CMN103 Writing(APA)

Identity Paper

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Deadline: Wednesday, January 3


, 2018 deposited to the D2L Dropbox (Submissions)
1:00 PM

Martin and Nakayama (2013) assert that, “identity serves as a bridge between culture and communication” (p. 170). This is why it is important to understand our own identities because the cultures in which they are based affect the ways in which we communicate interculturally. Therefore, in this essay, I will be looking for you to describe the process through which you have come to articulate the racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, and/or religious/spiritual facets of who you are. The best essays will be personal with explicit details. For example, instead of simply writing, “My Dutch American identity is important to me,” tell me about the Limburg vlaai your grandmother used to make when you were growing up. Tell me why this means something to you, and explain how you enact your Dutch American identity in your everyday life from the clothes you wear, to the foods you eat, and to the media you consume. This is your chance to demonstrate that you understand and can apply what we have learned in a real world setting.

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1. Start by reviewing the information on academic integrity on the syllabus and in the “Start Here – Introduction” section of our D2L classroom.

2. Within your identity paper, you must accurately apply five (5) of the following identity terms. Please do not apply more than five (5) of these terms because I would prefer that you go in depth with a few of these terms rather than trying to apply all of them.




· age identity (182)

· ascription (166)

· avowal (166)

· class identity (194)

· ethnic identity (185)

· familial identity (164)

· gender identity (180)

· global nomads (202)

· identity (162)

· interpellation (169)

· model minority (205)

· national identity (197)

· racial identity (184)

· regional identity (199)

· religious identity (192)

· sexual identity (182)

· spiritual identity (165)

· third-culture kids (202)


3. Your full name as it appears in D2L and Campus Connect must appear at the top of your paper.

4. Your essay must be written in Times New Roman 11- or 12-point. It must be double-spaced with 1” or 1.25” margins, and it must also be paginated. In other words, please insert page numbers into your document. Please do not place extra white lines between paragraphs, and please make sure you indent your paragraphs.

5. Your essay must be 1,000-1,200 words exclusive of your name, a title if you choose to include one, and APA references. The word count is inclusive of APA in-text citations since they will be embedded in your introduction, body, and conclusion.

6. An essay contains three main parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Your introduction should give your reader a “road map” to your paper. In it, you should introduce your topic and preview your main points. Your body should consist of more than one paragraph that weaves your personal identity story together, and your conclusion should summarize your main points while coming to a logical close.

7. Your essay must demonstrate correct spelling and superb grammar. Since this is a written assignment in a university-level course, excellent writing is expected overall. If you need help with your writing, spelling, grammar, and/or APA Style, I heavily recommend that you utilize the DePaul University Center for Writing-based Learning.

8. The first time you use a term from the course in any part of this essay, please underline it and define it in your own words. In other words, please avoid using direct quotes from the course materials. If you do use a short direct quote, please make sure you enclose it within quotation marks. Only use a direct quote if absolutely necessary. I prefer that you paraphrase because this demonstrates that you both understand and can apply the terms. Remember that you must cite whether you use a direct quote, paraphrase, or just refer to information from a source.

9. You must cite using APA Style. Your APA in-text citation should come at the end of the first sentence of the paragraph in which you refer to a source. When you switch to a new source, you need to let the reader know that you are now citing information from the different source with the appropriate APA in-text citation. Once you switch back to referring the first source again, you need to cite it again. This game starts over in every single paragraph. When you do not cite, you are plagiarizing.

10. Please do not use any sources other than Martin and Nakayama (2013).

11. Following your essay on a new page, you must include an APA-formatted reference list. If your essay consists of three pages, your APA reference list should be on page four. At the top of the reference page, please type “References” (without the quotes). This is the correct format for the reference for our textbook:

Martin, J. & Nakayama, T. (2013). Intercultural communication in contexts (6th ed). New York:


Deadline & Submission Instructions

· The deadline is Wednesday, January 31, 2018. The dropbox will close precisely at our class start time. Papers must be submitted through the D2L dropbox under “Submissions.”

