
business and society

   lease read Chapter 4 Discussion Case: “Chiquita Brands: Ethical Responsibility” (pg. 88-89). Also view the discussion case support video. Using the concepts presented in Chapter 3 as well as the facts presented in this case, provide a short response to each of the following six questions and provide a response to one (1) classmate’s […]

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Financial Reporting Problem II – Part 2

Complete a 1,050-word summary of findings and recommendations from the following questions:        What is the par or stated value per share of Apple’s common stock? Apple Inc. has a par or stated value of common stock of $0.00001.  What percentage of Apple’s authorized common stock was issued at September 27, 2014? Apple Inc. […]

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Strategic HRM Plan

    American  Plastics had fared rather worse than its competitors during the  economic downturn. With revenue, quality, and productivity down,  management set several goals to reverse the company’s fortune. One area  in need of improvement was human resources and “Janet,” the newly  appointed HR Director faced a daunting challenge: to quickly re-invent  the Human Resources […]

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Financial Reporting Problem II – Part 1

Provide an 875-word analysis. All questions have been answered just need it written in an essay. APA format. (a) What was the amount of net cash provided by operating activities for the year ended September 27, 2014? For the year ended September 28, 2013? The amount of net cash provided by operating activities for the […]

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Assignment 1: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in Service Industries

Please see attached Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in Service Industries Due Week 3 and worth 300 points Research a U.S. company in the service industry with e-commerce activities. Write a […]

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Need by tommorrow

Is there Jurisdiction? Look at the situations below and answer the question. Make sure to distinguish between subject matter and personal jurisdiction.  Additionally, discuss the standard the court will use to determine whether jurisdiction exists.   Situation 1: Mike, a Utah resident, sues Jim, a Nevada resident for $60,000 in Nevada’s Federal District court for […]

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Ethics scenario

Title ABC/ 1 2 3 Version X 1 HR Ethics Scenarios Worksheet HRM/300 Version 6 3 University of Phoenix Material HR Ethics Scenarios Worksheet Answer the following questions for each corresponding scenario in no more than 350 words each. 1. The HR Director is having lunch outside the office. She hears a competitor talking about […]

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Number Sense, Estimation, and Financial Computations

  Research George Polya’s problem-solving principles and techniques from the AIU Library or on the Internet. Although the scenarios below are not specific mathematical situations, they will require application of Polya’s principles to obtain a reasonable solution. Choose 1 of the following scenarios: You are on your way to a very important doctor’s appointment and […]

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  select three (3) of the provided topics : 8. Should the Family and Medical Leave act be changed? 20. Should unemployment regulations and benefits be changed? 6. Should changes be made to the regulations for mental health drugs for minors?  Next, think of a question that you have about that topic and then use […]

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Deontological Ethics

 This week’s reading provides overview of the police in American society. After reviewing the reading for week 6, as well as the week 6  lesson for this week; discuss/debate with your classmates the ideologies associated with utilitarianism and deontological ethics concerning human behavior and the ethical or unethical decisions and/or actions of those working in […]

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