CJ216: Unit 8

In this unit, you examined the importance of information technology and its application to crime analysis. For this assignment, you will examine the importance of information technology and its application to crime analysis.  Write a 700–1,050 word essay discussing how technology is used in crime analysis.  Consider the following in your discussion: •Identify and explain three types of technology that are necessary for accurate crime analysis. •Identify four or more methods of collecting, storing, and retrieving information needed for crime analysis, using examples to support their importance. •Analyze two benefits of crime analysis to the community and two benefits to law enforcement, and why.  Two resources are required and the textbook is allowed.  Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained. You essay should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.  The assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling).  The paper should be a continuous piece of writing that allows for your sustained viewpoint with logical order and organization. For example, three separate paragraphs answering the questions on different topics does not allow for this type of sustained development.

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-1: Explain the impact of information technology on the criminal justice system.



0 1 2

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Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.


Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.






Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 2.5% 0.5

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 5.0% 1

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 2.5% 0.5



Grading Rubric

Assessed by the Unit 1 Written Assignment 2

No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight
3 4 5
Identify. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Student attempts to identify the ways in which information technology impacts the criminal justice system but is inaccurate. Student identifies only basic concepts of information technology and its impact on the criminal justice system. Student identifies one way in which information technology impacts the criminal justice system. Student identifies two ways in which information technology impacts the criminal justice system. Student identifies three or more ways in which information technology impacts the criminal justice system. 30
Explain. Student attempts to explain the impact of information technology on the criminal justice system but is inaccurate. Student attempts to explain the impact of information technology on the criminal justice system; however the explanation is poorly developed. Student explains one way in which information technology impacts the criminal justice system, but the description is not fully developed and includes incomplete information. Student explains the impact of two specific types of information technology on the criminal justice system with accurate and complete descriptions. Student explains the impact of three or more specific types of information technology on the criminal justice system with accurate and complete descriptions. 50% 10
Formatting/Layout Work may reflect an attempt to format and cite references but does not adhere to a professionally recognized standard; work does not meet the requirements for complete documentation of sources.. Work uses professionally recognized standards but may show misunderstanding of some aspects of formatting and/or citation. Work demonstrates the ability to apply professionally recognized standards of formatting and documentation but contains several minor errors. Work demonstrates the ability to accurately format assignments according to professionally recognized standards. Formatting or citations may contain one or two minor errors. Work demonstrates accurate and complete formatting and documentation of sources according to professionally recognized standards. 5.0%
Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 2.

5% 0.5
Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 2.5%
Mechanics Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct.
Organization Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas.
Language Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience.
100% Overall Grading Score:

Unit 2

Grading Rubric


No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight Points
0 1 2 3 4 5

Identify. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.



Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Left Blank Intentionally. Left Blank Intentionally.

5 10% 3

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Left Blank Intentionally.



Explain. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.


Formatting/Layout Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Work may reflect an attempt to format and cite references but does not adhere to a professionally recognized standard; work does not meet the requirements for complete documentation of sources.. Work uses professionally recognized standards but may show misunderstanding of some aspects of formatting and/or citation. Work demonstrates the ability to apply professionally recognized standards of formatting and documentation but contains several minor errors. Work demonstrates the ability to accurately format assignments according to professionally recognized standards. Formatting or citations may contain one or two minor errors. Work demonstrates accurate and complete formatting and documentation of sources according to professionally recognized standards. 5 5.0%

Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 5 2.5%

Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 5 2.5% 0.75 Mechanics Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 5 2.5% 0.75
Organization Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 5 5.0% 1.5
Language Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience. 5 2.5% 0.75

100% Overall Grading Score:




