3466 no Yes
13830 Mr. Peter Dietz 102 DRISKELL CT Cary NC 27511-7909 (919) 555-1101 no no
13831 Mr. Paul Hillman 102 DRISKELL CT Wilmington NC 28411 (919) 555-2888 no no
13832 Ms. Rebecca Maryman 102 FOREST HILLS DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7497 no no
13834 Ms. Cathy Mason 102 PENNYPACKER CT Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0262 no Yes
13835 Mr. Al Ragsdale 102 SILVERWOOD LANE Cary NC 27519-9518 (919) 555-3057 no no
13836 Ms. Virginia Richardson 102 PENNYPACKER CT Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3372 no Yes
13837 Mrs. Angela Vanderwerff 10201 BOND Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5813 no Yes
13838 Ms. Roberta VanSchoich 1021 OLD MEETING HOUSE WAY Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-6894 no Yes
13839 Dr. Craig A. Falk 10210 FALLS MILL #306 Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-2901 no Yes
13840 Mr. Albert Weller 1021 OLD MEETING HOUSE WAY Wilmington NC 28411-7648 (919) 555-8464 no no
13841 Mr. Michael Ioos 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6383 no Yes
13842 Mr. Robert Stewart 566 KELLY RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1394 no Yes
13843 Mr. Bob Stirewalt 5417 Rock Holly Ct Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-1383 no no
13844 Mr. Keith F. Horne 1924 WOODLAND AVENUE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3132 no Yes
13845 Mrs. Jan Horvath 193 CRYSTAL VIEW DR NW Burgaw NC 28425 (919) 555-5315 no no
13846 Mrs. G. J. Rhue 516 B. PEELE ST Burgaw NC 28425 (919) 555-0330 no yes
13847 Mr. Jim Driggers 517 SOUTH 3RD AVENUE Fairfax Station VA 22039 (757) 555-9453 no no
13848 Ms. Harriet Groothuis 51705 BIRCH AVENUE Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-4952 yes Yes
13849 Mr. Ervin Kell 515 HARVARD ST Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-9785 no Yes
13850 Mr. Ronald Linn 514 I AVENUE Williamsport PA 17701 (855) 555-0902 no no
13851 Mr. Dennis Scott 513 SIERRA DRIVE Pineville NC 28134 (919) 555-4657 no Yes
13852 Mrs. Carolyn S Scott 514 BARTLING RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0644 no Yes
13853 Mr. Steve Nemoseck 514 I AVENUE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3669 no Yes
13854 Mr. John Astalos 514 BARTLING RD San Francisco CA 94114-3815 (855) 555-8850 no no
13855 Mr. Chad Sykes 513 SIERRA DRIVE Wilmington DE 19802 (855) 555-6987 no no
13856 Mr. Gregory D. Taipale 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3920 no Yes
13857 Ms. Barbara B Walls 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5793 no Yes
13858 Ms. Rebecca Cornelius 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-8082 no no
13859 Mr. Guy Norris 513 DEBRA CIRCLE Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-2183 no Yes
13860 Ms. Margot Norris 5105 HUNTINGDON DR Lugoff SC 29078 (855) 555-0708 no no
13861 Mrs. Serena Soraghan 5113 NORTH OAKS DRIVE Winter Springs FL 32708 (855) 555-7757 no no
13862 Ms. Cindy R. VARNUM 511 CLARIDGE CIR Columbia SC 29260 (855) 555-2502 no no
13863 Ms. Laura G. Blackwelder 5118 WADENA CT Sumpter SC 29150 (855) 555-9117 no no
13864 Mr. George Blade 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-4616 no no
13866 Ms. Cece Jacobson 504 FENMARK PL Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8633 no no
13867 Ms. Eileen Kepley 5036 PINE ST Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0122 yes no
13869 Ms. Marianne Kuklentz 505 JOHN S. MOSBY DRIVE Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-5793 no Yes
13870 Mr. Edwin Kuklentz 505 KIMBERLY DR Winston-Salem NC 27610 (919) 555-3236 no Yes
13871 Ms. Cora E. Lomax 506 FLORENCE DR Urbana IL 61802 (855) 555-1659 no no
13872 Ms. Martha Caroline Perry 506 DECATUR DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-0318 yes Yes
13873 Mrs. Dorothy Poe 506 FLORENCE DRIVE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-6213 no Yes
13874 Ms. Patricia Pohlig 5063 CAMERON RD Erwin NC 28339 (919) 555-1712 no Yes
13875 Mr. Curt Setzer 508 CAROLYN CT Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-1185 no Yes
13876 Ms. Mable Seyler 507 HAWTHORNE LN Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-6562 no Yes
13877 Mrs. Brenda Shumpert 5080 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Pinehurst NC 28374 (919) 555-6311 no Yes
13878 Ms. Jocelyn Waegerle 508 COLE ST. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6532 no Yes
13879 Mrs. Kim Walls 509 MILL CREEK CT. APT. C Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8765 no Yes
13880 Mrs. Barbara Walter 5101 CANDLEWICK RD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-9030 no no
13881 Mr. Gabriel McCombs 5101 KNARESBOROUGH RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3587 no Yes
13882 Ms. Karin L. Bowman 5101 CANDLEWICK RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4296 no Yes
13883 Ms. Corley Rash Freismuth 503 TRAPPERS RUN DR Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-0087 no Yes
13884 Ms. Rachel Hubbard 5001 NE 4TH AVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1882 no no
13885 Ms. Linda C. Hubert 5005 RAINTREE CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4449 no Yes
13886 Ms. Katie Little 501 Albertson Rd. Trailer #27 Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9940 no no
13887 Ms. Kathrine Little 5005 RAINTREE CT Fuquay-Varina NC 27526-7355 (919) 555-4891 yes Yes
13888 Ms. Cynthia Richey 501 PEELE ST Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4126 no Yes
13889 Mr. Charles Riddle 501 PEELE ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9813 no Yes
13890 Mr. Alan Stamm 5013 SANDLEWOOD CT Matthews NC 28106 (919) 555-3664 no no
13891 Mrs. Cheryl Stankelis 5010 SIX FORKS ROAD Goldsboro NC 27530-8921 (919) 555-2767 no Yes
13892 Mrs. Hazel Wertz 5014 CHALICE LANE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0210 no Yes
13893 Mr. Jay Wesell 5014 CHALICE LANE Kitty Hawk NC 27949-4375 (919) 555-1529 no Yes
13894 Mr. Joseph Phillips 502 N FRANKLIN ST Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-6676 no Yes
13895 Mr. Alexander Yetter 502 N FRANKLIN ST Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-1901 yes Yes
13896 Dr. Julia Armstrong 5001 KOREM DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1830 no Yes
13897 Rev. John Huff 5001 KORM DR Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-1395 no Yes
13898 Dr. Mary Maxwell 4947 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7512 no Yes
13899 Ms. Elizabeth Roper 5 PELICAN POINT RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1703 no Yes
13900 Mrs. Teresa Simmel 5 PELICAN POINT ROAD Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-4522 no Yes
13901 Dr. Barbara Simmons 500 BLUE ROCK DR Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-4351 no Yes
13902 Mr. Norman Tysinger 5001 BRENWOOD CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7172 no Yes
13903 Mr. John Greaves 500 BLUE ROCK DR Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-4491 no Yes
13904 Mr. Matthew Greenawald 5001 BRENWOOD CT Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-9582 no Yes
13905 Mr. Davin Hinde 4937 CROSSWINDS DRIVE Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-9323 no Yes
13906 Ms. Margaret Ann Miller 4933 BUTTERWICK Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0416 no Yes
13907 Ms. Debi Bland 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-5153 no Yes
13908 Ms. Danrong Glenn 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-6642 no Yes
13909 Mr. Stephen Glenn 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1337 no Yes
13910 Mr. John Hall 4900 LATIMER DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-2412 no Yes
13911 Mr. Aaron Heck 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6467 yes Yes
13912 Ms. Sarah HECK 4900 LATIMER DR Towson MD 21286-5674 (855) 555-4314 no no
13913 Mrs. Terra Hott 4906 QUAIL HOLLOW DRIVE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0771 no Yes
13914 Dr. Edwin Houck 4903 CAROLWOOD DR. Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-6152 no Yes
13915 Mr. Jeremy Montgomery 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-0087 no Yes
13916 Ms. Llewellyn Montgomery 4908 WORDSWORTH CIR Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-7110 no Yes
13917 Mr. Scott Pfeifer 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT Sumter SC 29150-1755 (855) 555-5153 no no
13918 Mr. Roger Pfeifer 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Greenwood SC 29646 (855) 555-9644 no no
13919 Dr. Larry Procknal 4912 LILES RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8123 no Yes
13920 Mr. Josh Reynolds 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT Princeton NC 27569 (919) 555-8126 no Yes
13921 Ms. Marlene Yount 4912 LILES ROAD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8917 no Yes
13922 Mrs. Isabel V. Rector 4914 COTTONWOOD Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-7760 yes Yes
13923 Ms. Jami Rector 4916 WINDMERE CHASE DR. Wilmington NC 28405 (919) 555-9889 no Yes
13924 Ms. Bettina Sisk 4865 HIGHWAY 101 Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8654 no Yes
13925 Ms. Bonnie Cawein 4853 COLLEGE ACRES DR Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-1191 no Yes
13926 Ms. Carol Hance 4900 DEVILS CT Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-8996 no Yes
13928 Mr. John Bolick 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4045 no Yes
13929 Mr. V.E. Bolick 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1482 no Yes
13930 Ms. Mary Beth Bryant 4 ANCHORAGE PT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9027 no Yes
13931 Mr. David Caves 4 ANCHORAGE PT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3016 no Yes
13932 Mr. Bill Elza 4 MAINSAIL CT. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6073 no no
13933 Mr. Gary Gompers 4 MAINSAIL CT. Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-2534 no Yes
13934 Mr. Tom Good 40 CARRIAGE HILL DR Russell IL 60075 (855) 555-0193 no no
13935 Mrs. Sarah W. Hansen 401 1/2 CENTER ST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6876 no no
13938 Ms. Ruth Putnam 400 ESHON ROAD Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-0811 no Yes
13940 Mr. George Barnes 402 FERN CREEK LANE Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-6146 no Yes
13942 Ms. Julie Liefer 402 HILLCREST RD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5963 no Yes
13943 Mr. Thomas M. Bowman 3937 YORKFORD DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-8192 yes Yes
13944 Ms. Lisa C. Bowman 3954 APPLETON WAY Durham NC 27713-8540 (919) 555-9249 no no
13945 Ms. Jinny Fowlkes 3921 LAWNDALE PLACE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-4094 no Yes
13946 Mr. Grover Hanvelt 3920 INGRAM DR Salem VA 24153 (757) 555-4441 no no
13947 Ms. Susan L. Farris 3921 LAWNDALE PLACE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-9884 yes Yes
13949 Ms. Shirley McLaughlin 3926 HOUGH RD Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-9507 yes no
13951 Mr. Michael Teasley 374 WINDCROFT DR Blacksburg VA 24060-8322 (757) 555-0422 no no
13952 Ms. Teri Faggart 3920 INGRAM DR Powhatan VA 23139 (757) 555-1005 yes no
13953 Mr. John G. Fairbanks 3920 INGRAM DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3736 yes Yes
13954 Mr. Melvin Slimick 100 SEVENSTONE DR Stony Point NC 28678 (919) 555-4041 no Yes
13956 Mr. Kenneth Sloop 100 TRAILVIEW DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0698 no Yes
13957 Ms. Jean Huffman 5618 BRANTHURST DRIVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9649 no Yes
13958 Ms. Dorothy Huggins 5608 WESLO WILLOW CIR – #318 West Columbia SC 29169-3466 (855) 555-6260 no no
13959 Ms. Betty Way 5201 FIELDBROOK DR Stanley NC 28164 (919) 555-9605 no no
13960 Mr. Dennis Woodall 5205 HUNTERS TRAIL Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8258 no no
13961 Ms. Mary Ramirez 5232 COVINGTON BEND DR Jacksonville NC 28540 (919) 555-4293 no Yes
13962 Ms. Blanche H. Allen 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Jacksonville NC 28540 (919) 555-9488 no Yes
13963 Mr. Jeff Beaver 52 TURNPIKE RD Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5745 yes Yes
13964 Mr. Bill Blythe 506 FLORENCE DRIVE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7042 no Yes
13965 Mr. John E. Botros 5063 CAMERON RD Raleigh NC 27606-9406 (919) 555-1143 yes Yes
13966 Ms. Effie Cash 507 HAWTHORNE LN Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2596 no Yes
13967 Mr. Bob Clegg 508 CAROLYN CT Monticello IA 52310 (855) 555-9667 no no
13968 Ms. Marguerite Helmey 508 COLE ST. Cary NC 27519-7138 (919) 555-2698 no Yes
13969 Ms. Blanche Hess 5080 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5331 yes Yes
13970 Dr. William C. Johansson 509 MILL CREEK CT. APT. C Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0456 no Yes
13971 Mrs. Amber M. Johnson 5101 CANDLEWICK RD Leesburg VA 20175 (757) 555-2649 no no
13972 Mr. Mickey Ketner 5101 CANDLEWICK RD McMinnville TN 37110 (855) 555-3958 no no
13973 Mr. Gardner King 5101 KNARESBOROUGH RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6673 no no
13974 Ms. Patricia F. Kinlaw 5105 HUNTINGDON DR Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-3100 no Yes
13975 Mr. Vince Madden 511 CLARIDGE CIR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4875 no Yes
13976 Ms. Dorothy Mahler 5113 NORTH OAKS DRIVE Mount Airy NC 27030 (919) 555-0610 no Yes
13977 Mr. George W. Moeller 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Wilmington NC 28409-2847 (919) 555-7163 no Yes
13978 Mr. Edwin B. Mozingo 5118 WADENA CT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-7984 no Yes
13979 Mr. Lee Murphy 512 MEADOWOOD DRIVE Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-9249 no Yes
13980 Ms. Jean E. Perryman 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-0242 no Yes
13981 Mr. Noel Porterfield 512 SILVER ASPEN CIRCLE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-2985 no Yes
13983 Ms. Annie G. Roush 513 DEBRA CIRCLE Chapel Hill NC 27514-2723 (919) 555-2132 no Yes
13984 Ms. Catherine Roy 513 SIERRA DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5923 no no
13985 Ms. Jean Rudisill 514 BARTLING RD Princeton NC 27569 (919) 555-3686 no no
13987 Ms. Stephanie Sampson 514 BARTLING RD Holly Springs NC 27540-9453 (919) 555-5411 yes Yes
13989 Dr. Philip A. Smith 513 SIERRA DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3960 no Yes
13990 Ms. Elizabeth Stein 514 I AVENUE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0361 no no
13991 Mrs. Annie Stewart 514 I AVENUE Raleigh NC 27612-6391 (919) 555-2666 yes Yes
13992 Mrs. Esther Stough 515 HARVARD ST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5089 no Yes
13993 Ms. Raquel Strader 516 B. PEELE ST Clayton NC 27520-8302 (919) 555-8748 no no
13994 Ms. Carrie Taylor 51705 BIRCH AVENUE Hickory NC 28602 (919) 555-6795 no Yes
13995 Ms. Tindara Belk 517 SOUTH 3RD AVENUE Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-2050 yes Yes
13996 Ms. Janet F. Bell 52 TURNPIKE RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0597 no Yes
13997 Ms. Amy Bodenstab 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Lexington NC 27295 (919) 555-1344 no no
13998 Ms. Texie Boggs 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT Haw River NC 27258 (919) 555-3425 no no
14000 Mrs. Evangeline R. Bramley 4912 LILES RD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2014 yes Yes
14001 Ms. Linda Buff 4912 HERITAGE WOODS CT Raleigh NC 27612-7213 (919) 555-8503 yes no
14002 Dr. Jerry Buff 4912 LILES ROAD Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-4932 no Yes
14005 Mrs. Beverly B. Clarke 4916 WINDMERE CHASE DR. Greensboro NC 27455-1904 (919) 555-5571 no Yes
14006 Dr. James E. Cooke 4914 COTTONWOOD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7174 yes Yes
14007 Ms. Sara Core 4933 BUTTERWICK Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4819 no no
14008 Ms. Marilyn Eklund 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27617 (919) 555-4840 no Yes
14009 Mrs. Shelley B. Elwood 4937 CROSSWINDS DRIVE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1705 no Yes
14010 Ms. Tania L. Gaugert 4943 WOODS EDGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0714 no no
14011 Mr. Jack Grigerick 4947 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE Wayne NJ 07470 (855) 555-1503 no no
14012 Mr. Matthew W. Grimm 5 PELICAN POINT RD Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-7276 no Yes
14013 Mr. Philip Hunter HARRASS 500 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2933 no Yes
14014 Ms. Frances S. Hoeft 5 PELICAN POINT ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-9650 no Yes
14015 Ms. Gwendolyn Holmberg 500 BLUE ROCK DR Morehead City NC 28557-3439 (919) 555-8901 no no
14016 Ms. Danielle Hulslander 5001 BRENWOOD CT Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-7888 no yes
14017 Mr. Camilo Johnston 5001 BRENWOOD CT Benson NC 27504 (919) 555-4319 no Yes
14018 Mottonen 5001 KOREM DRIVE Charlotte NC 28216 (919) 555-9326 no Yes
14019 Mr. Jerry W. Nelson 5001 KORM DR Harmony NC 28634 (919) 555-2423 no Yes
14020 Mr. Jack Nelson 5001 NE 4TH AVE North Cape May NJ 08204 (855) 555-5004 no no
14021 Mrs. Gretchen Nelson 501 Albertson Rd. Trailer #27 Clackamas OR 97015 (855) 555-6237 no no
14022 Ms. Dawn L. Patterson 5005 RAINTREE CT Greensboro NC 27410-8142 (919) 555-6662 no Yes
14023 Mr. Harold G. Pedersen 5005 RAINTREE CT Raleigh NC 27622 (919) 555-8243 yes Yes
14024 Ms. Sherry T. Pike 501 PEELE ST Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-5480 no Yes
14025 Mr. Charles Pilkington 501 PEELE ST Burlington NC 27215 (919) 555-0071 no Yes
14029 Ms. Barbara L. Rettie 5013 SANDLEWOOD CT Plainfield NJ 07062 (855) 555-8582 no no
14030 Ms. Tina Rhue 5010 SIX FORKS ROAD Raleigh NC 27604-2036 (919) 555-5215 no no
14031 Mrs. Jewel S. Richards 5014 CHALICE LANE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0764 yes Yes
14032 Ms. Amber San Miguel 5014 CHALICE LANE Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-3947 no Yes
14033 Ms. Joanne S. San Miguel 502 N FRANKLIN ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7630 no Yes
14034 Ms. Priscilla Sutton 503 TRAPPERS RUN DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-4123 yes Yes
14036 Mr. Keith Thompson 502 N FRANKLIN ST CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-4192 no no
14037 Ms. Nita Warriner 5036 PINE ST Raleigh NC 27602-2978 (919) 555-3695 no yes
14038 Ms. Erin L. Wassum 504 FENMARK PL Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-1630 no Yes
14057 Mr. Frank Yates 505 KIMBERLY DR Cold Spring NY 10516 (855) 555-6361 no no
14058 Mrs. Mary M. Yingling 505 JOHN S. MOSBY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604-3635 (919) 555-4100 no Yes
14059 Mr. Robert H. Gale 506 DECATUR DR Creedmoor NC 27522 (919) 555-5629 no Yes
14061 Ms. Beverly K. Hardie 506 FLORENCE DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4026 no Yes
14062 Mr. Peter Raynor 4903 CAROLWOOD DR. Goldsboro NC 27534 (919) 555-7667 no Yes
14063 Mr. Samuel R. Raynor 4906 QUAIL HOLLOW DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5432 yes Yes
14064 Mr. Rick St. John 491 WOODPECKER PARKWAY Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1975 no Yes
14065 Mr. Franklin Stafford 4908 WORDSWORTH CIR Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-5322 no Yes
14066 Mr. Tim Stafford 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-2529 no no
14067 Mrs. Fran I Bailey 4900 LATIMER DR Charlottesville VA 22901 (757) 555-5940 no no
14068 Mr. Brandon K. Beebe 4900 LATIMER DR Four Oaks NC 27524 (919) 555-1509 no Yes
14070 Ms. Carol A. Bliss 4411 HALSTEAD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7982 no Yes
14071 Ms. Kathleen Bober 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-7147 no Yes
14072 Ms. Jean Bodenstab 4414 DRIFTWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-8832 yes Yes
14073 Mrs. Cathy J. Brazel 4414 WESTBOURNE RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1583 no Yes
14074 Mr. Robert Chaffee 442 SEMMES DR Graham NC 27253 (919) 555-9026 yes Yes
14077 Chandler 442 SEMMES DR Rockville MD 20850-3222 (855) 555-4071 no no
14078 Ms. Randee Chapman 4444 LLOYD CT Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-5516 no Yes
14081 Mr. Bruce Darnley 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-4557 yes Yes
14082 Mrs. Nancy W. Davis 4451 SHIMPOCK ROAD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7914 no Yes
14083 Mr. Jarrett Decatur 4501 BRAMTON RD Roxboro NC 27573-0891 (919) 555-4029 no no
14084 Ms. Judy Evans 4501 BRAMTON RD Cary NC 27511-6939 (919) 555-1768 no no
14085 Mr. Will Fabiano 4512 SOMERSWORTH DR Washington NC 27889 (919) 555-6793 no no
14086 Mrs. Sharon F. Faison 4517 DEAN DR Chapin SC 29036 (855) 555-2454 yes no
14087 Ms. Leslie Falls 4517 DEAN DR Kennett Square PA 19348 (855) 555-8209 no no
14089 Mrs. Melba Fraser 4517 DEAN DRIVE Raleigh NC 27636-3609 (919) 555-7940 no Yes
14090 Mr. Craig S. Frazier 4521 TOWER RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8101 no Yes
14091 Ms. Jo Ann B. Goyne 4524 VITEX STREET Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-6862 no Yes
14092 Ms. Carol Hansen 4524 VITEX STREET Raleigh NC 27617-7444 (919) 555-1131 no Yes
14093 Mrs. Amy Poole Hanson 4525 SAGEDALE DR. Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-4896 no Yes
14094 Mr. Frederick S. Hepler 4550 S. HWY 62 Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-7105 no Yes
14095 Ms. Karen M. Herbst 4550 S. HWY 62 Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-2114 no Yes
14096 Mrs. Ley Herje 4580 70TH ST. W. #127 Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-1001 no Yes
14097 Mr. Thomas A. Hulslander 4603 WHITBY PL Raleigh NC 27612-2798 (919) 555-9276 no Yes
14099 Mr. Eric Hultquist 4609 W 110TH STREET Boca Raton FL 33433-4813 (855) 555-0749 no no
14100 Mr. William Joyner 4616 FERNHARN PLACE Lighthouse Point FL 33064 (855) 555-6870 no no
14101 Dr. William J. Joyner 4616 REIGATE WAY Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-2989 no no
14102 Mr. Ray Miller 463 BLACK ANGUS DRIVE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4616 no Yes
14104 Mr. Jim Misenheimer 4622 NORWICH RD Chapel Hill NC 27517-7584 (919) 555-6681 no Yes
14105 Mr. Frank B. Misenheimer 4632 LONG LEAF HILLS DR Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-8970 no no
14106 Ms. Lynne Newton 4703 FREYS HILL CT Great Falls VA 22066 (757) 555-9905 no no
14107 Mr. Joseph Niparts 4633 MCCLELLAND DR #5-203 Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-6988 no no
14108 Mr. Lawrence Plavocos 4708 SHADOW RIDGE COURT Columbia SC 29206 (855) 555-0917 no no
14109 Ms. Jacqueline Poovey 4712 ARCHER DR Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-8562 no Yes
14110 Mr. Will Pope 4712 Archer Drive Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5189 no Yes
14111 Ms. Elizabeth Powell 4731 JAMESFORD DR Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-5632 yes Yes
14112 Dr. Thomas R. Powell 4729 BROOKTREE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606-8905 (919) 555-7919 no Yes
14113 Mr. Craig Powell 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Lenoir NC 28645 (919) 555-7742 no Yes
14114 Mr. Algie B. Riedel 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Willow Spring NC 27592-9071 (919) 555-6327 yes Yes
14115 Mr. Guy E. Riegel 4740 FOREST HIGHLAND DR Boring OR 97009 (855) 555-0284 no no
14116 Ms. Virginia W. Simonsen 4745 JACKSON BLUFF RD LOT 144 Amarillo TX 79101-4200 (855) 555-5859 no no
14117 Ms. Martha S. Smith 4746 LUDWELL BRANCH CT. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0726 yes Yes
14118 Mr. Reed Smith 4746 PORT LOOP RD SE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2669 yes Yes
14119 Dr. William E. Spence 477 WOODBURY COURT Erwin NC 28339 (919) 555-9896 no no
14120 Ms. Kathy Spike 477 WOODBURY COURT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5783 no no
14123 Mr. Hoyt Q. Stephenson 2420 WENTWORTH ST Shelby NC 28151-0208 (919) 555-2314 no Yes
14124 Mr. Tom Stewart 242 SHANNON DRIVE Julian NC 27283 (919) 555-1809 no Yes
14125 Mrs. Lianda K. Thompson 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-3788 no Yes
14126 Mr. E. K. Tyson 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-1419 no no
14128 Mr. Kenneth G. Van Fleet 4805 SWEETBRIAR RD. Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-6110 no no
14129 Mr. Chris L. Vogelpohl 4811 GARRETT DR APT 105 Willow Springs NC 27592 (919) 555-8997 yes Yes
14132 Mr. Robert Wallis 4815 CAROLINA BEACH RD Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-8688 no Yes
14134 Ms. Joyce Walter 4806 JENNA DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6001 no Yes
14140 Mr. Robert B. Walton 4824 FARM POND LN Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9838 no Yes
14141 Dr. James B. Weisner Jr. 4845 WILLOW DR Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-5481 no Yes
14142 Mr. Terry Weller 4841 THORNWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0660 no Yes
14143 Mr. T. E. Williams 4853 COLLEGE ACRES DR Raleigh NC 27609-7048 (919) 555-4125 no Yes
14144 Ms. Hope Williams 4865 HIGHWAY 101 Schlater MS 38952 (855) 555-4602 yes no
14145 Mrs. Priscilla I. Harrison 4900 DEVILS RIDGE COURT Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6243 no Yes
14146 Mr. Daniel M. Jacobs 4900 DEVILS CT Denver NC 28037 (919) 555-3704 yes Yes
14147 Ms. Patricia Kieft 4320 OMNI PL Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9257 no Yes
14148 Ms. Nancy Leonard 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1434 no Yes
14149 Ms. Claudia Lester 4330 CAMDEN ROAD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0625 no Yes
14150 Mr. George Loux 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-6588 yes Yes
14151 Mrs. Mary Lou Praire 4337 NANTUCKET DRIVE NW Cary NC 27511-3746 (919) 555-5093 no Yes
14153 Mr. Walter L. Prairie 440 DOGWOOD RD Charlotte NC 28211-2724 (919) 555-4254 no no
14154 Mr. Richard H. Stutelberg 4405 OMNI PLACE Atlanta GA 30361 (404) 555-9387 no no
14155 Mr. Tracy Wargo 4405 OMNI PLACE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-9696 no Yes
14156 Mr. George J. Bacon 4405 OMNI PLACE Columbia SC 29206 (855) 555-9359 no no
14157 Mr. Robert E. Bacon 4410 GREEN FOREST DR Raleigh NC 27628 (919) 555-6242 no no
14158 Mr. William H. Bader 412 EAST FOX ROAD Greenville NC 27858 (919) 555-1047 no no
14159 Mr. John L. Bailey 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Durham NC 27707-5121 (919) 555-7660 no no
14160 Mr. Richard M. Ballard 4118 ENCHANTED LN Washington DC 20007-5201 (855) 555-5091 no no
14161 Mrs. Jeanne Blanchard 412 FAYETTEVILLE AVE Raleigh NC 27603-7867 (919) 555-6986 yes Yes
14162 Mrs. Tylene Blanks 4122 ROMAINE ST Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-9427 no Yes
14164 Ms. Bonnie S. Boyer 4126 BARRETT DR. Piney River VA 22964 (757) 555-0168 no no
14166 Mr. David L. Bramley 4132 WHITNEY PL New Bern NC 28563-0867 (919) 555-9655 no no
14168 Mrs. Carol Burkhead 414 BLACKBEARD ROAD Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-3066 no no
14169 Mr. Tim Canupp 414 EDGEWOOD CIR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-2785 no Yes
14170 Mr. William R. Carter 414 EDGEWOOD CIRCLE Atlanta GA 30308-2216 (404) 555-3204 no no
14171 Mrs. Sara Chaffee 414 W. BLACKBEARD RD Brentwood TN 37027 (855) 555-2485 no no
14172 Mrs. Ann H. Cormier 4146 AMBLESTONE WAY Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3742 no no
14173 Mr. Robert R. Cornwell 4152-B BREEZEWOOD DRIVE Southern Pines NC 28387 (919) 555-8219 no no
14174 Ms. Ella R. Calvert Didert 416 SAWGRASS HITT CT Lexington SC 29072 (855) 555-2048 no no
14175 Ms. Beverly Diehl 4171-203 HEARTHSIDE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-7487 no Yes
14176 Ms. Gretchen Elza 420 OAKRIDGE RD Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-9666 no Yes
14177 Mr. Dan Faison 4175 MEDFORD DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7623 no Yes
14178 Ms. Fay M. Falk 4201 MAIN ST APT 208 Sanford NC 27332-7400 (919) 555-9596 no Yes
14181 Mr. William Fontana 4201 N MAIN ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4275 no no
14182 Mr. Lamont Farmer Fox 4201 N. MAIN ST APT #206 Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7578 no no
14183 Ms. Linda J. Gavilan 4203 PHEASANT RUN DR Fuquay-Varina NC 27526-1906 (919) 555-7123 no no
14184 Ms. Elizabeth M. Gray 4209 FROST CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4584 no no
14185 Ms. Candy M. Hayes 4209 OMNI PLACE Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-9671 no no
14186 Ms. Sarah B. Hayes 421 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-0458 no no
14187 Mrs. Michele Hubert 4218 LAMBETH DR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-0849 no yes
14189 Mrs. Sandra G. Jones 4215 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-0436 no no
14190 Ms. Katherine Anne Jones 4218 LAMBETH DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-2747 no no
14191 Mrs. Nancy Lee 4234 MASONBORO LOOP Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0574 no no
14192 Ms. Ida Lein 423 E SECOND ST Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3701 no no
14193 Mrs. Diane M. Lester 4234 MASONBORO LOOP RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-1728 no no
14194 Ms. Anne Ogden Lineberger 424 MCPHEE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4479 no Yes
14196 Mrs. Maryann McCoy 4248 LAKE CLIFF DR Tarboro NC 27886-9694 (919) 555-3874 no Yes
14197 Mrs. Melba S. McDaniel 427 HAW BRANCH RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2167 no no
14198 Ms. Peggy A. McDonald 427-F WOODS OF NORTH BEND DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8060 no no
14199 Mr. Harold Meilus 429 STAR HILL DR Southern Pines NC 28388 (919) 555-0291 no Yes
14200 Mr. Cheng-Yen Meindl 428 SAWGRASS HILL COURT Burlington NC 27215 (919) 555-4710 no Yes
14201 Mr. Daryl Meyer 4303 KINGSLAND DR Ashburn VA 20147-6753 (757) 555-2323 no no
14202 Mr. Brent W. Miller 43 MONTAGUE PLACE Camden SC 29020 (855) 555-6824 no no
14203 Mr. Mike Nesbitt 4304 FORWALT PLACE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-7129 no Yes
14204 Mr. Gary L. Neuman 4304 FORWALT PLACE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7002 no Yes
14205 Ms. Elizabeth Phillips 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Two Rivers WI 54241-0172 (855) 555-4687 no no
14206 Mr. Phillip E. Pickard 4305 BIRMINGHAM WAY Atlanta GA 30309 (404) 555-0004 no no
14207 Mr. J. T. Piel 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-7803 no no
14209 Mr. Joseph Pierce 4305 WOOD VALLEY DRIVE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2082 no Yes
14211 Ms. Eva Riddick Pike 4309 SCOTLAND LANE Rocky Mount NC 27804 (919) 555-5317 no Yes
14212 Mr. Steven R. Raack 4312 PRINCETON AVE Morrisville NC 27560-6919 (919) 555-3136 yes Yes
14213 Mrs. Shannon S. Showalter 4312 PRINCETON AVE Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-4495 yes Yes
14215 Mrs. Bettie C. Stamm 4313 FOXHOUND RD Rocky Point NC 28457 (919) 555-7086 no no
14217 Mrs. Jamie K. White 4317 GALLATREE LN Greenville NC 27835 (919) 555-6777 no Yes
14218 Ms. Judy Eighmy 4317 GALLATREE LN Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3572 no no
14219 Dr. Wayne Eisenhart 4320 OMNI PL CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-4925 no Yes
14224 Mr. Robert Guidry 9000 PLEASANT MEADOW DR Fletcher NC 28732-9789 (919) 555-7654 no Yes
14228 Dr. Stanley Gunnet 9000 PLEASANT MEADOW DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5629 no Yes
14240 Mr. Terry Keehn 9009 NEW OAK LANE Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-0232 no Yes
14241 Mr. Robert Keely 9009 NEW OAK LANE Raleigh NC 27612-3122 (919) 555-9831 no Yes
14242 Mr. Carroll Bagby 901 PERSIMMON PLACE Kenly NC 27542 (919) 555-4458 no Yes
14244 Mr. Mike Keys 901 EMORY LN Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1695 no no
14245 Mr. Jim Woitineck 900 KNOLLWOOD Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-1500 no Yes
14247 Ms. Shirley Baetz 8824 WALKING STICK TRAIL Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-0923 no no
14248 Mr. Kevin Chapman 8837 CAMPFIRE TR Benson NC 27504 (919) 555-8370 no no
14252 Ms. Meredith Lilly 5794 HWY 150 EAST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9467 no Yes
14254 Ms. Ida Lindemeyer 5800 VALLEY ESTATES DR Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-3680 no Yes
14255 Mr. Haddon M. Nelson 207 GUILFORD ROAD Clinton NC 28329 (919) 555-5215 no no
14256 Ms. Christy Ostby 207 ABERCROMBIE DR. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7630 no Yes
14257 Ms. Anne M. Smith 5809 ORCHID VALLEY RD. Killen AL 35645 (855) 555-6519 no no
14258 Ms. Heather Hogshire 5818 MCBRIDE ST. Raleigh NC 27650-0332 (919) 555-6668 no Yes
14259 Mr. Bill Hogue 5816 MARSHVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-4317 no Yes
14260 Ms. Jamie Sipe 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Greenville NC 27835 (919) 555-1466 no Yes
14262 Ms. Doris Skoor 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0957 no Yes
14263 Dr. Helen E. Dollar 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6584 no Yes
14264 Mr. Bruce P. Donaldson 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Rocky Mount NC 27802 (919) 555-2217 no Yes
14265 Mr. Curtis Dove 2613 DARTMOUTH DR Seven Springs NC 28578 (919) 555-4698 no no
14266 Ms. Joeann Fuquay 2613 DARTMOUTH DRIVE Holly Springs NC 27540-7111 (919) 555-8913 no Yes
14267 Mr. William Furr 2615 E WOODLYN WAY Goldsboro NC 27534 (919) 555-1996 no Yes
14268 Ms. Katherine Barrick 2679 24TH AVE Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-9547 yes Yes
14269 Mr. Stephen H. Baucom 269 KRISTI LYNN’S WAY Hagerstown MD 21741-1464 (855) 555-6590 no no
14270 Mr. Andrew T. Baumann 5721 S. W. 5TH STREET Benson NC 27504 (919) 555-9205 yes Yes
14280 Mr. Brad Peterson 577 VIKING PLACE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3008 no Yes
14282 Ms. Sarah PETREE 577 VIKING PLACE Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-1297 no no
14284 Ms. Benita Baker 5794 HWY 150 EAST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5698 no Yes
14285 Mr. Chester Bemer 5800 VALLEY ESTATES DR Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-4393 no Yes
14288 Dr. Molly M. Galloway 204 PASSAGE GATE WAY DR. Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9828 no Yes
14290 Mrs. Patricia A. Greeson 204 ST LUKE CT Cartersville GA 30121 (404) 555-2141 no no
14291 Ms. Elaine T. Greeson 2045 MONROE ST Spartanburg SC 29306 (855) 555-5062 no no
14292 Ms. Paula A. Hartsell 205 APPLECROSS DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9741 no Yes
14293 Ms. Delores Lombard 205 FIFTH AVE N Garner NC 27629 (919) 555-3880 no Yes
14296 Mr. Jim McElwain 205 CHOWAN DR Raliegh NC 27612 (919) 555-2551 no Yes
14299 Ms. Tiffany McGrogan 205 CHOWAN DR Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-4774 no no
14300 Ms. Robin Slaughter 205 GRASSY VALLEY ROAD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3119 no Yes
14301 Ms. Polly C. Stapleton 205 FIFTH AVE N Durham NC 27705-3156 (919) 555-4972 no yes
14302 Ms. Cindy Stresemann 205 ROCKFISH ST. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1525 no no
14303 Mr. Kevin Williams 205 ROCKFISH ST. Greenville NC 27858 (919) 555-1554 no Yes
14307 Mr. David Lee Williams 206 BELL ARTHUR DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9765 no Yes
14308 Ms. Kelly C. Wuebbens 206 PLEASANTVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5344 yes Yes
14309 Ms. Danalouise Wuenscher 206 NE 36TH STREET Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1249 no Yes
14311 Ms. Andrea M. Hill 206 PLEASANTVIEW DRIVE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-9438 no Yes
14312 Mr. John E. Tweedy 206 WEATHERVANE WAY Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-6985 no Yes
14316 Ms. Kate Montgomery 2011 TEMPLETON GAP DR Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-6140 no Yes
14319 Ms. Anita Moose 2011 TEMPLETON GAP DR Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-7971 no Yes
14320 Mr. Michael Propst 10316 LAKE WHEELER RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4762 no Yes
14323 Dr. Jonathan D. Pugh 1037 WATER PLANT ROAD Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-7133 no Yes
14324 Ms. Barbara Bremer 104 BARDSEY CT Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5720 no Yes
14326 Mrs. Patricia Eklund 104 BARDSEY CT Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-4361 yes Yes
14327 Ms. Teri Galloway 1000 BARBCREST AVE, APT 1B Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-9894 no Yes
14328 Mr. Ralph Naugle 10008 WHITESTONE RD Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-9103 yes Yes
14330 Mrs. Mary H. Parker 10008 WHITESTONE RD Albemarle NC 28001 (919) 555-7012 no Yes
14331 Ms. Frances Allen Sadja 1001 QUEENS RD Monroe NC 28112-6127 (919) 555-2619 no Yes
14332 Ms. Lynne P. Waters 1005 TRILLIUM PLACE Laurinburg NC 28352-3000 (919) 555-5614 no Yes
14333 Ms. Margaret D. Berry 10071 KINGS RD Rocky Mount NC 27802-1417 (919) 555-5621 no Yes
14334 Ms. Gladys Dunnavant 101 COLCHIS COURT Tarboro NC 27886 (919) 555-0080 no Yes
14335 Ms. Clara I. McGuire 1705 RIVER RD. Littleton NC 27850 (919) 555-1743 no Yes
14336 Ms. Sondra D. McIntosh 1705 RIVER RD. Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-1054 no no
14337 Mrs. Ann Fair Pearson 1712 LEXINGTON DR. Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-5337 no Yes
14338 Ms. Becky Setzer 1708 HILLANDALE RD Troy NC 27371 (919) 555-8660 no Yes
14339 Ms. Elizabeth Weis 1712 LEXINGTON DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2605 no Yes
14340 Ms. Mary H. Lockley 1713 SWORDFISH LANE Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-9350 no Yes
14341 Mr. Andrew Dew 1713 SWORDFISH LANE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8131 no Yes
14342 Mr. Carroll Santmyer 5816 MARSHVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-2968 no Yes
14344 Mr. Ted Atherton 165 RALEIGH DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9241 no Yes
14345 Ms. Kristen H. Austin 165 STATE PARK RD Raleligh NC 27608 (919) 555-4410 no Yes
14346 Ms. Karen Grigsby 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-0671 no Yes
14348 Mr. RIchard Grumm 5304 AMBERHILL DR Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-8564 no Yes
14349 Mr. John STRAIGHT 5307 HOLLY RIDGE RD Greensvoro NC 27406 (919) 555-7867 no no
14352 Ms. Pam Wargo 5309 CHERRYCREST CT Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-2754 no Yes
14353 Mr. Dan Waters 5309 PETRAL CT. Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-8853 no no
14356 Mrs. Melanie Wingate 5312 NEWHALL RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2784 no Yes
14357 Mr. Joe Winrich 5312 WILLOW CRY LN Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-2481 no Yes
14359 Ms. Gail Andrews 5320 CHERRYCREST CT Rose Hill NC 28458 (919) 555-4306 no Yes
14360 Ms. Katie Collette 5313 INGLEWOOD LANE Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-4649 no Yes
14361 Ms. Kathryn L. McDonald 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8492 no Yes
