Completion Rules Custom methods and Functions

The project is completed in three separate parts, the completion “rules” and information for formatting the project will be in the attachments. To include a screen shot of the setup page. The project is also to be done utilizing JAVA syntax.

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This is a three-part staged assignment. You must complete part 1 with at least 80% success before you can begin
part 2, and the same with part 3. After you’ve completed and submitted each part, you can proceed to the next
part by selecting the drop-down arrow next to the assignment title. You will need to complete all parts to receive
full credit.
Part 1. Solve for y. Write a program with a that displays a randomly generated problem that asks the user to solve
for the y variable, takes input from the user, and prints if the user answered correctly or not. Your main should
give one problem and then exit. Use one or more methods to produce this behavior.
Example interactions:
m = 10
What is the value of y? 32
What is the value of y? 52
Sorry, that is incorrect. The answer is 57.
Part 2. Solve for y, m and b. Add 2 choices that behave similarly to your part 1 program, but have the user solve
for m and b instead. These choices should also randomly generate problems and print if the user answers
correctly. Your main program should display a menu asking which type of question to ask: Select 1 to Solve for Y,
2 to Solve for M, 3 to Solve for B and 4 to quit. When the user selects the question type, one question should be
asked, then the user should return to the menu. This should repeat until the user selects quit, then the program
should exit. Use one or more methods and loops to produce this behavior.
Part 3. Three in a Row with Hints. Update your program so that each problem type mode will repeatedly ask
questions until the user gets 3 correct answers in a row. If the attempts more than 3 questions in a particular
mode, the program should provide a hint on how to solve problems of this type. After the student has correctly
answered 3 questions in a row, an overall score (the number of questions answered correctly divided by the total
number of questions attempted) should be displayed, and the menu is presented again.
Project Challenge: Algebra Tutor
The math teacher at Garfield High School, Mr. Escalante, is looking for new ways to help his students learn algebra. They are
currently studying the line equation (y = m * x + b ). Mr. Escalante wants to be able to give his students a phone app that they
can use to study for the midterm exam. This is what he’d like the program to do:
The user will be presented with the option to study in one of 3 modes, or to quit the program:
1. Solve for the value of y, given the values for m, x and b.
2. Solve for the value of m, given the values for y, x and b.
3. Solve for the value of b, given the values for y, m and x.
In each mode, all of the given values should be randomly generated integers between -100 and +100. This means that the
correct answer must be calculated by the program.
Once the student selects a mode, the program will continue to present randomly generated questions until the student has
correctly answered 3 questions in a row. If the student attempts more than 3 questions in a particular mode, a hint about how
to solve the problem should be given before the next question is presented.
After the student has correctly answered 3 questions in a row, an overall score (the number of questions answered correctly
divided by the total number of questions attempted) should be displayed, and the menu is presented again.
Your program must
• define and use custom methods (functions)
• use if statements
• use while loops
Things to think about when you’re designing and writing this program:
1. Take some time to think about the problem and break it down into several smaller problems.
2. Take some time to design and write an outline for your program using pseudo code.
3. Take some time to think about what methods you will need to design and write for this program.
4. Take some time to think about where you may use if statements and while loops in your program.
5. Once you have considered all of the above elements, then start to implement your design in Java.
6. Remember to choose your variable and method names carefully. Names should be descriptive, and well-chosen
names can make it much easier to solve the problem.
Solve for Y
Rename Delete Copy
File: work/
Terminal o
1 // Read the README File Carefully, then write your Algebra Tutor Program Here.
– work
+ .

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