Causes and effects of video games on people

First of all, I’m an international student. Second, I want a to get a high mark on this assigment. This assigment is a cause and effect research paper, inorder to do the assigment you need to include 3 source notes and 1 survey in it, which means you need to use them to support your research paper, I have done the 3 source notes and the survey and I have them attached to the attachments so please include them in the research paper. The research paper needs to be at least five pages long. And please do not forget to cite everything. In addition, please check out the outline cause and effect template that I have attached and finally the outline template will tell you everything you need to do so please follow it. I need it by friday 06/12/2013

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Name: Jassim alqattan

Topic: claims that video games lead to violence

Date: October 28, 2013

Document type: Article

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Source: “ Claims that video games lead to violence.”

. September 20, 2013


According to the article of the, which focuses on the claims that video games lead to violence by Dean Burnett. Video games are the cause of violence that is what the media says when a school shooting happens. Video games are always blamed on those acts. Recent studies have shown that video games really do cause violence. Dr Mario Vance conducted a longitudinal study that monitors the anger levels of gamers and the results have shown that there is an increase in aggression and anger levels. The media claims that gamers can’t distinguish between fantasy and reality, but the research proves that there isn’t enough evidence to support that claim. In addition, some people such as Roy Parker are against video games and think that video game should be banned, because of the blood and violence that they show.


“It’s ridiculous that they’re even allowed. I don’t want my children growing up in a world where horrible stuff like that is just out there where anybody can come across it and be damaged by it.”

“A bias is one thing, but turning a brutal and deadly shooting into an excuse to attack a tenuously linked entertainment medium? That borders on pathological.”

“The media’s main concern appears to be that enthusiastic gamers can’t differentiate between games and the real world, so violent games will result in violent behaviour. But anyone who has the cognitive faculties to purchase, set up and operate modern games consoles won’t have trouble differentiating between a cartoonish fantasy world and reality.”


Original paragraph:

Dr Vance and his colleagues assessed daily reports submitted by willing gamers as to their aggression levels and violent tendencies, and over 90% of subjects reported dramatic increases in anger and violent inclinations whenever they viewed a news story that associated video games and violent behavior. The remaining subjects were not included as they were typically too busy punching walls or screaming incoherent threats at traffic. The media’s main concern appears to be that enthusiastic gamers can’t differentiate between games and the real world, so violent games will result in violent behavior. But anyone who has the cognitive faculties to purchase, set up and operate modern games consoles won’t have trouble differentiating between a cartoonish fantasy world and reality.

Paraphrased paragraph:

Dr Vance and his team receive daily reports that video gamers do daily, those reports are about the gamers levels of aggression and violence, and a huge amount of gamers have had a big increase in the level of violence, aggression and anger when they saw an article in a newspaper about video games and violence. The media is obsessed with hardcore games, and claim that they can’t distinguish from the gaming world an the real world, this also mean that violent video games can be a big trouble, because they can cause violence.


This article shows us that video games can lead to violence and violence can lead to violent behavior. In my opinion I think that video games aren’t bad and can be helpful sometimes because of three main reasons. First of all, we can learn about historic events by playing videogames. Historic games can be helpful, because of them we learn the whole world’s history and have fun at the same time, which makes our learning experience much more interesting and fun. Second, survival methods can be learned from video games. For example, a seventeen-year-old boy who plays world of war craft went camping with his friends. While walking in the woods with his friends they saw a bear and then he used a tactic that fools the bear into thinking you’re dead and he learned that tactic from world of war craft. If hadn’t played then he would have probably died. Third, from videogames we can meet new friends. For instance, thanks to the online feature that enables players from all over the world to meet and play with each other. In addition, you can build new relationships from all over the world and the advantage to that is that you can learn about other people’s cultures.

Name: Jassim alqattan

Topic: Boy, 10,steers his great grandmother’s car to safety after she collapses at the wheel on a highway

Date: November 1, 2013

Document type: Article

Source: “Boy, 10,steers his great grandmother’s car to safety after she collapses at the wheel on a highway – and he credits his driving skills to Mario karts.” August 10, 2013–credits-driving-skills-Mario-Kart.html


According to the article of, which focuses on a ten-year-old boy that steers his great grandmother’s car to safety due to playing a video game that’s called Mario karts. His great-grandmother was traveling about 60 miles per hour in a Colorado highway. He was sitting near her and his little brother who is four year’s old was in the backseat. While his great-grandmother was talking, she suddenly stopped talking and became quit, she had what’s called a minor heart attack. The ten-year-old boy tried to wake her up but there was no response. He used his skills that were gained from a driving video game and steered the car to safety.


“My Grandma Great was talking about some of the wildlife and stuff about the Great Plains when she passed out in the middle of a sentence,”

“I could see over the dashboard while I was driving, so I had an idea of where I was driving into. I couldn’t get to the brakes because my Grandma Great was in the way,”

“I’m so proud of him that he saved so many lives that day even in oncoming traffic, she said. “He’s always been a great kid.”

“ Boys were riding with their great-grandmother, Darlene Nestor, from Cheyenne Wells to Golden on July 26.”


Original paragraph:

When Nestor passed out, he shook her to try to wake her and she wasn’t responding.
That’s when he took the wheel. I could see over the dashboard while I was driving, so I had an idea of where I was driving into. I couldn’t get to the brakes because my Grandma Great was in the way,’ Sanders said. He drove the car to the shoulder and into some mud just as Wells’ foot fell off the gas pedal, bringing the car to a stop. Sanders thanked a couple that stopped on the side of the road and helped them by calling 911. Nestor was taken to the hospital and is recovering from the heart attack. Sanders said he doesn’t expect to be hailed as a hero after saving the day.