14362 Ms. Hedy Occhetti 4 ANCHORAGE PT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3661 no Yes
14363 Mr. Lawrence Stein 4 MAINSAIL CT. King & Queen Ct. House VA 23085 (757) 555-0170 no no
14370 Mr. Chris Stewart 4 MAINSAIL CT. Newport News VA 23602 (757) 555-4557 no no
14371 Mrs. Laurie Turner 400 ESHON ROAD Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-9736 no Yes
14372 Ms. April Horne 401 1/2 CENTER ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2601 no Yes
14373 Mr. Walter Sael 40 CARRIAGE HILL DR Bloomingburg NY 12721-0429 (855) 555-0262 no no
14374 Mr. Richard Smith 2400 METTS AVENUE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-8513 no no
14375 Walker 2304 CRESCENT COURT Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6636 no no
14376 Ms. Violette Drakulic 2304 WAGONER RD. Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-8869 no Yes
14377 Ms. Erin Overcash 2305 L GINGER LN Raleigh NC 27605-1324 (919) 555-2066 no Yes
14378 Ms. Candy Weis 230 SEMINOLE TRAIL Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2837 no Yes
14379 Ms. Tricia Weisner 2302 ORANGE GROVE RD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2480 no Yes
14380 Dr. Rooney McHenry 2302 ORANGE GROVE RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1393 no Yes
14381 Ms. Judith Lewis 2302 PISGAH CHURCH RD Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-9794 no Yes
14382 Ms. Alice Schaefer 1812 SNOW WIND DR Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-6951 no Yes
14383 Ms. Flora Hester 1734 SANDALWOOD DRIVE SW Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4788 no Yes
14384 Mr. Kevin Richardson 105 PINE CONE DR Wallace NC 28466 (919) 555-8227 no Yes
14385 Mr. David Schoenberg 5716 OAK BLUFF LN Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-1366 no Yes
14386 Mr. Rod Yingling 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-4291 no Yes
14387 Mr. Ed Galvin 4020 HUCKLEBERRY DR Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-0600 no Yes
14390 Mr. Tim Toerne 403 THE CAPE BLVD. Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1017 no Yes
14391 Mr. Dan Beck 2519 WESTMORELAND DR. Raleigh NC 27607-7510 (919) 555-2442 no Yes
14392 Mr. Corey Simonsen 900 INDIAN TRAIL Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9969 no Yes
14393 Mr. Jim Kenyon 4312 PRINCETON AVE Columbia MO 65205 (855) 555-4180 no no
14394 Mr. Tony Pfeifer 111 PLANTATION PASSAGE Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-3099 no Yes
14395 Mr. Sol Phelps 3806 BON REA DRIVE Raleigh NC 27624 (919) 555-6750 no Yes
14396 Ms. Frances Brown 3807 ASBURY CT. Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-3237 no Yes
14397 Ms. Kimberly Bryan 3806 BON-REA DRIVE Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-8368 no Yes
14398 Ms. Anne Iwaniac 5700 DUMFRIES DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5393 no Yes
14399 Mr. Larry JACKSON 5700 FOX HOUND DRIVE Gaithersburg MD 20878 (855) 555-6482 no no
14400 Mr. Jack McDaniel 2320 ROCKLANE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5289 no Yes
14401 Ms. Anne Yount 232 FOREST POND ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6788 no Yes
14402 Mr. Ken Zetzer 89 WOODLAND ROAD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-4339 no Yes
14403 Ms. Carol Houser 8932 TALFAIR CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-8054 no no
14404 Mrs. Mary E. Deworth 8943 OSAGE ROAD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8621 no Yes
14405 Mr. Keith Dickert 9065 MAGUIRES BRIDGE Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-4248 no yes
14407 Mrs. Martha N. Swanson 9424 PALM BAY CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27607-7031 (919) 555-0215 no Yes
14413 Ms. Priscilla Swofford 9424 PALM BAY CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-6518 no Yes
14414 Ms. Barb Harris 2007 NORMANDY ROAD Cincinnati OH 45236 (855) 555-5903 no no
14415 Mr. J. D. LaCoss 2005 CARRINGTON DRIVE Raleigh NC 27605-0512 (919) 555-3596 no Yes
14416 Mr. Tim Yost 4550 S. HWY 62 Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-2789 no Yes
14417 Mr. David G. Thomas 4580 70TH ST. W. #127 Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-1010 no no
14418 Mr. W. E. Thompson 4603 WHITBY PL Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-7483 no Yes
14419 Mr. Paul H. Johnson 378 W. FRANCIS STREET Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8016 no no
14420 Mr. James V. Johnston 38 PINE ST Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5873 no Yes
14421 Mr. Ned A. Frantz 1801 PROVENCE DR Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-4894 no no
14422 Ms. Peggy C. McHenry 1801 REGAL LANE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1927 no Yes
14423 Ms. Sharon L. Dunston 101 MIDDLEPOINT RD Apex NC 27539-8640 (919) 555-0868 no Yes
14424 Ms. Lucille DUNSTON 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2621 no Yes
14425 Mr. Joseph T. Milholland 5425 DANA DR APT B Raleigh NC 27628 (919) 555-6490 no Yes
14426 Ms. Dorothy B. CAMPBELL 5420 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2595 no Yes
14427 Ms. Jane Elizabeth Canavan 427 HAW BRANCH RD Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-3848 no Yes
14428 Mr. Barry Carpenter Canupp 18310 MANDRIAN POINT RD. Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3945 no Yes
14429 Ms. Dana W. Victorson 18310 MANDRIAN POINT RD. Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7722 no Yes
14430 Mr. W. Edward Howard 1842 DENNIS STREET Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1985 no Yes
14431 Ms. Elizabeth C. Yost 17871 HOFFMAN AVENUE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2748 no Yes
14432 Mrs. Violet A. Romisher 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6187 no Yes
14433 Mr. Chris JACOBSEN 5704 WANDERLUST LN Willow Spring NC 27592 (919) 555-9122 no no
14434 Ms. Claudia V. Vought 403 THE CAPE BLVD. Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0955 no no
14435 Mr. Angus Thompson 105 PINE CONE DR Raleigh NC 27606-8432 (919) 555-5520 no Yes
14436 Mr. Richard J. Smith 18942 WOODSAGE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613-5909 (919) 555-8351 yes Yes
14437 Ms. Pat Bantel 1612 COPPERPLATE ROAD Winston-Salem NC 27106 (919) 555-8414 no no
14438 Ms. Barbara Jean Montaperto 9019 WILLOW TRACE COURT Durham NC 27712-1844 (919) 555-0233 no no
14439 Mrs. Mary L. Ritchie 101 WINNEBAGO TRAIL Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-8148 yes Yes
14440 Ms. Jane E. Ritzema 89832 W TELFAIR CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3411 no Yes
14441 Mr. Michael Niparts 4633 MCCLELLAND DR #5-203 Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0090 no no
14442 Dr. Royall A. Noel 4632 LONG LEAF HILLS DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2835 yes Yes
14443 Mr. Clyde H. Hart 2017 BATTLEWOOD RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9576 yes Yes
14444 Ms. Diane B. Hart 2018 TOWNVIEW DRIVE Pleasant Garden NC 27313 (919) 555-8247 yes Yes
14445 Mr. William Hutchby 101 EXCALIBUR CT Port St. Lucie FL 34986 (855) 555-8102 no no
14446 Ms. Judith E. Enberg 101 CORBEL PLACE Smithfield NC 27577-4428 (919) 555-5329 no Yes
14447 Mr. Brian Englander 10104 TOUCHWOOD PL Wilmington NC 28403 (919) 555-3404 no yes
14448 Ms. Cara L. Simpson 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8181 no no
14449 Mr. Jeff R. Helmey 4740 Friendship Patterson Mill Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6718 no no
14450 Mr. James R. Sipe 3700 WEDGEDALE PL Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-8901 no no
14451 Mr. Jeremy D. Ekas 4171-203 HEARTHSIDE Raleigh NC 27606-4622 (919) 555-9392 no no
14452 Mr. Derek A. Winters 20 MCARTHUR DR Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-3505 no no
14453 Mr. Mark W. Soper 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Gastonia NC 28052 (919) 555-6638 no no
14454 Mr. David W. HUDOLIN 903 DANIEL DRIVE Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-3831 no Yes
14455 Ms. Jeanne M. McCoy 10245 INVERSHIELD COURT Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4788 yes Yes
14456 Mr. Robert H. Anderson 1805 HERMITAGE RD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6243 no no
14457 Mr. Ruah Goad 100 BIRDIE COURT Conway MA 01341 (855) 555-8378 no no
14458 Ms. Kimberly A. Russell 1608 CRAIG ST Painter VA 23420 (757) 555-2029 no no
14459 Mrs. Carol Lynn MIJON 3692 WILLOW LAKE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6424 yes Yes
14460 Ms. Chessie Buch 1636 MOUNT EVANS DRIVER Raleigh NC 27624 (919) 555-2407 no no
14461 Mrs. Elizabeth Allen W. Ide 19903 225TH ST Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-3914 no Yes
14462 Mr. Jeff Riedel 9461 HWY 65 Raleigh NC 27617 (919) 555-2575 no Yes
14463 Mr. Doug Lilienthal 1924 WOODLAND AVE Wilmington NC 28405 (919) 555-1572 yes Yes
14466 Mrs. Jill Allison 2402 OLD TOWNE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0683 no yes
14467 Mr. Reuben Arthofer 2401 CLURTTE Dr, Apt 103 Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4770 no Yes
14468 Mrs. Virginia E. Atherton 240 BELLEMONT ALAMANCE Raleigh NC 27612-5018 (919) 555-6907 no Yes
14470 Mrs. Debby L. Blade 202 KIRKLAND DR Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-9600 no Yes
14471 Ms. Susan Selinsky 202 NE 60th STREET Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9553 no Yes
14472 Ms. Natalie J. Crouse 9065 MAGUIRES BRIDGE Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5N 2A4 (855) 555-4270 no no
14473 Ms. Julie J. Cunningham 906 LORRAINE DR NORTH Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3975 yes Yes
14474 Ms. Sandra Thompson 4101 PALMETTO PL Wilson NC 27893 (919) 555-9268 yes Yes
14476 Mr. Robert Hauser 4101 PALMETTO PL Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-9363 no Yes
14477 Mr. Ward M. Vought 525 EAST JONES STREET Fuquay-Varine NC 27526 (919) 555-3866 no Yes
14478 Ms. Carolyn S. JOHNSON 577 VIKING PLACE Raleigh NC 27614-9836 (919) 555-1549 no Yes
14479 Mrs. Gayle P. Johnson 1633 WHITFIELD AVENUE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0200 no Yes
14480 Ms. Mary Gregg 106 EAGLE SWOOP CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-7255 yes Yes
14482 Mr. Stephen D. Gregory 106 CONNORS CIRCLE Moncure NC 27559 (919) 555-9190 no Yes
14483 Mrs. Shirley Wayne 3705 D. MANOR DR. Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-9569 no Yes
14484 Ms. Kymberly Milholland 3703 SAND TRAP CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7180 no Yes
14485 Ms. Elissa Moore 9426 FAIRMEAD DR Blacksburg VA 24060 (757) 555-9339 no no
14486 Mr. Jan Burson 16215 NORTH 35TH ST Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4254 yes Yes
14487 Mr. Dave Weirick 106 OAK ISLAND DRIVE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0437 no Yes
14488 Mr. Ben C. Haney 404 MODENA DR Creedmoor NC 27522 (919) 555-9472 no Yes
14489 Mr. James M. Hanrahan 9 GREAT CASTLE CT Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6447 yes Yes
14490 Ms. Cathy L. Winrich 8809 WEATHERSFIELD CT Akron OH 44333 (855) 555-9934 no no
14491 Ms. Nancy R. Dunn 8824 NEW HOPE FARM ROAD Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8313 no Yes
14492 Mrs. Elizabeth B. Hilpert 5510 COBBLE GLEN Shelby NC 28150 (919) 555-9668 no Yes
14493 Ms. Catherine C. Plavocos 100 LAURELWOOD LN New Hill NC 27562 (919) 555-4099 no Yes
14494 Mr. Gary Connelly 3812 FORESTGATE DR APT. 315 Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7686 no no
14495 Ms. Tricia Loy 183 DAVEFIELD DR. Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-7101 no no
14496 Ms. Elizabeth A. Allison 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5880 no Yes
14497 Ms. Barbara Jean Allsbury 5510 COBBLE GLEN Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5479 no Yes
14498 Dr. Craig A. Forbes 1907 IVY ROAD Kernersville NC 27284 (919) 555-8058 no Yes
14499 Ms. Rachel McBride 1911 FORDHAM RD Oak Ridge NC 27310 (919) 555-8207 no Yes
14500 Mr. Randall L. McBride 1921 HUNTING RIDGE RD Hickory NC 28682 (919) 555-0164 no Yes
14501 Ms. Suzanne L. Shipton 5278 BEECHMONT DR Brown Summit NC 27214 (919) 555-0859 no Yes
14502 Koceja 525 WADE AVE #50 Forsyth GA 31029-6010 (404) 555-6014 no no
14503 Ms. Melody Philbeck 3601 SWANN DRIVE Advance NC 27006 (919) 555-1707 no Yes
14504 Warfel 4616 REIGATE WAY Greensboro NC 27405 (919) 555-2976 no Yes
14505 Mr. Joey H. Wargo 4616 FERNHARN PLACE Thomasville NC 27360 (919) 555-2431 no Yes
14506 Mr. Mitchell H. Jaszewski 2104 GLENWOOD ST Statesville NC 28625 (919) 555-4754 no Yes
14507 Mr. George Andreas 2104 MCLEAN ROAD Stokesdale NC 27357 (919) 555-8279 no Yes
14508 Mrs. Judi Andrews 1620 VanDyke DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0940 no Yes
14509 Mr. Mark Readling 405 N. ANDREWS AVE. Laurens SC 29360 (855) 555-9517 no no
14510 DiMuzio 405 PINE COURT Spartanburg SC 29304 (855) 555-6310 no no
14511 Mr. Alfred DiNunzio 404 PINECROFT DR Stanley NC 28164 (919) 555-3693 no no
14512 Ms. Lisa Keller 5914 SHADY GROVE CIRCLE Lake Toxaway NC 28747 (919) 555-2824 no Yes
14513 Ms. Marsha Keller 5913 PINE TREE CT Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-5401 no Yes
14514 Mr. Lex Storholt 5913 McCLENNY DR. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7878 no no
14516 Ms. Shirley Collins 5907 McCLENNY DR. Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7633 no no
14517 Mr. Julian Judd 404 MODENA DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4924 no Yes
14518 Mr. Steve Ferguson 2513 NEWINGTON CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4309 no Yes
14519 Mr. Gary S. Ferguson 105 STONEHOLLOW CT Glad Valley NC 28627 (919) 555-5474 no Yes
14520 Ms. Jennifer L. Peterson 103 LANDON LN Charlotte NC 28202-1137 (919) 555-5445 no no
14521 Ms. Sally M Prill 103 BROMFIELD WAY Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-9248 yes Yes
14522 Mr. Sue Gresham 5916 PINE TREE CT Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-0783 yes Yes
14523 Mr. Michael D. Gresham 566 KELLY RD Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-9634 no Yes
14524 Mr. Edwin R. Tonnesen 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Greensboro NC 27407 (919) 555-6599 yes Yes
14525 Mrs. Caron Bandy Tonneson 53 TROY LEE ACRES Lillington NC 27546 (919) 555-6564 yes Yes
14526 Ms. Connie Simpson 3005 LAGER LANE Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-5405 yes no
14527 Ms. Helen M. Sink 3002 ST. REGIS RD Raleigh NC 27629-0696 (919) 555-7942 no Yes
14529 Mr. David Allen 300 E ROSEMARY ST Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-4477 no yes
14530 Trenna Miller 300 PATRICK AVENUE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-8168 no yes
14531 Mr. Mark LUTZ 300 BARLEY MILL DR Norfolk VA 23518 (757) 555-8393 no no
14532 Mr. Rick Werner 300 BARLEY MILL DR Lexington VA 24450 (757) 555-5162 no no
14534 Mrs. Carol Wertz 3 LINDEN PLACE Danville VA 24541 (757) 555-2431 no no
14535 Mr. Stephen Boyer 2970 HICKSBORO RD Hermitage TN 37076 (855) 555-6356 no no
14536 Mr. Robert Hinde 3 FERN BLUFF CT Hermitage TN 37076 (855) 555-7115 no no
14537 Ms. Kristin Ingolia 2964 TILLINGHAST TR Fairfield CT 06824 (855) 555-8066 no no
14538 Ms. Marlyse Messer 2958 MOSER LN Fairfield CT 06824 (855) 555-7163 no no
14539 Mrs. Kelly Sundberg Schabinger 2958 MOSER LN Chalottesville VA 22901 (757) 555-1648 yes no
14540 Ms. Amy Wittmer 2948 FOREST CIR Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-9199 no Yes
14541 Mr. John Woitineck 2924 HICKORY HILL ROAD Atlanta GA 30342 (404) 555-6114 no no
14542 Ms. Donna Laudati 2924 HICKORY HILL ROAD Dearing GA 30808 (404) 555-8407 yes no
14543 Mr. Mike Stitzer 2924 HICKORY HILL RD Dearing GA 30808 (404) 555-8964 no no
14544 Ms. Debby Lovelace 292 GHOLSON AVENUE Laurinburg NC 28352-2162 (919) 555-7869 no Yes
14545 Ms. Elna Mason 2919-C COTTAGE PL Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-8870 no Yes
14546 Ms. Marcia Priser 2913 OLD ORCHARD ROAD Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-4445 no no
14548 Ms. Barbara Deter 291 JEFFERSON CT NE Gladys VA 24554 (757) 555-2872 no no
14549 Ms. Weta Ray DETRAZ 2909 LEGARE CT Holly Springs NC 27549 (919) 555-0761 no Yes
14550 Ms. Cindy Moyers 2900 CORDOVA ROAD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9702 yes Yes
14551 Mrs. Susan H. Moyers 2867 TREESTEAD CIRCLE High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-9201 no Yes
14552 Ms. Carol Kelsey 2867 TREESTEAD CIRCLE Asheville NC 28805-1336 (919) 555-1780 no Yes
14553 Ms. Sonya Kennard 2856 PARK PL Lynchburg VA 24503 (757) 555-7893 no no
14554 Ms. Vicki Tilden 2830 BARMETTLER ST Lynchburg VA 24503 (757) 555-2450 no no
14555 Ms. Shirley E. Todd 2830 BARMETTLER ST Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-8955 no Yes
14556 Mr. Lee Baumann 2828 BLANCHE DR Summerfield NC 27358 (919) 555-7776 no Yes
14557 Mrs. Cynthia W. Cormier 282 DOBSON RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6143 yes Yes
14558 Mr. William Dudley Cormier 282 DOBSON RD High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-8382 no Yes
14559 Mr. Ron Wilson 2808 CROASDAILE DR APT T-6 (855) 555-5271 no no
14560 Ms. Kim Penner 2750 SHANDY LANE Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-0940 no Yes
14561 Mrs. Barbara W. Hite 2748 KECK DR Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8845 no Yes
14562 Mr. Joseph J. Hizer 2740 LAMPLIGHTER DRIVE Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-6662 no Yes
14563 Mr. Ed Koceja 2729 24TH AVE Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-0349 no Yes
14564 Ms. Sherry A. Koch 2730 MULBERRY LANE Colfax NC 27235 (919) 555-8648 no Yes
14565 Mr. Larry Jeffries 2715 ODDIE ROAD Virginia Beach VA 23452 (757) 555-3977 no no
14568 Ms. Ann King 2728 KIRKWOOD DRIVE APT D Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9094 no yes
14569 Mr. Mark Hayes Schultz 2714 VON THURINGER CT Carrboro NC 27510 (919) 555-9311 no Yes
14570 Mr. Andy Brown 2713 TOWNES DRIVE Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-2700 no Yes
14571 Ms. Vera Peterson 2712 MATTLYN CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5979 no yes
14572 Ms. Chris Withers 2712 MATTLYN CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6078 no yes
14573 Mr. Fred Tompkins 2710 LA DUELA LANE Birmingham AL 35223 (855) 555-8987 no no
14574 Ms. Billie Thompson 9209 FOUR FARMS RD Jamestown NC 27282 (919) 555-1152 no no
14575 Ms. Beth HERRMANN 9201 Sulkirk Dr. Greensboro NC 27404-1318 (919) 555-0895 no Yes
14576 Ms. Kate Gutierrez 9201 Sulkirk Dr. Washington DC 20003 (855) 555-3006 no Yes
14577 Ms. India Colyer 919 MAYFIELD RD Fayetteville NC 28322 (919) 555-4871 no Yes
14578 Mr. Joseph M Colyer 919 MAYFIELD RD Greensboro NC 27429 (919) 555-6236 no Yes
14579 Mr. Timothy Wolkan 9155 BLUE MOUNTAIN DR Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-2147 no Yes
14580 Mrs. Desiree Gibney 913 DEERFIELD DR Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-8390 no Yes
14581 Mr. Angus Gillespie 5392 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Greensboro NC 27455 (919) 555-5603 no Yes
14582 Mr. Al Peuster 5323 FOX COVE LN. APT. O Bolivia NC 28422 (919) 555-2568 no Yes
14583 Mr. John Peuster 534 ALBEMARLE ROAD Greensboro NC 27406-9367 (919) 555-5561 no Yes
14584 Mr. Gary McClintic 5321 SUN COAST DR. Hampstead NC 28443 (919) 555-6822 no Yes
14585 Ms. Elizabeth Hance 5320 CHERRYCREST CT Fairview WV 26570-8511 (855) 555-4479 no no
14586 Mr. Steve Johnson 5313 INGLEWOOD LANE Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-9764 no Yes
14587 Ms. Loyce Y. Gilbert 5312 WILLOW CRY LN Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-8645 no Yes
14588 Mr. Hughen Gillon 5312 NEWHALL RD Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6050 no Yes
14589 Ms. Barbara Farmer 5309 CHERRYCREST CT Jacksonville NC 28546 (919) 555-9637 yes Yes
14590 Mr. Stephen Lockley 5309 PETRAL CT. Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-0800 no Yes
14592 Mr. Lynn Norwillo 5307 HOLLY RIDGE RD Sophia VA 27350 (757) 555-0177 no no
14593 Ms. Karen Lohmeyer 5304 AMBERHILL DR Raleigh NC 27613-4083 (919) 555-6370 no Yes
14594 Mrs. Sheila Lomax 5238 ROGERS LAKE RD Advance NC 27006 (919) 555-3783 no Yes
14595 Mrs. Mary TRIPKE 5232 COVINGTON BEND DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1324 no Yes
14596 Mr. Robert Smith Strickland 5205 HUNTERS TRAIL Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-0317 no Yes
14597 Ms. Darlene Stroehl 4703 FREYS HILL CT Selma NC 27576 (919) 555-7626 no Yes
14598 Mr. Hiroshi Moore 3602 OWENCROFT CT Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-0653 no Yes
14599 Mr. Jim Cerniglia 3602 OWENCROFT CT High Point NC 27265 (919) 555-8728 no Yes
14600 Ms. Debbie Gardner 3520 DRAWBRIDGE PKWY #109D Jamestown NC 27282 (919) 555-6329 no Yes
14601 Mr. James Dressel 3520 DRAWBRIDGE PKWY #109D Middlesex NC 27557 (919) 555-6234 no Yes
14602 Ms. Kristina Smith 2406 RUNNING BROOK DR Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-5953 no Yes
14605 Ms. Katherine B McNeely 2403 CAMDEN RD Hartsville SC 29550 (855) 555-6844 no no
14606 Mr. Rene Franklin 208 PALASIDE DR. NE Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7403 no Yes
14607 Ms. Marcia Locke 208 HUNTERS WOODS DR Providence RI 02904 (855) 555-5154 no no
14608 Ms. Donna Lang 1812 SNOW WIND DR Hartsville SC 29550 (855) 555-5093 no no
14609 Ms. Rebecca Lang 1810 PARK DR Watha NC 28478 (919) 555-0704 no Yes
14610 Mr. Scott Phillips 5449 WHITING AVE Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-1681 no yes
14611 Mr. John Kebschull Apex NC 27523-7853 (919) 555-1918 no Yes
14612 Mr. Nathan Linz Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1625 no yes
14613 Ms. Beth Piel 5449 WHITING AVE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-5364 no Yes
14614 Ms. Lynne Scott 5432 BEDFORDSHIRE AVE Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-3555 no Yes
14615 Mr. Stephen Walton 5444 PINE TOP CIRCLE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-1706 no Yes
14616 Ms. Ida Waters 3954 APPLETON WAY Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-6931 no Yes
14617 Mrs. Katherine Myers 111 PLANTATION PASSAGE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6376 yes Yes
14618 Mrs. Anne Myers 111 KNOLLWOOD CT Johnston IA 50131-1842 (855) 555-2233 no no
14619 Mrs. Rhonda Kuster 111 GREEN FOREST DR Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-6570 no Yes
14620 Mr. Michael Lambie 1108 BANCROFT DR Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1297 no Yes
14621 Mr. Bradley Hartis 1105 ERINS WAY LN Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-6980 no Yes
14622 Mrs. Deborah Hartis Jr. 1105 ERINS WAY LN Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-6923 no Yes
14623 Mr. Jim Hudspeth 1105 CASTALIA DR Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-8562 no Yes
14624 Mr. Michael Thomas 1105 CASTALIA DR Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-2421 no Yes
14625 Ms. Laura Sumner 11029 SOUTHWALK LN Breaux Bridge LA 70517 (855) 555-1920 no no
14626 Mr. William Mesimer 11020 NC HWY 801 Greensboro NC 27410 (919) 555-4367 no yes
14627 Ms. Diana Bailey 11020 NC HWY 801 Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-2082 yes Yes
14628 Mr. John Bolick 1102 KINDLEY CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4297 no Yes
14629 Mrs. Deborah A. Bolin 1102 KINDLEY CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9460 no Yes
14630 Ms. Phyllis Thomas 1101 CENTENNARY DRIVE Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-5859 no Yes
14631 Ms. Molly Lynn 1102 BRITTLEY WAY Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-1638 no Yes
14632 Mr. Kent Howard 11001 W DEKALB PL Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-4339 no yes
14633 Ms. Andrea Chesson 11001 W DEKALB PL Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-4520 no Yes
14634 Ms. Cindy Chut Jr. 1100 MAYBERRY PL Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8391 no Yes
14635 Dr. Ledyard Tompkins 1100 GLENCASTLE WAY Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-8170 no Yes
14636 Ms. Michelle Halfhill 1100 GLENCASTLE WAY Morrisville NC 27560-6706 (919) 555-2433 yes Yes
14637 Ms. Savannah Williams 1100 CLAREDON ST #407 Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-0612 no Yes
14638 Mr. Robert Rector 110 YORK AVENUE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-0171 no Yes
14639 Mr. Matt Ostby 110 WEST A STREET Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3614 no Yes
14640 Mr. Carl Behnke 110 SW 21ST ST Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-3445 no Yes
14641 Ms. Theresa Behrend 110 SW 21 ST Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-9776 no yes
14642 Mr. Matt Behrend 110 BAYREUTH PLACE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-7889 no no
14643 Mr. Dwight Odom 11 ROBERT E LEE DR Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-4798 yes Yes
14644 Dr. Geraldine H. Sheldon 11 ROBERT E LEE DR Creedmoor NC 27522 (919) 555-8297 no Yes
14645 Mr. Dave Shell 10917 WASHAM POTTS RD Carrboro NC 27510 (919) 555-1716 yes Yes
14646 Ms. Janet Pence 109 N KERR AVE #205 Locust Grove VA 22508 (757) 555-8957 no no
14648 Mr. Richard Pence 109 GREENGATE CT Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-0038 no Yes
14649 Ms. Donna Albee 109 DEER COVE RD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5133 yes yes
14651 Mr. Laurence Ratanaphruks Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0056 no Yes
14652 Mr. R. Frank Allen 109 DEER COVE Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-5687 no Yes
14653 Ms. Leann Wiggins 109 CAPE FEAR DRIVE Nashville TN 37212 (855) 555-0342 no no
14655 Ms. Maude Wilkinson 109 CAPE FEAR DRIVE Charlottesville VA 22902 (757) 555-8209 no no
14656 Mr. Earl R. Korte 10800 W. BRIDGFORD DR. Wake Forest NC 27587-9092 (919) 555-0204 no Yes
14657 Korte 1085 ANCHOR PT Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-3461 no no
14659 Mr. Gary Weaver 10800 W. BRIDGFORD DR. Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-9778 no yes
14660 Mr. Brian Weber 108 TURTLE CAY DR. Cary NC 27513-1663 (919) 555-5877 no yes
14662 Mr. Philip Fangmeier 108 MAYODAN DR Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-5872 no yes
14663 Mr. David Ostby 108 LOCHBERRY LANE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-4321 no yes
14664 Mr. Jay Eichler 108 LOCHBERRY LANE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-3154 no yes
14665 Mr. Tom Wooden 108 GREYSTONE CIRCLE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-0617 no yes
14666 Mr. Russ Woodham 108 FORESTCREAT CT. Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-1196 no yes
14667 Mr. Keith Ros 10729 TRAPPERS CREEK DR Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-7843 no yes
14669 Dr. Alice Lohmeyer 10729 TRAPPERS CREEK DR Durham NC 27708-0341 (919) 555-9322 no Yes
14670 Mr. Harry P. Gray 107 WALNUT CREEK RD. Durham NC 27708-0341 (919) 555-7315 no Yes
14671 Mrs. Lou Austin 107 RIVERBIRCH PL Lillington NC 27546 (919) 555-4920 no yes
14672 Ms. Anna Leah Austin 107 ISLAND DR Fairfax VA 22030-6184 (757) 555-1673 no no
14673 Mr. Jimmy Taylor 107 ISLAND DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8294 yes Yes
14674 Ms. Julie Taylor 1066 CENTRAL DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2657 yes Yes
14675 Mrs. Wes Maloney 1060 WINWOOD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2068 no Yes
14676 Mrs. Courtnay S. Gerhard 1060 WINDWOOD DR Greenwood VA 22943 (757) 555-3509 no no
14677 Ms. Jane U. Wilson 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-6226 yes Yes
14678 Ms. Carolyn See 411 CARLISLE DRIVE Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-2421 no Yes
14679 Ms. Pat Seeber 4108 ROSE DR High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-3184 no yes
14680 Monika Koester 104 LARK CT Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6271 no yes
14681 Ms. Martha Kohn 104 LITTLE RIVER DRIVE Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6910 no Yes
14682 Ms. Katie Persson 2704A SOUTH 17TH ST Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-2423 no Yes
14683 Ms. Christina Nagel 2705 WYCLIFF RD Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-5188 yes Yes
14684 Mr. Hall Nalepa 2704 ELDERWOOD LN Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8221 yes Yes
14685 Mr. George Woodall 2701 RYDAL CT Raleigh NC 27608-1327 (919) 555-5258 no no
14686 Mr. David S Castle 2701 RYDAL CT Wilmington NC 28409 (919) 555-9597 no Yes
14687 Mr. Arthur S. Fraser 406 BUENA VISTA DRIVE Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6904 no Yes
14688 Saenger 4805 RUSHING DRIVE Raleigh NC 27699-4630 (919) 555-8329 no Yes
14689 Ms. Gail Safrit 4313 FOXHOUND RD Pine Hurst NC 28374-6844 (919) 555-4186 no Yes
14690 Ms. Sally Gurganus 420 OAKRIDGE RD Providence Forge VA 23140 (757) 555-8607 no no
14691 Ms. Margaret K. Schoenberg 4175 MEDFORD DR Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9708 no Yes
14692 Mr. Pete Hoffmann 2569 SOUTHBERRY PL Laurinburg NC 28352 (919) 555-9461 no Yes
14693 Ms. Jenny Hofstedder 2110 ROBINHOOD RD Laurinburg NC 28352 (919) 555-0302 no yes
14694 Ms. Tara Wall 1810 PARK DR Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-7419 no Yes
14695 Ms. Glenna Bourbeau 1808 WOOD HENGE DR Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-5344 no yes
14696 Ms. Dianne Elaine Bowman 1019 BROWNING RD. Graham NC 27253 (919) 555-9503 no Yes
14697 Mr. Ronald A. Turner 1016 SHADICK RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8990 no Yes
14698 Maggie Ballard 1018 WENTWORTH DR. Cary NC 27513-4015 (919) 555-0663 no yes
14699 Mr. Eric W. Sink 1012-B PARKER STREET Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8780 yes Yes
14700 Ms. Marina L. Carnaghie 4845 WILLOW DR Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-0867 no Yes
14701 Dr. Susan Hall Boyer 4841 THORNWOOD DR Kitty Hawk NC 27949 (919) 555-8954 yes Yes
14702 Ms. Flora Brooks 4824 FARM POND LN Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-6627 yes Yes
14703 Mr. Thomas L. Orr 4815 CAROLINA BEACH RD Chapel Hill NC 27514-6847 (919) 555-5704 no no
14704 Mr. Kenneth H. Rehbein 4811 GARRETT DR APT 105 Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6777 no yes
14705 Mr. Daniel L. Rabenhorst 4806 JENNA DR Shelby NC 28152 (919) 555-2902 no Yes
14706 Mr. John E. Wolf 4805 SWEETBRIAR RD. Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0721 no no
14707 Mrs. Wanda W. Wood 3918 EVERGREEN Shelby NC 28150 (919) 555-1044 yes Yes
14708 Mr. Ralph Aarsund 3906 RED CHIEF ST Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0709 no no
14709 Ms. Clare Hoffmann 3906 RED CHIEF ST Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-2990 no yes
14710 Mr. Robert Wurn 3906 RED CHIEF ST North Reading MA 01864-2426 (855) 555-9061 no no
14711 Mr. Richard Fick 3905 VALLEY STREAM DR West End NC 27376 (919) 555-6880 no no
14712 Mr. Burt Mann 3721 DUXFORD DRIVE Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-1841 no Yes
14713 Dr. Scott Marian 3850 STONEY CREEK CHURCH RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3506 no no
14714 Ms. Catherine A. Collette 3904 HUNT CHASE CT Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0999 yes Yes
14715 Mrs. Ann Collier 3904 CASCADE DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5804 no Yes
14716 Ms. Mary Jo Shellaway 3838 KELLIE LEE LN Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-5411 no Yes
14717 Ms. Gayle Herman 3838 KELLIE LEE LN Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-1558 no yes
14719 Ms. Susan Herrmann 2403 CAMDEN RD Charlotte NC 28226 (919) 555-9805 no yes
14720 Mrs. Janice IOCONA 1618 PAISLEY DR Plano TX 75023 (855) 555-5864 no no
14721 Mrs. Delores S. Rhoads 1619 ROANOKE COURT Raleigh NC 27607-4953 (919) 555-5383 yes Yes
14722 Mr. Marlin Lindley 1608 CRAIG ST New Providence NJ 07974-1222 (855) 555-9318 no no
14723 Ms. Patricia Lindsay 555 WHISTLING SWAN DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-5151 no Yes
14724 Mr. Roger L. Feola 5524 ROBIN RIDGE RD Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-5628 no Yes
14726 Mr. Jeff James 5516 COMERSTAFF DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6501 no Yes
14727 Ms. Jill Rhoades 4108 ROSE DR High Point NC 27262 (919) 555-2286 no Yes
14728 Pourcho 4108 REDWINE DR Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-7685 no Yes
14729 Ms. Clare Caple 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Huddleston VA 24104 (757) 555-2496 no no
14730 Mr. Donald Bliss 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Montpelier VA 23192-2709 (757) 555-7647 no no
14731 Mr. Doug Bliss 4104 FRATERNITY CT Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-8606 no yes
14732 Ms. Kimberly Jarchow 4104 FRATERNITY CT Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-4425 yes Yes
14733 Mrs. Diane D. Jarchow 4102 LEAFMORE STREET Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-8140 yes Yes
14734 Ms. Linda Pope 4102 LEAFMORE ST Chapel Hill NC 27517-9312 (919) 555-9939 yes Yes
14735 Ms. Betty M. Donohoe 4102 APPLETON ROAD Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-5846 yes Yes
14736 Mrs. Wanda L. Dorton 4102 APPLETON RD Williamsburg VA 23188 (757) 555-0883 no no
14737 Mr. James B. Guidry 4101 PALMETTO PL Rock Hill SC 29732 (855) 555-2888 no no
14738 Mr. Norman Kennard 4101 PALMETTO PL Raleigh NC 27613-8566 (919) 555-5577 no Yes
14740 Mr. Tim Kennette 4100 USHW 29N #230 Campobello SC 29322 (855) 555-5274 no no
14741 Abbe 410 R.L. HONEYCUTT DR Liberty SC 29657 (855) 555-6881 no no
14742 Dan Albright 410 R.L. HONNEYCUTT DR Birmingham AL (855) 555-0524 no no
14743 Mr. Al Roth 409HAIG DR Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-0331 no no
14744 Mr. Joe Lyon 4095 FAIRWAY DR Columbus NC 28722 (919) 555-7646 no no
14745 Mr. Earl MacAdam 577 VIKING PLACE Arden NC 28604 (919) 555-6203 no no
14746 Mr. Sofus E. Botelho 2610 SHADY LAWN DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3888 no Yes
14747 Mrs. Linda B. Botteicher 2611 EAST WOODLYN WAY New Bern NC 28562 (919) 555-9567 no Yes
14748 Ms. Cheryl M. Mowrey 20342 PINEHURST DRIVE High Point NC 27265 (919) 555-2530 yes Yes
14749 Ms. Amy MANN 204 PASSAGE GATE WAY DR. Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-0025 no Yes
14751 Ms. Ellen B. Mann 1703 DUNLEITH Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5724 no Yes
14753 Ms. Alberta S. Strassenburg 101 WINNEBAGO TRAIL Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5933 no Yes
14754 Ms. Beth McPherson 101 SHERRIE LN Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6106 no Yes
14755 Dr. Billy Richey 5301 STARFLOWER DR. Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3859 no Yes
14757 Dr. Andree Kline 5300 APPLE BLOSSOM CT Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6120 no Yes
14758 Ms. Jere Beck 402 HILLCREST RD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8903 yes Yes
14760 Ms. Margaret Kettle 5718 WINDWARD CT Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-0470 yes Yes
14761 Ms. Jennette Brandon 2519 WESTMORELAND Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-1441 no Yes
14762 Ms. Annabelle Brandon 2519 TIMBER LANE Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-3652 no Yes
14763 Mr. R. Timothy Sommers 201 WOODS REAM DR Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-0715 no Yes
14764 Mr. David Steffen 201 GAIL RIDGE LN Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-8462 no Yes
14765 Ms. Heather L. Stewart 905 LONG COVE CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6747 no Yes
14766 Mrs. Lind C. Citty 8874 SW 197 TERRACE Washington NC 27889 (919) 555-6304 no Yes
14767 Mr. Ben Clark 89 WOODLAND ROAD Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1759 no no
14771 Mr. Carroll Kuhn 203 S FRANKLIN ST Darlington SC 29532 (855) 555-1666 no no
14772 Ms. Elizabeth Maxwell 203 S. FRANKLIN ST Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-6823 no Yes
14773 Ms. Charlotte Richardson 5407 WINTERS WAY Burgaw NC 28425 (919) 555-8892 no Yes
14774 Mr. John D. Williams 4312 PRINCETON AVE Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7453 yes Yes
14776 Mr. Johnny Vogelpohl 2012 LAWRENCE DR Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-0266 no Yes
14777 Ms. Marion S. Mesimer Timberlake NC 27583 (919) 555-5645 no Yes
14778 Ms. Susan A. Petrie Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6696 no Yes
14779 Mr. Joseph W. Rhoades Bolivia NC 28422-8562 (919) 555-2425 no Yes
14781 Mr. Edward J. Roberts 2002 KATHERINE STREET Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-6758 yes Yes
14782 Mr. Joel Coble 4550 S. HWY 62 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4335 no Yes
14783 Ms. Lou Ellen Coble 5201 FIELDBROOK DR Fremont NC 27830 (919) 555-2308 no Yes
14784 Mrs. Sabrina Smith 4209 FROST CT Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-0203 no Yes
14785 Mrs. Virginia Matthias 4203 PHEASANT RUN DR Hertford NC 27944 (919) 555-3102 no Yes
14786 Ms. Josephine Michelsen 20 MCARTHUR DRIVE Goldsboro NC 27532 (919) 555-5045 no Yes
14787 Mrs. Pauline Miller 1801 REGAL LN Hubert NC 28539 (919) 555-1392 no Yes
14788 Mr. Byron Randolph 269 KRISTI LYNN’S WAY Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6241 no Yes
14789 Mr. Anthony D. Weaver 269 KRISTI LYNN’S WAY Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-0562 no Yes
14790 Mrs. Virginia Weaver 101 EXCALIBUR CT Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3975 no Yes
14791 Mr. Ravi Weinrich 3720 GREENE’S CROSSING Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8396 no Yes
14792 Ms. Diane Peterson 3717 COLEWOOD DR Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-8461 no no
14796 Mrs. Jaye Peterson 2420 WENTWORTH ST Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3190 no Yes
14798 Ms. Jane Wassum 5906 MARSHBANK LANE Morrisville NC 27560-9495 (919) 555-3971 yes Yes
14799 Ms. Kelly L. Stallings 5905 SUNCREEK CT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0200 no Yes
14800 Mr. Tony C. Mayo 9426 FAIRMEAD DR Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-2201 no Yes
14801 Ms. Anna Kowalski 230 SEMINOLE TRAIL Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-5510 no Yes
14802 Mr. Kern Kraft 5712 CRUTHFIELD RD Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8305 no Yes
14803 Mr. John Howard 5512 KILLARNEY HOPE RD. Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-3572 no Yes
14804 Mr. Stanley I. Wise 5513 CROFTON AVE Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-0981 yes Yes
14805 Mr. James A. Kietzman 416 SAWGRASS HITT CT Louisburg NC 27549 (919) 555-8274 no Yes
14806 Mr. Alex Petry 9019 WILLOW TRACE COURT Greenville NC 27858 (919) 555-4187 no Yes
14807 Mr. Robin C. Young 463 BLACK ANGUS DRIVE Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-9056 yes Yes
14808 Mr. Phil Yount 1800 EASTWOOD RD #271 Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6847 yes Yes
14809 Mrs. Jean Lumpkin 8943 OSAGE ROAD Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1618 no no
14810 Mr. Mike Fontana 10104 TOUCHWOOD PL Raleigh NC 27611-7646 (919) 555-7289 no Yes
14811 Mr. Dave W. Haun 4609 W 110TH STREET Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-1876 yes Yes