Assessed by the Unit 2 Written Assignment 2
Points Possible:
Student attempted to identify the function of hardware, software, and the operating system, but was unsuccessful. Student identifies the function of one of the following: hardware, software, the operating system. Left Blank Intentionally. Student identifies the function of two of the following: hardware, software, the operating system. Student identifies the function of hardware, software, and the operating system. 10%
Research. Student used only the text material as references. Student used one resource beyond the text material from a source that was not credible or the credibility could not be assessed because of lack of information related to the author and sponsor. Student used at least one credible source beyond the text material.
Describe. Student attempts to describe two broad classifications of software and the primary functions of the operating system but was unsuccessful. Student describes one broad classifications of software, but did not describe the primary function of the operating system. Student describes one broad classifications of software and the primary function of the operating system with illustrative examples. Student thoroughly describes two broad classifications of software and the primary function of the operating system with illustrative examples. 20%
Student attempts to explain the concept of hardware inside of every computer and its relationship to the motherboard but is unsuccessful. Student explains the concept of hardware inside of every computer and its relationship to the motherboard, but did not include description of memory chips in motherboard. Student explains the concept of hardware inside of every computer and its relationship to the motherboard, Only included description of one type of memory chip in motherboard. Student explains the concept of hardware inside of every computer and its relationship to the motherboard, including description of two types of memory chips in motherboard. Student thoroughly explains the concept of hardware inside of every computer and its relationship to the motherboard, including description of three types of memory chips in motherboard. 40% 12

Unit 3

Grading Rubric

Points Possible:
No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight Points
0 1 2 3 4 5

Identify. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Left Blank Intentionally.

5 10% 3

Research. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Student used only the text material as references. Student used one resource beyond the text material from a source that was not credible or the credibility could not be assessed because of lack of information related to the author and sponsor. Left Blank Intentionally. Left Blank Intentionally. Student used at least one credible source beyond the text material. 5 20% 6
Explain. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 40% 12

GEL 3.4: Examine the effect of science and technology on the natural world.

5 10% 3


5 5.0% 1.5

Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 5 2.5% 0.75
Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 5 2.5% 0.75 Mechanics Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 5 2.5% 0.75 Organization Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 5 5.0% 1.5 Language Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience. 5 2.5% 0.75 100% Overall Grading Score: 30 0.6 1.2 ERROR:#REF! 0.3 0.15 ERROR:#REF! 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.15

GEL 3.4: Examine the effect of science and technology on the natural world.
Assessed by the Unit 3 Written Assignment 2
Student attempts to identify technology used in the following policing Eras but was unsuccessful.
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era
Student identifies technology used in one of the following policing Eras
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era
Student identifies technology used in two of the following policing Eras
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era
Student identifies technology used in each of the following policing Eras
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era

Student attempted to explain how technology was used in each of the policing eras and how technology changed policing methods in patrol during the era, but was unsuccessful.
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era

Left Blank Intentionally.

Student explains how technology was used in one of the policing eras and how technology changed policing methods in patrol during the era.
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era

Student explains how technology was used in two of the policing eras and how technology changed policing methods in patrol during each era
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era
Included examples to support their position.

Student thoroughly explains how technology was used in each of the three policing eras and how technology changed policing methods in patrol during each era
• Political Era
• Professional Era
• Community Oriented Era
Included examples to support their position.

Student work does demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement. Student work demonstrates the ability to recognize the relationship between the technology and the natural world. Student cannot yet define or give examples of that relationship. Student work demonstrates the ability to recognize the relationship between technology and the natural world and define or give examples of that relationship. Student work demonstrates the ability to analyze how the natural world has influenced technological achievement and solutions. Student work demonstrates the ability to recognize problems in the natural world that have been caused by advancements in science and technology. Student work demonstrates the ability to create solutions to problems that advancement in science and technology has caused in the natural world.
The project was not submitted. The project was submitted but the formatting (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.) contains errors that are excessive and distracting. The title page and/or reference page may be missing. Paper is less than half of the required length. The project demonstrates an attempt to adhere to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.)–errors are not egregious. The title page or reference page may be missing. Paper is approximately half of the required length. For the most part, the project adheres to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.). A title page and reference page are included. Paper meets the length requirements.

Unit 4

Grading Rubric

Points Possible:
No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight Points
0 1 2 3 4 5

Identify. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 10% 3

Research. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 10% 3

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 20% 6

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.


Formatting/Layout The project was not submitted.

