combine all follow instructions to the t

For this one i have attached diffent weeks of home work you have to follow the instructions and combine all of them like the instructions say

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This is the final step of the project . Your final task is to combine each weekly project into one master Office Training Program Proposal. A suggested order follows.


Develop a detailed proposal for your training program. Please include the following:

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  1. Title and overall description of the program (Use your material from Weeks 01-04.)
  2. Training objectives (From Week 05)
  3. Training methods to be used and the rationale for using them (including a discussion of the principles on which the choices are based). (From Week 05)
  4. A tentative lesson plan including list and brief description of training materials. (From Week 05)
  5. A training program evaluation plan. (This is something new for this final project step. Evaluation should be done at both the reaction and learning levels. (For information, see Chapter 7)

Running Head: WEEK 1 1

Running Head: WEEK 1 3

Week 1

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on October 16, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development


To: Fleet Trucking Upper management
From: Fleet Trucking Manager
Date: Oct 16, 2013
Subject: Employees Training

Training is considered an essential part of any successful business because by effective training and development employees of a company will acquire the capabilities to perform their jobs more effectively. Training is connected with employee’s performance and retention. By writing this memo I want to draw your attention on a very important issue that office personnel are not apparently trained about their job duties. So as you know without proper training they will not reach their full potential and higher levels of productivity will never be achieved unless they are properly trained. A poorly trained work force will go with poor performance and results are costly mistakes.

There are many reasons for employees training like

· Effective training will increase productivity and employees will be able to provide better quality service and product as well.

· Employee turnover will be reduced. When company will invest on employees it will prove them that company is interested to improve their skills and they will stay longer with us.

· It will decrease Supervision need

· Training will increase the ability to cope with new technologies.

· Work-related injury/illness will be controlled

· Employee’s morale and job satisfaction will goes up,

· It will Enhance company image, and risk management

While it is always possible to improve all the areas of a company, but there are some areas that aren’t performing up to the right standards so after a deep study i have selected one of them which are immediate need training i.e.

How to appropriately answer a business call

It is very important to correct this and encourage employees to perform at their level best.

Good customer service is always considered the life blood of a business. So Phone answering skills are very critical for businesses. It is still consider business’s primary point of contact with customers. And the way in which employee answer company’s phone will form customer’s first impression about business and company as well. So need to learn how to answer the phone properly and win business:

In order to do this, employees training is necessary. Middle management is my main point of focus for this training. Through training sessions, they will learn important tactics about phone handling like promptness, greetings, Acknowledgment, Pleasantries, ending and why they are so important. I hope you will allow me to conduct this training. I hope it will give 100% results. Please grant me permission so that I will prepare my training plan accordingly and conduct a needs assessment before launching training.


Eddie Feliciano

Running Head: WEEK 2 1

Running Head: WEEK 2 2

Week 2

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on October 19, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development

Week 02 – What Do You Expect? (10 points)

Explain the expected outcomes once employees have attended the training program you are designing. Submit a short report addressing the following issues:

Outcomes: Explain the types of outcomes and the effects on employee motivation toward doing the job duties being targeted in the training. (In Chapter 2 of your textbook, refer to the section on “Motivation.”)

Performance Expectations: What type of improvement do you hope to see in performance after the employees have attended the training? (Show where this skill improvement fits in the overall chart of “Employee Behavior” in Figure 2-1 of your text.)

Job Enrichment: How will this training assist with job enrichment for the employees? (See “job enrichment” in Chapter 2.)

KSA: Explain how your training will assist with the employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct their job duties. Why is this important? (Refer to the discussions of KSAs in Chapter 2.)


In any industry organizational success is mostly dependent on its work force. Many

companies mistakenly believe that employees are only seeking financial benefits from their

jobs. So they have not paid any attention of training or employees motivation.  Lack of

employee training is not only a mistake of employee’s retention and satisfaction but it also

has unfavourable consequences for the company’s business. . Business success depends on

how well employees are performing their duties and how much customers satisfy with them. 

For the purpose of employees motivation I have organised training on the issue

How to appropriately answer a business call

My employee training and development program have a wonderful effect on employees

motivation. Following benefits has been achieved by the training program

· Increased employees Morale

· Positive interpersonal relationships

· Positive customer relationship

· Competence to adapt to changes

· super innovation

· Improved company’s image

· Improved efficiency and productivity

After the training program we have observed

· Improved employees communication skills, both in the verbal and written areas

· Improved computer knowledge which is most important in this technological era

· Improved customer service so that the company is going highly successful in client relationship.

· Reduction in organizational conflicts and Improving personal relationships

· Flourishing skills in buying, selling, quality management, standards of quality, benchmarks and so on.