14812 Mr. Hoyt Bader 4248 LAKE CLIFF DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-6749 no Yes
14813 Dr. Lee Ernst 2511 Broken Oak Drive Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-5398 no Yes
14814 Ms. Barbara Eubanks 5321 SUN COAST DR. Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1571 no Yes
14815 Ms. Norma Drewry 3838 KELLIE LEE LN Bladenboro NC 28320 (919) 555-8296 no Yes
14820 Mrs. Donna C. Query 3812 FORESTGATE DRIVE APT. 315 Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0073 yes Yes
14821 Ms. Cheryl Quigley 18 LINDA TER Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2134 no Yes
14824 Ms. Caroline T. Neusse 261 CATHI LN Reidsville NC 27320 (919) 555-2353 no Yes
14825 Ms. Ame Newton 2610 MERRYWOOD RD Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-3580 no Yes
14826 Ms. Amy Schmidt 1802 SWANNONOA DR Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-9781 no Yes
14827 Ms. Linda Schmitt 1802 SWANNONOA DR Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-2622 no Yes
14829 Mr. James A. Lineberger 229 N LINCOLN ST Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0021 no Yes
14830 Ms. Martha M. Lingle 2290 CRAWFORD DAIRY RD Macon GA 31201 (404) 555-8400 no no
14832 Ms. Sue Chaffee 3720 MOSS CREEK RD CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-1569 no Yes
14833 Mr. Nicholas Peterson 3721 DUXFORD DRIVE Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7678 no Yes
14834 Mr. Jeffery B. Lingle 414 W. BLACKBEARD RD Warsaw NC 28398 (919) 555-0519 no Yes
14836 Ms. Suzette Lininger 101 MIDDLEPOINT RD Winston-Salem NC 27103 (919) 555-2412 no Yes
14837 Mr. Gavin W. Moore 1609 WESTBRIDGE CT Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-0493 yes Yes
14838 Mrs. Kim Bozart-Barnes 1609 WESTBRIDGE CT Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-5142 no Yes
14839 Mrs. Katie Cogan 403 THE CAPE BLVD. Rocky Mount NC 27803 (919) 555-8771 no Yes
14841 Edward Hodges 402 FERN CREEK LANE Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-3864 no Yes
14842 Ms. Jessica Hoffman 5907 McCLENNY DR. Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1943 no Yes
14843 Dr. Henry T. Bottomley 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7302 no Yes
14844 Mr. Scott Koehler 4104 STONEBROOK FARMS RD Chester SC 29706 (855) 555-3967 no no
14845 Mr. George Hess 9049 MCGUFFEY RD South Burlington VT 05403 (855) 555-2012 no no
14849 Dr. Edwin J. Scott 1900 28TH STREET SW #115 Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-7851 no Yes
14850 Mrs. Patricia S. Hansen 183 DAVEFIELD DR. Horseshoe NC 28742 (919) 555-6654 no Yes
14851 Ms. Marydonna G. Hardee 1828 THORNBLADE RIDGE DR. Black Mountain NC 28711 (919) 555-3397 no Yes
14852 Ms. Connie McConnell 423 E SECOND ST Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-8240 yes Yes
14855 Mr. Russ Jones 4234 MASONBORO LOOP Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-3167 no Yes
14856 Ms. Maria Jones 905 HYLAND DR Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-0046 no Yes
14857 Ms. Jennifer Wessell 1615 AINSWORTH BLVD Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-8215 yes Yes
14858 Ms. Yvonne Wessenauer 1614 ROSSMORE RD Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-9580 no Yes
14859 Mr. G. Henry Boynton 4215 BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Boulder CO 80303 (855) 555-9091 no no
14860 Mr. David P. Dumas 421 BLUE ROCK DR Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-7514 no Yes
14864 Mr. Walter Muhlbach 4209 OMNI PLACE Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-1869 no Yes
14865 Mr. Fred Milling 1633 WHITFIELD AVE Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-9544 no Yes
14866 Ms. Melissa Rhynes 354 MILLFORD ROAD NCSU Campus (855) 555-3031 no Yes
14867 Mr. Robert Lee Andrews 100 CIRCLEVIEW DR Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7910 no Yes
14868 Mr. Eddie Sebe 100 CIRCLEVIEW DR Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-9201 no Yes
14869 Mr. Scott Clark 19903 225TH ST Rougemont NC 27572 (919) 555-6292 no Yes
14872 Mrs. Katherine J. Broderick 5809 ORCHID VALLEY RD. Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-4885 yes Yes
14875 Mr. Hank Graham 165 RALEIGH DR Angier NC 27501 (919) 555-1966 no Yes
14880 Mr. Brad Wolf 16205 RAWHIDE AVE Battleboro NC 27809 (919) 555-8517 no Yes
14883 Mr. Todd Deal 3540 BARRON WAY Goldsboro NC 27534 (919) 555-6800 no Yes
14884 Mr. Jack DeBaggis 53 TROY LEE ACRES Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-7343 no Yes
14886 Mr. Dan Albright 5833 SHAMROCK RD Sanford NC 27330 (919) 555-5854 no Yes
14890 Mr. Jared Alfredson 5901-22 WILKINS DR (855) 555-1911 no no
14892 Mr. Jackie Cowan 427-F WOODS OF NORTH BEND DR Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-1132 no Yes
14893 Ms. Martha Cox 428 SAWGRASS HILL COURT Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-3277 no Yes
14894 Mr. Steve Perry 1012 TRADERS TRAIL Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1590 no Yes
14895 Ms. Peggy HUBARD 1012 TRADERS TRAIL Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6755 no Yes
14897 Mr. Ed Koerwer 9049 MCGUFFEY RD Raleigh NC 27608-2243 (919) 555-0968 no Yes
14898 Mr. Gary Rhodes Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9081 no Yes
14904 Mr. Kim Lapsley Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3850 no Yes
14906 Mr. Bill Carroll Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-1377 no Yes
14907 Mr. Chuck Wessell Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1060 no Yes
14910 Mr. Ryan Shaw Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-3701 no Yes
14914 Mr. Michael Gregory Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-1134 no Yes
14920 Ms. Rebecca N. Williams Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-5275 no Yes
14921 Mr. Glenn P. Shive Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1120 no Yes
14922 Ms. Kim Crouse Fairview NC 28730 (919) 555-1073 no Yes
14923 Ms. Sandra K. Rothlisberger Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-3006 no Yes
14924 Ms. Retta Wehrle Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-6615 no Yes
14925 Mr. Earle Weil Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-9884 no Yes
14927 Mr. Charlie Collins Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-0413 no Yes
14929 Mr. Jon Powell Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5974 no Yes
14936 Mr. Doug Keyes Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-4483 no Yes
14945 Ms. Susan Goodrum (855) 555-7016 no no
14951 Ms. Elizabeth Finsted Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-7257 no Yes
14955 Mr. Thomas L. Fischer Durham NC 27705-5316 (919) 555-6826 no Yes
14964 Mr. Fred Sanford Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5375 no Yes
14965 Ms. Carla Wade Towson MD 21286 (855) 555-7068 no yes
14966 Ms. Kate Wagner Towson MD 21286 (855) 555-1541 no Yes
14969 Ms. Kay Wagoner Landenbert PA 19350 (855) 555-6686 no no
14970 Ms. Emily Burrill Fairfield PA 17320 (855) 555-0875 no no
14971 Ms. Anna D. Holmes Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8240 no Yes
14973 Mr. John Holt Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2207 yes Yes
14974 Dr. Hugh L. Hemma Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7902 no Yes
14978 Mr. Michael Holbrook Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7465 no Yes
14979 Mr. Mitchel Jackson Norlina NC 27563 (919) 555-7316 yes Yes
14980 Ms. Heidi Coleman Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8285 no Yes
14981 Ms. Meg Darnley Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7814 no Yes
14982 Ms. Martha Day Columbia SC 29206-2924 (855) 555-7917 no no
14983 Mr. Jose Drapala Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-5448 no Yes
14984 Mr. Scott Draver Raleigh NC 27695-7645 (919) 555-2201 no Yes
14985 Mr. Shawn Driscoll Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-3574 no Yes
14987 Mr. William R. Dudley Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-8065 no Yes
14988 Mrs. Donna Dudley Grayslake IL 60030-3528 (855) 555-8884 no no
14989 Mr. Prentiss Krueger Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-1237 no Yes
14991 Ms. Lindsay L. Kuebler Supply NC 28462 (919) 555-7438 no Yes
14993 Ms. Hannah Reynolds Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-6501 no Yes
14994 Ms. Denise Lee Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8064 no Yes
14995 Mr. Zvezdana Lewis CAMPUS MAIL (855) 555-2417 no Yes
14996 Ms. Terry Lewis Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-7214 no Yes
14997 Mr. Phil Bohlken Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-5159 no Yes
14998 Mr. Ryan Bolen Greenville NC 27858 (919) 555-5020 no Yes
14999 Mr. Wayne Bolen Las Vegas NV 89121-4024 (855) 555-1373 no no
15000 Russell Danielson Chapel Hill NC 27517-8052 (919) 555-9498 no Yes
15001 Ms. Heather de Leon Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-9443 no Yes
15002 Mr. Ray Dempsey Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 555-2568 no Yes
15003 Mr. Bobby Dennis Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-8407 no Yes
15004 Ms. Elizabeth DesVoigne Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6342 no Yes
15005 Mr. Artie Fox Hampton VA 23669 (757) 555-0497 no Yes
15006 Mr. Fred Franke Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-0356 no Yes
15007 Ms. Windy GEBHARDT Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-0053 no Yes
15008 Ms. Susan Gustafson Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-5170 no Yes
15009 Ms. Renee Guthrie Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5717 no Yes
15011 Ms. Sue Hilpert Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-7024 no Yes
15012 Hines Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-0017 no Yes
15013 Mr. Barry JACOBSON Wilmington NC 28401 (919) 555-1154 no Yes
15014 Ms. Pola Killian Asheville NC 28804 (919) 555-4263 no Yes
15015 Ms. Kathy Kilmon W. Myrtle Beach SC 29582 (855) 555-2740 no Yes
15016 Mr. Scott Kilmon Asheville NC 28801 (919) 555-4509 no Yes
15018 Ms. Barbara Kimmel Wilmington NC 28401 (919) 555-0646 no Yes
15019 Mr. Mitch Koerwer Randleman NC 27317 (919) 555-8125 no Yes
15020 Dr. Jack Koerwer New Brunswick NJ 08901 (855) 555-2984 no Yes
15021 Mr. Lee Koester Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-7337 no Yes
15022 Mr. Bryan George Kowalski Reidsville NC 27320 (919) 555-6058 no Yes
15023 Ms. Elizabeth Kowalski Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-4015 no Yes
15024 Mr. John Lawson Raleigh NC 27617 (919) 555-9436 no Yes
15025 Mr. Hans Lovin Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-1525 no Yes
15026 Mr. Leon Lowe Morehead City NC 28557 (919) 555-4258 no Yes
15027 Mr. Wynn Maness Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-8821 no Yes
15028 Ms. Barbara Ann McKinnon Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-6112 no Yes
15029 Mr. Wade McNeice Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3247 no Yes
15031 Ms. Debra R. Moody Greenville NC 27858 (919) 555-8302 yes Yes
15033 Mr. Joshua B. Mulvaney Brownsburg IN 46112-1890 (855) 555-3991 no no
15034 Ms. Jean K. Price Midlothian VA 23112-2016 (757) 555-5740 no Yes
15035 Ms. Glenda Pridgen-Brasswell Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2579 yes Yes
15037 Mr. Robert E. Prill Raleigh NC 27606-9288 (919) 555-6038 no Yes
15038 Ms. Hilda C. Riggs Wallace NC 28466 (919) 555-2509 no Yes
15041 Ms. Anna Ball Rogers Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2888 no Yes
15042 Mrs. Belinda Rohland Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4487 yes Yes
15043 Mr. Wade Schmidt Ames IA 50014 (855) 555-0566 no no
15044 Deane Snyder NC (919) 555-1631 no Yes
15046 Ms. Rachel Soderston Durham NC 27701 (919) 555-9108 yes Yes
15049 Ms. Pat Swofford Kinston NC 28504 (919) 555-7291 no Yes
15050 Ms. Bonnie Vollmer Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-3058 no Yes
15051 Ms. Wanda Harper Asheville NC 28804 (919) 555-1739 no Yes
15052 Ms. Elisabeth DeLong Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0544 no Yes
15053 Mr. Jonathan Hundley Wilmington NC 28401 (919) 555-7121 no Yes
15054 Ms. Juliette Hunter Spring Hope NC 27882 (919) 555-8574 no Yes
15055 Ms. Dorothy M. Miller Willingboro NJ 08046 (855) 555-9159 no no
15056 Mr. Jack Winters Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-9820 yes Yes
15057 Mr. George W. Brady Charlotte NC 28269 (919) 555-3869 no no
15058 Ms. Helen Carlson Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9642 no Yes
15059 Ms. Catherine Friese Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-6211 no Yes
15061 Ms. Kristi Friese Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-7064 no Yes
15062 Ms. Amanda Stokes Concord NC 28025 (919) 555-0105 no Yes
15063 Mr. John Sykes Raleigh NC 27606-9441 (919) 555-9866 no Yes
15064 Ms. Mary Barrick Raleigh NC 27607-7306 (919) 555-1519 no Yes
15065 Mr. S. Mark Boschen Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6380 no Yes
15066 Ms. Anne M. Grove Raleigh NC 27606-1310 (919) 555-7909 no Yes
15067 Mr. David Held Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-0606 no Yes
15068 Mr. Russell L. McPherson Tulsa OK 74120 (855) 555-5173 no no
15069 Mr. Daniel P. Merritt Greenville NC 27834 (919) 555-2400 yes Yes
15070 Ms. Mary Hunter Merritt Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-0687 no Yes
15071 Ms. Judith Thompson Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-0286 no Yes
15072 Mr. Richard Carlson Youngsville NC 27596 (919) 555-9257 no Yes
15073 Ms. Debra B. Carlson Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-9732 no Yes
15074 Ms. Elizabeth Hales Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7005 no Yes
15075 Ms. Paula E. Jones Reidsville NC 27320 (919) 555-9510 no Yes
15076 Dr. Richard L. Tallent Raleigh NC 27607-4058 (919) 555-9341 no Yes
15077 Ms. Lynn Talley Durham NC 27703 (919) 555-3208 yes Yes
15078 Ms. Michelle Vittoe Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-8935 no Yes
15079 Ms. Judy Ann Hansen Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5622 no Yes
15080 Ms. Lorayne C. Hardinger Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7841 no Yes
15081 Ms. Eunice K. Sagawa Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-4556 no Yes
15082 Ms. Patricia A. Long Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-5147 no Yes
15083 Ms. Heather M. Carver Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-3358 no Yes
15084 Mr. Leonard Cash Monmouth OR 97361 (855) 555-5291 yes no
15085 Mr. Stephen Cash Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-1456 no Yes
15086 Mrs. Marge Sink Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3759 yes Yes
15087 Mr. Friedrich Zimmer Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-1122 yes Yes
15089 Ms. Barbara Anderson Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-1367 yes Yes
15090 Mr. Christopher Brooks Long Morehead City NC 28557 (919) 555-2796 no Yes
15091 Mr. William B. Prevatte Morehead City NC 28557 (919) 555-4195 yes Yes
15092 Mrs. Virginia M. Prevatte Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-3366 no Yes
15093 Ms. Athena M. WHITE Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0835 no Yes
15094 Ms. Mary McN. Payne Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-9976 no Yes
15095 Mr. James Peacock Ragland AL 35131 (855) 555-0071 no no
15096 Southern Enfield CT 06083-1700 (855) 555-2470 no no
15097 Mr. Brian E. Southern Concord NC 28027 (919) 555-3169 no Yes
15098 Mr. Dale T. Southern Mountville SC 29370 (855) 555-3988 no no
15099 Mr. David B. Spelzhausen Grand Bay AL 36541 (855) 555-4901 no no
15100 Mr. Chris Whitmeyer Sims NC 27880 (919) 555-2802 no Yes
15101 Ms. Joan Turner La Grange NC 28551 (919) 555-2971 no Yes
15102 Mr. Wayne Young Elizabeth City NC 27909 (919) 555-4432 no Yes
15103 Ms. Ellen Barber Summerfield NC 27358 (919) 555-4511 no Yes
15104 Mr. Gerald T. Barker Warrenton NC 27589 (919) 555-7138 no Yes
15105 Mrs. Charline G. Matthias Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-0281 no Yes
15106 Ms. Crystal Ann MATZNICK (855) 555-3484 no no
15107 Ms. Wilhelmina T. Stewart Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-6909 yes Yes
15108 Ms. Kathy Stewart Charlotte NC 28269 (919) 555-8582 no Yes
15109 Ms. Patricia Wilson Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-6643 no Yes
15110 Mr. Scott Wines Hickory NC 28601 (919) 555-1288 no Yes
15111 Ms. Emily Browder Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-6711 no Yes
15112 Ms. Elaine Kulik Durham NC 27703-6196 (919) 555-3318 no Yes
15113 Mr. Ryan McIntire Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5489 yes Yes
15114 Mr. Robert Bostian Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-8668 no Yes
15115 Ms. Janet Bostick Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6517 no Yes
15116 Mr. Chris Ford Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2318 no Yes
15117 Mr. Mark Shefka Blaine MN 55434 (855) 555-6405 no no
15118 Ms. Angela Shellaway Raleigh NC 27616-5267 (919) 555-4512 no Yes
15119 Mrs. Undine N. Shepherd Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-3857 no no
15120 Mr. Justin Davis NCSU Campus Mail (855) 555-1006 no Yes
15121 Mr. Ronald N. Fox NCSU Campus Mail (855) 555-7481 no Yes
15122 Ms. Lynn Frisina Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-0684 yes Yes
15123 Mr. David Goetze Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0019 no Yes
15124 Mr. Les Goetze Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-7638 yes Yes
15125 Mr. Jim Jackson Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-4451 yes Yes
15126 Mr. Connor Jacobs Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9624 no Yes
15127 Mr. David E. Jensen Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-6183 no Yes
15128 Mr. David Johnson Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-0598 yes Yes
15129 Ms. Gloria Pierce Lexington NC 27295 (919) 555-0767 no Yes
15130 Mr. John Feola Wilson NC 27896 (919) 555-5868 yes Yes
15131 Ms. Carol L. English NCSU Campus Mail (855) 555-1003 yes Yes
15132 Mr. Mike Freseman Cloud Lake FL 33406 (855) 555-4930 no no
15133 Ms. Donna L. Cogger Elon NC 27244 (919) 555-3451 yes Yes
15134 Mr. Joseph Shumpert Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-6464 no Yes
15135 Ms. Mary Sigler Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4609 no Yes
15136 Ms. Maureen Strawbridge Franklinton NC 27525 (919) 555-4002 yes Yes
15137 Mr. Guy D. Huff Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-0823 yes Yes
15138 Mrs. Jennifer L. Huff Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3148 no Yes
15139 Ms. Sandra L. Cline Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1267 no Yes
15140 Ms. Martha Sue Clinton Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-9766 yes Yes
15141 Mrs. Carolyn H. Hines Salisbury NC 28144-2135 (919) 555-1507 no Yes
15142 Mrs. Julia McAlpine Hitchcock Raleigh NC 27606-8949 (919) 555-3432 yes Yes
15143 Ms. Marilyn Holbrook Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4375 no Yes
15144 Mr. John J. Hollar Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-5210 no Yes
15145 Ms. Linda A. Kern Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-5951 yes Yes
15146 Mr. Vince R. Oliphant Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-9860 no Yes
15147 Mr. Johnny Richard Winter Graham NC 27253 (919) 555-1605 no Yes
15148 Beyer Manassas VA 20111-4245 (757) 555-9150 no Yes
15149 Mr. William N. Cook Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1915 no Yes
15150 Mr. Matt Cook Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-4960 yes Yes
15151 Ms. Bonny H. Hyatt Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3391 no Yes
15152 Mr. Douglas B. Iddings Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-2702 no Yes
15153 Ms. Michelle Irwin Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-6327 no Yes
15154 Mr. James M. Jones Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-0044 yes Yes
15155 Mrs. Mary Jo Jones Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3581 yes Yes
15156 Ms. Barbara King Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-2714 no Yes
15157 Mr. Arthur Reese Raleigh NC 2761 (919) 555-1277 no Yes
15158 Mr. WIlliam Sink Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-7720 no Yes
15159 Mr. Marshall Amidon Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4711 no Yes
15160 Ms. Amy Amidon Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-6506 no Yes
15161 Mr. Ryan Bemesser Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-3391 no Yes
15162 Ms. Brooke Bost Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-4116 yes Yes
15163 Mr. Dan Christ Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-9749 yes Yes
15164 Mr. Justin Fox Raleigh NC 27604-9031 (919) 555-8974 no Yes
15165 Mr. Shervin Franklin Raleigh NC 270607 (919) 555-9285 yes Yes
15166 Mr. Kevin Guy Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-4448 no Yes
15167 Ms. Kim Long Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-6161 no Yes
15168 Mr. Binks Lybrand Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-8046 no Yes
15169 Ms. Jeanne McDonald Escanaba MI 49829 (855) 555-8743 no Yes
15170 Ms. Mary V. McGrogan Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3620 yes Yes
15171 Mrs. Dana McGuire Durham NC 27712 (919) 555-1597 no Yes
15172 Ms. Miranda Moore Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8422 yes Yes
15173 Mr. Carmen Moore Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-8867 no Yes
15174 Ms. Mary Northrup Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-1480 yes Yes
15176 Mr. Hua-Ying Northrup Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7209 no Yes
15177 Mr. Lawrence K Panos Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0502 no Yes
15178 Mr. Kevin Rapp Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-9713 no Yes
15179 Ms. Hong Le Stuart Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9356 no Yes
15180 Mr. Gerald White Burlington NC 27215 (919) 555-5189 no Yes
15181 Ms. Lisa Williams Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-1678 no Yes
15182 Ms. Gloria Davenport Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-9765 no Yes
15183 Mr. Jim Davis Raleigh NC 27616 (919) 555-5808 no Yes
15185 Mrs. Lil Erickson Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5073 no Yes
15186 Ms. Molly Hartsell Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1982 no Yes
15187 Ms. Janice Hartsell Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2103 no Yes
15188 Dr. Katherine Huffman Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-2388 no Yes
15189 Mr. George Huffman Raleigh NC 27605 (919) 555-2125 no Yes
15190 Mr. Ryan Johansson Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-7158 no Yes
15191 Mr. David Johansson Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-5571 no Yes
15192 Ms Betty Johnson Colerain NC 27924 (919) 555-7480 no Yes
15193 Mr. Davidson Keck Greensboro NC 27409 (919) 555-1847 no Yes
15194 Mr. Walt Larkin Greensboro NC 27408 (919) 555-9462 no Yes
15195 Mr. Van Lattner Clinton NC 28328 (919) 555-0495 no Yes
15196 Ms. Leah Moore Fairfax VA 22030-6184 (757) 555-5940 no Yes
15197 Ms. Evelyn Moore Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-4101 no Yes
15198 Ms. Adrienne Neal Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-8862 no Yes
15199 Ms. Nancy Pollock Oxford NC 27565 (919) 555-3115 no Yes
15200 Dr. Judieth E. Raner Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-9312 yes Yes
15201 Dr. Edward M. Raner Stone Mountain GA 30087-1815 (404) 555-1023 no Yes
15202 Ms. Beckie Amdahl Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-8446 no Yes
15203 Mr. Andy Amerson Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-7049 yes Yes
15204 Mr. Howard W. Hess Spencer NC 28159 (919) 555-4932 no Yes
15205 Mrs. Lou Aarsund Lillington NC 27546 (919) 555-0253 no no
15206 Mr. Christopher R. Abreu Dover MA 02030-2332 (855) 555-3350 no no
15207 Mr. John R. Adams Cincinnati OH 45253 (855) 555-9293 no no
15208 Ms. Marcia G. Carte Wilmington DE 19805 (855) 555-2968 no no
15209 Dr. John I. Collier Bahama NC 27503 (919) 555-9015 no Yes
15210 Ms. Becky L. Daughtridge Cincinnati OH 45246 (855) 555-4346 no no
15211 Ms. Jeanine Dieter Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-8353 no Yes
15212 Mr. David Dietz Colfax NC 27235 (919) 555-9100 yes Yes
15213 Mrs. Glenda Hall Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-1083 no Yes
15214 Dr. John G. Hieronymus Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0222 yes Yes
15215 Mr. Roderick D. Huffman Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-9739 no Yes
15216 Ms. Mary Jane LeBaube Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-5984 no Yes
15220 Ms. Claire May Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0015 yes Yes
15222 Dr. Walter A. Mayo Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-2542 no Yes
15223 Mr. Peter Miller Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-4169 yes Yes
15224 Mr. Charles S. Murdock Raleigh NC 27610 (919) 555-5924 no Yes
15225 Ms. Elaine K. Occhetti Summerville SC 29483 (855) 555-6755 no Yes
15226 Ms. Andrea Roberts Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9062 yes Yes
15227 Ms. Ruth Robins Shipman VA 22971 (757) 555-7987 no Yes
15231 Ms. Sharon Robinson Raleigh NC 27602-1972 (919) 555-0120 no Yes
15232 Dr. Phil Rodelander Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-9975 no Yes
15233 Dr. Mark Rose Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-1542 no Yes
15234 Dr. Sammy Salzgeber Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-8289 no Yes
15235 Dr. Cauley Schatz Durham NC 27707 (919) 555-8092 no Yes
15236 Dr. Mike Schenck Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-2539 no Yes
15237 Dr. Billy Stowell Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5522 no Yes
15238 Mr. Wayne Tomlinson Jacksonville NC 28546 (919) 555-0869 yes Yes
15239 Ms. Jeanette Walton Cary NC 27511-6724 (919) 555-6048 no Yes
15240 Mr. David Hallsey Peachtree City GA 30269 (404) 555-8767 no Yes
15241 Ms. Teresa Fields Knoxville TN 37920 (855) 555-5794 no Yes
15244 Mr. Yale Sloan Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-2295 no Yes
15245 Mrs. Sue Sloop Chapel Hill NC 27514 (919) 555-4132 no Yes
15246 Mrs. Emily F. Tucker Charlotte NC 28205 (919) 555-0323 yes Yes
15247 Ms. Jodi S. Canoutas Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-5098 no Yes
15248 Ms. K. Catherine Kerr Crea Raleigh NC 27610-2413 (919) 555-6563 yes Yes
15249 Ms. Valerie Fisher Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-6040 yes Yes
15250 Mr. Warren E. Gergens Henniker NH 03242 (855) 555-7481 no Yes
15251 Mr. Brian Kinlaw Raleigh NC 27614-9527 (919) 555-7930 no Yes
15252 Mr. Keith T. Lachner Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-6593 no Yes
15253 Ms. Chris Lamar Apex NC 27502-6277 (919) 555-4372 no Yes
15254 Mr. Paul W. Markle Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5605 no Yes
15255 Ms. Joan M. Marsh Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-7598 yes Yes
15256 Mr. Dan Parker Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-0965 no Yes
15257 Mr. Ethan J. Rector Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-5136 yes Yes
15258 Mrs. Kaye Reese Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-1279 no Yes
15259 Ms. Carly Roger Morgantown WV 26505 (855) 555-6462 no Yes
15260 Mrs. Melanie T. Waegerle Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6313 no Yes
15261 Mrs. Linda Guerassio Four Oaks NC 27524 (919) 555-4292 no Yes
15262 Ms. Dorothy B. Amdahl Vandemere NC 28587 (919) 555-2093 no no
15263 Ms. Diane Browder Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4458 yes Yes
15264 Ms. Anne Gardner Morehead City NC 28557 (919) 555-6515 yes Yes
15265 Mr. Jesse Gardner Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1512 yes Yes
15266 Ms. Sarah H. Gregg Durham NC 27713 (919) 555-8809 yes Yes
15267 Mr. Carl Gutierrez Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9398 yes Yes
15268 Mr. Jaime A. Hammett Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-9695 no Yes
15269 Mrs. Kathleen Hultquist Whispering Pines NC 28327 (919) 555-2740 yes Yes
15270 Mrs. Bet Pou Humphrey Chapel Hill NC 27514-1466 (919) 555-9109 no no
15271 Mr. Jim Loy Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-7346 yes Yes
15272 Mr. John F. Mazzei Apex NC 27539 (919) 555-6965 yes Yes
15274 Mr. Mike Mitchell Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-7280 yes Yes
15275 Mrs. Julia Keys Parker Sarasota FL 34232 (855) 555-5857 no no
15276 Mr. William Parker Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-8014 no Yes
15277 Ms. Carolyn Jean Pond Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3927 no Yes
15278 Mr. Matthew Powell McLeansville NC 27301 (919) 555-9796 no Yes
15279 Dr. Myron O. Pramaggiore Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-3043 yes Yes
15280 Mr. Michael Schmidt Wendell NC 27591 (919) 555-5834 no Yes
15281 Mr. Elwood L. Schmidt Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-2957 no Yes
15282 Ms. Lara Sigman Fuquay-Varina NC 27526-8446 (919) 555-0376 no Yes
15283 Ms. Johanna L. Sigman Raleigh NC 27615 (919) 555-3737 yes Yes
15284 Ms. Minda Soper Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-6394 no Yes
15285 Ms. Erica Steckenrider Cary NC 27511-8904 (919) 555-2625 yes Yes
15286 Mr. Chris Thompson Troy NC 27371 (919) 555-3220 no Yes
15287 Dr. David S. VEHRS Garner NC 27529 (919) 555-2757 yes Yes
15288 Mr. Thomas Veil Charlotte NC 28211 (919) 555-9118 no Yes
15289 Ms. Wendy Veil Clayton NC 27520 (919) 555-4773 yes Yes
15290 Mr. Robert Weber Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3040 yes Yes
15291 Mr. Charles Gregory Greensboro NC 27401 (919) 555-0705 no Yes
15292 Hagen Kings Mountain NC 28086 (919) 555-1202 no Yes
15293 Mr. Winter Hefner Belows Creek NC 27009 (919) 555-6631 no Yes
15294 Mrs. Apryl J. Morgan Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4564 no Yes
15295 Mr. Jesse Morton Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-5139 no Yes
15296 Ms. Christina L. Neely Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-4714 yes Yes
15297 Mr. Steven Neese Morrisville NC 27560 (919) 555-7363 no Yes
15298 Ms. Paige Ransdell Raleigh NC 27614 (919) 555-9368 no Yes
15299 Ms. Susan M. Waters Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-1079 no Yes
15300 Ms. Michelle R. Williford Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4726 no Yes
15301 Mrs. Beth B. Pattyson Greensboro NC 27403 (919) 555-1759 no Yes
15302 Mr. Harry SEALANDER Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1612 yes Yes
15303 Mr. Charles Walton Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-7605 no Yes
15306 Ms. Mary George Lombard Smithfield NC 27577 (919) 555-8126 no Yes
15309 Mr. Douglas R. Garris Lucama NC 27851-8956 (919) 555-3477 no Yes
15311 Ms. Celina R. Hauser Durham NC 27705 (919) 555-0480 yes Yes
15312 Ms. Diane S. Jorn Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9471 no Yes
15313 Mr. Dean A. Schmitt Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-3646 no Yes
15314 Ms. Susan Shive Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-4375 no Yes
15315 Mrs. Margaret S. Tucker Four Oaks NC 27524 (919) 555-1564 no Yes
15316 Mrs. Elizabeth G. Thompson Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-5187 yes Yes
15317 Mr. Michael K. Thompson Burlington NC 27217 (919) 555-6218 no Yes
15318 Ms. Candyce Hollar Union NJ 07083-6661 (855) 555-9693 no Yes
15319 Mr. Luke Holmes Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-2152 no Yes
15320 Mr. Lloyd Kraska Franklinton NC 27525 (919) 555-7081 no Yes
15321 Mr. Tim Kraska Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6554 no Yes
15322 Ms. Jennie M. N. Drakulic Raleigh NC 27613 (919) 555-3505 yes Yes
15323 Mr. John W. Fogleman Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-1980 yes Yes
15324 Ms. Marianne del Campo Van Tassel Raleigh NC 27613-1365 (919) 555-0933 yes Yes
15325 Mr. James W. Barrett Cary NC 27519 (919) 555-7410 no Yes
15327 Mr. Michael S. Colin Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-0139 yes Yes
15328 Ms. Kristi Colin Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-2320 no Yes
15329 Ms. Carolyn M. Smith Cary NC 27513 (919) 555-4479 yes Yes
15330 Ms. Ruth L. Vought Pittsboro NC 27312 (919) 555-7582 yes Yes
15331 Ms. Ann Hess Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-3111 yes Yes
15332 Ms. Kay Hitchcock Cary NC 27512 (919) 555-6340 yes Yes
15333 Mr. K. L. Miller Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-4445 no Yes
15334 Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall Moore Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-5830 no Yes
15335 Mr. Eurman Reese Franklinton NC 27525 (919) 555-9699 no Yes
15336 Ms. Stacey Seigman Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-3544 no Yes
15337 Mr. Marc T. Strader Raleigh NC 27614-9010 (919) 555-7639 no Yes
15338 Ms. Ellen J. Waters Raleigh NC 27608-1113 (919) 555-8550 yes Yes
15339 Mr. Mark W. Watts Durham NC 27712-2983 (919) 555-5535 no Yes
15340 Mrs. Mary-Benton Cauthen Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-6404 no Yes
15341 HADDEN Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-2677 no Yes
15342 Mr. Michael D. Hoffman Fuquay Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-9170 yes Yes
15343 Ms. Emily G. Nalepa Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-5195 no Yes
15344 Ms. Joe A. Burris Raleigh NC 27636 (919) 555-6832 no Yes
15345 Mr. Edward H. Chapman Raleigh NC 27603-2667 (919) 555-9569 no Yes
15346 Mrs. Autumn N. Chappell Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-7854 no Yes
15348 Mr. Travis Coccarelli (855) 555-4951 no Yes
15349 Mr. Doug Holloway (855) 555-0908 no Yes
15350 Mr. Eric Holmberg (855) 555-3485 no Yes
15351 Mr. Shad Puester (855) 555-4762 no Yes
15352 Mr. Cindy McCombs (855) 555-9821 no Yes
15353 Gutierrez LaGrange NC 27551 (919) 555-1352 no Yes
15354 Chuck Kibler Durham NC 27702 (919) 555-5945 no Yes
15355 Brian Kieft Butner NC 27509 (919) 555-6806 no Yes
15356 Mr. Leon Mortenson Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-4847 no Yes
15357 Mrs. Elen Klein Winston-Salem NC 27104 (919) 555-2236 no Yes
15358 Mrs. Frances T. May Randolph VA 23962 (757) 555-4619 no Yes
15359 Ms. Carol Anderson (855) 555-2910 no Yes
15360 Mr. Robert Anderson (855) 555-5093 no Yes
15361 Mr. Dan Linn (855) 555-8224 no Yes
15362 Mr. Mark Peterson Apex NC 27523 (919) 555-3985 yes Yes
15363 Ms. Carole Rector Zebulon NC 27597 (919) 555-1934 yes Yes
15367 Pat Anderson (855) 555-0937 no Yes
15368 Mr. Robb Carter (855) 555-2844 no Yes
15369 Mr. Jonathan Schorschinsky (855) 555-5219 no Yes
15370 Mr. Scott Bailey (855) 555-3738 no Yes
15371 Ms. Rhonda Bowker (855) 555-8355 no Yes
15372 Ms. Sandra Bowker (855) 555-2776 no Yes
15373 Ms. Suzanne Bowland Jr. (855) 555-2233 no Yes
15374 Mr. Jeffery K. Eaton Jacksonville NC 28540 (919) 555-3926 yes Yes
15375 Ms. Bea Ford Tarboro NC 27886 (919) 555-4801 yes Yes
15376 Mr. Mike Gainey Wake Forest NC 27587 (919) 555-9132 no Yes
15377 Mrs. Lynda A. Held Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-0629 no Yes
15378 Lisa Hoyle (855) 555-9678 no Yes
15379 Mr. Robert Keyes Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-0629 no Yes
15380 Mr. David Koster Grennsboro NC 27408 (919) 555-2080 no Yes
15382 Ms. Jenny Lunsford Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-4753 no Yes
15384 Ms. Claire Matson Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-6930 no Yes
15385 Mr. Tom Matthews Wilmington NC 27405 (919) 555-7159 no Yes
15387 Mr. Barry Patten Raleigh, NC 27612-7711 (855) 555-1260 no Yes
15388 Mr. Ed Patten Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-1155 no Yes
15389 Dr. Anthony D. SALEEBY Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9242 no Yes
15390 Ms. Paula L. Sanders Raleigh NC 27501 (919) 555-3443 no Yes
15391 Mr. David Snyder (855) 555-8392 no Yes
15392 Mrs. Jennifer M. Snyder Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 (919) 555-2839 yes Yes
15393 Mr. Kirk Hadden Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-9066 yes Yes
15394 Dr. Larry Hansen (855) 555-9649 no Yes
15395 Dr. Jonathan R. Koenig NCSU. Campus (855) 555-9860 no Yes
15396 Ms. Karla Lovelace NCSU Campus (855) 555-7109 yes Yes
15397 Mrs. McKay Lovin Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 555-4418 yes Yes
15398 Mr. Terrence Anthony Holly Springs NC 27540 (919) 555-5429 no Yes
15399 Mr. Michael Armstrong Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8752 no Yes
15400 Ms. Vicki Bowen Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7073 no Yes
15402 Mr. Kurt Bumgarner Raleigh NC 27601 (919) 555-3346 no Yes
15403 Ms. Becky Bunge Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-7497 no Yes
15404 Mr. Charley Connelly Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 555-4372 no Yes
15405 Ms. Anne Conowall Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-9213 no Yes
15406 Mr. Wade Conrad Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-6298 no Yes
15407 Mr. Stuart Hart Purchase NY 10577 (855) 555-8877 no Yes
15408 Mr. Mike Hartsell Cary NC 27511 (919) 555-0280 no Yes
15409 Ms. Sarah KING Willow Spring NC 27592 (919) 555-4551 no Yes
15411 Mr. Kevin Lyerly (855) 555-6762 no Yes
15412 Vicki Parks (855) 555-0655 no Yes
15413 Ms. Marilee Parra (855) 555-8428 no Yes
15414 Caroline Riegel (855) 555-5659 no Yes
15415 Alex Riehm (855) 555-9598 no Yes
15416 Mr. Bruce Smith Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-7867 no Yes
15417 Mr. Mike Hemphill Chapel Hill NC 27517 (919) 555-0064 no Yes
15418 Mr. Michael Hill Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-0095 no Yes
15419 Mr. David Hill Martinsville VA 24112 (757) 555-1998 no Yes
15420 Mr. Rob Hoyle Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 555-4583 yes Yes
15421 Ms. Sharon Jones Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-0412 no Yes
15422 Beatrice Martin Raleigh NC 27606 (919) 555-1123 no Yes
15423 Mr. Reggie Martin (855) 555-4118 no Yes
15424 Elisabeth Millius (855) 555-4749 no Yes
15425 Kevin Misenheimer (855) 555-6072 no Yes
15426 Stuart Murray (855) 555-9447 no Yes
15427 Mr. Matt Rader (855) 555-6998 no Yes
15428 Mr. Jon Sprecher Apex NC 27502 (919) 555-3951 no Yes
15429 Ms. Rita R. Vittoe Raleigh NC 27609 (919) 555-4460 no Yes
15430 Mr. Stuart Vittoe (855) 555-8187 no Yes
15431 Mr. Paul Amato Raleigh NC 27612-2719 (919) 555-7790 no Yes
15432 Mr. Robert Bolog Charlotte NC 28205 (919) 555-1109 no Yes
15433 Ray Conner (855) 555-0896 no Yes
15434 Logan Conner (855) 555-2191 no Yes
15435 Ms. Kim Hales Chapel Hill NC 27516 (919) 555-5890 no Yes
15436 Ms. Jess King (855) 555-6231 no Yes
15437 Ms. Mary Elizabeth King (855) 555-8604 no Yes
15440 Mr. David Pratt (855) 555-7875 no Yes
15441 Ms. Patty Adams (855) 555-0474 no Yes
15442 Ms. Elaine Benda (855) 555-3347 no Yes
15443 Mr. Callaway Coleman Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-3640 no Yes
15444 Mr. Joe L. Davis Raleigh NC 27612 (919) 555-3801 yes Yes
15445 Mr. Dale Englander Raleigh NC 27608 (919) 555-8198 yes Yes
15446 Ms. Pam Forrest (855) 555-8945 no Yes
15447 Ms. Karen Freeman (855) 555-0572 no Yes

