Complete the questions

  • Chs. 21,22 in The West Guide

Writing with Research Worksheet Name:_________________________

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Use West Guide pages 359-362 (327-331 in old book) to guide you in answering the following questions.

1. List the three steps in creating a quote sandwich.



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2. What are the two ways an in-text citation can look? Write two of them from the chapter.

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2. True or False (Circle one): Citations do not need the abbreviation “p.” or “pp.”

3. What is a signal phrase?

4. Give an example of a signal phrase, making up a sentence using a signal verb

from the brown box.

5. What is a block quote?

6. Where does the in-text citation go for a block quote?

7. What does the use of ellipses indicate inside a quote?

8. Write a quote from one of our readings or a page in The West Guide, omit some of the words, and replace them with ellipses.

9. Why might brackets be used inside a quote?


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