CDA3102 Assignment 1 Directions
Option 1:
Please write a short paper based on Module 1 Storing Instructions and Data. Anything in the module can be a topic.
Write a summary paper as follows:
- Prepare a Word document with a minimum of 3 pages (not including title and references pages) and a minimum of 3 solid references.
- Be sure to use APA Guidelines for references.
- Make sure to save the file in the following format: FirstName_LastName_Paper.doc(x)
- Upload the completed file as an attachment to this assignment.
Option 2:
Answer the following questions. Please put the numbered answers into a doc, docx, txt, or pdf document.
- What is the largest 16-bit binary number that can be represented with unsigned numbers?
- What is the largest 16-bit binary number that can be represented with two’s complement numbers?
- Convert the hexadecimal number A516to decimal. Show your work.
- Convert the hexadecimal number ED3A16to decimal. Show your work.
- Convert the hexadecimal number D000000016to decimal. Show your work.
- Convert the hexadecimal number FFFF16to unsigned binary. Show your work.
- Convert the two’s complement binary number 011100002to decimal. Show your work.
- Convert the decimal number 12410to a two’s complement number using 8 bits or indicate overflow. Show your work.
- Perform the calculations -1610+ -910 by converting the numbers to 6-bit two’s complement binary numbers before adding them. Indicate whether the sum overflows 1 6-bit result. Show your work.
- Perform the addition of the two hexadecimal numbers AB16+ 3E16 and indicate whether or not the sum overflows an 8-bit (two hex digit) result. Show your work.