ID CategoryName Description Picture
1 Beverages Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales
2 Condiments Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings
3 Confections Desserts, candies, and sweet breads
4 Dairy Products Cheeses
5 Grains/Cereals Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal
6 Meat/Poultry Prepared meats
7 Produce Dried fruit and bean curd
8 Seafood Seaweed and fish



Emparedados y helados

Ana Trujillo







Antonio Moreno Owner


México D.F.


Sales Representative

Hanover Sq.

1 1DP

1) 555-


) 555-6







Sales Representative








) 555 22 82






beth Lincoln





Sales Representative










Marketing Manager

México D.F.








) 555-7



Sales Representative





Order Administrator








Sales Agent







São Paulo SP




Accounting Manager




4, chaussée de Tournai







5-34 67 21


Marketing Manager



Marketing Manager




Sales Representative



Sales Manager



Marketing Manager




Sales Manager




Sales Associate




Marketing Manager

32 Baker Blvd.




Accounting Manager




Sales Representative

5022 Venezuela


Sales Representative




Sales Associate


Marketing Manager



Sales Associate




Sales Representative




tte Roulet

Sales Manager



Marketing Assistant




Marketing Manager





Sales Representative








Accounting Manager






Sales Manager




Marketing Manager



Sales Agent


Marketing Assistant



Marketing Assistant



Sales Associate




Sales Agent

Buenos Aires



Sales Representative











Sales Representative

Jorge Cash 321

México D.F.



Sales Manager



Sales Representative





Accounting Manager

Rio de Janeiro RJ



Marketing Assistant

São Paulo SP



Accounting Manager




Sales Representative

Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina




Sales Associate



e Limeira

Assistant Sales Agent

Rio de Janeiro RJ




Sales Manager



Accounting Manager







Sales Representative




Sales Manager






Marketing Manager




Sales Manager



Accounting Manager



Marketing Manager

Portland OR



Marketing Assistant



Marketing Manager




México D.F. 05033 Mexico


Sales Representative

São Paulo SP



Sales Associate




Sales Manager



Sales Agent



Accounting Manager



Sales Representative



Accounting Manager

981-443655 0.1

Sales Manager









90-224 8858 0.1


(26) 642-7012 0.05

CustomerID CompanyName ContactName Contact

Title Address City Region PostalCode Country Phone Fax Discount
ALFKI Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Sales Representative Obere Str.

57 Berlin 12 20 9 Germany 0

30 74 21 030-007

65 45 0.1
ANATR Ana Trujillo Owner Avda. de la Constitución

22 México D.F. 0

50 Mexico (5)

55 72 (5) 555-

37 0.0
ANTON Antonio Moreno Mataderos 2

31 050

23 (5) 555-

39 32 0.

AROUT Around the Horn Thomas Hardy 120 London WA UK (

17 77 (1

71 75
BERGS Berglunds snabbköp Christina Berglund Order Administrator Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-9

58 Sweden 0921-12

34 0921-12 34


LA Blauer See Delikatessen Hanna Moos Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68 0

62 84 60 0621-089

24 0.05
BLONP Blondel père et fils Frédérique Citeaux Marketing Manager 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 6

70 France
BOLID Bólido Comidas preparadas Martín Sommer C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid 28 Spain (

91 (91) 555 91 99
BONAP Bon app’ Laurence Lebihan 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13 91.24.45.

40 91.24.45.

BOTTM Bottom-Dollar Markets Eliza Accounting Manager 23

Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada (604) 555-

47 29 (604) 555-3745
BSBEV B’s Beverages Victoria Fauntleroy Circus EC2 5NT (171) 555-1212
CA Cactus Comidas para llevar Patricio Simpson Sales Agent Cerrito

33 Buenos Aires 10 Argentina (1) 1

35 (1) 135-

CENTC Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco

Chang Sierras de Granada 9993 0

5022 (5) 555-3392 (5) 555-7293
CHOPS Chop-suey Chinese Yang Wang Hauptstr. 29 Bern 3012 Switzerland 0


52 76 54

MI Comércio Mineiro Pedro Afonso Sales Associate Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05

43 Brazil (

11 64
CONSH Consolidated Holdings Elizabeth Brown Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery
WX1 6LT (171) 555-2282 (171) 555-9

DRACD Drachenblut Delikatessen Sven Ottlieb Walserweg 21 Aachen 520

66 0241-039123 0241-0

59 42
DUMON Du monde entier Janine Labrune 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44
EASTC Eastern Connection Ann Devon 35

King WX3 6FW (171) 555-0297 (171) 555-33

ERNSH Ernst Handel Roland Mendel Sales Manager Kirchgasse 6 Graz 80 Austria 7675-34

25 7675-34

FAMIA Familia Arquibaldo Aria Cruz Marketing Assistant Rua Orós, 92 0

5442 (11) 555-9857
FISSA FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A. Diego Roel C/ Moralzarzal, 86 28034 (91) 555 94 44 (91) 555 55 93
FOLIG Folies gourmandes Martine Rancé Assistant Sales Agent 18 Lille 5

90 20.

FOLKO Folk och fä HB Maria Larsson Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 0

FRANK Frankenversand Peter Franken Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 089-0877310 089-08774

FRANR France restauration Carine Schmitt 54, rue Royale 44000
FRANS Franchi S.p.A. Paolo Accorti Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10

100 Italy 011-

49 011-49882

FURIB Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Lino Rodriguez Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal (1) 354-2

53 (1) 354-2535
GALED Galería del gastrónomo Eduardo Saavedra Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 0

8022 (93) 203 4

56 (93) 203 4561
GODOS Godos Cocina Típica José Pedro Freyre C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 4

110 (95) 555 82 82
GOURL Gourmet Lanchonetes André Fonseca Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas 04876-786 (11) 555-9482
GREAL Great Lakes Food Market Howard Snyder 27 Eugene OR 97403 USA (503) 555-7555
GROSR GROSELLA-Restaurante Manuel Pereira 5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes Caracas DF 1081 Venezuela (2) 283-2951 (2) 283-3397
HANAR Hanari Carnes Mario Pontes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 0

545 (21) 555-0091 (21) 555-8765
HILAA HILARIÓN-Abastos Carlos Hernández Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira (5) 555-1340 (5) 555-1948
HUNGC Hungry Coyote Import Store Yoshi Latimer City Center Plaza
516 Main St.
Elgin 97827 (503) 555-6874 (503) 555-2376
HUNGO Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Patricia McKenna 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland 2967 542 2967 3333
ISLAT Island Trading Helen Bennett Garden House
Crowther Way
Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ (198) 555-8888
KOENE Königlich Essen Philip Cramer Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14 0555-09876
LACOR La corne d’abondance Daniel Tonini 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000

MA La maison d’Asie Anne 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000
LAUGB Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars Yoshi Tannamuri 1900 Oak St. Vancouver V3F 2K1 (604) 555-3392 (604) 555-7293
LAZYK Lazy K Kountry Store John Steel 12 Orchestra Terrace Walla Walla 99

36 (509) 555-7969 (509) 555-6221
LEHMS Lehmanns Marktstand Renate Messner Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt 60528 069-0245984 069-0245874
LETSS Let’s Stop N Shop Jaime Yorres 87 Polk St.
Suite 5
San Francisco 94117 (415) 555-59

LILAS LILA-Supermercado Carlos González Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 (9) 331-6954 (9) 331-7256
LINOD LINO-Delicateses Felipe Izquierdo Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 (8) 34-56-12 (8) 34-93-93
LONEP Lonesome Pine Restaurant Fran Wilson 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland 97219 (503) 555-9573 (503) 555-96

MAGAA Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Giovanni Rovelli Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 035-640230 035-640231
MAISD Maison Dewey Catherine Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium (02) 201 24 67 (02) 201 24 68
MEREP Mère Paillarde Jean Fresnière 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 (514) 555-8054 (514) 555-8055
MORGK Morgenstern Gesundkost Alexander Feuer Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 0342-023176
NORTS North/South Simon Crowther South House
300 Queensbridge
SW7 1RZ (171) 555-7733 (171) 555-2530
OCEAN Océano Atlántico Ltda. Yvonne Moncada Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A
1010 (1) 135-5333 (1) 135-5535
OLDWO Old World Delicatessen Rene Phillips 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 (907) 555-7584 (907) 555-2880
OTTIK Ottilies Käseladen Henriette Pfalzheim Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 0221-0644327 0221-0765721
PARIS Paris Marie Bertrand 265, boulevard Charonne 75012 (1) (1)
PERIC Pericles Comidas clásicas Guillermo Fernández Calle

Dr. 05033 (5) 552-3745 (5) 545-3745
PICCO Piccolo und mehr Georg Pipps Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 6562-9722 6562-9723
PRINI Princesa Isabel Vinhos Isabel de Castro Estrada da saúde n. 58 1756 (1) 356-5

QUEDE Que Delícia Bernardo Batista Rua da Panificadora, 12 02389-673 (21) 555-4252 (21) 555-4545
QUEEN Queen Cozinha Lúcia Carvalho Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 05487-020 (11) 555-1189
QUICK QUICK-Stop Horst Kloss Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 0

130 0372-035188
RANCH Rancho grande Sergio Gutiérrez Av. del Libertador 900 (1) 123-5555 (1) 123-5556
RATTC Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery Paula Wilson Assistant Sales Representative 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 (505) 555-5939 (505) 555-3620
REGGC Reggiani Caseifici Maurizio Moroni Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 0522-556721 0522-556722
RICAR Ricardo Adocicados Janet Av. Copacabana, 267 02389-890 (21) 555-3412
RICSU Richter Supermarkt Michael Grenzacherweg 237 Genève 1203 0897-034214
ROMEY Romero y tomillo Alejandra Camino Gran Vía, 1 2800 (91) 745 6200 (91) 745 6210
SANTG Santé Gourmet Jonas Bergulfsen Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway 07-98 92 35 07-98 92 47
SAVEA Save-a-lot Markets Jose Pavarotti 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise 83720 (208) 555-8097
SEVES Seven Seas Imports Hari Kumar 90 Wadhurst Rd. OX15 4NB (171) 555-1717 (171) 555-5646
SIMOB Simons bistro Jytte Petersen Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark 31 12 34 56 31 13 35 57
SPECD Spécialités du monde Dominique Perrier 25, rue Lauriston 75016 (1) (1)
SPLIR Split Rail Beer & Ale Art Braunschweiger P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 (307) 555-4680 (307) 555-6525
SUPRD Suprêmes délices Pascale Cartrain Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 (071) 23 67 22 20 (071) 23 67 22 21
THEBI The Big Cheese Liz Nixon 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2
97201 (503) 555-3612
THECR The Cracker Box Liu Wong 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 (406) 555-5834 (406) 555-8083
TOMSP Toms Spezialitäten Karin Josephs Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 0251-031259 0251-035695
TORTU Tortuga Restaurante Miguel Angel Paolino Avda. Azteca 123 (5) 555-2933
TRADH Tradição Hipermercados Anabela Domingues Av. Inês de Castro, 414 05634-030 (11) 555-2167 (11) 555-2168
TRAIH Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners Helvetius Nagy 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland 98034 (206) 555-8257 (206) 555-2174
VAFFE Vaffeljernet Palle Ibsen Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 86 21 32 43 86 22 33 44
VICTE Victuailles en stock Mary Saveley 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004
VINET Vins et alcools Chevalier Paul Henriot 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100
WANDK Die Wandernde Kuh Rita Müller Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 0711-020361 0711-035428
WARTH Wartian Herkku Pirkko Koskitalo Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland 981-443655
WELLI Wellington Importadora Paula Parente Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende 08737-363 (14) 555-8122
WHITC White Clover Markets Karl Jablonski 305 – 14th Ave. S.
Suite 3B
Seattle 98128 (206) 555-4112 (206) 555-4115
WILMK Wilman Kala Matti Karttunen Owner/Marketing Assistant Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 90-224 8858
WOLZA Wolski Zajazd Zbyszek Piestrzeniewicz ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland (26) 642-7012


Address City Region PostalCode Country


Sales Representative

Seattle WA








Janet Sales Representative Ms.

Kirkland WA


College). She has also completed a certificate program in food retailing management. Janet was hired as a sales associate and was promoted to sales representative.


4 Eliza

Sales Representative


Redmond WA




Sales Manager





Michael Sales Representative Mr.





ese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.


7 King

Sales Representative Mr.






Seattle WA




Anne Sales Representative Ms.