5 5% 1.5

Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 5 5% 1.5
Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 5 5% 1.5 Mechanics Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 5 5% 1.5
Organization Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 5 5% 1.5
Language Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience. 5 5% 1.5

100% Overall Grading Score:


CJ216-2: Articulate the importance of data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis on the criminal justice system.
Assessed by the Unit4 Assignment 2
Student attempts to identify ways in which data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis relate to the criminal justice system, but is inaccurate. Student is able to identify one method of data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis as it relates to the criminal justice system. Student is able to identify two methods of data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis as it relates to the criminal justice system. Student is able to identify three methods of data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis as it relates to the criminal justice system. Student is able to identify four or more methods of data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis as it relates to the criminal justice system.
Student did not locate relevant information related to how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis is conducted within the criminal justice system. Student located relevant information related to how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis is conducted within the criminal justice system as well as irrelevant information. Student located relevant and irrelevant information related to how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis is conducted within the criminal justice system but does not demonstrate the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. Student located relevant information related to how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis is conducted within the criminal justice system and demonstrates the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information related to the fundamentals of data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis in the criminal justice system. Student located relevant information about the fundamental principles of how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis is conducted within the criminal justice system and distinguishes between the relative importance of those principles.
Discuss. Student was unable to discuss how and why data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis are important to the criminal justice system. Student discussed how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis are important to the criminal justice system in general concepts, but did not sufficiently support the discussion with reliable sources and was unable to articulate why these elements are important to the criminal justice system. Student discussed how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis are important to the criminal justice system in specific terms, but only partially supported their discussion with reliable sources and was unable to articulate why these elements are important to the criminal justice system. Student was able to discuss how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis are important to the criminal justice system in specific terms, and was able to articulate why these elements are important to the criminal justice system but the student did not support the discussion using academically reliable sources. Student was able to discuss how data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis are important to the criminal justice system, and was able to articulate why these elements are important to the criminal justice system supported by using academically reliable internal and external sources.
Apply. Student applied information regarding the benefits of crime analysis to the community and did not apply benefits to law enforcement. Student applied benefit crime analysis has to both the community and law enforcement. Student applied two benefits crime analysis to either the community and/or law enforcement. Student applied three benefits crime analysis to either the community and/or law enforcement. Student applied two benefits crime analysis has to both the community and law enforcement. 30% 9
The project was submitted but the formatting (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.) contains errors that are excessive and distracting. The title page and/or reference page may be missing. Presentation is less than half of the required length. The project demonstrates an attempt to adhere to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.)–errors are not egregious. The title page or reference page may be missing. Presentation is approximately half of the required length. For the most part, the project adheres to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.). A title page and reference page are included. Presentation meets the slide length requirements.

Unit 6

Grading Rubric

Points Possible:

No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight Points
0 1 2 3 4 5

Identify. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 20% 12

Research. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Left Blank Intentionally.

5 10% 6

Describe. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 40%

Formatting/Layout The project was not submitted. The project was submitted but the formatting (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.) contains errors that are excessive and distracting. The title page and/or reference page may be missing. Presentation is less than half of the required length. The project demonstrates an attempt to adhere to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.)–errors are not egregious. The title page or reference page may be missing. Presentation is approximately half of the required length. For the most part, the project adheres to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.). A title page and reference page are included. Presentation meets the slide length requirements. 5 5% 3
Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 5 5% 3
Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 5 5% 3 Mechanics Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 5 5% 3
Organization Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 5 5% 3
Language Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience. 5 5% 3

100% Overall Grading Score:



CJ216-3: Identify computer-related crimes.
Assessed by the Unit6 Assignment 2
Student is unable to accurately identify any computer-related crimes. Student is able to identify at least one computer-related crime. Student is able to identify two computer-related crimes. Student is able to identify three computer-related crimes. Student is able to identify four or more computer-related crimes.
Student uses only the textbook. Student uses resources beyond the textbook from a source that was not credible or the credibility could not be assessed because of lack of information related to the author and sponsor. Student uses one additional source outside of the textbook. Student uses two additional sources outside of the textbook.
Student describes one crime with a limited description of how the crime could be committed and is supported with resources. Left blank Intentionally Student describes two crimes with a description of how each crime could be committed supported with resources. Student describes three crimes with a complete description of how each crime could be committed supported with resources. Student describes each of the four crimes with a complete description of how each crime could be committed supported with resources. 24

Unit 7

Grading Rubric

Points Possible:
No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight Points
0 1 2 3 4 5

Identify. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 20% 12

Research. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Student uses resources beyond the textbook from a source that was not credible or the credibility could not be assessed because of lack of information related to the author and sponsor. Left Blank Intentionally. Left Blank Intentionally.

