
Statistics (only)

Q1 Define the following term s . a. Observational study                                                          b. Designed experiment a. C hoose the correct answer below. A . In an observational​ study, researchers impose treatments and controls and then observe characteristics and take measurements. B . In an observational​ study, researchers simply observe characteristics and take​ measurements, as in a sample survey. C. In […]

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Your lab report should display critical thinking as well as demonstrate a grasp how information. Your report must address the following elements: o  Indicate which scientific techniques are used for different types of evidence in the lab. o  Examine how digital evidence poses unique challenges to the criminal justice system. o  Explain the ethical issues […]

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Criminal Justice Assignment 2

Step 1 – View the following video: http://video https://www.c-span.org/video/?194055-1/us-constitution   Step 2 – Using the internet, locate and read the Articles of the U.S. Constitution.   Step 3 – Write  2 – 3 page Report/Summary and analysis of the Basic Structure to the U.S. Constitution.  Include in your discussion and analysis, the basic meaning or purpose of […]

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business and society

Please read Chapter 9 Discussion Case “Stop Online Piracy Act- A Political Battle between Old and New Media” (pp. 207 – 208) and provide responses to the following questions below. Also view the discussion case video. Using the concepts presented in Chapters 8 & 9 as well as the facts presented in this case, provide […]

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Culture popular Modern

This course, you explore and contribute readings to the class dialogue about popular culture. Each week’s Learning Resources provide a foundation for the week’s topic. During the weeks with discussions, you will also find articles on topics related to each discussion. For the discussions in Weeks 3, 4, and 6, you are encouraged to use […]

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Human services

this assignment, you will read a scenario, analyze its legal and ethical implications, and discuss options to address the human services needs. Consider the following scenario. You are working in a human services agency that provides diagnostic services and residential placement to youth in the court system. A female Italian immigrant teenager was placed in […]

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Phase 1 Ip

There’s an old adage that says that history is always written by the winners. Although this is not always the case, it is true that people’s sense of historical events is often influenced by the viewpoints of the historians who write about them.  During the Watergate scandal in 1974, many policy pundits wrote columns demanding […]

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Excel Project

I need someone who is very good at excel to perform an in-depth decision-making analysis of complex and inter-related data using microsoft excel. Needs to be done by sunday.  1 CIS 310 – Assignment 1 Decision Support with Excel Project – Fred Pryor Seminars 50 points Winter 201 8 DUE DATE: Monday 1/29 by 11:59 […]

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Literature Review/ Wayne Williams/Atlanta Child Murders

The sources you identified through the Annotated Bibliography will be used to build the literature review. The sources should support the following: ·  Provide a concise description of how each source contributes to the Wayne Williams/Atlanta Child Murders and current evidentiary issues. ·  Evaluate the scientific techniques used in processing evidence in the Wayne Williams/Atlanta […]

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Jail and Prisons Comparison/CJi Interactive

  View and complete the following in CJi Interactive.  Learning Modules: http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pcp_94869_mutchnick_cj_uop/learning_modules/chapter11/11.1historyofprisons/index.html http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pcp_94869_mutchnick_cj_uop/chapter11/ch11_mvr/index.html Ch. 11: Corrections History and Institutions > History of Prisons Ch. 11: Corrections History and Institutions > Correctional System Myths & Issues Videos: Ch. 11: Corrections History and Institutions > Myth v. Reality: The Correctional System Rehabilitates Offenders Write a 700- to […]

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