EmployeeID LastName FirstName TitleOfCourtesy BirthDate HireDate HomePhone Extension Photo Notes ReportsTo
Davolio Nancy Ms. 12/8/68 5/1/92 507 – 20th Ave. E.
Apt. 2A
98122 (206) 555-9857 5467 EmpID1.bmp Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University. She also completed “The Art of the Cold Call.” Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.
Fuller Andrew Vice President, Sales 2/19/52 8/14/92 908 W. Capital Way Tacoma 98401 (206) 555-9482 3457 EmpID2.bmp Andrew received his BTS commercial and a Ph.D. in international marketing from the University of Dallas. He is fluent in French and Italian and reads German. He joined the company as a sales representative, was promoted to sales manager and was then named vice president of sales. Andrew is a member of the Sales Management Roundtable, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and the Pacific Rim Importers Association.
Leverling 8/30/63 4/1/92 722 Moss Bay Blvd. 98033 (206) 555-3412 3355 EmpID3.bmp Janet has a BS degree in chemistry from

Rachael Mrs. 9/19/58 5/3/93 4110 Old

Redmond 98052 (206) 555-8122 5176 EmpID4.bmp Margaret holds a BA in English literature from Concordia College and an MA from the American Institute of Culinary Arts. She was temporarily assigned to the London office before returning to her permanent post in Seattle.
Buchanan Steven Mr. 3/4/55 10/17/93 14 Garrett Hill SW1 8JR (71) 555-4848 3453 EmpID5.bmp Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree. Upon joining the company as a sales representative, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London, where he was promoted to sales manager. Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses “Successful Telemarketing” and “International Sales Management.” He is fluent in French.
Suyama 7/2/63 Coventry House
Miner Rd.
EC2 7JR (71) 555-7773 EmpID6.bmp Michael is a graduate of Sussex University (MA, economics) and the University of California at Los Angeles (MBA, marketing). He has also taken the courses “Multi-Cultural Selling” and “Time Management for the Sales Professional.” He is fluent in

Robert 5/29/60 1/2/94 Edgeham Hollow
Winchester Way
RG1 9SP (71) 555-5598 465 EmpID7.bmp Robert King served in the Peace Corps and traveled extensively before completing his degree in English at the University of Michigan and then joining the company. After completing a course entitled “Selling in Europe,” he was transferred to the London office.
Callahan Laura Inside Sales Coordinator 1/9/58 3/5/94 4726 – 11th Ave. N.E. 98105 (206) 555-1189 2344 EmpID8.bmp Laura received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington. She has also completed a course in business French. She reads and writes French.
Dodsworth 7/2/69 11/15/94 7 Houndstooth Rd. WG2 7LT (71) 555-4444 EmpID9.bmp Anne has a BA degree in English from St. Lawrence College. She is fluent in French and German.

11 12

10248 42 10
10248 72 5

14 9

10249 51 40

41 10

10250 51 35
10250 65 15

22 6

10251 57 15
10251 65 20

20 40

10252 33 25
10252 60 40

31 20

10253 39 42
10253 49 40

24 15

10254 55 21
10254 74 21

2 20

10255 16 35
10255 36 25
10255 59 30

53 15

10256 77 12

27 25

10257 39 6
10257 77 15

2 50

10258 5 65
10258 32 6

21 10

10259 37 1

41 16

10260 57 50
10260 62 15
10260 70 21

21 20

10261 35 20

5 12

10262 7 15
10262 56 2

16 60

10263 24 28
10263 30 60
10263 74 36

2 35

10264 41 25

17 30

10265 70 20

12 12

40 50

10267 59 70
10267 76 15

29 10

10268 72 4

33 60

10269 72 20

36 30

10270 43 25

33 24

20 6

10272 31 40
10272 72 24

10 24

10273 31 15
10273 33 20
10273 40 60
10273 76 33

71 20

10274 72 7

24 12

10275 59 6

10 15

10276 13 10

28 20

10277 62 12

44 16

10278 59 15
10278 63 8
10278 73 25

17 15

24 12

10280 55 20
10280 75 30

19 1

10281 24 6
10281 35 4

30 6

10282 57 2

15 20

10283 19 18
10283 60 35
10283 72 3

27 15

10284 44 21
10284 60 20
10284 67 5

1 45

10285 40 40
10285 53 36

35 100

10286 62 40

16 40

10287 34 20
10287 46 15

54 10

10288 68 3

3 30

10289 64 9

5 20

10290 29 15
10290 49 15
10290 77 10

13 20

10291 44 24
10291 51 2

20 20

18 12

10293 24 10
10293 63 5
10293 75 6

1 18

10294 17 15
10294 43 15
10294 60 21
10294 75 6

56 4

11 12

10296 16 30
10296 69 15

39 60

10297 72 20

2 40

10298 36 40
10298 59 30
10298 62 15

19 15

10299 70 20

66 30

10300 68 20

40 10

10301 56 20

17 40

10302 28 28
10302 43 12

40 40

10303 65 30
10303 68 15

49 30

10304 59 10
10304 71 2

18 25

10305 29 25
10305 39 30

30 10

10306 53 10
10306 54 5

62 10

10307 68 3

69 1

10308 70 5

4 20

10309 6 30
10309 42 2
10309 43 20
10309 71 3

16 10

10310 62 5

42 6

10311 69 7

28 4

10312 43 24
10312 53 20
10312 75 10

36 12

32 40

10314 58 30
10314 62 25

34 14

10315 70 30

41 10

10316 62 70

1 20

41 20

10318 76 6

17 8

10319 28 14
10319 76 30

71 30

35 10

52 20

15 5

10323 25 4
10323 39 4

16 21

10324 35 70
10324 46 30
10324 59 40
10324 63 80

6 6

10325 13 12
10325 14 9
10325 31 4
10325 72 40

4 24

10326 57 16
10326 75 50

2 25

10327 11 50
10327 30 35
10327 58 30

59 9

10328 65 40
10328 68 10

19 10

10329 30 8
10329 38 20
10329 56 12

26 50

10330 72 25

54 15

18 40

10332 42 10
10332 47 16

14 10

10333 21 10
10333 71 40

52 8

10334 68 10

2 7

10335 31 25
10335 32 6
10335 51 48

4 18

23 40

10337 26 24
10337 36 20
10337 37 28
10337 72 25

17 20

10338 30 15

4 10

10339 17 70
10339 62 28

18 20

10340 41 12
10340 43 40

33 8

10341 59 9

2 24

10342 31 56
10342 36 40
10342 55 40

64 50

10343 68 4
10343 76 15

4 35

10344 8 70

8 70

10345 19 80
10345 42 9

17 36

10346 56 20

25 10

10347 39 50
10347 40 4
10347 75 6

1 15

10348 23 25

54 24

50 15

10350 69 18

38 20

10351 41 13
10351 44 77
10351 65 10

24 10

10352 54 20

11 12

10353 38 50

1 12

10354 29 4

24 25

10355 57 25

31 30

10356 55 12
10356 69 20

10 30

10357 26 16
10357 60 8

24 10

10358 34 10
10358 36 20

16 56

10359 31 70
10359 60 80

28 30

10360 29 35
10360 38 10
10360 49 35
10360 54 28

39 54

10361 60 55

25 50

10362 51 20
10362 54 24

31 20

10363 75 12
10363 76 12

69 30

10364 71 5

11 24

65 5

10366 77 5

34 36

10367 54 18
10367 65 15
10367 77 7

21 5

10368 28 13
10368 57 25
10368 64 35

29 20

10369 56 18

1 15

10370 64 30
10370 74 20

36 6

20 12

10372 38 40
10372 60 70
10372 72 42

58 80

10373 71 50

31 30

10374 58 15

14 15

10375 54 10

31 42

28 20

10377 39 20

71 6

41 8

10379 63 16
10379 65 20

30 18

10380 53 20
10380 60 6
10380 70 30

74 14

5 32

10382 18 9
10382 29 14
10382 33 60
10382 74 50

13 20

10383 50 15
10383 56 20

20 28

10384 60 15

7 10

10385 60 20
10385 68 8

24 15

10386 34 10

24 15

10387 28 6
10387 59 12
10387 71 15

45 15

10388 52 20
10388 53 40

10 16

10389 55 15
10389 62 20
10389 70 30

31 60

10390 35 40
10390 46 45
10390 72 24

13 18

69 50

2 25

10393 14 42
10393 25 7
10393 26 70
10393 31 32

13 10

10394 62 10

46 28

10395 53 70
10395 69 8

23 40

10396 71 60
10396 72 21

21 10

10397 51 18

35 30

10398 55 120

68 60

10399 71 30
10399 76 35
10399 77 14

29 21

10400 35 35
10400 49 30

30 18

10401 56 70
10401 65 20
10401 71 60

23 60

10402 63 65

16 21

10403 48 70

26 30

10404 42 40
10404 49 30

3 50

1 10

10406 21 30
10406 28 42
10406 36 5
10406 40 2

11 30

10407 69 15
10407 71 15

37 10

10408 54 6
10408 62 35

14 12

10409 21 12

33 49

10410 59 16

41 25

10411 44 40
10411 59 9

14 20

1 24

10413 62 40
10413 76 14

19 18

10414 33 50

17 2

10415 33 20

19 20

10416 53 10
10416 57 20

38 50

10417 46 2
10417 68 36
10417 77 35

2 60

10418 47 55
10418 61 16
10418 74 15

60 60

10419 69 20

9 20

10420 13 2
10420 70 8
10420 73 20

19 4

10421 26 30
10421 53 15
10421 77 10

26 2

31 14

10423 59 20

35 60

10424 38 49
10424 68 30

55 10

10425 76 20

56 5

10426 64 7

14 35

46 20

50 40

10429 63 35

17 45

10430 21 50
10430 56 30
10430 59 70

17 50

10431 40 50
10431 47 30

26 10

10432 54 40

56 28

11 6

10434 76 18

2 10

10435 22 12
10435 72 10

46 5

10436 56 40
10436 64 30
10436 75 24

53 15

19 15

10438 34 20
10438 57 15

12 15

10439 16 16
10439 64 6
10439 74 30

2 45

10440 16 49
10440 29 24
10440 61 90

27 50

11 30

10442 54 80
10442 66 60

11 6

10443 28 12

17 10

10444 26 15
10444 35 8
10444 41 30

39 6

10445 54 15

19 12

10446 24 20
10446 31 3
10446 52 15

19 40

10447 65 35
10447 71 2

26 6

10448 40 20

10 14

10449 52 20
10449 62 35

10 20

10450 54 6

55 120

10451 64 35
10451 65 28
10451 77 55

28 15

10452 44 100

48 15

10453 70 25

16 20

10454 33 20
10454 46 10

39 20

10455 53 50
10455 61 25
10455 71 30

21 40

10456 49 21

59 36

26 30

10458 28 30
10458 43 20
10458 56 15
10458 71 50

7 16

10459 46 20
10459 72 40

68 21

10460 75 4

21 40

10461 30 28
10461 55 60

13 1

10462 23 21

19 21

10463 42 50

4 16

10464 43 3
10464 56 30
10464 60 20

24 25

10465 29 18
10465 40 20
10465 45 30
10465 50 25

11 10

10466 46 5

24 28

10467 25 12

30 8

10468 43 15

2 40

10469 16 35
10469 44 2

18 30

10470 23 15
10470 64 8

7 30

10471 56 20

24 80

10472 51 18

33 12

10473 71 12

14 12

10474 28 18
10474 40 21
10474 75 10

31 35

10475 66 60
10475 76 42

55 2

10476 70 12

1 15

10477 21 21
10477 39 20

10 20

38 30

10479 53 28
10479 59 60
10479 64 30

47 30

10480 59 12

49 24

10481 60 40

40 10

34 35

10483 77 30

21 14

10484 40 10
10484 51 3

2 20

10485 3 20
10485 55 30
10485 70 60

11 5

10486 51 25
10486 74 16

19 5

10487 26 30
10487 54 24

59 30

10488 73 20

11 15

10489 16 18

59 60

10490 68 30
10490 75 36

44 15

10491 77 7

25 60

10492 42 20

65 15

10493 66 10
10493 69 10

56 30

23 10

10495 41 20
10495 77 5

31 20

56 14

10497 72 25
10497 77 25

24 14

10498 40 5
10498 42 30

28 20

10499 49 25

15 12

10500 28 8

54 20

45 21

10502 53 6
10502 67 30

14 70

10503 65 20

2 12

10504 21 12
10504 53 10
10504 61 25

62 3

25 18

10506 70 14

43 15

10507 48 15

13 10

10508 39 10

28 3

29 36

10510 75 36

4 50

10511 7 50
10511 8 10

24 10

10512 46 9
10512 47 6
10512 60 12

21 40

10513 32 50
10513 61 15

20 39

10514 28 35
10514 56 70
10514 65 39
10514 75 50

9 16

10515 16 50
10515 27 120
10515 33 16
10515 60 84

18 25

10516 41 80
10516 42 20

52 6

10517 59 4
10517 70 6

24 5

10518 38 15
10518 44 9

10 16

10519 56 40
10519 60 10

24 8

10520 53 5

35 3

10521 41 10
10521 68 6

1 40

10522 8 24
10522 30 20
10522 40 25

17 25

10523 20 15
10523 37 18
10523 41 6

10 2

10524 30 10
10524 43 60
10524 54 15

36 30

10525 40 15

1 8

10526 13 10
10526 56 30

4 50

10527 36 30

11 3

10528 33 8
10528 72 9

55 14

10529 68 20
10529 69 10

17 40

10530 43 25
10530 61 20
10530 76 50

59 2

30 15

10532 66 24

4 50

10533 72 24
10533 73 24

30 10

10534 40 10
10534 54 10

11 50

10535 40 10
10535 57 5
10535 59 15

12 15

10536 31 20
10536 33 30
10536 60 35

31 30

10537 51 6
10537 58 20
10537 72 21
10537 73 9

70 7

10538 72 1

13 8

10539 21 15
10539 33 15
10539 49 6

3 60

10540 26 40
10540 38 30
10540 68 35

24 35

10541 38 4
10541 65 36
10541 71 9

11 15

10542 54 24

12 30

10543 23 70

28 7

10544 67 7

11 10

7 10

10546 35 30
10546 62 40

32 24

10547 36 60

34 10

10548 41 14

31 55

10549 45 100
10549 51 48

17 8

10550 19 10
10550 21 6
10550 61 10

16 40

10551 35 20
10551 44 40

69 18

10552 75 30

11 15

10553 16 14
10553 22 24
10553 31 30
10553 35 6

16 30

10554 23 20
10554 62 20
10554 77 10

14 30

10555 19 35
10555 24 18
10555 51 20
10555 56 40

72 24

64 30

10557 75 20

47 25

10558 51 20
10558 52 30
10558 53 18
10558 73 3

41 12

10559 55 18

30 20

10560 62 15

44 10

10561 51 50

33 20

10562 62 10

36 25

10563 52 70

17 16

10564 31 6
10564 55 25

24 25

10565 64 18

11 35

10566 18 18
10566 76 10

31 60

10567 51 3
10567 59 40

10 5

31 35

10569 76 30

11 15

10570 56 60

14 11

10571 42 28

16 12

10572 32 10
10572 40 50
10572 75 15

17 18

10573 34 40
10573 53 25

33 14

10574 40 2
10574 62 10
10574 64 6

59 12

10575 63 6
10575 72 30
10575 76 10

1 10

10576 31 20
10576 44 21

39 10

10577 75 20
10577 77 18

35 20

10578 57 6

15 10

10579 75 21

14 15

10580 41 9
10580 65 30

75 50

57 4

10582 76 14

29 10

10583 60 24
10583 69 10

31 50

47 15

52 4

26 6

10587 35 20
10587 77 20

18 40

10588 42 100

35 4

1 20

10590 77 60

3 14

10591 7 10
10591 54 50

15 25

10592 26 5

20 21

10593 69 20
10593 76 4

52 24

10594 58 30

35 30

10595 61 120
10595 69 65

56 5

10596 63 24
10596 75 30

24 35

10597 57 20
10597 65 12

27 50

10598 71 9

62 10

54 4

10600 73 30

13 60

10601 59 35

77 5

22 48

10603 49 25

48 6

10604 76 10

16 30

10605 59 20
10605 60 70
10605 71 15

4 20

10606 55 20
10606 62 10

7 45

10607 17 100
10607 33 14
10607 40 42
10607 72 12

56 28

1 3

10609 10 10
10609 21 6

36 21

1 6

10611 2 10
10611 60 15

10 70

10612 36 55
10612 49 18
10612 60 40
10612 76 80

13 8

10613 75 40

11 14

10614 21 8
10614 39 5

55 5

38 15

10616 56 14
10616 70 15
10616 71 15

59 30

6 70

10618 56 20
10618 68 15

21 42

10619 22 40

24 5

10620 52 5

19 5

10621 23 10
10621 70 20
10621 71 15

2 20

10622 68 18

14 21

10623 19 15
10623 21 25
10623 24 3
10623 35 30

28 10

10624 29 6
10624 44 10

14 3

10625 42 5
10625 60 10

53 12

10626 60 20
10626 71 20

62 15

10627 73 35

1 25

29 20

10629 64 9

55 12

10630 76 35

75 8

2 30

10632 33 20

12 36

10633 13 13
10633 26 35
10633 62 80

7 35

10634 18 50
10634 51 15
10634 75 2

4 10

10635 5 15
10635 22 40

4 25

10636 58 6

11 10

10637 50 25
10637 56 60

45 20

10638 65 21
10638 72 60

18 8

69 20

10640 70 15

2 50

10641 40 60

21 30

10642 61 20

28 15

10643 39 21
10643 46 2

18 4

10644 43 20
10644 46 21

18 20

10645 36 15

1 15

10646 10 18
10646 71 30
10646 77 35

19 30

10647 39 20

22 15

10648 24 15

28 20

10649 72 15

30 30

10650 53 25
10650 54 30

19 12

10651 22 20

30 2

10652 42 20

16 30

10653 60 20

4 12

10654 39 20
10654 54 6

41 20

14 3

10656 44 28
10656 47 6

15 50

10657 41 24
10657 46 45
10657 47 10
10657 56 45
10657 60 30

21 60

10658 40 70
10658 60 55
10658 77 70

31 20

10659 40 24
10659 70 40

20 21

39 3

10661 58 49

68 10

40 30

10663 42 30
10663 51 20

10 24

10664 56 12
10664 65 15

51 20

10665 59 1
10665 76 10

29 36

10666 65 10

69 45

10667 71 14

31 8

10668 55 4
10668 64 15

36 30

23 32

10670 46 60
10670 67 25
10670 73 50
10670 75 25

16 10

10671 62 10
10671 65 12

38 15

10672 71 12

16 3

10673 42 6
10673 43 6

23 5

14 30

10675 53 10
10675 58 30

10 2

10676 19 7
10676 44 21

26 30

10677 33 8

12 100

10678 33 30
10678 41 120
10678 54 30

59 12

16 50

10680 31 20
10680 42 40

19 30

10681 21 12
10681 64 28

33 30

10682 66 4
10682 75 30

52 9

40 20

10684 47 40
10684 60 30

10 20

10685 41 4
10685 47 15

17 30

10686 26 15

9 50

10687 29 10
10687 36 6

10 18

10688 28 60
10688 34 14

1 35

56 20

10690 77 30

1 30

10691 29 40
10691 43 40
10691 44 24
10691 62 48

63 20

9 6

10693 54 60
10693 69 30
10693 73 15

7 90

10694 59 25
10694 70 50

8 10

10695 12 4
10695 24 20

17 20

10696 46 18

19 7

10697 35 9
10697 58 30
10697 70 30

11 15

10698 17 8
10698 29 12
10698 65 65
10698 70 8

47 12

1 5

10700 34 12
10700 68 40
10700 71 60

59 42

10701 71 20
10701 76 35

3 6

10702 76 15

2 5

10703 59 35
10703 73 35

4 6

10704 24 35
10704 48 24

31 20

10705 32 4

16 20

10706 43 24
10706 59 8

55 21

10707 57 40
10707 70 28

5 4

10708 36 5

8 40

10709 51 28
10709 60 10

19 5

10710 47 5

19 12

10711 41 42
10711 53 120

53 3

10712 56 30

10 18

10713 26 30
10713 45 110
10713 46 24

2 30

10714 17 27
10714 47 50
10714 56 18
10714 58 12

10 21

10715 71 30

21 5

10716 51 7
10716 61 10

21 32

10717 54 15
10717 69 25

12 36

10718 16 20
10718 36 40
10718 62 20

18 12

10719 30 3
10719 54 40

35 21

10720 71 8

44 50

2 3

10722 31 50
10722 68 45
10722 75 42

26 15

10 16

10724 61 5

41 12

10725 52 4
10725 55 6

4 25

10726 11 5

17 20

10727 56 10
10727 59 10

30 15

10728 40 6
10728 55 12
10728 60 15

1 50

10729 21 30
10729 50 40

16 15

10730 31 3
10730 65 10

21 40

10731 51 30

76 20

14 16

10733 28 20
10733 52 25

6 30

10734 30 15
10734 76 20

61 20

10735 77 2

65 40

10736 75 20

13 4

10737 41 12

16 3

36 6

10739 52 18

28 5

10740 35 35
10740 45 40
10740 56 14

2 15

3 20

10742 60 50
10742 72 35

46 28

40 50

18 24

10745 44 16
10745 59 45
10745 72 7

13 6

10746 42 28
10746 62 9
10746 69 40

31 8

10747 41 35
10747 63 9
10747 69 30

23 44

10748 40 40
10748 56 28

56 15

10749 59 6
10749 76 10

14 5

10750 45 40
10750 59 25

26 12

10751 30 30
10751 50 20
10751 73 15

1 8

10752 69 3

45 4

10753 74 5

40 3

47 30

10755 56 30
10755 57 14
10755 69 25

18 21

10756 36 20
10756 68 6
10756 69 20

34 30

10757 59 7
10757 62 30
10757 64 24

26 20

10758 52 60
10758 70 40

32 10

25 12

10760 27 40
10760 43 30

25 35

10761 75 18

39 16

10762 47 30
10762 51 28
10762 56 60

21 40

10763 22 6
10763 24 20

3 20

10764 39 130

65 80

2 40

10766 7 35
10766 68 40

42 2

22 4

10768 31 50
10768 60 15
10768 71 12

41 30

10769 52 15
10769 61 20
10769 62 15

11 15

71 16

29 18

10772 59 25

17 33

10773 31 70
10773 75 7

31 2

10774 66 50

10 6

10775 67 3

31 16

10776 42 12
10776 45 27
10776 51 120

42 20

41 10

16 20

10779 62 20

70 35

10780 77 15

54 3

10781 56 20
10781 74 35

31 1

31 10

10783 38 5

36 30

10784 39 2
10784 72 30

10 10

10785 75 10

8 30

10786 30 15
10786 75 42

2 15

10787 29 20

19 50

10788 75 40

18 30

10789 35 15
10789 63 30
10789 68 18

7 3

10790 56 20

29 14

10791 41 20

2 10

10792 54 3
10792 68 15

41 14

10793 52 8

14 15

10794 54 6

16 65

10795 17 35

26 21

10796 44 10
10796 64 35
10796 69 24

11 20

62 2

10798 72 10

13 20

10799 24 20
10799 59 25

11 50

10800 51 10
10800 54 7

17 40

10801 29 20

30 25

10802 51 30
10802 55 60
10802 62 5

19 24

10803 25 15
10803 59 15

10 36

10804 28 24
10804 49 4

34 10

10805 38 10

2 20

10806 65 2
10806 74 15

40 1

56 20

10808 76 50

52 20

13 7

10810 25 5
10810 70 5

19 15

10811 23 18
10811 40 30

31 16

10812 72 40
10812 77 20

2 12

10813 46 35

41 20

10814 43 20
10814 48 8
10814 61 30

33 16

38 30

10816 62 20

26 40

10817 38 30
10817 40 60
10817 62 25

32 20

10818 41 20

43 7

10819 75 20

56 30

35 20

10821 51 6

62 3

10822 70 6

11 20

10823 57 15
10823 59 40
10823 77 15

41 12

10824 70 9

26 12

10825 53 20

31 35

10826 57 15

10 15

10827 39 21

20 5

10828 38 2

2 10

10829 8 20
10829 13 10
10829 60 21

6 6

10830 39 28
10830 60 30
10830 68 24

19 2

10831 35 8
10831 38 8
10831 43 9

13 3

10832 25 10
10832 44 16
10832 64 3

7 20

10833 31 9
10833 53 9

29 8

10834 30 20

59 15

10835 77 2

22 52

10836 35 6
10836 57 24
10836 60 60
10836 64 30

13 6

10837 40 25
10837 47 40
10837 76 21

1 4

10838 18 25
10838 36 50

58 30

10839 72 15

25 6

10840 39 10

10 16

10841 56 30
10841 59 50
10841 77 15

11 15

10842 43 5
10842 68 20
10842 70 12

51 4

22 35

23 70

10845 35 25
10845 42 42
10845 58 60
10845 64 48

4 21

10846 70 30
10846 74 20

1 80

10847 19 12
10847 37 60
10847 45 36
10847 60 45
10847 71 55

5 30

10848 9 3

3 49

10849 26 18

25 20

10850 33 4
10850 70 30

2 5

10851 25 10
10851 57 10
10851 59 42

2 15

10852 17 6
10852 62 50

18 10

10 100

10854 13 65

16 50

10855 31 14
10855 56 24
10855 65 15

2 20

10856 42 20

3 30

10857 26 35
10857 29 10

7 5

10858 27 10
10858 70 4

24 40

10859 54 35
10859 64 30

51 3

10860 76 20

17 42

10861 18 20
10861 21 40
10861 33 35
10861 62 3

11 25

10862 52 8

1 20

10863 58 12

35 4

10864 67 15

38 60

10865 39 80

2 21

10866 24 6
10866 30 40

53 3

26 20

10868 35 30
10868 49 42

1 40

10869 11 10
10869 23 50
10869 68 20

35 3

10870 51 2

6 50

10871 16 12
10871 17 16

55 10

10872 62 20
10872 64 15
10872 65 21

21 20

10873 28 3

10 10

19 25

10875 47 21
10875 49 15

46 21

10876 64 20

16 30

10877 18 25

20 20

40 12

10879 65 10
10879 76 10

23 30

10880 61 30
10880 70 50

73 10

42 25

10882 49 20
10882 54 32

24 8

21 40

10884 56 21
10884 65 12

2 20

10885 24 12
10885 70 30
10885 77 25

10 70

10886 31 35
10886 77 40

25 5

2 20

10888 68 18

11 40

10889 38 40

17 15

10890 34 10
10890 41 14

30 15

59 40

8 30

10893 24 10
10893 29 24
10893 30 35
10893 36 20

13 28

10894 69 50
10894 75 120

24 110

10895 39 45
10895 40 91
10895 60 100

45 15

10896 56 16

29 80

10897 30 36

13 5

39 8

70 3

41 30

10901 71 30

55 30

10902 62 6

13 40

10903 65 21
10903 68 20

58 15

10904 62 35

1 20

61 15

75 14

7 20

10908 52 14

7 12

10909 16 15
10909 41 5

19 12

10910 49 10
10910 61 5

1 10

10911 17 12
10911 67 15

11 40

10912 29 60

4 30

10913 33 40
10913 58 15

71 25

17 10

10915 33 30
10915 54 10

16 6

10916 32 6
10916 57 20

30 1

10917 60 10

1 60

10918 60 25

16 24

10919 25 24
10919 40 20

50 24

35 10

10921 63 40

17 15

10922 24 35

42 10

10923 43 10
10923 67 24

10 20

10924 28 30
10924 75 6

36 25

10925 52 12

11 2

10926 13 10
10926 19 7
10926 72 10

20 5

10927 52 5
10927 76 20

47 5

10928 76 5

21 60

10929 75 49
10929 77 15

21 36

10930 27 25
10930 55 25
10930 58 30

13 42

10931 57 30

16 30

10932 62 14
10932 72 16
10932 75 20

53 2

10933 61 30

6 20

1 21

10935 18 4
10935 23 8

36 30

28 8

10937 34 20

13 20

10938 43 24
10938 60 49
10938 71 35

2 10

10939 67 40

7 8

10940 13 20

31 44

10941 62 30
10941 68 80
10941 72 50

49 28

13 15

10943 22 21
10943 46 15

11 5

10944 44 18
10944 56 18

13 20

10945 31 10

10 25

10946 24 25
10946 77 40

59 4

50 9

10948 51 40
10948 55 4

6 12

10949 10 30
10949 17 6
10949 62 60

4 5

33 15

10951 41 6
10951 75 50

6 16

10952 28 2

20 50

10953 31 50

16 28

10954 31 25
10954 45 30
10954 60 24

75 12

21 12

10956 47 14
10956 51 8

30 30

10957 35 40
10957 64 8

5 20

10958 7 6
10958 72 5

75 20

24 10

10960 41 24

52 6

10961 76 60

7 45

10962 13 77
10962 53 20
10962 69 9
10962 76 44

60 2

18 6

10964 38 5
10964 69 10

51 16

37 8

10966 56 12
10966 62 12

19 12

10967 49 40

12 30

10968 24 30
10968 64 4

46 9

52 40

29 14

17 6

10972 33 7

26 5

10973 41 6
10973 75 10

63 10

8 16

10975 75 10

28 20

39 30

10977 47 30
10977 51 10
10977 63 20

8 20

10978 21 40
10978 40 10
10978 44 6

7 18

10979 12 20
10979 24 80
10979 27 30
10979 31 24
10979 63 35

75 40

38 60

7 20

10982 43 9

13 84

10983 57 15

16 55

10984 24 20
10984 36 40

16 36

10985 18 8
10985 32 35

11 30

10986 20 15
10986 76 10
10986 77 15

7 60

10987 43 6
10987 72 20

7 60

10988 62 40

6 40

10989 11 15
10989 41 4

21 65

10990 34 60
10990 55 65
10990 61 66

2 50

10991 70 20
10991 76 90

72 2

29 50

10993 41 35

59 18

51 20

10995 60 4

42 40

32 50

10997 46 20
10997 52 20

24 12

10998 61 7
10998 74 20
10998 75 30

41 20

10999 51 15
10999 77 21

4 25

11000 24 30
11000 77 30

7 60

11001 22 25
11001 46 25
11001 55 6

13 56

11002 35 15
11002 42 24
11002 55 40

1 4

11003 40 10
11003 52 10

26 6

11004 76 6

1 2

11005 59 10

1 8

11006 29 2

8 30

11007 29 10
11007 42 14

28 70

11008 34 90
11008 71 21

24 12

11009 36 18
11009 60 9

7 20

11010 24 10

58 40

11011 71 20

19 50

11012 60 36
11012 71 60

23 10

11013 42 4
11013 45 20
11013 68 2

41 28

30 15

11015 77 18

31 15

11016 36 16

3 25

11017 59 110
11017 70 30

12 20

11018 18 10
11018 56 5

46 3

11019 49 2

10 24

2 11

11021 20 15
11021 26 63
11021 51 44
11021 72 35

19 35

11022 69 30

7 4

11023 43 30

26 12

11024 33 30
11024 65 21
11024 71 50

1 10

11025 13 20

18 8

11026 51 10

24 30

11027 62 21

55 35

11028 59 24

56 20

11029 63 12

2 100

11030 5 70
11030 29 60
11030 59 100

1 45

11031 13 80
11031 24 21
11031 64 20
11031 71 16

36 35

11032 38 25
11032 59 30

53 70

11033 69 36

21 15

11034 44 12
11034 61 6

1 10

11035 35 60
11035 42 30
11035 54 10

13 7

11036 59 30

70 4

40 5

11038 52 2
11038 71 30

28 20

11039 35 24
11039 49 60
11039 57 28

21 20

2 30

11041 63 30

44 15

11042 61 4

11 10

62 12

33 15

11045 51 24

12 20

11046 32 15
11046 35 18

1 25

11047 5 30

68 42

2 10

11049 12 4

76 50

24 10

43 30

11052 61 10

18 35

11053 32 20
11053 64 25

33 10

11054 67 20

24 15

11055 25 15
11055 51 20
11055 57 20

7 40

11056 55 35
11056 60 50

70 3

21 3

11058 60 21
11058 61 4

13 30

11059 17 12
11059 60 35

60 4

11060 77 10

60 15

53 10

11062 70 12

34 30

11063 40 40
11063 41 30

17 77

11064 41 12
11064 53 25
11064 55 4
11064 68 55

30 4

11065 54 20

16 3

11066 19 42
11066 34 35

41 9

28 8

11068 43 36
11068 77 28

39 20

1 40

11070 2 20
11070 16 30
11070 31 20

7 15

11071 13 10

2 8

11072 41 40
11072 50 22
11072 64 130

11 10

11073 24 20

16 14

2 10

11075 46 30
11075 76 2

6 20

11076 14 20
11076 19 10

2 24

11077 3 4
11077 4 1
11077 6 1
11077 7 1
11077 8 2
11077 10 1
11077 12 2
11077 13 4
11077 14 1
11077 16 2
11077 20 1
11077 23 2
11077 32 1
11077 39 2
11077 41 3
11077 46 3
11077 52 2
11077 55 2
11077 60 2
11077 64 2
11077 66 1
11077 73 2
11077 75 4
11077 77 2
OrderID ProductID Quantity

OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID

10248 WILMK 5


Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10249 TRADH 6


Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10250 HANAR 4


LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10251 VICTE 3 5/1/12 6/13/12



Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10252 SUPRD 4


Bólido Comidas preparadas C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid


10253 HANAR 3

5/25/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10254 CHOPS 5

6/1/12 1

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10255 RICSU 9

5/24/12 3

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10256 WELLI 3


Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10257 HILAA 4


Cactus Comidas para llevar

Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10258 ERNSH 1

6/1/12 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10259 CENTC 4


Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10260 OLDWO 4



Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10261 QUEDE 4 5/12/12 6/24/12


ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10262 RATTC 8

6/3/12 3

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10263 ERNSH 9

6/9/12 2

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10264 FOLKO 6


White Clover Markets

Seattle WA


10265 BLONP 2

6/21/12 2

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10266 WARTH 3 5/19/12

6/9/12 3

France restauration 54, rue Royale Nantes 44000 France

10267 FRANK 4


Bottom-Dollar Markets

Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10268 GROSR 8


Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10269 WHITC 5 5/24/12 6/22/12


Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz


10270 WARTH 1 5/25/12

6/11/12 2

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen


10271 SPLIR 6 5/25/12 7/7/12


Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg


10272 RATTC 6 5/26/12

6/15/12 2

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10273 QUICK 3

6/21/12 1

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla


10274 VINET 6


Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10275 MAGAA 1 5/31/12

6/18/12 1

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10276 TORTU 8 6/1/12 6/30/12 6/23/12 3

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10277 MORGK 2

7/15/12 6/22/12 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10278 BERGS 8

6/25/12 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10279 LEHMS 8

6/25/12 1

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10280 BERGS 2 6/7/12


Chop-suey Chinese

Bern 3012 Switzerland

10281 ROMEY 4 6/7/12

6/30/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10282 ROMEY 4 6/8/12

6/30/12 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10283 LILAS 3 6/9/12 7/22/12 7/2/12 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10284 LEHMS 4

7/6/12 1

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10285 QUICK 1 6/13/12

7/5/12 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10286 QUICK 8 6/14/12

7/9/12 2

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP


10287 RICAR 8 6/15/12

7/7/12 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10288 REGGC 4 6/16/12

7/13/12 2

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10289 BSBEV 7

7/7/12 2

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10290 COMMI 8 6/20/12

7/13/12 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10291 QUEDE 6 6/20/12 8/2/12


Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10292 TRADH 1 6/21/12

7/12/12 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10293 TORTU 1 6/22/12

7/21/12 1

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10294 RATTC 4 6/23/12

7/15/12 3

Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10295 VINET 2

7/20/12 2

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10296 LILAS 6 6/27/12

7/21/12 3

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10297 BLONP 5 6/28/12

7/20/12 2

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10298 HUNGO 6 6/29/12

7/21/12 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10299 RICAR 4 6/30/12


Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10300 MAGAA 2

7/28/12 1

Bólido Comidas preparadas C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid 28023 Spain

10301 WANDK 8 7/3/12 8/15/12 7/27/12 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10302 SUPRD 4 7/4/12


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10303 GODOS 7 7/5/12

7/28/12 2

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10304 TORTU 1 7/6/12 8/18/12 7/27/12 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10305 OLDWO 8 7/7/12

8/18/12 1

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10306 ROMEY 1

8/2/12 2

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

10307 LONEP 2 7/11/12

8/4/12 2

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10308 ANATR 7 7/12/12 8/24/12 8/3/12 1

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10309 HUNGO 3 7/13/12


Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

10310 THEBI 8 7/14/12


Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10311 DUMON 1 7/14/12 8/12/12 8/5/12 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10312 WANDK 2

8/12/12 1

Eastern Connection

London WX3 6FW UK

10313 QUICK 2 7/18/12


Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10314 RATTC 1 7/19/12

8/13/12 2

France restauration 54, rue Royale Nantes 44000 France

10315 ISLAT 4 7/20/12 9/1/12 8/12/12 2

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10316 RATTC 1 7/21/12

8/17/12 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10317 LONEP 6

8/19/12 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10318 ISLAT 8 7/25/12

8/13/12 3

Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland WA 98034 USA

10319 TORTU 7 7/26/12


La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10320 WARTH 5 7/27/12 8/25/12


Alfreds Futterkiste



10321 ISLAT 3 7/27/12

8/20/12 2

Richter Supermarkt



10322 PERIC 7 7/28/12

9/1/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10323 KOENE 4

8/23/12 2

Around the Horn


10324 SAVEA 9 8/1/12

8/19/12 3

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10325 KOENE 1 8/2/12 8/31/12 8/23/12 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10326 BOLID 4 8/3/12

8/23/12 2

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10327 FOLKO 2 8/4/12

8/23/12 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10328 FURIB 4

8/26/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10329 SPLIR 4 8/8/12

9/1/12 1

Alfreds Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10330 LILAS 3 8/9/12

9/6/12 2

Great Lakes Food Market

Eugene OR 97403 USA

10331 BONAP 9 8/9/12

8/30/12 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10332 MEREP 3

8/30/12 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde


10333 WARTH 5 8/11/12


Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10334 VICTE 8

9/6/12 3

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10335 HUNGO 7 8/15/12

9/2/12 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10336 PRINI 7 8/16/12

9/3/12 1

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino


10337 FRANK 4 8/17/12

9/7/12 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10338 OLDWO 4 8/18/12

9/7/12 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10339 MEREP 2

9/13/12 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10340 BONAP 1 8/22/12 10/4/12


Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10341 SIMOB 7 8/22/12 10/4/12


Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå


10342 FRANK 4 8/23/12 9/21/12 9/13/12 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10343 LEHMS 4 8/24/12 10/6/12 9/15/12 2

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10344 WHITC 4 8/25/12

9/14/12 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10345 QUICK 2


Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10346 RATTC 3 8/29/12

9/17/12 1

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

10347 FAMIA 4 8/30/12

9/17/12 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10348 WANDK 4 8/31/12


Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10349 SPLIR 7 9/1/12

9/24/12 3

México D.F.


10350 LAMAI 6

10/12/12 1

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10351 ERNSH 1 9/4/12 10/17/12 9/29/12 2

La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10352 FURIB 3 9/5/12 10/4/12 9/27/12 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10353 PICCO 7 9/6/12

10/4/12 2

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10354 PERIC 8 9/7/12

9/29/12 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10355 AROUT 6 9/8/12

9/29/12 1

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10356 WANDK 6

10/6/12 3

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10357 LILAS 1 9/12/12 10/25/12


Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10358 LAMAI 5 9/13/12

10/6/12 1

La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10359 SEVES 5 9/14/12

10/5/12 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10360 BLONP 4 9/15/12

10/11/12 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10361 QUICK 1 9/15/12 10/28/12 10/12/12 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10362 BONAP 3

10/7/12 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg


10363 DRACD 4 9/19/12

10/13/12 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10364 EASTC 1 9/19/12

10/13/12 2 ¤ 3.26 Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10365 ANTON 3 9/20/12

10/11/12 1

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10366 GALED 8 9/21/12


Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10367 VAFFE 7 9/21/12

10/11/12 2

Consolidated Holdings Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery London WX1 6LT UK

10368 ERNSH 2

10/11/12 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille


10369 SPLIR 8

1 ¤ 1.36 Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10370 CHOPS 6 9/26/12 11/8/12


Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

10371 LAMAI 1 9/26/12 11/8/12 11/2/12 3

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10372 QUEEN 5 9/27/12

10/18/12 3

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10373 HUNGO 4 9/28/12

10/20/12 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10374 WOLZA 1 9/28/12 11/10/12 10/18/12 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10375 HUNGC 3 9/29/12

10/18/12 1

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10376 MEREP 1


Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10377 SEVES 1 10/2/12 11/14/12 10/22/12 1

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10378 FOLKO 5 10/3/12 11/15/12 10/28/12 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10379 QUEDE 2 10/4/12

10/22/12 1

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10380 HUNGO 8 10/5/12 11/17/12


Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10381 LILAS 3 10/5/12 11/17/12 10/22/12 1

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10382 ERNSH 4 10/6/12

10/25/12 1

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10383 AROUT 8

10/27/12 3

Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars

Vancouver BC V3F 2K1 Canada

10384 BERGS 3 10/9/12 11/21/12



Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10385 SPLIR 1 10/10/12

11/1/12 3

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10386 FAMIA 9 10/11/12 11/9/12 11/3/12 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10387 SANTG 1 10/11/12

10/29/12 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10388 SEVES 2 10/12/12

10/29/12 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10389 BOTTM 4 10/13/12 11/25/12 11/2/12 2

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim


10390 ERNSH 6

11/4/12 2

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10391 DRACD 3 10/16/12 11/28/12 11/9/12 2

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10392 PICCO 2 10/17/12

11/10/12 3

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10393 SAVEA 1 10/18/12


HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10394 HUNGC 1 10/18/12 11/30/12 11/12/12 3

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10395 HILAA 6 10/19/12

11/12/12 2

Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10396 FRANK 1 10/20/12 11/18/12 11/15/12 3

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10397 PRINI 5 10/20/12

11/11/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10398 SAVEA 2

11/18/12 3

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10399 VAFFE 8 10/24/12 11/22/12 11/17/12 2

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10400 EASTC 1 10/25/12

11/25/12 3

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10401 RATTC 1 10/25/12


Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10402 ERNSH 8 10/26/12

11/19/12 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10403 ERNSH 4 10/27/12

11/18/12 2

Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10404 MAGAA 2 10/27/12

11/17/12 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10405 LINOD 1

12/1/12 3

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10406 QUEEN 7 10/31/12

11/22/12 3 ¤ 1.21 LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10407 OTTIK 2 10/31/12

12/9/12 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10408 FOLIG 8 11/1/12

11/23/12 2

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10409 OCEAN 3 11/2/12

11/23/12 2

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10410 BOTTM 3 11/3/12

11/24/12 1

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10411 BOTTM 9 11/3/12

11/30/12 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10412 WARTH 8

11/24/12 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10413 LAMAI 3 11/7/12

11/25/12 1

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10414 FAMIA 2 11/7/12 12/20/12


Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10415 HUNGC 3 11/8/12


Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10416 WARTH 8 11/9/12


The Cracker Box 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 USA

10417 SIMOB 4 11/9/12 12/22/12 12/7/12 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10418 QUICK 4 11/10/12

12/3/12 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10419 RICSU 4

12/9/12 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10420 WELLI 3 11/14/12 12/27/12 12/6/12 1


HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10421 QUEDE 8 11/14/12

12/6/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10422 FRANS 2 11/15/12


Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10423 GOURL 6 11/16/12


Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10424 MEREP 7 11/16/12

12/6/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10425 LAMAI 6 11/17/12


Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10426 GALED 4

12/16/12 3


Pericles Comidas clásicas

México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10427 PICCO 4 11/20/12 1/2/13 1/10/13 2 ¤ 29.59 Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium
10428 REGGC 7 11/21/12 1/3/13


Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10429 HUNGO 3 11/22/12


Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10430 ERNSH 4 11/23/12 12/22/12


Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10431 BOTTM 4 11/23/12 12/22/12


Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10432 SPLIR 3 11/24/12 12/23/12 12/17/12 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10433 PRINI 3


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10434 FOLKO 3 11/27/12 1/9/13 12/23/12 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10435 CONSH 8 11/28/12

12/17/12 2

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10436 BLONP 3 11/29/12 1/11/13


Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10437 WARTH 8 11/29/12 1/11/13 12/22/12 3

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10438 TOMSP 3 11/30/12


QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10439 MEREP 6 12/1/12

12/20/12 2

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10440 SAVEA 4


Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10441 OLDWO 3 12/4/12


Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10442 ERNSH 3 12/5/12



Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10443 REGGC 8 12/6/12 1/18/13 12/24/12 3

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10444 BERGS 3 12/6/12 1/18/13



Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10445 BERGS 3 12/7/12

12/30/12 3

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10446 TOMSP 6


Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10447 RICAR 4



QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10448 RANCH 4

1/3/13 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10449 BLONP 3 12/12/12 1/24/13


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10450 VICTE 8 12/13/12

1/18/13 2

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10451 QUICK 4 12/13/12 1/11/13 1/19/13 2

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10452 SAVEA 8 12/14/12


White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10453 AROUT 1 12/15/12

1/5/13 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10454 LAMAI 4 12/15/12 1/27/13


México D.F.


10455 WARTH 8

1/10/13 3

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10456 KOENE 8

1/7/13 3

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10457 KOENE 2 12/19/12

1/10/13 2

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10458 SUPRD 7 12/20/12

1/11/13 3

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10459 VICTE 4 12/21/12

1/7/13 3

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10460 FOLKO 8 12/22/12

1/10/13 3

Alfreds Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10461 LILAS 1 12/22/12 2/3/13 1/12/13 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10462 CONSH 2

1/25/13 1

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

10463 SUPRD 5

1/13/13 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10464 FURIB 4 12/26/12 2/7/13 1/21/13 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10465 VAFFE 1 12/27/12

1/21/13 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10466 COMMI 4 12/28/12

1/20/13 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10467 MAGAA 8 12/28/12 2/9/13 1/18/13 1


Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10468 KOENE 3 12/29/12

1/19/13 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10469 WHITC 1

2/13/13 1/21/13 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10470 BONAP 4 1/2/13 2/14/13 1/21/13 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10471 BSBEV 2 1/2/13 2/14/13 1/25/13 2

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10472 SEVES 8 1/3/13

1/26/13 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10473 ISLAT 1 1/4/13 2/2/13


Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10474 PERIC 5 1/4/13

1/28/13 2

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

10475 SUPRD 9 1/5/13


B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10476 HILAA 8

1/31/13 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10477 PRINI 5 1/8/13 2/20/13 2/1/13 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10478 VICTE 2 1/9/13 2/7/13 2/2/13 1

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10479 RATTC 3 1/10/13

1/28/13 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10480 FOLIG 6 1/11/13

1/31/13 1

La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10481 RICAR 8 1/11/13 2/23/13 2/1/13 3

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10482 LAZYK 1 2/8/12

2/18/12 3

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10483 WHITC 7 2/22/12


GROSELLA-Restaurante 5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes Caracas DF 1081 Venezuela

10484 BSBEV 3

2/27/13 2/8/13 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10485 LINOD 4 1/16/13 2/14/13 2/7/13 3

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

10486 HILAA 1 1/17/13

2/9/13 3

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10487 QUEEN 2 1/17/13 3/1/13


Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10488 FRANK 8 1/18/13

2/9/13 2

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10489 PICCO 6 2/7/12

2/17/12 1

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10490 HILAA 7

2/10/13 3

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10491 FURIB 8 2/6/12 3/6/13 2/16/12 3

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10492 BOTTM 3 2/9/12

2/19/12 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10493 LAMAI 4 2/8/12

2/18/12 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10494 COMMI 4 2/7/12 3/8/13 2/17/12 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10495 LAUGB 3 2/9/12

2/19/12 2

The Cracker Box 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 USA

10496 TRADH 7 1/26/13

2/14/13 3

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10497 LEHMS 7 1/26/13 3/10/13 2/14/13 3

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10498 HILAA 8 2/9/12

2/19/12 2

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10499 LILAS 4 2/14/12

2/24/12 1

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico

10500 LAMAI 6 2/15/12

2/25/12 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10501 BLAUS 9 2/14/12 3/15/13 2/24/12 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10502 PERIC 2 2/26/12


QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10503 HUNGO 6 2/13/12

2/23/12 1

Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10504 WHITC 4 2/15/12 3/17/13 2/25/12 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10505 MEREP 3 2/18/12

2/28/12 2

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10506 KOENE 9 2/29/12


Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

10507 ANTON 7 2/19/12 3/21/13 2/29/12 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10508 OTTIK 1


Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10509 BLAUS 4 2/26/12

3/7/12 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10510 SAVEA 6 2/25/12


Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10511 BONAP 4 2/18/12 3/24/13 2/28/12 2


QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10512 FAMIA 7 2/21/12



Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10513 WANDK 7 2/25/12

3/6/12 1

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

10514 ERNSH 3


Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10515 QUICK 2 3/21/12 3/15/13


Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10516 HUNGO 2 2/28/12



Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10517 NORTS 3 2/26/12 3/30/13 3/7/12 2

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10518 TORTU 4 3/3/12 3/17/13


Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10519 CHOPS 6 2/28/12

3/9/12 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10520 SANTG 7 2/28/12

3/9/12 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany


8 2/29/12 4/4/13 3/10/12 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10522 LEHMS 4

3/14/12 2

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10523 SEVES 7


Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10524 BERGS 1



Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10525 BONAP 1 3/21/12

3/31/12 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10526 WARTH 4 3/13/12


Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10527 QUICK 7 3/5/12 4/10/13 3/15/12 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10528 GREAL 6 3/7/12 3/28/13


Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10529 MAISD 5 3/7/12

3/17/12 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10530 PICCO 3 3/10/12


Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10531 OCEAN 7 3/17/12 4/13/13


Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10532 EASTC 7 3/10/12

3/20/12 2

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10533 FOLKO 8 3/20/12


Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10534 LEHMS 8



Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10535 ANTON 4


QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10536 LEHMS 3


Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10537 RICSU 1 3/17/12 4/5/13 3/27/12 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10538 BSBEV 9 3/14/12

3/24/12 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10539 BSBEV 6 3/21/12

3/31/12 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10540 QUICK 3


Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10541 HANAR 2 3/27/12 4/24/13


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10542 KOENE 1 3/24/12


White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10543 LILAS 8 3/21/12

3/31/12 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10544 LONEP 4 3/28/12 4/26/13 4/7/12 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10545 LAZYK 8

5/4/12 3

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10546 VICTE 1

4/4/12 1

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10547 SEVES 3 3/31/12 4/28/13


Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10548 TOMSP 3 3/31/12

4/10/12 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10549 QUICK 5 3/28/12 4/18/13 4/7/12 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10550 GODOS 7 4/4/12

4/14/12 3

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10551 FURIB 4 4/4/12

4/14/12 3

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10552 HILAA 2 4/3/12


Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10553 WARTH 2

4/11/12 2

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10554 OTTIK 4 4/3/12 5/5/13 4/13/12 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10555 SAVEA 6


Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10556 SIMOB 2 4/11/12

4/21/12 1

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10557 LEHMS 9 4/4/12 4/25/13 4/14/12 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10558 AROUT 1


B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10559 BLONP 6 4/11/12

4/21/12 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10560 FRANK 8 4/7/12


Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10561 FOLKO 2 4/7/12 5/12/13 4/17/12 3

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10562 REGGC 1 4/10/12


Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10563 RICAR 2

5/2/12 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10564 RATTC 4 4/14/12

4/24/12 1

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10565 MEREP 8



Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10566 BLONP 9 4/16/12

4/26/12 3

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10567 HUNGO 1



Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10568 GALED 3

5/17/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10569 RATTC 5 5/9/12

5/19/12 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10570 MEREP 3 4/17/12 5/23/13 4/27/12 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10571 ERNSH 8 5/2/12

5/12/12 1

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

10572 BERGS 3

5/3/12 2

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10573 ANTON 7 4/18/12

4/28/12 2

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10574 TRAIH 4 4/28/12 5/25/13 5/8/12 2

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10575 MORGK 5 4/28/12 5/12/13 5/8/12 3

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10576 TORTU 3 4/28/12 5/15/13 5/8/12 1

Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10577 TRAIH 9 4/28/12

5/8/12 3

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10578 BSBEV 4 5/23/12 5/30/13 6/2/12 3


Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10579 LETSS 1 5/2/12

5/12/12 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10580 OTTIK 4

5/9/12 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10581 FAMIA 3

6/1/13 5/10/12 2

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10582 BLAUS 3 5/12/12

5/22/12 3

Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

10583 WARTH 2 5/2/12

5/12/12 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10584 BLONP 4 5/2/12 6/5/13 5/12/12 3

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

10585 WELLI 7 5/8/12 6/6/13 5/18/12 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10586 REGGC 9 5/7/12

5/17/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10587 QUEDE 1 5/7/12 6/7/13 5/17/12 2 ¤ 27.94 Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany
10588 QUICK 2 5/8/12

5/18/12 1

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10589 GREAL 8 5/12/12

5/22/12 2

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10590 MEREP 4 5/12/12 6/12/13 5/22/12 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10591 VAFFE 1

5/24/12 1

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10592 LEHMS 3 5/14/12

5/24/12 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10593 LEHMS 7 6/11/12

6/21/12 3

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10594 OLDWO 3 5/14/12 6/14/13 5/24/12 1

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10595 ERNSH 2 5/12/12

5/22/12 3

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10596 WHITC 8

6/20/12 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10597 PICCO 7 5/16/12 6/16/13 5/26/12 3 ¤ 4.87 B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK
10598 RATTC 1 5/16/12

5/26/12 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10599 BSBEV 6 5/19/12

5/29/12 1

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10600 HUNGC 4 5/19/12

5/29/12 2

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10601 HILAA 7 5/20/12

5/30/12 3

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10602 VAFFE 8 5/20/12

5/30/12 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10603 SAVEA 8 6/6/12

6/16/12 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10604 FURIB 1

6/23/13 6/6/12 3

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10605 MEREP 1 5/27/12

6/6/12 1

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10606 TRADH 4 5/29/12

6/8/12 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10607 SAVEA 5 5/23/12 6/27/13 6/2/12 2 ¤ 36.71 Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany
10608 TOMSP 4 5/30/12

6/9/12 3

Folies gourmandes



10609 DUMON 7

6/7/12 2


Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10610 LAMAI 8

6/14/12 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10611 WOLZA 6 5/30/12 6/30/13 6/9/12 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10612 SAVEA 1 5/30/12

6/9/12 3

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10613 HILAA 4 5/30/12 7/4/13 6/9/12 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10614 BLAUS 8 5/30/12 7/4/13 6/9/12 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10615 WILMK 2 6/4/12 7/5/13 6/14/12 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10616 GREAL 1 6/3/12

6/13/12 3

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10617 GREAL 4 6/2/12 7/6/13 6/12/12 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10618 MEREP 1 6/6/12

6/16/12 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10619 MEREP 3 6/5/12

6/15/12 3

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10620 LAUGB 2 6/12/12

6/22/12 3

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10621 ISLAT 4 6/9/12 7/11/13 6/19/12 3

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10622 RICAR 4 6/9/12

6/19/12 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10623 FRANK 8 6/10/12

6/20/12 2

Consolidated Holdings Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery London WX1 6LT UK

10624 THECR 4 6/17/12 7/13/13 6/27/12 2

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10625 ANATR 3 6/12/12

6/22/12 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10626 BERGS 1 6/18/12

6/28/12 1

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10627 SAVEA 8 6/19/12

6/29/12 1

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10628 BLONP 4 6/18/12

6/28/12 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10629 GODOS 4 6/18/12 7/18/13 6/28/12 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10630 KOENE 1 6/17/12

6/27/12 2

Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10631 LAMAI 8 6/13/12

6/23/12 2


Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10632 WANDK 8 6/17/12 7/20/13 6/27/12 2

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10633 ERNSH 7 6/16/12 7/21/13 6/26/12 3

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10634 FOLIG 4 6/19/12 7/21/13 6/29/12 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10635 MAGAA 8 6/19/12

6/29/12 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10636 WARTH 4 6/24/12

7/4/12 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10637 QUEEN 6 6/24/12 7/25/13 7/4/12 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10638 LINOD 3 6/30/12

7/10/12 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10639 SANTG 7 6/25/12 7/26/13 7/5/12 1

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10640 WANDK 4 6/26/12

7/6/12 2

Lazy K Kountry Store 12 Orchestra Terrace Walla Walla WA


10641 HILAA 4 6/24/12

7/4/12 3

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10642 SIMOB 7 7/4/12 7/28/13 7/14/12 1

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10643 ALFKI 6

7/31/13 7/11/12 2

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10644 WELLI 3 6/30/12 7/31/13 7/10/12 3

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10645 HANAR 4 7/1/12

7/11/12 2

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10646 HUNGO 9 7/2/12

7/12/12 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10647 QUEDE 4 7/2/12 7/19/13 7/12/12 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10648 RICAR 5 7/8/12

7/18/12 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10649 MAISD 5 6/27/12

7/7/12 2 ¤ 6.27 Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10650 FAMIA 5 7/2/12

7/12/12 1

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10651 WANDK 8 7/10/12

7/20/12 1

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10652 GOURL 4 7/7/12 8/7/13 7/17/12 3

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10653 FRANK 1 7/18/12

7/28/12 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10654 BERGS 5 7/10/12 8/8/13 7/20/12 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10655 REGGC 1 7/10/12

7/20/12 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10656 GREAL 6 7/9/12

7/19/12 3

Lazy K Kountry Store 12 Orchestra Terrace Walla Walla WA 99362 USA

10657 SAVEA 2 7/14/12 8/10/13 7/24/12 1 ¤ 4.98 Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy
10658 QUICK 4 7/7/12

7/17/12 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10659 QUEEN 7 7/9/12 8/11/13 7/19/12 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10660 HUNGC 8 8/13/12

8/23/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10661 HUNGO 7 7/14/12

7/24/12 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10662 LONEP 3 7/17/12 8/15/13 7/27/12 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10663 BONAP 2 8/1/12

8/11/12 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10664 FURIB 1 7/18/12 8/16/13 7/28/12 3

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10665 LONEP 1

8/17/13 7/26/12 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10666 RICSU 7 7/21/12

7/31/12 2

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10667 ERNSH 7 7/18/12 8/18/13 7/28/12 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10668 WANDK 1 7/22/12

8/1/12 1

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10669 SIMOB 2 7/21/12 8/21/13 7/31/12 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10670 FRANK 4 7/17/12

7/27/12 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10671 FRANR 1 7/23/12

8/2/12 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10672 BERGS 9 7/25/12 8/9/13 8/4/12 1

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10673 WILMK 2 7/18/12

7/28/12 2

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10674 ISLAT 4 7/29/12 8/24/13 8/8/12 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10675 FRANK 5 7/22/12

8/1/12 1

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10676 TORTU 2 7/28/12

8/7/12 3

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10677 ANTON 1 7/25/12 8/28/13 8/4/12 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10678 SAVEA 7 8/14/12

8/24/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10679 BLONP 8 7/29/12 8/29/13 8/8/12 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10680 OLDWO 1 7/25/12

8/4/12 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10681 GREAL 3 7/29/12

8/8/12 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10682 ANTON 3

8/31/13 8/9/12 2

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10683 DUMON 2 7/30/12

8/9/12 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10684 OTTIK 3 7/29/12 9/1/13 8/8/12 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10685 GOURL 4 8/1/12 8/21/13 8/11/12 3

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10686 PICCO 2 8/6/12

8/16/12 3

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10687 HUNGO 9 8/28/12 9/5/13 9/7/12 3

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10688 VAFFE 4 8/5/12 8/23/13 8/15/12 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10689 BERGS 1 8/5/12

8/15/12 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10690 HANAR 1 8/1/12

8/11/12 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10691 QUICK 2 8/20/12

8/30/12 3

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10692 ALFKI 4 8/11/12

8/21/12 1

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10693 WHITC 3 8/8/12 8/28/13 8/18/12 1

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10694 QUICK 8 8/7/12

8/17/12 3

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

10695 WILMK 7 8/12/12

8/22/12 1

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10696 WHITC 8 8/12/12

8/22/12 2 ¤ 4.93 Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10697 LINOD 3 8/12/12

8/22/12 2

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10698 ERNSH 4 8/15/12

8/25/12 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10699 MORGK 3 8/11/12 9/14/13 8/21/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10700 SAVEA 3 8/14/12

8/24/12 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10701 HUNGO 6 8/13/12

8/23/12 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10702 ALFKI 4 8/19/12

8/29/12 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10703 FOLKO 6 8/18/12

8/28/12 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10704 QUEEN 6 9/5/12 9/19/13 9/15/12 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10705 HILAA 9 9/16/12

9/26/12 2

Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10706 OLDWO 8 8/19/12

8/29/12 2

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10707 AROUT 4 8/21/12 9/7/13 8/31/12 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10708 THEBI 6 9/3/12

9/13/12 1

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10709 GOURL 1 9/18/12 9/22/13 9/28/12 1

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10710 FRANS 1 8/21/12

8/31/12 1

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10711 SAVEA 5 8/27/12

9/6/12 1

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10712 HUNGO 3 8/29/12 9/26/13 9/8/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10713 SAVEA 1 8/22/12 9/27/13 9/1/12 3

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10714 SAVEA 5 8/25/12 9/27/13 9/4/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10715 BONAP 3 8/27/12 9/14/13 9/6/12 1

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10716 RANCH 4 8/25/12

9/4/12 2


Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10717 FRANK 1 8/27/12 9/29/13 9/6/12 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10718 KOENE 1 8/27/12 10/2/13 9/6/12 1

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10719 LETSS 8 9/3/12 10/2/13 9/13/12 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10720 QUEDE 8 9/3/12 9/19/13 9/13/12 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10721 QUICK 5 8/29/12

9/8/12 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10722 SAVEA 8 9/2/12

9/12/12 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10723 WHITC 3 9/23/12

10/3/12 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10724 MEREP 8 9/3/12

9/13/12 2

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

10725 FAMIA 4 9/3/12 10/6/13 9/13/12 3

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10726 EASTC 4 10/3/12 9/25/13 10/13/12 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10727 REGGC 2 10/3/12

10/13/12 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10728 QUEEN 4 9/9/12 10/10/13 9/19/12 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10729 LINOD 8 9/12/12

9/22/12 2

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10730 BONAP 5 9/12/12

9/22/12 3

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10731 CHOPS 7 9/12/12

9/22/12 2

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10732 BONAP 3 9/5/12 10/12/13 9/15/12 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10733 BERGS 1 9/8/12

9/18/12 2

Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10734 GOURL 2

10/13/13 9/20/12 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10735 LETSS 6 9/19/12

9/29/12 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10736 HUNGO 9 9/19/12

9/29/12 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10737 VINET 2 9/16/12 10/17/13 9/26/12 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10738 SPECD 2 9/16/12 10/18/13 9/26/12 3

Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars 2319 Elm St. Vancouver BC V3F 2K1 Canada

10739 VINET 3 9/15/12 10/18/13 9/25/12 1

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10740 WHITC 4 9/23/12 10/19/13 10/3/12 2

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10741 AROUT 4 9/16/12 10/6/13 9/26/12 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10742 BOTTM 3 9/16/12

9/26/12 1

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10743 AROUT 1 9/19/12

9/29/12 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10744 VAFFE 6 9/22/12 10/23/13 10/2/12 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10745 QUICK 9 9/25/12 10/24/13 10/5/12 1

Alfreds Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10746 CHOPS 1 9/19/12

9/29/12 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10747 PICCO 6 9/24/12 10/25/13 10/4/12 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10748 SAVEA 3 9/26/12

10/6/12 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10749 ISLAT 4 10/16/12 10/26/13 10/26/12 1

The Cracker Box 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 USA

10750 WARTH 9 9/22/12

10/2/12 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10751 RICSU 3

10/11/12 2

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10752 NORTS 2 9/26/12 10/30/13 10/6/12 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10753 FRANS 3 9/25/12

10/5/12 2

Bólido Comidas preparadas C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid 28023 Spain

10754 MAGAA 6 9/25/12 10/31/13 10/5/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10755 BONAP 4 9/26/12

10/6/12 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10756 SPLIR 8 9/30/12

10/10/12 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10757 SAVEA 6 10/13/12 11/2/13 10/23/12 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10758 RICSU 3 10/2/12

10/12/12 2

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10759 ANATR 3 10/10/12 11/3/13 10/20/12 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10760 MAISD 4

10/18/12 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10761 RATTC 5 10/6/12

10/16/12 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10762 FOLKO 3 10/7/12 11/7/13 10/17/12 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10763 FOLIG 3 10/6/12

10/16/12 2

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10764 ERNSH 6 10/6/12 11/8/13 10/16/12 2

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10765 QUICK 3 10/7/12

10/17/12 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10766 OTTIK 4 10/7/12

10/17/12 2

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10767 SUPRD 4 10/13/12 11/10/13 10/23/12 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10768 AROUT 3 10/13/12

10/23/12 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10769 VAFFE 3 10/10/12 11/13/13 10/20/12 1

Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10770 HANAR 8 10/14/12

10/24/12 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10771 ERNSH 9 10/31/12

11/10/12 3

Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10772 LEHMS 3 10/16/12 11/15/13 10/26/12 1

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10773 ERNSH 1 10/14/12

10/24/12 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10774 FOLKO 4 10/10/12 11/2/13 10/20/12 3

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

10775 THECR 7 10/24/12

11/3/12 3

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10776 ERNSH 1

10/25/12 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10777 GOURL 7 11/19/12 11/6/13 11/29/12 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10778 BERGS 3 10/22/12

11/1/12 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10779 MORGK 3 11/12/12 11/21/13 11/22/12 2

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10780 LILAS 2 10/23/12 11/7/13 11/2/12 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10781 WARTH 2 10/16/12

10/26/12 2 ¤ 0.56 Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10782 CACTU 9 10/19/12 11/22/13 10/29/12 1

Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10783 HANAR 4 10/16/12

10/26/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10784 MAGAA 4 10/20/12 11/23/13 10/30/12 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10785 GROSR 1 10/22/12 11/23/13 11/1/12 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10786 QUEEN 8 10/21/12

10/31/12 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10787 LAMAI 2 10/23/12 11/10/13 11/2/12 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10788 QUICK 1 11/17/12

11/27/12 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10789 FOLIG 1 10/28/12 11/27/13 11/7/12 3

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10790 GOURL 6 10/23/12 11/27/13 11/2/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10791 FRANK 6 10/30/12

11/9/12 2

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10792 WOLZA 1 10/28/12 11/28/13 11/7/12 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10793 AROUT 3 11/6/12

11/16/12 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10794 QUEDE 6 10/31/12 11/29/13 11/10/12 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10795 ERNSH 8 11/18/12 11/29/13 11/28/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10796 HILAA 3 11/12/12

11/22/12 3

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10797 DRACD 7 11/3/12 11/30/13 11/13/12 1

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10798 ISLAT 2 11/3/12

11/13/12 2


QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10799 KOENE 9 11/3/12

11/13/12 2


Alfreds Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10800 SEVES 1 11/3/12 12/1/13 11/13/12 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10801 BOLID 4 10/28/12

11/7/12 3

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico

10802 SIMOB 4 10/31/12 12/4/13 11/10/12 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10803 WELLI 4 11/4/12

11/14/12 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10804 SEVES 6 11/5/12 12/5/13 11/15/12 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10805 THEBI 2 11/7/12 12/5/13 11/17/12 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10806 VICTE 3 11/3/12

11/13/12 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10807 FRANS 4 11/28/12 12/6/13 12/8/12 2

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10808 PRINI 2 11/7/12

11/17/12 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10809 WELLI 7 11/5/12 12/7/13 11/15/12 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10810 LAUGB 2 11/5/12 12/7/13 11/15/12 3