5 10% 6

Explain. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 30%

GEL-1.2: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

5 10% 6

Formatting/Layout The project was not submitted. The project was submitted but the formatting (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.) contains errors that are excessive and distracting. The title page and/or reference page may be missing. Presentation is less than half of the required length. The project demonstrates an attempt to adhere to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.)–errors are not egregious. The title page or reference page may be missing. Presentation is approximately half of the required length. For the most part, the project adheres to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.). A title page and reference page are included. Presentation meets the slide length requirements. 5 5% 3
Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 5 5% 3
Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 5 5% 3 Mechanics Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 5 5% 3 Organization Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 5 5% 3 Language Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience. 5 5% 3 100% Overall Grading Score: 60 2.4 ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! 0.6 0.6 ERROR:#REF! 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

CJ216-4: Explain the sharing of data between federal and local governments.

GEL-1.2: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
Assessed by the Unit 7 Assignment 2
Student attempts to identify ways in which data is shared between federal and local governments but is inaccurate. Student identifies one way in which data is shared between federal and local governments. Student identifies two ways in which data is shared between federal and local governments. Student identifies three ways in which data is shared between federal and local governments. Student identifies four or more ways in which data is shared between federal and local governments.
Student uses one resource (textbook allowed). Student uses two resources (textbook allowed).
Student attempts to explain how data is shared between federal and local governments but is inaccurate. Student attempts to explain how data is shared between federal and local governments; however the explanation is poorly developed. Student explains one way in which how data is shared between federal and local governments, but the description is not fully developed and includes incomplete information. Student explains two specific methods how data is shared between federal and local governments with accurate and complete descriptions and provided practical, detailed examples. The student’s descriptions and examples are supported by academically reliable internal and external sources. Student explains three or more specific methods how data is shared between federal and local governments with accurate and complete descriptions and provided practical, detailed examples. The student’s descriptions and examples are supported by academically reliable internal and external sources. 18
Student work does not yet demonstrate an understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Some content may be plagiarized. Student work has a viewpoint but it is not clearly stated and the work may reveal a lack of coherence and originality. The use of Standard English is lacking. There are significant problems with content, organization, format and mechanics. Student work uses Standard English and shows coherence, order and some originality, but may not include a clear viewpoint and purpose. Work synthesizes factual support, but lacks organization throughout the assignment. The work also includes one or two significant gaps in content, does not demonstrate transitions, and has some problems with format and mechanics. Student work is in Standard English and demonstrates the use of a clear viewpoint and purpose. The work is original, well ordered and coherent on the whole. While content is thorough and well defined there may one or two minor errors of omission. There may also be minor errors of organization, style, and mechanics. Student work includes clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose. Assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates clear organization. Communication is very well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. The work displays superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Student work includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization. Communication is highly ordered, logical and unified. The assignment displays exceptional content, organization, style and mechanics.

Unit 8

Grading Rubric

Points Possible:
No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight Points
0 1 2 3 4 5

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Left Blank Intentionally.

5 10% 6

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 10% 6

Research. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Student used only the text material as references. Student used one resource beyond the text material from a source that was not credible or the credibility could not be assessed because of lack of information related to the author and sponsor. Left Blank Intentionally.

