Comprehensive Building Systems Journal: Building Case Analysis – Singer Building: Building 22


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Task To present a comprehensive building systems journal cataloguing the systems studied in the semester together with a full systems analysis of a chosen case building. The journal should be submitted as a single PDF document. Ensure that all pages are numbered and fully labeled in the footer.

Deliverables An A4 document no longer than 20 pages (double space, 11pt Arial or Times New Roman) consisting of two main parts:

Section A is a detailed catalogue of the main systems investigated throughout the course case studies. This section should extract at least three different types of each system studied in the cases and provide detail drawings and a description of the particular sub-system, together with how it is used in buildings. The assignment will draw largely from the lectures but will require significant external research by students to ensure that each system is sufficiently detailed. Where three types have not been studied in the cases, students will need to consult textbooks to supplement their journals.

Section B is a systems analysis of a building chosen by the student. Students should choose a building to which they have adequate access to view the various systems. Examples include local sports centres, your school, shopping mall or you may choose to evaluate a partially completed building that can be viewed without accessing the construction site. Each system of the building must be correctly identified, photographed and accompanied with a typical section detail or system schematic diagram of the main components. Comment on the selection of the system type for the building, especially highlighting its integration with other systems. [Detached housing cannot be selected for this section].

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The journal should include the following sections: Section A An introduction and description of building systems and their integration Structural systems – Sub-structure systems (3 examples) – Super-structure systems (3 examples) Envelope systems (3 examples) Services/Mechanical systems (3 examples) Interior systems (3 examples) Site systems (3 examples) Section B Analysis of a case building – Structural systems – Envelope systems – Services/Mechanical systems – Interior systems – Site systems.


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