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10811 LINOD 8 11/6/12

11/16/12 1

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10812 REGGC 5 11/10/12 12/8/13 11/20/12 1

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10813 RICAR 1 11/7/12

11/17/12 2

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10814 VICTE 3 11/12/12 12/11/13 11/22/12 3

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10815 SAVEA 2 11/12/12 12/11/13 11/22/12 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10816 GREAL 4 12/3/12

12/13/12 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10817 KOENE 3 11/11/12 11/28/13 11/21/12 1

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10818 MAGAA 7 11/10/12

11/20/12 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10819 CACTU 2 11/14/12 12/13/13 11/24/12 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10820 RATTC 3 11/11/12 12/13/13 11/21/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10821 SPLIR 1 11/13/12

11/23/12 3

Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10822 TRAIH 6 11/14/12 12/14/13 11/24/12 2

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10823 LILAS 5 11/11/12 12/15/13 11/21/12 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10824 FOLKO 8 11/28/12 12/15/13 12/8/12 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10825 DRACD 1 11/12/12 12/15/13 11/22/12 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10826 BLONP 6 12/5/12

12/15/12 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10827 BONAP 1 12/5/12 12/4/13 12/15/12 1


Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10828 RANCH 9 12/3/12 12/5/13 12/13/12 3

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10829 ISLAT 9 11/21/12

12/1/12 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10830 TRADH 4 11/19/12

11/29/12 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10831 SANTG 3 11/21/12

12/1/12 2

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10832 LAMAI 2 11/17/12 12/20/13 11/27/12 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10833 OTTIK 6 11/21/12

12/1/12 2

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10834 TRADH 1 11/17/12 12/21/13 11/27/12 1

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10835 ALFKI 1 11/19/12 12/21/13 11/29/12 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10836 ERNSH 7 11/19/12

11/29/12 2 ¤ 8.12 Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10837 BERGS 9 11/21/12 12/22/13 12/1/12 1

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10838 LINOD 3 11/21/12

12/1/12 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10839 TRADH 3 11/20/12 12/25/13 11/30/12 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10840 LINOD 4 12/15/12


Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10841 SUPRD 5 11/27/12

12/7/12 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10842 TORTU 1 11/27/12 12/26/13 12/7/12 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10843 VICTE 4 11/24/12

12/4/12 1

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10844 PICCO 8 11/24/12 12/27/13 12/4/12 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10845 QUICK 8 11/28/12 12/13/13 12/8/12 2 ¤ 4.41 Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy
10846 SUPRD 2 11/21/12

12/1/12 1

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10847 SAVEA 4 12/9/12 12/14/13 12/19/12 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10848 CONSH 7 11/27/12

12/7/12 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10849 KOENE 9 11/28/12 12/29/13 12/8/12 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10850 VICTE 1 11/28/12

12/8/12 3


Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10851 RICAR 5 12/1/12

12/11/12 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10852 RATTC 8 11/28/12 12/18/13 12/8/12 3

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10853 BLAUS 9 12/2/12 1/2/14 12/12/12 3

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10854 ERNSH 3 12/4/12 1/2/14 12/14/12 1

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10855 OLDWO 3 12/3/12 1/2/14 12/13/12 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10856 ANTON 3 12/9/12

12/19/12 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10857 BERGS 8 12/5/12 1/3/14 12/15/12 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10858 LACOR 2 12/2/12

12/12/12 2


Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10859 FRANK 1 12/1/12 1/4/14 12/11/12 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10860 FRANR 3 12/3/12 1/4/14 12/13/12 2 ¤ 21.19 Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany
10861 WHITC 4 12/16/12

12/26/12 2 ¤ 23.72 Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10862 LEHMS 8 12/1/12

12/11/12 2

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10863 HILAA 4 12/16/12 1/8/14 12/26/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10864 AROUT 4 12/8/12 1/8/14


Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland WA 98034 USA

10865 QUICK 2 12/11/12 12/25/13 12/21/12 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10866 BERGS 5 12/11/12

12/21/12 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10867 LONEP 6 12/10/12

12/20/12 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10868 QUEEN 7 12/22/12

1/1/13 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10869 SEVES 5 12/8/12 1/10/14 12/18/12 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10870 WOLZA 5 12/12/12 1/10/14 12/22/12 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10871 BONAP 9 12/9/12 1/11/14 12/19/12 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10872 GODOS 5 12/8/12 1/11/14 12/18/12 2

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10873 WILMK 4 12/8/12 1/12/14 12/18/12 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10874 GODOS 5 12/10/12 1/12/14 12/20/12 1

Consolidated Holdings Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery London WX1 6LT UK

10875 BERGS 4 12/30/12 1/12/14 1/9/13 3

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10876 BONAP 7 12/11/12

12/21/12 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10877 RICAR 1 12/18/12 1/15/14 12/28/12 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10878 QUICK 4 12/11/12

12/21/12 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10879 WILMK 3 12/11/12 1/16/14 12/21/12 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10880 FOLKO 7 12/17/12

12/27/12 3 ¤ 1.93 Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10881 CACTU 4 12/17/12

12/27/12 1

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10882 SAVEA 4 12/19/12 1/17/14 12/29/12 1

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10883 LONEP 8 12/19/12

12/29/12 3 ¤ 0.75 Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10884 LETSS 4 12/12/12 1/18/14 12/22/12 2

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10885 SUPRD 6 12/17/12 1/18/14 12/27/12 1

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10886 HANAR 1 12/29/12 1/19/14 1/8/13 3

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10887 GALED 8 12/15/12 1/19/14 12/25/12 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10888 GODOS 1 12/22/12

1/1/13 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10889 RATTC 9 12/22/12 1/22/14 1/1/13 2

Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland WA 98034 USA

10890 DUMON 7 12/17/12 1/22/14 12/27/12 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10891 LEHMS 7 12/18/12 1/23/14 12/28/12 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10892 MAISD 4 12/18/12 1/23/14 12/28/12 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10893 KOENE 9 12/19/12

12/29/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10894 SAVEA 1 12/19/12 1/24/14 12/29/12 2

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10895 ERNSH 3 12/22/12 1/24/14 1/1/13 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10896 MAISD 7 12/26/12

1/5/13 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10897 HUNGO 3 12/24/12 1/25/14 1/3/13 2 ¤ 4.99 Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany
10898 OCEAN 4 1/2/13

1/12/13 3

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10899 LILAS 5 12/25/12 1/26/14 1/4/13 1

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10900 WELLI 1 12/31/12 1/26/14 1/10/13 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10901 HILAA 4 12/25/12

1/4/13 3

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10902 FOLKO 1 12/30/12 1/29/14 1/9/13 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10903 HANAR 3 12/31/12 1/30/14 1/10/13 1

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10904 WHITC 3 12/26/12 1/30/14 1/5/13 2 ¤ 20.12 Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA
10905 WELLI 9 1/2/13 1/30/14 1/12/13 3

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10906 WOLZA 4 12/30/12 1/17/14 1/9/13 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10907 SPECD 6 12/26/12

1/5/13 3

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10908 REGGC 4 1/2/13

1/12/13 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10909 SANTG 1 1/6/13 2/1/14 1/16/13 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10910 WILMK 1 12/31/12 2/1/14 1/10/13 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10911 GODOS 3 1/1/13 2/1/14 1/11/13 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10912 HUNGO 2 1/14/13 2/1/14 1/24/13 3

North/South South House
300 Queensbridge London SW7 1RZ UK

10913 QUEEN 4 12/31/12 2/1/14 1/10/13 2

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10914 QUEEN 6 12/29/12

1/8/13 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10915 TORTU 2 12/29/12 2/2/14 1/8/13 3

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10916 RANCH 1 1/5/13 2/2/14 1/15/13 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10917 ROMEY 4 1/7/13

1/17/13 3 ¤ 17.55 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10918 BOTTM 3 1/7/13 2/5/14 1/17/13 2

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10919 LINOD 2 12/31/12 2/5/14 1/10/13 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10920 AROUT 4 1/5/13

1/15/13 1

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10921 VAFFE 1 1/5/13

1/15/13 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10922 HANAR 5 1/1/13 2/6/14 1/11/13 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10923 LAMAI 7 1/9/13 2/20/14 1/19/13 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10924 BERGS 3 2/4/13

2/14/13 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10925 HANAR 3 1/9/13 2/7/14 1/19/13 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10926 ANATR 4 1/7/13 2/7/14 1/17/13 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10927 LACOR 4 2/4/13

2/14/13 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10928 GALED 1 1/14/13 2/8/14 1/24/13 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10929 FRANK 6 1/8/13 2/8/14 1/18/13 3

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10930 SUPRD 4 1/14/13

1/24/13 1

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10931 RICSU 4 1/15/13 1/26/14 1/25/13 3

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10932 BONAP 8 1/20/13

1/30/13 1

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10933 ISLAT 6 1/12/13 2/9/14 1/22/13 1

Alfreds Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10934 LEHMS 3 1/8/13

1/18/13 3

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10935 WELLI 4 1/14/13 2/12/14 1/24/13 3 ¤ 1.27 Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal
10936 GREAL 3 1/14/13 2/12/14 1/24/13 2

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10937 CACTU 7 1/9/13 1/30/14 1/19/13 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10938 QUICK 3 1/12/13

1/22/13 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10939 MAGAA 2 1/9/13 2/13/14 1/19/13 3


Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10940 BONAP 8 1/19/13

1/29/13 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10941 SAVEA 7 1/16/13 2/14/14 1/26/13 2

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10942 REGGC 9 1/14/13 2/14/14 1/24/13 1 ¤ 3.01 Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil
10943 BSBEV 4 1/15/13 2/14/14 1/25/13 3

Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars 2319 Elm St. Vancouver BC V3F 2K1 Canada

10944 BOTTM 6 1/9/13 2/1/14 1/19/13 3

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10945 MORGK 4 1/14/13

1/24/13 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10946 VAFFE 1 1/15/13 2/15/14 1/25/13 2

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10947 BSBEV 3 1/12/13

1/22/13 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10948 GODOS 3 1/15/13 2/16/14 1/25/13 3

North/South South House
300 Queensbridge London SW7 1RZ UK

10949 BOTTM 2 1/13/13 2/16/14 1/23/13 1 ¤ 44.12 Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil
10950 MAGAA 1 1/19/13

1/29/13 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10951 RICSU 9 2/3/13

2/13/13 3

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico

10952 ALFKI 1 1/20/13 3/5/14 1/30/13 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10953 AROUT 9 1/21/13 2/5/14 1/31/13 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10954 LINOD 5 1/16/13

1/26/13 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10955 FOLKO 8 1/16/13 2/20/14 1/26/13 3

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10956 BLAUS 6 1/16/13 3/6/14 1/26/13 3

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10957 HILAA 8 1/23/13

2/2/13 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10958 OCEAN 7 1/23/13 2/21/14 2/2/13 1

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10959 GOURL 6 1/19/13

1/29/13 2

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10960 HILAA 3 2/4/13 2/8/14 2/14/13 1

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

10961 QUEEN 8 1/26/13

2/5/13 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10962 QUICK 8 1/19/13 2/22/14 1/29/13 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10963 FURIB 9 1/22/13 2/22/14 2/1/13 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10964 SPECD 3 1/20/13 2/23/14 1/30/13 1

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

10965 OLDWO 6 1/26/13 2/23/14 2/5/13 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10966 CHOPS 4 2/4/13 2/23/14 2/14/13 1

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10967 TOMSP 2 1/29/13

2/8/13 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10968 ERNSH 1 1/28/13 2/26/14 2/7/13 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10969 COMMI 1 1/26/13 2/26/14 2/5/13 1

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10970 BOLID 9 2/20/12 2/13/14


Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10971 FRANR 2 1/29/13

2/8/13 1 ¤ 30.34 France restauration 54, rue Royale Nantes 44000 France

10972 LACOR 4 1/22/13 2/27/14 2/1/13 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10973 LACOR 6 1/23/13 2/27/14 2/2/13 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10974 SPLIR 3 1/30/13 2/14/14 2/9/13 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10975 BOTTM 1 1/23/13

2/2/13 3 ¤ 26.78 Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10976 HILAA 1 1/30/13

2/9/13 1

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10977 FOLKO 8 2/7/12

2/17/12 2 ¤ 1.35 Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10978 MAISD 9 2/19/12 3/1/14 2/29/12 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10979 ERNSH 8 1/27/13 3/1/14 2/6/13 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10980 FOLKO 4 2/14/12

2/24/12 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10981 HANAR 1 1/29/13

2/8/13 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10982 BOTTM 2 2/4/13 3/2/14 2/14/13 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10983 SAVEA 2 2/2/13 3/2/14 2/12/13 2 ¤ 3.52 HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela
10984 SAVEA 1 1/30/13 3/5/14 2/9/13 3

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10985 HUNGO 2 1/29/13 3/5/14 2/8/13 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10986 OCEAN 8 2/18/12 3/5/14 2/28/12 2 ¤ 1.15 Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France
10987 EASTC 8 2/2/13 3/6/14 2/12/13 3

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10988 RATTC 3 2/7/12 3/6/14 2/17/12 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10989 QUEDE 2 1/29/13 3/6/14 2/8/13 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10990 ERNSH 2 2/3/13

2/13/13 1

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10991 QUICK 1 2/3/13 3/7/14 2/13/13 2

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10992 THEBI 1 1/30/13 3/7/14 2/9/13 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10993 FOLKO 7 2/7/12 3/7/14 2/17/12 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10994 VAFFE 2 2/6/12 2/22/14 2/16/12 1

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10995 PERIC 1 2/2/13

2/12/13 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10996 QUICK 4 2/7/12 3/8/14 2/17/12 3


QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10997 LILAS 8 2/10/12

2/20/12 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10998 WOLZA 8 2/14/12 2/23/14 2/24/12 2

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10999 OTTIK 6 2/7/12

2/17/12 1

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

11000 RATTC 2 2/11/12

2/21/12 1

Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

11001 FOLKO 2 2/11/12 3/12/14 2/21/12 1

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

11002 SAVEA 4 2/13/12 3/12/14 2/23/12 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

11003 THECR 3 2/4/13 3/12/14 2/14/13 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

11004 MAISD 3 2/17/12

2/27/12 1

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

11005 WILMK 2 2/7/12 3/13/14 2/17/12 2

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

11006 GREAL 3 2/12/12 3/13/14 2/22/12 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

11007 PRINI 8 2/10/12 3/14/14 2/20/12 1

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

11008 ERNSH 7 10/28/12 3/14/14 11/7/12 1

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

11009 GODOS 2 2/7/12 3/14/14 2/17/12 2

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

11010 REGGC 2 2/18/12

2/28/12 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

11011 ALFKI 3 2/10/12 3/15/14 2/20/12 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

11012 FRANK 1 2/14/12 3/1/14 2/24/12 3

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

11013 ROMEY 2 2/7/12 3/15/14 2/17/12 2

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

11014 LINOD 2 2/12/12 3/16/14 2/22/12 2

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

11015 SANTG 2 2/17/12 3/2/14 2/27/12 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

11016 AROUT 9 2/10/12 3/16/14 2/20/12 3

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

11017 ERNSH 9 2/17/12

2/27/12 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

11018 LONEP 4 2/13/12 3/19/14 2/23/12 2

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

11019 RANCH 6 10/28/12 3/19/14 11/7/12 3

Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

11020 OTTIK 2 2/13/12

2/23/12 2

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

11021 QUICK 3 2/18/12 3/20/14 2/28/12 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

11022 HANAR 9 3/1/12 3/20/14 3/11/12 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

11023 BSBEV 1 2/20/12 3/6/14 3/1/12 1

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

11024 EASTC 4 2/17/12 3/21/14 2/27/12 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

11025 WARTH 6 2/20/12 3/21/14 3/1/12 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

11026 FRANS 4 2/24/12 3/21/14 3/5/12 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

11027 BOTTM 1 2/17/12

2/27/12 3

Centro comercial Moctezuma Sierras de Granada 9993 México D.F.


11028 KOENE 2 2/18/12 3/22/14 2/28/12 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

11029 CHOPS 4 2/23/12 3/22/14 3/4/12 3

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

11030 SAVEA 7 2/23/12 3/23/14 3/4/12 1 ¤ 12.69 Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain
11031 SAVEA 6 2/20/12 3/23/14 3/1/12 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

11032 WHITC 2 2/19/12 3/23/14 2/29/12 3

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

11033 RICSU 7 2/19/12 3/23/14 2/29/12 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

11034 OLDWO 8 2/23/12

3/4/12 3

GROSELLA-Restaurante 5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes Caracas DF 1081 Venezuela

11035 SUPRD 2 2/20/12

3/1/12 3

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

11036 DRACD 8 2/18/12 3/26/14 2/28/12 1

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

11037 GODOS 7 2/23/12

3/4/12 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

11038 SUPRD 1 2/26/12 3/27/14 3/7/12 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

11039 LINOD 1 2/7/12 3/27/14 2/17/12 2

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

11040 GREAL 4 2/8/12

2/18/12 3

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

11041 CHOPS 3 1/3/12 3/28/14 3/5/12 2

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

11042 COMMI 2 2/9/12 3/14/14 2/19/12 1

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

11043 SPECD 5 1/3/12 3/28/14 3/6/12 2

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

11044 WOLZA 4 1/3/12


Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

11045 BOTTM 6 2/10/12 3/29/14 2/20/12 2

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

11046 WANDK 8 1/3/12 3/29/14 3/1/12 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

11047 EASTC 7 1/3/12

3/8/12 3

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

11048 BOTTM 7 1/15/12 3/30/14 3/7/12 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

11049 GOURL 3 1/15/12 3/30/14 3/11/12 1

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

11050 FOLKO 8 1/15/12

3/12/12 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

11051 LAMAI 7 2/11/12 4/2/14 2/21/12 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

11052 HANAR 3 1/15/12 4/2/14 3/8/12 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

11053 PICCO 2 1/21/12 4/2/14 3/6/12 2 ¤ 53.05 Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria
11054 CACTU 8 2/12/12

2/22/12 1

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

11055 HILAA 7 1/21/12 4/3/14 3/12/12 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

11056 EASTC 8 1/21/12 3/20/14 3/8/12 2

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

11057 NORTS 3 1/21/12

3/8/12 3

North/South South House
300 Queensbridge London SW7 1RZ UK

11058 BLAUS 9 2/13/12 4/4/14 2/23/12 3

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

11059 RICAR 2 2/14/12

2/24/12 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

11060 FRANS 2 1/27/12

3/11/12 2

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

11061 GREAL 4 2/15/12

2/25/12 3 ¤ 14.01 Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

11062 REGGC 4 2/16/12 4/5/14 2/26/12 2

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

11063 HUNGO 3

4/5/14 3/13/12 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

11064 SAVEA 1 1/28/12

3/11/12 1


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

11065 LILAS 8 2/17/12 4/6/14 2/27/12 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

11066 WHITC 7 1/29/12 4/6/14 3/11/12 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

11067 DRACD 1 1/27/12 3/26/14 3/13/12 2

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

11068 QUEEN 8 2/18/12 4/9/14 2/28/12 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

11069 TORTU 1 1/30/12 4/9/14 3/13/12 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

11070 LEHMS 2 2/19/12

2/29/12 1


Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

11071 LILAS 1 2/20/12 4/10/14 3/1/12 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

11072 ERNSH 4 2/21/12 4/10/14 3/2/12 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

11073 PERIC 2 2/22/12 4/10/14 3/3/12 2

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

11074 SIMOB 7 2/23/12

3/4/12 2

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

11075 RICSU 8 2/24/12 4/11/14 3/5/12 2

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

11076 BONAP 4 2/25/12 4/11/14 3/6/12 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

11077 RATTC 1 2/26/12 4/11/14 3/7/12 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

OrderDate RequiredDate ShippedDate ShipVia Freight ShipName ShipAddress ShipCity ShipRegion ShipPostalCode ShipCountry
4/27/12 6/9/12 5/25/12 ¤ 44.84
4/28/12 6/24/12 5/19/12 ¤ 76.10
5/1/12 6/13/12 5/21/12 ¤ 2.71
5/24/12 ¤


5/2/12 6/14/12 5/20/12 ¤ 97.09 28023
5/3/12 6/1/12 ¤ 88.01
5/4/12 6/16/12 ¤ 0.75
5/5/12 6/17/12 ¤ 65.48
5/8/12 6/20/12 5/26/12 ¤ 257.26
5/9/12 6/21/12 5/31/12 ¤ 2.84 Cerrito 333
5/10/12 6/22/12 ¤ 23.10
5/11/12 6/23/12 6/3/12 ¤ 38.11
5/12/12 6/7/12 ¤ 91.51
6/8/12 ¤ 20.31 Wolski Zajazd
5/15/12 6/27/12 ¤ 19.76
5/16/12 6/28/12 ¤ 2.17
5/17/12 6/29/12 7/2/12 ¤ 606.19 1029 – 12th Ave. S. 98124
5/18/12 6/30/12 ¤ 4.62
7/15/12 ¤ 19.26
5/22/12 7/4/12 6/15/12 ¤ 52.92 23 Tsawassen Blvd.
5/23/12 7/5/12 6/11/12 ¤ 37.52
6/18/12 ¤ 74.60 8010
7/7/12 ¤ 33.35 52066
7/9/12 ¤ 29.59 14776
7/8/12 ¤ 424.30
5/29/12 7/11/12 ¤ 38.19 41101
5/30/12 7/12/12 6/25/12 ¤ 217.86
7/13/12 ¤ 55.23
¤ 0.53
6/2/12 ¤ 54.42
6/5/12 7/18/12 ¤ 9.26
6/6/12 7/19/12 ¤ 36.68
7/20/12 7/22/12 ¤ 47.84 Hauptstr. 31
7/6/12 ¤ 580.91
7/21/12 ¤ 90.97
¤ 33.05
6/12/12 7/25/12 ¤ 10.22
7/26/12 ¤ 5.64
7/27/12 ¤ 0.21 05432-043
7/28/12 ¤ 4.99
7/29/12 ¤ 96.35
6/19/12 8/1/12 ¤ 27.33
8/2/12 ¤ 21.19
7/14/12 ¤ 27.20
8/3/12 ¤ 14.93
8/4/12 ¤ 59.11
8/5/12 ¤ 1.25 Galería del gastronómo
6/26/12 8/8/12 ¤ 3.26
8/9/12 ¤ 23.39
8/24/12 ¤ 51.87
8/11/12 ¤ 280.61
8/12/12 7/23/12 ¤ 3.51
7/3/12 8/15/12 ¤ 16.16
¤ 74.44
8/16/12 8/18/12 ¤ 830.75
8/17/12 ¤ 63.77
¤ 53.23
8/19/12 ¤ 52.52
7/10/12 8/22/12 ¤ 8.29
8/23/12 ¤ 2.50
¤ 32.76
8/25/12 9/1/12 ¤ 149.47
8/26/12 8/6/12 ¤ 48.83
¤ 20.37
7/17/12 8/29/12 ¤ 185.48 35 King George
8/30/12 8/13/12 ¤ 61.14
8/31/12 ¤ 121.82
¤ 19.80
9/2/12 ¤ 55.12
7/24/12 9/5/12 ¤ 34.76
9/6/12 ¤ 7.00
9/7/12 8/20/12 ¤ 0.02
8/27/12 ¤ 1.21 Obere Str. 57 12209
9/8/12 ¤ 30.85 Starenweg 5 1204
9/9/12 ¤ 754.26
7/31/12 9/12/12 ¤ 29.61 Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary
Colchester Essex CO7 6JX
9/13/12 ¤ 237.34
¤ 30.26
9/15/12 ¤ 25.22
9/16/12 ¤ 163.97
8/7/12 9/19/12 ¤ 1.23
10/4/12 ¤ 40.42
9/21/12 ¤ 25.19 2732 Baker Blvd.
10/5/12 ¤ 3.04
8/10/12 10/6/12 ¤ 212.98 01307
9/23/12 9/3/12 ¤ 176.48
8/14/12 9/26/12 ¤ 62.74
9/27/12 ¤ 22.11
9/28/12 ¤ 1.36 10100
9/29/12 ¤ 348.14
9/30/12 ¤ 56.46
8/21/12 10/3/12 ¤ 68.26
9/17/12 ¤ 117.61
9/14/12 ¤ 151.52 S-958 22
¤ 109.11
¤ 120.27
10/7/12 ¤ 487.57
8/28/12 10/10/12 9/20/12 ¤ 2.27
10/25/12 ¤ 79.25
10/12/12 ¤ 45.53
10/13/12 9/24/12 ¤ 23.72
10/14/12 ¤ 39.92 Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 05021
9/4/12 10/17/12 ¤ 74.36
¤ 15.17
¤ 77.78
10/19/12 ¤ 202.24
10/20/12 ¤ 116.13
10/21/12 ¤ 1.93
9/11/12 10/24/12 ¤ 12.96
10/11/12 ¤ 28.71
10/26/12 ¤ 19.79
10/27/12 ¤ 191.27
10/28/12 ¤ 38.51
¤ 197.30
9/18/12 10/31/12 ¤ 7.09 67000
11/1/12 ¤ 27.91

11/2/12 ¤ 143.28
11/17/12 11/8/12 ¤ 84.74

1/3/12 ¤ 38.24
9/22/12 11/4/12 ¤ 63.54 13008
9/25/12 11/7/12 10/18/12
11/5/12 ¤ 47.09
¤ 3.17
11/9/12 ¤ 12.04
11/10/12 ¤ 162.75
¤ 0.56
11/11/12 ¤ 90.85
10/2/12 11/14/12 10/22/12 ¤ 49.19
¤ 160.55
¤ 32.27
11/16/12 ¤ 4.87
11/25/12 ¤ 3.20
¤ 2.33
11/18/12 ¤ 154.72
10/9/12 1

1/21/12 ¤ 4.33 2319 Elm St.
10/29/12 ¤ 17

11/22/12 ¤ 32.45
¤ 33.93
11/23/12 ¤ 31.22
11/24/12 ¤ 30.76
¤ 53.83 68306
10/16/12 1

1/28/12 ¤ 81.83
¤ 44.65

1/29/12 ¤ 105.36

1/30/12 11/12/12 ¤ 37.97
¤ 208.50
12/1/12 ¤ 49.56
¤ 4.27
12/2/12 ¤ 603.54
10/23/12 12/5/12 ¤ 8.81
¤ 4.98

2/7/12 ¤ 242.95
12/7/12 11/19/12 ¤ 32.82

2/22/12 ¤ 2.08

2/9/12 ¤ 1.27
12/9/12 ¤ 112.27
10/30/12 1

2/12/12 ¤ 23.60


2/13/12 ¤ 29.17

2/14/12 ¤ 1.66

2/15/12 ¤ 175.32

2/16/12 ¤ 0.82
12/16/12 ¤ 141.16
11/6/12 1

2/19/12 ¤ 59.78

2/20/12 ¤ 47.38
11/26/12 ¤ 72.19

2/21/12 12/3/12 ¤ 353.07
12/22/12 1

2/6/12 ¤ 14.91
¤ 79.46

2/23/12 ¤ 15.55
11/13/12 1

2/26/12 ¤ 65.53

1/10/13 ¤ 44.15

2/28/12 1

2/10/12 ¤ 1.26
12/15/12 1/3/13 ¤ 40.32

2/29/12 ¤ 100.22
12/30/12 1

2/24/12 ¤ 43.30
11/20/12 1/2/13 ¤ 4

6.0 Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321
12/14/12 ¤ 13.60
1/18/13 1

2/17/12 ¤ 193.37
12/13/12 ¤ 170.97
12/17/12 ¤ 104.47
¤ 134.64

1/27/12 1/9/13 1/11/13 ¤ 227.22
¤ 1.12
1/24/13 ¤ 43.26
12/21/12 ¤ 36.71
¤ 54.15
1/12/13 12/24/12 ¤ 275.79
1/13/13 ¤ 71.49
12/4/12 1/16/13 1/7/13 ¤ 33.80
1/30/13 1/21/13 ¤ 0.17
1/17/13 12/28/12 ¤

¤ 130.94
12/31/12 ¤

1/19/13 ¤ 47.59

2/8/12 1/20/13 12/29/12 ¤ 19.58
12/8/12 1/14/13 ¤ 297.18

2/11/12 1/23/13 ¤ 33.68
1/6/13 ¤ 657.54
1/25/13 ¤ 11.65
¤ 6.27
1/26/13 1/5/13 ¤ 162.95
1/27/13 ¤ 32.37
1/4/13 ¤ 58.43 Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 05023

2/18/12 2/13/13 ¤ 31.51
12/19/12 2/14/13 ¤ 29.78
1/31/13 ¤ 13.72
2/1/13 ¤ 26.29
2/2/13 ¤ 137.44
2/3/13 ¤ 69.53
¤ 60.42

2/25/12 2/6/13 ¤ 32.99
12/26/12 2/7/13 ¤ 14.62
¤ 73.91
2/8/13 ¤ 211.22
2/9/13 ¤ 31.89

2/10/13 ¤ 46.69
1/1/13 ¤ 188.85
¤ 411.88
¤ 76.33
2/15/13 ¤ 19.77
1/28/13 ¤ 2.70
2/16/13 ¤ 87.38
2/17/13 2/11/13 ¤ 123.83
1/8/13 2/20/13 ¤ 400.81
¤ 144.38
¤ 27.19
2/22/13 ¤ 719.78
2/23/13 ¤ 52.51
¤ 8.50
2/24/13 ¤ 2.38
2/27/13 3/3/12 ¤ 1.51
1/15/13 ¤ 62.22
¤ 9.19
3/1/13 ¤ 17.95
2/4/13 ¤ 306.07
3/2/13 ¤ 32.96
3/3/13 ¤ 16.56
1/22/13 3/6/13 ¤ 13.32
¤ 50.97
3/7/13 ¤ 135.63
3/8/13 ¤ 97.18
¤ 0.48
3/9/13 ¤ 94.80
3/10/13 ¤ 59.28
¤ 35.43
3/13/13 ¤ 7.93
3/14/13 ¤ 43.90
3/15/13 ¤ 138.69
¤ 62.52
3/16/13 3/7/12 ¤ 3.52
3/17/13 ¤ 18.69
¤ 45.33
3/20/13 ¤ 77.63
3/21/13 3/10/12 ¤ 7.79
¤ 244.79
3/11/12 3/22/13 3/21/12 ¤ 96.43
3/23/13 ¤ 24.49
3/24/13 3/6/12 ¤ 0.90
¤ 2


3/27/13 3/2/12 ¤ 1

4/11/13 ¤ 11.93
3/14/12 3/28/13 3/24/12 ¤ 145.45
3/31/12 ¤ 73.16
3/30/13 3/9/12 ¤

¤ 31.29
3/13/12 ¤ 31.85
4/3/13 ¤ 3.10
4/4/13 ¤ 40.26
CACTU ¤ 0.78
3/4/12 4/5/13 ¤ 4.93
3/28/12 4/6/13 4/7/12 ¤ 6.79
3/5/12 3/15/12 ¤ 44.12
4/7/13 ¤ 16.71
4/10/13 3/23/12 ¤ 2.01
¤ 1.96
3/17/12 ¤ 8.63
4/12/13 ¤ 74.16
4/13/13 3/20/12 ¤ 93.63
3/27/12 ¤ 21.74
4/14/13 ¤ 64.19
4/17/13 3/30/12 ¤ 4.03
3/12/12 3/22/12 ¤ 41.76
3/19/12 4/18/13 3/29/12 ¤ 194.67
4/4/12 4/19/13 4/14/12 ¤ 155.64
¤ 11.09
4/20/13 ¤ 29.76
4/21/13 ¤ 58.59
4/11/12 4/24/13 4/21/12 ¤ 157.55
4/6/12 ¤ 388.98
4/25/13 4/3/12 ¤ 60.18
4/26/13 ¤ 150.15
¤ 107.46
4/24/12 4/27/13 ¤ 23.79
3/25/12 4/28/13 ¤ 34.86
4/10/12 ¤ 27.94
5/1/13 ¤ 41.90
¤ 162.33
5/3/13 ¤ 30.36
5/17/13 ¤ 85.46
5/4/13 4/13/12 ¤ 3.35
4/1/12 5/5/13 ¤ 47.42
¤ 64.56
4/2/12 5/8/13 4/12/12 ¤ 12.69
5/23/13 ¤ 26.61
¤ 1.30
4/8/12 5/10/13 4/18/12 ¤ 45.59
5/11/13 ¤ 4.42
5/12/13 4/17/12 ¤ 360.63
¤ 53.80
5/15/13 4/20/12 ¤ 41.95
4/22/12 5/30/13 ¤ 20.12
5/16/13 ¤ 4.20
4/16/12 4/26/12 ¤ 66.69
5/18/13 ¤ 16.37
4/15/12 4/25/12 ¤ 56.63
5/7/12 5/19/13 ¤ 11.19
5/22/13 ¤ 1.59
¤ 4.73
6/6/13 ¤ 2.91
4/23/12 5/24/13 ¤ 339.22
5/25/13 ¤ 17.68
¤ 2.96
¤ 76.13
¤ 8.12
6/12/13 ¤ 74.46

5/31/13 ¤ 32.35
4/29/12 6/1/13 ¤ 458.78
4/30/12 ¤ 83.49
6/2/13 ¤ 11.08
6/5/13 ¤ 126.38
¤ 5.45
¤ 0.87
6/7/13 ¤ 188.04
6/8/13 ¤ 15.64
6/9/13 ¤ 36.13
¤ 58.88
5/14/12 5/29/13 ¤ 41.38
6/13/13 ¤ 44.77
6/14/13 ¤ 4.52
¤ 78.85
6/15/13 ¤ 122.46
6/10/12 6/16/13 ¤ 110.87
6/19/13 ¤ 126.56
7/4/13 ¤ 68.52
6/21/13 ¤ 44.17
7/5/13 ¤ 4.41
6/22/13 ¤ 4.34
6/23/13 ¤ 73.21
5/27/12 ¤ 210.80
6/26/13 ¤ 55.92
6/27/13 ¤ 477.90
6/28/13 ¤ 487.38 184, chaussée de Tournai 59000
5/28/12 6/29/13 ¤