5 20% 12

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 30% 18

GEL-6.2: Apply a professionally recognized method of formatting and documentation. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Work uses professionally recognized standards but may show misunderstanding of some aspects of formatting and/or citation. Work demonstrates the ability to apply professionally recognized standards of formatting and documentation but contains several minor errors. Work demonstrates the ability to accurately format assignments according to professionally recognized standards. Formatting or citations may contain one or two minor errors. Work demonstrates accurate and complete formatting and documentation of sources according to professionally recognized standards. 5 10% 6

Formatting/Layout The project was not submitted. The project was submitted but the formatting (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.) contains errors that are excessive and distracting. The title page and/or reference page may be missing. Paper is less than half of the required length. The project demonstrates an attempt to adhere to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.)–errors are not egregious. The title page or reference page may be missing. Paper is approximately half of the required length. For the most part, the project adheres to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.). A title page and reference page are included. Paper meets the length requirements. 5 5.0%

Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 5 2.5% 1.5
Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 5 2.5% 1.5 Mechanics Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 5 2.5% 1.5
Organization Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 5 5.0% 3.0
Language Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience. 5 2.5% 1.5

100% Overall Grading Score:





GEL-6.2: Apply a professionally recognized method of formatting and documentation.
Measured by the Unit 8 Written Assignment 2
Identify Types of Technology. Student attempted to identify types of technology necessary for accurate crime analysis but was unsuccessful. Student identifies one type of technology necessary for accurate crime analysis. Student identifies two types of technology necessary for accurate crime analysis. Student identifies three types of technology necessary for accurate crime analysis.
Identify Methods. Student attempted to identify methods of collecting, storing, and retrieving information needed for crime analysis, but was unsuccessful. Student identifies one method of collecting, storing, and retrieving information needed for crime analysis. Student identifies two methods of collecting, storing, and retrieving information needed for crime analysis. Student identifies three methods of collecting, storing, and retrieving information needed for crime analysis, and used examples to support their importance. Student identifies four or more methods of collecting, storing, and retrieving information needed for crime analysis, and used examples to support their importance.
Student used at least one credible source (textbook is allowed as a source). Student used at least two credible sources (textbook is allowed as a source).
Analyze benefits of crime analysis. Student attempted to analyze two benefits of crime analysis to the community and two benefits to law enforcement, but was unsuccessful. Student analyzed one benefit of crime analysis to the community and one benefit to law enforcement and explained each benefit. Student analyzed two benefits of crime analysis to the community and two benefits to law enforcement but did not include explanations for each benefit. Student analyzed two benefits of crime analysis to the community and one benefit to law enforcement and explained each benefit. Student analyzed two benefits of crime analysis to the community and two benefits to law enforcement and thoroughly explained each benefit.
Student work has a viewpoint but it is not clearly stated and the work may reveal a lack of coherence and originality. The use of Standard American English is lacking. There are significant problems with content, organization, format and mechanics.

Unit 9

Grading Rubric

Points Possible:

No Progress Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient Mastery Grading Score Relative Weight Points
0 1 2 3 4 5

Identify. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 10% 10

Research. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 10% 10

Apply. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 10% 10

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

5 30%

PC-2.2: Formulate innovative solutions for identified initiatives.

5 20%

Formatting/Layout The project was not submitted. The project was submitted but the formatting (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.) contains errors that are excessive and distracting. The title page and/or reference page may be missing. Paper is less than half of the required length. The project demonstrates an attempt to adhere to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.)–errors are not egregious. The title page or reference page may be missing. Paper is approximately half of the required length. For the most part, the project adheres to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the instructions (e.g., spacing, margins, font size, etc.). A title page and reference page are included. Paper meets the length requirements. 5 5.0%