Paraphrased paragraph:

Sanders was hailed as the hero, because he saved his little brother and his great grand mother from danger. When Nestor passed out Sanders tried to wake her up but she wasn’t listening, although he didn’t know where he was going he took over the wheels. He tried reaching out for the breaks but Nestor’s feet were on the way. Using his gained skills from Mario karts he drove the car into some mud on the side of the road and that successfully stopped the car. A couple saw the car and called 911.


This article shows us that video games can be really helpful sometimes in spite of the bad things that video games contain. This ten-year-old boy saved both of his great grandmother and his little brother by using his set of skills gained from a driving video game called Mario kart. If he hadn’t played Mario karts then he wouldn’t have been able to know what to do! In my opinion I think that playing video games is a great way to gain knowledge and have fun at the same time. Video games shouldn’t be blamed on everything bad that’s been happening, because of video games this boy saved his family.

Name: Jassim alqattan

Topic: Boy Saves Sister From Moose Using world of war craft skills.

Date: November 2, 2013

Document type: Article

Source: “Boy Saves Sister From moose using Wow skills.” June 9, 2010,10631.html


According to an article written by Kevin parish, which focuses on a twelve-year-old boy and his sister that survived a moose attack using some skills learned from world of war craft video game. Hans and his sister went into the forest near their home to play. While they were walking they accidentally entered a moose territory. A moose saw them and came right at them. Hans used a skill called taunt to drive away danger from his sister to him. After that he used another skill called feigning death and it worked amazingly, he and his sister survived the moose attack, he learned both of those skills from world of war craft video game.


“Thanks to his numerous encounters in Blizzard’s MMORPG, his first reaction was to “taunt” the moose so that it would ignore his younger sister.”

“In the PC game, taunting is the ability to draw the attention of the attacking beast away from the lower-level and less-armored party members. Apparently it works on real-world beasts too.”

“He got up and ran back home to report what happened.”

“After the girl escaped, Hans initiated another World of Warcraft tactic he learned at level 30: feigning his death. Dropping to the ground and remaining inanimate, he waited for the moose to sniff him out and lose interest.”


Original paragraph:

Twelve-year-old Hans Jørgen Olsen and his sister went out into the forest near their home to take a brisk walk. Details are scarce, however they unintentionally wandered into moose territory. An alarmed moose came charging towards the two young trespassers upon their arrival. Despite the threat, Hans knew exactly what to do. Thanks to his numerous encounters in Blizzard’s MMORPG, his first reaction was to “taunt” the moose so that it would ignore his younger sister. With its focus shifting to the boy, the sister was able to flee and head for safety. In the PC game, taunting is the ability to draw the attention of the attacking beast away from the lower-level and less-armored party members. Apparently it works on real-world beasts too.

Paraphrased paragraph:

Hans and his sister went to the forest to take a walk. While they were walking they accidentally entered a moose territory, because of that, a moose chased them. Hans didn’t freak out and knew exactly how to deal with the situation. He used a technique he learned from world of war craft and that technique is called taunt. This technique drawed the attention of the moose towards Hans, saving his sister from the danger. It worked exactly like how it worked in world of war craft.


This article is one of the best articles I’ve ever read. It displays a brave young twelve-year-old boy that risked his own life to save his sister from danger. It’s a remarkable display of bravery. Who said that video games were not useful and educational? This boy is our biggest example that video games are useful! Although this boy spent many hours behind the screen playing all the time, he saved his sister from danger! Thanks to the help of the world of war craft video games. Video games tech us some important life lessons and one of those lessons is how to survive on the wild.

Survey- the effects of video games on humans

This survey is designed to help me answer some questions for my research paper. As a gamer I’m curious and want to know more about what people think of video games in general. I really appreciate your cooperation and please take your time and answer honestly.


Gender (circle one):

Male Female

Year in University (circle one):

Freshman sophomore Junior Senior Graduate level

Ethnicity (circle one):

Caucasian African American Hispanic Asian American Native American Other

To answer the statements, use the following scale:

SA=Strongly Agree A=Agree NS=Not Sure D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree

Please circle one answer:

1. Do video games change how people behave?


2. Video games are to be blamed for violent acts.


3. Video games improve our way of thinking.


4. Do you learn some real life skills from video games?


5. Video gamers often confuse reality from fantasy.


6. Playing video games makes children isolated from other people.




Thank you and have a good day!

Cause Effect Outline Template

Name: ____________________________________________________

I. Introduction – Thesis Statement

II. Background of Event/Situation – Important info your audience should know about

the event or situation you have been researching. Often this will be a explanation of

what happened (Who, what, where, when, etc). This should develop the context of

your research topic.
(Note: If you are doing only Causes, each following section will introduce a new cause. If you are doing only

Effects, each following section will introduce each new effect. If you are examining both Causes and Effects,

each Cause should be presented first, then each Effect.

III. First Cause / Effect

A. Explanation of the cause/effect

1. Specific Research Support (Say)

2. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

B. Additional Supporting Idea with explanation

1. Specific Research Support (Say)
2. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

IV. Second Cause / Effect

C. Explanation of the cause/effect

3. Specific Research Support (Say)

4. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

D. Additional Supporting Idea with explanation

3. Specific Research Support (Say)
4. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

V. Third Cause / Effect

E. Explanation of the cause/effect

5. Specific Research Support (Say)

6. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

F. Additional Supporting Idea with explanation

5. Specific Research Support (Say)
6. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

ETC. Continue this process if you have more Causes or Effects

VI. Conclusion – Restate Thesis, Summarize Key Causes/Effects, Final comment

VII. Works Cited

VIII. Appendix

A. Survey Questions, Tabulation, Charts

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