COM200: Interpersonal Communication

week 2 discussion

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COM200: Interpersonal Communication


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In Chapter Four of Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication, the author discusses the power of language and how verbal communication can affect interpersonal relationships. The author also mentions ways in which you can improve your verbal communication. Explain how you will use these skills to make your interpersonal verbal communication more effective. Use a specific example of someone in your life (past or present) that is difficult to communicate with. Describe how using these skills could improve your communication with this person. 

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Disc 2 Nonverbal communication is one of the most powerful ways that we communicate in our interpersonal relationships. Sometimes, however, we may find ourselves unintentionally communicating something that we do not mean to. This tends to happen quite often in intercultural communication situations (when we are communicating across different cultures). Provide an example of a time when you nonverbally communicated something other than what you meant. Or, use an example of when someone else nonverbally communicated something to you that was different than what they meant. What happened in this situation? Be specific in your example and also discuss what you will do in the future to avoid this. 


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