CMSC 405 University of Maryland Programming Worksheet

Project 4WebGL 3D ProjectOverviewIn this project you will create a unique 3D animated scene composed of WebGL graphic components.The scene should include animation, lighting, textures, frame buffers and multiple objects.Requirements:1. Using WebGL create a unique 3D animated scene. The scene has the following specifications:a. Size: minimum 640x480b. Includes at least 10 different objects.c. Uses multiple lighting effects on different materialsd. Uses multiple texturese. Includes radio buttons, slider bars or other widgets to turn on or off certain componentsof the animation.f. Uses frame buffers to organize the memory resources that are needed to render thescene.2. Use WebGL3. All JavaScript source code should be written using Google JavaScript style guide.( Prepare, conduct and document a test plan verifying your application is working as expected.This plan should include a test matrix listing each method you tested, how you tested it, and theresults of testingDeliverables:1. All JavaScript source code used for this project. Code should adhere to the Google Javascriptstyle guide.2. Word or PDF file demonstrating with clearly labeled screen captures and associated well-writtendescriptions, the successful execution of your 3D WebGL animated scene. The document shouldbe well-written, well-organized, include your test plan, include page numbers, captions for allscreen captures, and a title page including your name, class, section number and date.References should be included for all sources used and formatted in APA style.

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