· Low Employees turn over

As the result of more training employee’s satisfaction will high, instead this less training

reduce employee’s satisfaction level. All the companies that are using training and

development as a business strategy, and they have higher job satisfaction rates as compared

to other companies in the industry. They are well aware of high employee satisfaction

because they target along with applicants, turnover and new hiring’s. So as the results of this

type of program employees got more satisfied because they aware that company are making

such a large investment on them.

As the results of my training employees understanding of each and every aspect of

customer handling is increased and they will go smooth for their daily work performance.

This training program develops their confidence, efficiency and as well as decreases the cost

of production, which helps the organization to maximize its profits. This enables the

company to provide employee better salary, packages, bonuses and other facilities.

So there are many types of trainings that can be scheduled on the basis of requirements

of the company. Continued improvement training is only one of the patterns which can also

be used to refresh the knowledge and skills of already trained employees on regular basis.

Running Head: WEEK 3 1

Running Head: WEEK 3 2

Week 3

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on October 27, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development

To: The Vice President (Cindy Kramer)

From: Eddie Feliciano

Date: 10/27/2013

Re: Training Adult Learners

Educators have determined that most adults, adolescents, and children learn best by experiencing a blend of activities that promote the three learning domains: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Adult learning is so much important for the company because of many reasons. Adults are motivated to put time and energy into learning if they know the benefits of learning and the costs of not learning. They have a self-concept of being in charge of their own lives and being responsible for their own decisions, and a need to be seen and treated as being capable of taking responsibility. Their experience is a resource for themselves and for other learners, and gives richer meaning to new ideas and skills. Adults learn when they to choose to learn and commit to learn. The desire to learn usually coincides with the transition from one developmental stage to another and is related to developmental tasks, such as career planning, acquiring job competencies, and improving job performance.

We have mainly three learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. So it is essential to know the learning styles of each individual learners because it helps to make him or her learn so effectively and rapidly.

Visual learners need to see an instructor’s facial expressions and body language to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual distractions. They tend to think in pictures and learn best from visual displays.

Auditory learners learn best through lectures, discussions, and brainstorming. They interpret the underlying meaning of speech by listening to voice tone, pitch, and speed and other speech nuances. Written information has little meaning to them until they hear it.

Kinesthetic learners learn best through a hands-on approach and actively exploring the physical world around them. They have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time, and easily become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.

Adult learns when he needs it but in case of child or young have the curiosity and much learning interest. Adults learning style might be different from the young because of their experience. The individual learning needs can be handled by know the learning styles of each separately.

The training will seek to address adult trainee characteristics by using the latest techniques of training abilities like ISD model and Kolb’s learning styles. The awareness of the terms like Trainability, Motivation, Perception of the work environment and Personality and attitudes are so much important for effective training program and it helps to develop skills within the trainee.

It is important to plan to meet each learner’s individual learning style needs in the design of the program by the Kolb’s model. The Kolb’s model comprises four stages—Diverging, Assimilating, Converging, Accommodating. The analysis design, development, implementation, and evaluation and is a systems approach to instructional design in that it views human organizations and activities as systems in which inputs, outputs, processes and feedback and control elements are the salient features.

Running Head: WEEK 4 1

Running Head: WEEK 3 4

Week 4

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on November 03, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development



· Task: Preparing accounting records and financial statements

· This task involves creating accounts entries for all assets, liabilities and capital items. From these accounts entries, the accountants balance them off and post the balance to the financial statements. These financial statements include income statements, statement of financial position and the statement of changes in owner’s equity.

· The task needs all the expenses, purchases, revenues receipts as they are the original materials of data entry.

· They should have the computers and ledgers used to compile these financial statements.

· There are two areas which need training needs assessment. These two areas are time management skills of the accountant and the communication skills.

· Communication skills of most accountants are not the best ones required for optimal result achievement in an organization and so they need enhancement.

· On the area of time management, most reports are not got when needed and thus accountant will need to improve on this.

One important data source which is vital and will be used for this need assessment is through job descriptions. This will be necessary as they will allow study of all the responsibilities entailed in a certain job. It also leads to understand the employee responsibilities and their expectations on the job. This understanding will then identify the areas of weakness and strength and thus a rationale will be developed which will lead to thorough supervision and training (Gupta, 2011).

The training will be useful to accountants in order for effective performance of their duties. The type of program which will be needed is individual as not all the accountants are having this problem, but some identified few. The challenges on the way will be technical, meaning that the finding the trainers will be a painstaking as good trainers are rare. Another challenge is the costs involved in training facilities and materials. The challenge of cost can be overcome by using the company’s already existing premises (Cekada, 2010).


Cekada, T. L. (2010). Training needs assessment. Professional Safety, 55(3), 28-33.