Source Attribution No attempt was made to distinguish between ideas from sources and those of the author. Ideas from sources are not easily distinguished from those of the author. At times, one or more of the following are used: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are usually distinguishable from those of the author by the use of any of the following: Signal phrases, inclusion of URLs, author names, publication titles, in-text citations, and/or (when appropriate) quotation marks. Ideas from sources are clearly distinguishable from those of the author by the frequent use of in-text citations and (when appropriate) quotation marks. 5 2.5% 2.4
Source Use/Integration No outside sources were used. Quantity and type of sources do not entirely adhere to the requirements of the assignment. There are > 26% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment for the most part. There may be < 25% fewer sources and/or types of sources than required. Quantity and type of sources adhere to the requirements of the assignment. 5 2.5% 2.4 Mechanics Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors pervasive and distracting. Grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors significant and distracting. Frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct. 5 2.5% 2.4
Organization Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Organization and structure detract from the analysis. Analysis is disjointed and lacks transition of thought. Organization and structure are not easy to follow and interfere with meaning. Paragraph and sentence transitions need significant improvement. Organization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Transition of thoughts needs some improvement. Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Minor flaw(s) in flow of analysis. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. Logical flow of ideas. 5 5.0% 4.8
Language Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Language inappropriate, mundane, and unfocused. No central theme or thesis present. Not written for the appropriate audience. Random, choppy, and/or awkward language significantly detracts from analysis. Not written for the appropriate audience. Language ordinary, imprecise, and/or lacks interest or precision. Central theme or thesis present but not explicitly presented. Written for the appropriate audience. Language functional, appropriate, and acceptable. Written for the appropriate audience. Variety of sentence length and structure. Language rich, precise, and vivid. Central theme or thesis clear. Written for the appropriate audience. 5 2.5% 2.4

100% Overall Grading Score:







CJ216-5: Analyze the future of information technology in the criminal justice system.

PC-2.2: Formulate innovative solutions for identified initiatives.
Measured by the Unit 9 Final Written Assignment.
Student attempts to identify the future roles of information technology in the Criminal Justice system but is inaccurate. Student identifies one future role of information technology in the Criminal Justice system. Student identifies and defines two future roles of information technology in the Criminal Justice system. Student identifies two future roles of information technology in the Criminal Justice system with supporting explanation and documentation. Student identifies three or more future roles of information technology in the Criminal Justice system with supporting explanation and documentation.
Student did not locate relevant information in which information technology may be used in the Criminal Justice system in the future. Student located relevant information in which information technology may be used in the Criminal Justice system in the future. Student located one specific methods in which information technology may be used in the Criminal Justice system in the future, but does not demonstrate the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant technology. Student located two specific methods in which information technology may be used in the Criminal Justice system in the future and distinguishes between the relative importance of the technology. Student located relevant information related to three or more ways in which information technology may be used in the Criminal Justice system in the future and demonstrates the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information associated to the technology of the future.
Student was unable to adequately apply research to project what the future of information technology in the Criminal Justice system may look like. Student applied research to project what the future of information technology in the Criminal Justice system and identified one possible outcome. Student applied research to project what the future of information technology in the Criminal Justice system and identified two possible outcomes, however, the research does not effectively support the implementation of the future technology. Student applied relevant and irrelevant information related to the future of information technology in the Criminal Justice and identified three possible outcomes. Student was able to partially support the implementation of the future technology. Student applied relevant research related to project what the future of information technology in the Criminal Justice system may look like, is able to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information, and applied the information accurately and completely.
Analyse. Student was unable to adequately analyze the future of information technology in the criminal justice system. Student was able to analyze the future of information technology in the criminal justice system; however the analysis was disorganized and unclear. Student was able to analyze the future of information technology in the criminal justice system using solid research principles, but was unable to articulate them in a clear and concise manner. Student was able to analyze the future of information technology in the criminal justice system using solid research principles and identified possible future trends. Student analyzed the future of information technology in the criminal justice system based on logical foundations of research that will identify future trends. 29
Student work demonstrates little or no ability to integrate innovative application of resources to achieve outcomes. Student work demonstrates limited ability to integrate innovative application of resources for one’s self or team to achieve outcomes. Student work demonstrates some ability to integrate innovative application of resources for one’s self or team to achieve some stakeholder outcomes. The assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates some organization. Student work demonstrates clear ability to integrate innovative application of resources and knowledge of trends and practices for one’s self or team to achieve stakeholder outcomes. The assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates clear organization. Student work demonstrates proficient ability to integrate innovative application of resources and knowledge of trends and practices for one’s self/ team/profession to achieve optimum stakeholder outcomes. The assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates proficient organization. Student work demonstrates superior ability to integrate innovative application of resources and knowledge of trends and practices for one’s self/ team/profession to achieve optimum stakeholder outcomes. The assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization. 19

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