6/4/12 6/30/13 ¤ 63.20
¤ 12.36
7/3/13 ¤ 30.34
¤ 34.88
¤ 19.64
¤ 1,007.64
7/6/13 ¤ 73.83
¤ 184.41
7/21/13 ¤ 68.65
7/10/13 ¤ 288.43
7/11/13 ¤ 47.46
¤ 4.81
7/12/13 ¤ 17.92
7/13/13 ¤ 9.21
¤ 22.57
7/14/13 ¤ 708.95
7/17/13 ¤ 1.15
7/31/13 ¤ 4.40
7/18/13 ¤ 32.10
¤ 174.20
7/19/13 ¤ 1.35
7/20/13 ¤ 4

¤ 156.66
¤ 131.70
¤ 64.33
7/24/13 ¤ 183.17
7/25/13 ¤ 10.95
¤ 48.17
7/26/13 ¤ 59.25
¤ 24.91
7/27/13 ¤ 11.92 99362
7/28/13 ¤ 135.35
¤ 96.65
7/1/12 ¤ 5.24
¤ 194.72
8/1/13 ¤ 178.43
8/16/13 ¤ 1.43
¤ 171.24
8/17/13 ¤ 170.88
8/4/13 ¤ 19.97
8/7/13 ¤ 145.63
¤ 4.32
8/8/13 ¤ 81.88
¤ 201.29
8/9/13 ¤ 96.78
8/10/13 ¤ 7.48
8/11/13 ¤ 96.04
¤ 8.24
8/14/13 ¤ 126.66
8/15/13 ¤ 15.28
¤ 158.44
8/2/13 ¤ 18.66
¤ 38.64
7/16/12 ¤ 6.88
8/18/13 ¤ 33.75
¤ 72.95
8/21/13 ¤ 16.34
¤ 83.22
8/22/13 ¤ 64.50
8/23/13 ¤ 149.49
¤ 23.55
8/24/13 ¤ 107.83
¤ 51.44
8/25/13 ¤ 60.26
8/28/13 ¤ 120.97
¤ 89.16
8/29/13 ¤ 328.74
¤ 252.49
8/30/13 ¤ 34.57
8/31/13 ¤ 4.07
7/30/12 ¤ 64.45
9/1/13 ¤ 86.53
¤ 27.36
¤ 83.93
9/5/13 ¤ 35.12
¤ 1.10
¤ 30.53
9/6/13 ¤ 71.07
9/7/13 ¤ 63.79
9/22/13 ¤ 31.43
9/8/13 ¤ 96.50
¤ 12.51
9/11/13 ¤ 30.54
9/26/13 ¤ 9.80
9/13/13 ¤ 5.29
9/14/13 ¤ 44.42
¤ 67.88
9/15/13 ¤ 210.19
9/4/13 ¤ 3.43
10/2/13 ¤ 29.98
9/19/13 ¤ 16.96
¤ 42.74
9/20/13 ¤ 100.60
9/21/13 ¤ 73.02
¤ 96.72
10/6/13 ¤ 117.33
¤ 28.23
9/25/13 ¤ 71.97
10/10/13 ¤ 45.13
¤ 296.43
¤ 0.40
¤ 47.94
¤ 62.89
9/29/13 ¤

¤ 13.95
¤ 4.88
¤ 179.61
¤ 58.30
10/4/13 ¤ 214.27
10/18/13 ¤ 10.64
10/5/13 ¤ 91.28
10/19/13 ¤ 65.99
¤ 3.50
¤ 249.93
10/9/13 ¤ 42.70
¤ 72.97
10/24/13 ¤ 299.09
10/11/13 ¤ 41.89
10/12/13 ¤ 2.92
¤ 257.62
10/13/13 ¤ 10.14
9/10/12 ¤ 9.30
10/16/13 ¤ 52.41
10/17/13 ¤ 13.42
¤ 8.05
¤ 4.65
¤ 14.68
¤ 9.53
¤ 73.79
10/20/13 ¤ 155.97
10/23/13 ¤ 34.82
¤ 36.65
¤ 29.46
10/25/13 ¤ 64.86
¤ 242.21
10/26/13 ¤ 48.77
¤ 20.25
10/27/13 ¤ 13.55
10/1/12 10/30/13 ¤ 0.14
¤ 108.04
10/31/13 ¤ 77.92
¤ 63.36
11/1/13 ¤ 87.03
11/2/13 ¤ 68.66
¤ 243.73
11/3/13 ¤ 46.77
¤ 16.97
10/8/12 11/6/13 ¤ 12.41
11/7/13 ¤ 36.21
¤ 22.95
11/8/13 ¤ 38.82
¤ 53.30
11/9/13 ¤ 7.23
11/10/13 ¤ 91.48
¤ 15.80
11/13/13 ¤ 60.43
¤ 11.26
11/14/13 ¤ 13.75
11/15/13 ¤ 37.35
¤ 7.46
11/16/13 ¤ 189.09
¤ 7.56
11/17/13 ¤ 110.11
10/15/12 11/20/13 ¤ 191.67
¤ 26.52
11/21/13 ¤ 379.13
¤ 58.13
¤ 142.33
¤ 29.83
11/23/13 ¤ 168.22
¤ 2.40
¤ 29.75
11/24/13 ¤ 23.65
¤ 102.02
11/27/13 ¤ 351.53
¤ 79.40
¤ 101.95
11/28/13 ¤ 45.54
¤ 7.15

1/29/13 ¤ 45.97
¤ 14.25
¤ 48.20
11/30/13 ¤ 130.79
¤ 89.93
12/1/13 ¤ 8

12/15/13 ¤

¤ 139.34
12/4/13 ¤ 1.61
¤ 3.77

2/5/13 ¤ 88.40
¤ 200.24
¤ 398.36
12/6/13 ¤ 140.26
¤ 124.98
12/7/13 ¤ 27.79
¤ 42.68
¤ 8.85
12/8/13 ¤ 69.32
¤ 16.72
12/11/13 ¤ 95.66
¤ 6.20
¤ 176.81

2/12/13 ¤ 42.13
¤ 33.97
12/13/13 ¤ 25.36
¤ 20.60
¤ 16.74
12/14/13 ¤ 6.54
¤ 1.85
¤ 21.48
¤ 8.19
¤ 2.74
12/18/13 ¤ 146.32

¤ 138.17
12/19/13 ¤ 102.55
1/2/14 ¤ 26.78
12/20/13 ¤ 7.14
¤ 180.45
12/21/13 ¤ 80.65
¤ 0.20
¤ 59.13
¤ 58.98
12/25/13 ¤ 22.72
¤ 195.68
1/8/14 12/25/12 ¤ 3.01
12/26/13 ¤ 93.25
¤ 55.26
12/27/13 ¤ 11.57
¤ 147.06
1/11/14 ¤ 47.30
¤ 232.55
12/29/13 ¤ 7.13
¤ 188.99
1/12/14 ¤

1/1/14 ¤ 116.43
¤ 70.29
¤ 84.84
¤ 57.15
¤ 544.08
1/3/14 ¤ 89.90
¤ 352.69
1/4/14 ¤

¤ 17.55
1/19/14 ¤ 1.17
¤ 44.10
12/18/12 ¤ 37.60
¤ 45.52
1/9/14 ¤ 364.15
1/23/14 ¤ 8.11
1/10/14 ¤ 61.53
¤ 16.27
¤ 105.81
¤ 148.61
¤ 137.35
¤ 0.45
¤ 6.17
¤ 5.32
1/15/14 ¤ 890.78
¤ 272.47
1/16/14 ¤ 12.75
¤ 10.19
1/17/14 ¤ 127.34
¤ 111.29
¤ 17.52
¤ 47.45
¤ 10.96
¤ 124.12
1/22/14 ¤ 18.56
¤ 25.41
¤ 52.84
¤ 0.59
¤ 8.56
1/24/14 ¤ 42.11
¤ 15.51
¤ 14.78
1/25/14 ¤ 116.53
1/26/14 ¤ 1.63
¤ 0.15
¤ 48.92
1/29/14 ¤ 3.94
¤ 18.53
¤ 154.68
¤ 0.58
¤ 367.63
1/31/14 ¤ 108.26
2/1/14 ¤ 91.05
¤ 74.58
¤ 350.64
¤ 29.60
¤ 1.39
¤ 3.53
2/2/14 ¤ 20.39
¤ 22.21
¤ 65.10
¤ 1.28
¤ 84.21
2/6/14 ¤ 105.65
2/20/14 ¤ 789.95
¤ 15.66
¤ 220.31
2/7/14 ¤ 21.49
¤ 113.15
¤ 13.73
2/8/14 ¤ 16.85
¤ 58.33
¤ 75.89
2/23/14 ¤ 21.72
¤ 141.06
2/9/14 ¤ 69.19
¤ 23.94
2/12/14 ¤ 5.44
¤ 26.31
¤ 45.03
2/13/14 ¤ 204.47

2/14/14 ¤ 57.75
¤ 232.42
¤ 0.94
¤ 24.69
2/15/14 ¤ 62.78
¤ 27.71
2/16/14 ¤ 7.99
¤ 32.07
2/19/14 ¤ 7.28
3/5/14 ¤ 11.99
¤ 23.73
¤ 78.09
3/6/14 ¤ 94.77
¤ 34.24
¤ 168.64
2/21/14 ¤ 47.22
¤ 24.39
3/7/14 ¤ 89.00
¤ 7.70
2/22/14 ¤ 167.05
¤ 99.23
¤ 59.14
¤ 3.02
¤ 152.30
¤ 79.30
2/26/14 ¤ 4.78
¤ 203.48
¤ 13.41
3/1/12 ¤ 5.74
¤ 166.31
¤ 30.96
¤ 95.75
3/14/14 ¤ 22.76
¤ 0.12
¤ 145.04
3/16/14 ¤ 147.26
3/2/14 ¤ 218.15
¤ 10.83
¤ 24.50
¤ 13.99
¤ 91.76
¤ 84.81
¤ 54.83
3/21/14 ¤ 13.37
¤ 17.22
¤ 110.37
¤ 8.98
¤ 4.56
3/8/14 ¤ 370.61

3/23/14 ¤ 76.56
¤ 6.40
3/9/14 ¤ 136.54
3/12/14 ¤ 6.01
¤ 26.93
¤ 76.83
¤ 23.29
3/13/14 ¤ 79.70
¤ 22.98
¤ 13.84
¤ 55.09
¤ 11.61
¤ 51.30
3/15/14 ¤ 7.45
¤ 140.51
¤ 125.77
¤ 65.83
¤ 3.05
¤ 229.24
¤ 148.33
3/19/14 ¤ 4.54
¤ 13.97
¤ 32.38
3/20/14 ¤ 58.17
¤ 98.03
¤ 21.18
¤ 2.94
¤ 48.29
¤ 92.69
¤ 22.77
3/22/14 ¤ 3.25 05022
¤ 146.06
¤ 12.76
¤ 208.58
¤ 3.67
¤ 55.28
4/9/14 ¤ 66.29
3/26/14 ¤ 81.91
¤ 41.34
3/27/14 ¤ 25.73
¤ 25.83
¤ 65.00
3/28/14 ¤ 18.84
¤ 48.22
¤ 29.99
¤ 8.80
3/29/14 3/8/12 ¤ 8.72
¤ 70.58
¤ 71.64
3/30/14 ¤ 46.62
¤ 24.12
¤ 8.34
4/2/14 ¤ 59.41
¤ 2.79
¤ 67.26
4/3/14 ¤ 0.33
¤ 120.92
¤ 278.96
4/4/14 ¤ 4.13
¤ 31.14
4/18/14 ¤ 85.80
4/5/14 ¤ 10.98
¤ 29.93
1/31/12 ¤ 81.73
4/6/14 ¤

¤ 12.91
¤ 44.72
¤ 7.98
¤ 81.75
¤ 15.67
4/10/14 ¤ 1

¤ 0.93
¤ 258.64
¤ 24.95
4/11/14 ¤ 18.44
¤ 6.19
¤ 38.28
¤ 8.53



1 1

0.0 10.0

2 Chang 1 1


25.0 false


1 2

13.0 70.0 25.0 false


2 2

¤ 22.00

53.0 0.0 0.0 false


2 2

¤ 18.00 0.0 0.0 0.0


3 2

¤ 19.00

0.0 25.0 false


3 7

0.0 10.0 false


3 2

6.0 0.0 0.0 false


4 6


¤ 65.00

0.0 0.0 true


4 8


¤ 30.00 31.0 0.0 0.0 false


5 4


22.0 30.0 30.0 false


5 4

0.0 0.0 false


6 8

0.0 5.0 false


6 7

35.0 0.0 0.0 false


6 2

¤ 15.50

39.0 0.0 5.0 false


7 3

29.0 0.0 10.0 false


7 6

0.0 0.0 0.0 true


7 8

42.0 0.0 0.0 false


8 3

25.0 0.0 5.0 false


8 3

40.0 0.0 0.0 false


8 3

¤ 10.00 ¤ 4.50 3.0 40.0 5.0 false


9 5

¤ 21.00

0.0 25.0 false


9 5

61.0 0.0 25.0 false


10 1

¤ 4.50

20.0 0.0 0.0 true


11 3

¤ 8.50 76.0 0.0 30.0 false


11 3

15.0 0.0 0.0 false


11 3

¤ 43.90

49.0 0.0 30.0 false


12 7

26.0 0.0 0.0 true


12 6

0.0 0.0 0.0 true


13 8

10.0 0.0 15.0 false


14 4

0.0 70.0 20.0 false


14 4

9.0 40.0 25.0 false


15 4 500 g ¤ 2.50 ¤ 2.01

0.0 20.0 false


16 1 24 – 12 oz bottles ¤ 14.00

0.0 15.0 false


16 1 24 – 12 oz bottles ¤ 18.00

20.0 0.0 15.0 false


17 8

¤ 19.00

112.0 0.0 20.0 false


17 8


25.0 false


18 1

17.0 0.0 15.0 false


18 1

¤ 18.00 ¤ 17.51

0.0 5.0 false


19 8

0.0 30.0 false


19 8

0.0 10.0 false


an Hokkien Fried Mee

20 5

¤ 14.00 ¤ 13.51 26.0 0.0 0.0 true


20 1

17.0 10.0 25.0 false


20 2

0.0 15.0 false


21 8

5.0 70.0 15.0 false


21 8

0.0 0.0 false


22 3

¤ 9.50 ¤ 9.01 36.0 0.0 0.0 false


22 3

¤ 12.75

15.0 70.0 25.0 false


23 3


15.0 false


23 3

65.0 0.0 30.0 false


24 7

¤ 52.51 20.0 0.0 10.0 false


24 5

¤ 7.00

38.0 0.0 25.0 false


24 6

0.0 0.0 0.0 true


25 6

¤ 7.45

21.0 0.0 10.0 false


25 6

0.0 20.0 false


26 5

¤ 38.00

21.0 10.0 30.0 false


26 5 24 – 250 g pkgs.

36.0 0.0 20.0 false


27 8

¤ 12.76 62.0 0.0 20.0 false


28 4

0.0 0.0 false


28 4

19.0 0.0 0.0 false


29 2


0.0 25.0 false


29 3

17.0 0.0 0.0 false


7 2

¤ 43.90

24.0 0.0 5.0 false


12 5

¤ 32.76 22.0

30.0 false


2 2

76.0 0.0 0.0 false


2 2


20.0 false


16 1 24 – 12 oz bottles ¤ 14.00 ¤ 13.51

0.0 10.0 false


8 3

¤ 12.50

6.0 10.0 15.0 false


15 4

26.0 0.0 15.0 false


7 1

15.0 10.0 30.0 false


15 4 10 – 500 g pkgs.

26.0 0.0 0.0 false


14 4 24 – 200 g pkgs.

14.0 0.0 0.0 false


17 8

¤ 15.00 ¤ 14.51

0.0 5.0 false


4 7 5 kg pkg. ¤ 10.00

4.0 20.0 5.0 false


12 1

0.0 25.0 false


23 1 500 ml ¤ 18.00 ¤ 17.51

0.0 20.0 false


12 2

¤ 12.51 32.0 0.0 15.0 false

ProductName SupplierID QuantityPerUnit UnitPrice ProductCost UnitsInStock UnitsOnOrder ReorderLevel Discontinued
Chai 10 boxes x 20 bags ¤ 18.00 ¤ 12.95 39.0 false
24 – 12 oz bottles ¤

19.0 ¤ 13.50 17.0 40.0
Aniseed Syrup 12 – 550 ml bottles ¤ 10.00 ¤ 8.40
Chef Anton’s Cajun Seasoning 48 – 6 oz jars ¤ 15.50
Chef Anton’s Gumbo Mix 36 boxes ¤ 21.35 true
Grandma’s Boysenberry Spread 12 – 8 oz jars ¤ 25.00 1

Uncle Bob’s Organic Dried Pears 12 – 1 lb pkgs. ¤ 30.00 ¤ 22.50 15.0
Northwoods Cranberry Sauce 12 – 12 oz jars ¤ 40.00 ¤ 28.75
Mishi Kobe Niku 18 –

500 g ¤ 97.00 29.0
Ikura 12 – 200 ml jars ¤

Queso Cabrales 1 kg pkg. ¤

21.0 ¤ 16.00
Queso Manchego La Pastora 10 – 500 g pkgs. ¤ 38.00 ¤ 22.75 86.0
Konbu 2 kg box ¤ 6.00 ¤ 2.12 24.0
Tofu 40 – 100 g pkgs. ¤ 23.25 ¤ 15.85
Genen Shouyu 24 – 250 ml bottles ¤ 9.99
Pavlova 32 – 500 g boxes ¤ 17.45 ¤ 16.99
Alice Mutton 20 – 1 kg tins ¤ 39.00 ¤ 20.70
Carnarvon Tigers 16 kg pkg. ¤ 62.50 ¤ 48.75
Teatime Chocolate Biscuits 10 boxes x 12 pieces ¤ 9.20 ¤ 4.50
Sir Rodney’s Marmalade 30 gift boxes ¤ 81.00 ¤ 58.80
Sir Rodney’s Scones 24 pkgs. x 4 pieces
Gustaf’s Knäckebröd 24 – 500 g pkgs. ¤ 16.90 104.0
Tunnbröd 12 – 250 g pkgs. ¤ 9.00 ¤ 2.75
Guaraná Fantástica 12 – 355 ml cans ¤ 0.89
NuNuCa Nuß-Nougat-Creme 20 – 450 g glasses ¤ 14.00
Gumbär Gummibärchen 100 – 250 g bags ¤ 31.23 ¤ 22.80
Schoggi Schokolade 100 – 100 g pieces ¤ 22.89
Rössle Sauerkraut 25 – 825 g cans ¤ 45.60 ¤ 32.50
Thüringer Rostbratwurst 50 bags x 30 sausgs. ¤ 123.79 ¤ 82.50
Nord-Ost Matjeshering 10 – 200 g glasses ¤ 25.89 ¤ 12.20
Gorgonzola Telino 12 – 100 g pkgs ¤ 12.50 ¤ 6.60
Mascarpone Fabioli 24 – 200 g pkgs. ¤ 32.00 ¤ 14.40
Geitost 112.0
Sasquatch Ale ¤ 13.51 111.0
Steeleye Stout ¤ 17.51
Inlagd Sill 24 – 250 g jars ¤ 18.51
Gravad lax 12 – 500 g pkgs. ¤ 26.00 ¤ 25.51 50.0
Côte de Blaye 12 – 75 cl bottles ¤ 263.50 ¤ 263.01
Chartreuse verte 750 cc per bottle 69.0
Boston Crab Meat 24 – 4 oz tins ¤ 18.40 ¤ 17.91 123.0
Jack’s New England Clam Chowder 12 – 12 oz cans ¤ 9.65 ¤ 9.16 85.0
Singapore 32 – 1 kg pkgs.
Ipoh Coffee 16 – 500 g tins ¤ 46.00 ¤ 45.51
Gula Malacca 20 – 2 kg bags ¤ 19.45 ¤ 18.96 27.0
Røgede sild 1k pkg. ¤ 9.50 ¤ 9.01
Spegesild 4 – 450 g glasses ¤ 12.00 ¤ 11.51 95.0
Zaanse koeken 10 – 4 oz boxes
Chocolade 10 pkgs. ¤ 12.26
Maxilaku 24 – 50 g pkgs. ¤ 20.00 ¤ 19.51 60.0
Valkoinen suklaa 12 – 100 g bars ¤ 16.25 ¤ 15.76
Manjimup Dried Apples 50 – 300 g pkgs. ¤ 53.00
Filo Mix 16 – 2 kg boxes ¤ 6.51
Perth Pasties 48 pieces ¤ 32.80 ¤ 32.31
Tourtière 16 pies ¤ 6.96
Pâté chinois 24 boxes x 2 pies ¤ 24.00 ¤ 23.51 115.0
Gnocchi di nonna Alice 24 – 250 g pkgs. ¤ 37.51
Ravioli Angelo ¤ 19.50 ¤ 19.01
Escargots de Bourgogne 24 pieces ¤ 13.25
Raclette Courdavault 5 kg pkg. ¤ 55.00 ¤ 54.51 79.0
Camembert Pierrot 15 – 300 g rounds ¤ 34.00 ¤ 33.51
Sirop d’érable 24 –

500 ml ¤ 28.50 ¤ 28.01 113.0
Tarte au sucre 48 pies ¤ 49.30 ¤ 48.81
Vegie-spread 15 – 625 g jars ¤ 43.41
Wimmers gute Semmelknödel 20 bags x 4 pieces ¤ 33.25 80.0
Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce 32 – 8 oz bottles ¤ 21.05 ¤ 20.56
Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra 24 – 8 oz jars ¤ 17.00 ¤ 16.51 100.0
Laughing Lumberjack Lager 52.0
Scottish Longbreads 10 boxes x 8 pieces ¤ 12.01
Gudbrandsdalsost 10 kg pkg. ¤ 36.00 ¤ 35.51
Outback Lager 24 – 355 ml bottles ¤ 15.00 ¤ 14.51
Fløtemysost ¤ 21.50 ¤ 21.01
Mozzarella di Giovanni ¤ 34.80 ¤ 34.31
Röd Kaviar 24 – 150 g jars 101.0
Longlife Tofu ¤ 9.51
Rhönbräu Klosterbier 24 – 0.5 l bottles ¤ 7.75 ¤ 7.26 125.0
Lakkalikööri 57.0
Original Frankfurter grüne Soße 12 boxes ¤ 13.00

CompanyName Phone




Speedy Express (503) 555-9831
United Package (503) 555-3199
Federal Shipping (503) 555-9931
SupplierID CompanyName ContactName

Address City Region PostalCode Country Phone Fax





Cajun Delights

Order Administrator

New Orleans LA



Sales Representative





Marketing Manager

Tokyo 100 Japan




545 Japan


Marketing Manager



Sales Representative



Sales Agent


Marketing Manager

São Paulo 5442 Brazil


Sales Manager

Berlin 10785 Germany







Sales Representative



Marketing Manager




USA (503) 555-9931


Sales Representative



Sales Manager




Boston MA




Singapore 0512 Singapore



Sales Manager

Lyngby 2800 Denmark


Accounting Manager




Sales Representative



Marketing Manager

Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada


Order Administrator



Sales Manager



Sales Representative



Accounting Manager



ContactTitle HomePage
Exotic Liquids Charlotte Cooper Purchasing Manager 49 Gilbert St. EC1 4SD (171) 555-2222
New Orleans Shelley Burke P.O. Box 78934 70117 (100) 555-4822
Grandma Kelly’s Homestead Regina Murphy 707 Oxford Rd. Ann Arbor 48104 (313) 555-5735 (313) 555-3349
Tokyo Yoshi Nagase 9-8 Sekimai
(03) 3555-5011
Cooperativa de Quesos ‘Las Cabras’ Antonio del Valle Saavedra Export Administrator Calle del Rosal 4 Oviedo Asturias 33007 (98) 598 76 54
Mayumi’s Mayumi Ohno Marketing Representative 92 Setsuko
Osaka (06) 431-7877 Mayumi’s (on the World Wide Web)#
Pavlova, Ltd. Ian Devling 74 Rose St.
Moonie Ponds
Melbourne 3058 Australia (03) 444-2343 (03) 444-6588
Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Peter Wilson 29 King’s Way Manchester M14 GSD (161) 555-4448
PB Knäckebröd AB Lars Peterson Kaloadagatan 13 Göteborg S-345 67 Sweden 031-987 65 43 031-987 65 91
Refrescos Americanas LTDA Carlos Diaz Av. das Americanas 12.890 (11) 555 4640
Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Petra Winkler Tiergartenstraße 5 (010) 9984510
Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Martin Bein International Marketing Mgr. Bogenallee 51 60439 (069) 992755 Plutzer (on the World Wide Web)#
Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH Sven Petersen Coordinator Foreign Markets Frahmredder 112a Cuxhaven 27478 (04721) 8713 (04721) 8714
Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Elio Rossi Viale Dante, 75 Ravenna 48100 (0544) 60323 (0544) 60603
Norske Meierier Beate Vileid Hatlevegen 5 Sandvika 1320 (0)2-953010
Bigfoot Breweries Cheryl Saylor Regional Account Rep. 3400 – 8th Avenue
Suite 210
Bend 97101
Svensk Sjöföda AB Michael Björn Brovallavägen 231 Stockholm S-123 45 08-123 45 67
Aux joyeux ecclésiastiques Guylène Nodier 203, Rue des Francs-Bourgeois 75004 (1) (1)
New England Seafood Cannery Robb Merchant Wholesale Account Agent Order Processing Dept.
2100 Paul Revere Blvd.
02134 (617) 555-3267 (617) 555-3389
Leka Trading Chandra Leka 471 Serangoon Loop, Suite #402 555-8787
Lyngby Niels Petersen Lyngbysild
Fiskebakken 10
43844108 43844115
Zaanse Snoepfabriek Dirk Luchte Verkoop
Rijnweg 22
Zaandam 9999 ZZ Netherlands (12345) 1212 (12345) 1210
Karkki Oy Anne Heikkonen Product Manager Valtakatu 12 Lappeenranta 53120 (953) 10956
G’day, Mate Wendy Mackenzie 170 Prince Edward Parade
Hunter’s Hill
Sydney NSW 2042 (02) 555-5914 (02) 555-4873 G’day Mate (on the World Wide Web)#
Ma Maison Jean-Guy Lauzon 2960 Rue St. Laurent (514) 555-9022
Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Giovanni Giudici Via dei Gelsomini, 153 Salerno 84100 (089) 6547665 (089) 6547667
Escargots Nouveaux Marie Delamare 22, rue H. Voiron Montceau 71300
Gai pâturage Eliane Noz Bat. B
3, rue des Alpes
Annecy 74000
Forêts d’érables Chantal Goulet 148 rue Chasseur Ste-Hyacinthe J2S 7S8 (514) 555-2955 (514) 555-2921


FirstName LastName

West Windmore Dr




ID FirstName LastName Address City State PostalCode FeePaid Phone EMail
8 1 2 4 Burlington NC 2

7 5 true 3 6



true true

50 false true

false false

for a capacity of


105 75 false false

75 false true

50 false true This room will be used only if absolutely necessary

RoomID Capacity LargeScreen Refreshments Notes
10 1

50 false
102 100 This room has a built-in podium with microphone
104 75 Can be combined with

105 15
Can be combined with 104 for a capacity of 150
106 This room will be used only if absolutely necessary





103 8/1/12


104 8/1/12 12/30/99


101 8/1/12 12/30/99





102 8/2/12 12/30/99


105 8/2/12 12/30/99


105 8/2/12 12/30/99


104 8/2/12 12/30/99




103 8/3/12 12/30/99


101 8/3/12 12/30/99

104 8/3/12 12/30/99

101 8/3/12 12/30/99

SessionID SessionTitle Date StartingTime
Understanding Diversity within the University 101 8/1/

12 12/30/

Volunteer Services and the University Student 12/30/99
Outreach Initiatives
Creating Active Citizens
Interdisciplinary Service Learning 8/2/12
Living and Learning
Student Leadership Opportunities
A One-Day Service Project
Engaging Student Leaders
Building Service Teams 8/3/12
11 Alternative Spring Break
Involving Faculty in Service Projects
13 University Collaboration
14 Undergraduate Challenges


1 1
1 4
1 9
1 10
1 13
1 14
2 1
3 2
3 6
3 9
4 9
4 12
5 2
5 7
5 13
6 6
7 2
7 3
7 8
7 12
8 9
8 10
9 13
10 5
10 8
10 11
11 2
12 6
13 2
13 7
13 9
SpeakerID FirstName LastName Address City State










Student Life


Student Life



Gainesville FL 32611

Residence Halls


Philadelphia PA 19104

Student Life


Athens GA 30602


Miami FL 33146



Gainesville FL 32611

Student Life


Athens GA 30602



Philadelphia PA 19104


Miami FL 33146

Student Life


Gainesville FL 32611

Counseling Center

Residence Halls



33146 5557778888

ZipCode PhoneNumber Email AreaOfExpertise
Diane Wood 1414 U. Saddle Rd Miami FL 33146 5557778888 Student Life
Warren Brasington 9470 SW 25 Street Philadelphia PA 19104 5558887654 Residence Halls
James Shindell 14088 Malaga Avenue fl 5557734343 Administration
Edward 400 Roderigo Avenue Gainesville 32611 5555555555
Kristine Park 9290 NW 59 Steet Athens GA 30602 5557771111
William Williamson 108 Los Pinos Place Tuscaloosa AL 35487 5558884554 Deans’ Office
Holly Davis 8009 Riviera Drive 5553887676
David Tannen 50 Main Street 5557772211
Jeffrey Jacobsen 490 Bell Drive 5553889999 Wellness
Jerry Masters 2000 Main Highway 5557778998
Kevin Kline 2980 SW 89 Street 5558778900
Jessica Withers 110 Center Highway 5558938872
Betsy Allman 2987 SW 14 Avenue 5555587748 Counseling Center
Mary Miller 1008 West Marine Road 5558774993
Nancy Vance 1878 W. 6 Street 5558854330
16 George Jensen 42-15 81 Street Elmhurst ny 11373 5555556666
17 Your_Name 10000 SW 59 Court Fl

FROM Rooms
PARAMETERS __SpeakerID Value;
FROM [SELECT [Speaker – Session Query].SpeakerID, [Speaker – Session Query].SessionID, [Speaker – Session Query].SessionTitle, [Speaker – Session Query].RoomID, [Speaker – Session Query].Date, [Speaker – Session Query].StartingTime FROM [Speaker – Session Query]]. AS [Speakers Form]
WHERE ([__SpeakerID] = SpeakerID);
SELECT Speakers.LastName, Speakers.FirstName, Sessions.SessionTitle, Sessions.RoomID, Sessions.Date
FROM Speakers INNER JOIN (Sessions INNER JOIN SessionSpeaker ON Sessions.SessionID = SessionSpeaker.SessionID) ON Speakers.SpeakerID = SessionSpeaker.SpeakerID;

CSCI 172 Online

Summer 2013

Project 3. Design and Implement a Database for The Trailhead using Access 2010

Worth: 81 points

Due: Tuesday, June 25

@ 11pm

Read all descriptions and instructions carefully and pay attention to detail.

Imagine that you are newly hired at The Trailhead store ( in downtown

Missoula to design and implement a new database system. First become familiar with this store, the gear and

products they sell, and the services they provide (like rentals). You will design and implement part of a database

for this single store only, and are not to consider any potential branch locations.

Follow each of the steps outlined below to complete this project:

1. Design your database (30 pts). Before you implement a database, it’s critical to think through the
design thoroughly first. The first step of your assignment does not involve using Access.

On paper, either hand-drawn or using a software program like Word, do the following:

a. Identify and show at least 5 tables that would be relevant for your database. Note that I don’t want

you to use any tables that maintain Customer data, like name, address, etc.

b. For each of the tables you list in step 1a, show the data that each will contain. You should have

somewhere between 4-8 fields per table. Remember to store data in its smallest parts as described in

your text.

c. For each piece of data in all of your tables, choose a meaningful name to describe the data. List the

appropriate data type for each field of data, and be sure to incorporate a good sampling of different

data types throughout.

d. Establish and identify the primary key of each table. Establish and identify foreign keys in tables,

and show via links what tables they connect (e.g., see Figure 2.2 in your text).

e. Based on your design thus far, come up with 5 different queries that users of your database would

likely want to run. At least two of these queries should involve multiple tables (the other three can

use one table only). Give each of these queries a short but meaningful name, and write them out in

your design document. Note which tables are used in each query.

For example, a possible query that the Trailhead store manager might want to know is: “How much

profit did my store make from kayak rentals in the month of June?” A good name for this query

might be June profit. Note that this query is just an example and may not be supported by the tables

you chose to design. You have to determine what does make sense for your database.

f. Save your design document, put your name and a Heading on it, scan it in if necessary, and call the

file p3trailhead_design_LastnameFirstname

2. Implement your database (25 pts). Using your database design from Step 1 and Access 2010,
implement your database by doing the following:

a. Create a new database in Access 2010 and name it p3trailhead_LastnameFirstname

b. Create tables based on your design document. Include all field names, data types, primary keys and

foreign keys.

c. Create relationships between tables based on your primary and foreign keys as shown in your design

document. Make sure to enforce referential integrity when you create these relationships, and choose

Cascade Update for related fields.

d. Enter sample data into each of your tables. There should be 5-10 rows of data per table. Do not use

any real names or other potentially sensitive data in your database.

3. Create queries (20 pts).

a. In your Access database, create each of the 5 queries you indentified in Step 1 of this project. Run

them and save them using meaningful/descriptive names. Remember, at least two of these queries

should be multi-table queries.

4. Finalize and Submit (6 pts). Compact and repair the database. Make a backup copy. Submit both the
design document and your database to finish this project.

If you have questions, email me at

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