CHEM 323 Belhaven University General Biochemistry Worksheet

General Biochemistry CHEM323Exam #2 (100 points)
Take Home exam due November 7, 2022
Answer the following questions correctly. This is a take home exam. You may use your
textbook and notes. You may not use or solicit the help from another human being. Be
clear and thorough in your explanations. Draw and write neatly and clearly. Unclear and
vague answers will receive unclear and vague credit. Remember, even if you get a zero on
this exam, God still loves you.
1.) (14 points) What is a GLUT? What does it do? How? Why is it important (this seems
like a simple question, but it requires a thorough answer)?
CHEM323 Exam #2
Due 11-7-22
2.) Draw all of the ways that D-galactose can exist.
3.) Draw the following:
a. a-D-glucopyranosyl(1à4)b-D-galactopyranose.
b. Glcb(1à6)Man
CHEM323 Exam #2
Due 11-7-22
4.) Under slightly acidic conditions in water, b-D-glucopyranose can isomerize to a-Dglucopyranose. Show a mechanism for this conversion. What is the isomeric
relationship between a and b carbohydrates?
CHEM323 Exam #2
Due 11-7-22
5.) What are the differences and similarities between starch and cellulose? Address
both the macroscopic and microscopic properties.
CHEM323 Exam #2
Due 11-7-22
6.) Draw a triglyceride composed of stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. Would
you expect this to be a solid or liquid at room temperature? Explain your answer.
What is the product if this triglyceride is subjected to basic saponification
conditions. Show the saponification conditions you would use.
CHEM323 Exam #2
Due 11-7-22
7.) How does a lipid bilayer form? What is a typical mammalian lipid bilayer made up
of? Describe some properties of a lipid bilayer.

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