· If you miss the deadline even by one second, your paper will be late. There is a separate “Late Identity Paper” dropbox on D2L. It will close 72 hours after the regular deadline. Late papers will not be accepted after the late deadline. I suggest that you go back into the D2L dropbox after you submit your document to make sure it uploaded correctly.

· No hard copies or emailed versions will be accepted.

· Only papers submitted as a , x, .rtf, or .txt will be accepted due to Turnitin limitations, the software with which I grade, etc. Any documents submitted in other formats will not be accepted. Submitting a paper in the incorrect format will result in an email instructing you to upload a version in the correct format to the “Late Identity Paper” dropbox, and your paper will suffer a 20% penalty. Failure to resubmit your paper in the correct format before the late deadline will result in a zero (0).

Academic Integrity & Resources

Turnitin will scan all papers for originality. Please review the syllabus as well as the resources listed under “Start Here – Introduction” under “Content” on D2L for information regarding academic integrity.


Quality of narrative addressing at five (5) of the terms as directed above 100

Proper APA in-text citations & an APA-formatted reference list 25

Essay structure with a clear introduction, body, & conclusion 25

Grammar, spelling, overall writing, adherence to directions, professional format, etc. 50

Total 200

(Less late penalty of 20% -40)


Email me at

. Please remember that it may take up to 24 hours to respond to your messages. Good luck!

C L RC W r i t i n g C ent e r

APA Citation Workshop: Activity I

As a general guideline, APA-style essay writers should include the author’s last name, publication year, and (in
some cases) page number. Where to place the information, and precisely which information to include, varies
according to whether the citation is a quotation or paraphrase and whether the author is named in the
sentence or not.

Practice the rules for in-text citations by inserting the missing information for each of the following examples,
using the following citation information:

Author: Michael Bestoff Title: “Cell Phone Use and Collision Risk”

Year: 2004 Page: 54

A recent study found that drivers using cell phones
were up to four times more likely to have accidents
than those not using these devices ( ).

A recent study concluded that “using a cellular telephone
increased the risk of having a motor vehicle collision as
much as four times for the same drivers when they were
not using their cellular telephones” ( ).

Bestoff’s ( ) study proves that drivers using
cell phones were up to four times more likely to
have accidents than those not using these devices.

Bestoff ( ) concluded that “using a cellular
telephone increased the risk of having a motor vehicle
collision as much as four times for the same drivers when
they were not using their cellular telephones” ( ).

With quotations, you must provide author’s name, year, and page number:

According to recent psychological research, “students favor homework over more strenuous activities”
(Williams, 2005, p. 54).

With paraphrase, just the author’s name and year:

According to recent psychological research, doing homework is considered preferable to sports (Williams,

When the author is named in the sentence, the reference with the year follows immediately after the name.

Research by Wegener and Petty (1994) supports the idea that pets are beneficial in treating depression and
other illnesses.

When the author is not named in the sentence, the reference with the author’s name and year are at end of

According to recent psychological research, doing homework is considered preferable to sports (Williams,

C L RC W r i t i n g C ent e r

APA Citation Workshop: Activity II

Basic Book:

___________________,_____ . (_____). ____________________________________.

____________, _____ : ___________________.

Nonperiodical Web Document, Web Page, or Report (When there is no author for a web page, the title moves to
the first position of the reference entry)

___________________,_____ . (_____). ____________________________________.

Retrieved from http://____________________________________

Journal article from a database (single author):

___________________,_____ . (_____). ____________________________________._________________,

______ (_____), __________.

Author’s last name Auth. first

Pub. Year Title (in italics)

Pub. City Pub. State Publisher Name

Author’s last name Auth. first

Pub. Year Article Title (no italics)

Volume #. Issue # Page range

Journal Title (in italics)

Author’s last name Auth. first

Pub. Year Title of document

Web address

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