Gupta, K. (2011). A practical guide to needs assessment. Wiley. com.

Running Head: WEEK 5 1

Running Head: WEEK 5 2

Week 5

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on November 09, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development

List of objectives.

This list will focus on a simple task of welcoming guests into the front office of the company, objectives will include; formal greetings, courtesy in welcoming clientele, good communication skills, and hospitality in accommodating them within the business premises.

Preparing a lesson plan

The training will take two weeks each having five business days. The first week will focus on understanding the different types of clientele and their cultures. The second week will focus on welcoming skills, courtesy requirements and hospitality techniques to be used in the business premises.

i. Week 1- Introduction and brief outline of the training course. Objectives and expected outcomes of the training course will me mentioned here. The need for sensitivity towards different clientele races, cultures will be emphasized on during this week. At the end of the week, the trainees will undertake a weekly assessment test to evaluate what they have learned.

ii. The training for the second week will focus on sharpening the welcoming, courtesy and hospitality skills of the trainees. They will watch videos on hospitality and perform mock run tests to evaluate the improvement of their skills.

Training methods and media

The training will utilize a classroom approach with a facilitator who will be responsible for the training. In addition, an open forum approach will be utilized in the last week of the training. Training media will include charts, pictures and video depicting hospitality techniques. This will give the trainees a real time example of the task they are required to undertake.

Running Head:

Week 6


Running Head: Week 6 2

Week 6

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on November 16, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development

Fleet Trucking Training

Welcome to fleet trucking training

The following will be covered:

· Orientation into new systems

· Workplace motivation

· New employees induction

This session will be important to new employees for:

· Induction

· Socialization

Sessions will be chaired by human resource manager


Running Head:

Week 7


Running Head: Week 7 2

Week 7

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on November 22, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development

Training oriented to the task of filling the skill gap requires patience and understanding of the exact skills lacking in the personnel. The two office personnel presented by the vice president Cindy Kramer, lack workplace competencies that relate to the vast changing technology field. The training topic would be most helpful to these two personnel, as it will help them appreciate the individual skills that they contribute to the company despite their weaknesses. This training will enable the two personnel to identify their strengths in performing their work and will show them how they are unique to the company on a team-based approach. The training will also steer them towards learning new skills from other personnel who are skilled in new technology, while stressing on the need to share skills and learn from others. While turning focus on Maria, her relatively limited English-speaking skills despite being the most valuable employee in the company and the sensitivity her job position bares upon the need for effective communication. The training remedy for Maria would be encourage her to take part-time English classes at the same time organize a support structure whereby the other workers would be requested to communicate with her in an educative fashion, and to exercise patience with her as they communicate during operations. Maria will benefit from the above suggestions, as she will be relieved of the pressure to learn quickly as the entire staff will support her.

Running Head:

Week 8


Running Head: Week 8 2

Week 8

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on November 28, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano B250/LBS2030 Training and Development

You have agreed with upper management to provide a “Train and Coach the Trainers” element for your new HRD program. Discuss what issues you will need to be concerned with in order to effectively and efficiently train and coach the trainers. Discuss issues that may arise pertaining to such things as: “peer training”, “coaching”, and “mentoring.” How can you ensure motivation connected with the training topic? How can you ensure “Transfer of Training”? Suggest follow up training topics which may help to ensure trainees remain up-to-date in their abilities and skills connected with the topic.

Coaching is a sure way to strengthen the communication between the staff and their employees. This helps to outline performance, thus increasing the chances of the employee’s performance actions to meet the desired expectations. To effectively train and coach the trainers, a number of issues have to be observed. Informing the trainees the subject to be covered in the training session, including a brief highlight of the subject to be covered is one of the concerns. Ensuring that there is demonstration of procedures and a relation of all the relevant information that trainees need to know ensures effectiveness of the session. Testing and giving quizzes also facilitates training, the trainees will be keen and as a result give back valuable information as a matter of giving contribution to the topic. Involving the trainees in such activities as interactive questioning to let them share their knowledge is also a way of ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of the session. Analyzing the session as training proceeds gives you a view of what works out best, thus a way of promoting effectiveness. Finally, keeping the session on track is very vital. Make sure to keep time as scheduled to avoid inconveniences, be part of the group and involve them in one to one conversations having frequent breaks throughout the session.

With such issues as “peer training”, coaching and mentoring, a more informed and interactive staff is brought up which have all the necessary technical skills, interpersonal skills and also self-developmental skills.

 To ensure mentoring in relation to the training topic, the trainer should remain very clear and to the point throughout the training session. Engaging the audience through such activities as discussion forums in which they are given a chance to contribute motivates them as they feel a part of the program.

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