Club IT part 3 with seven criteria

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Read Appendix E with additional information on Club IT.


Use Appendix F as a template for the form of your technology plan.

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Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper identifying technology solutions to the business problems at Club IT you cited in your Week Six analysis. Develop a technology plan, a proposal of your technology recommendations, for addressing those problems.


 Criteria One: Organization Description and Demographic Information


Provide a brief description of the organization and demographic information.


Consider the following questions: Who are the people in the organization? Who are the people the organization serves?


Criteria Two: Goals and Strategy


Provide a clear set of goals and a strategy for using information systems to achieve these goals and improve business.


Consider the following questions: What are the short- and long-term goals of the organization? What role will information systems play in achieving these goals? How will information systems fulfill that role?


Criteria Three: Professional Development


Provide a professional development strategy that ensures staff training on the new systems.


Consider the following questions: How will the staff learn to use the technology and integrate it into their work? How will training be conducted? When will the training be offered? Who will provide the training? How will staff familiarize themselves with technology appropriate to their positions?


Criteria Four: Assessment of Needs


Provide an assessment of the telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other services that will be needed to improve service.


Consider the following questions: What is the current technology environment at the organization? What proposed services and systems will be purchased and installed to meet the goals specified in Criteria Two? What is the timeline for implementation?


Criteria Five: The Budget


Provide a budget that identifies the organization funds available for the system being proposed.


Consider the following questions: What size budget is available? What is the best use of these funds in terms of acquiring and maintaining hardware and software, professional development, and other services that will be needed to implement the strategy for improved service?


Criteria Six: Evaluation


Provide a plan for evaluation that enables the organization to monitor progress toward the goals specified in Criteria Two.


Consider the following questions: Who will conduct the evaluation? How will the evaluation be conducted? When will the evaluation occur?


Criteria Seven: Inventory


Provide a complete inventory of the current hardware, software, and types of telecommunications services being used.

Sample Technology Plan – use this sample as a guide for completing your final project. Be sure to consider these seven criteria and include an introduction and conclusion in your paper.


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