
almost done with it

  Quantitative Tools Make sure the quantitative article that you selected in Unit 1 will allow you to thoroughly address all of the points required for this discussion. Using the information from this week’s readings, complete the following: Identify the instrument or instruments used to quantify the data, the level of measurement for each instrument, […]

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Assignment 2-3 pages Plan

****DUE IN 10-12 HOURS! Note: I need the following assignment to be done. Everything must be done 100% plagiarism free and strictly as per as the provided instructions below. No half pages and previously used work is accepted. Assignment Assume you are the CEO of a large group practice (seventy-five physicians that implemented an EHR […]

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Critical Review

For the article please provide a summary and critical review highlighting its main contributions and challenges (based on the authors’ description and/or your own judgment). The review of each article should be completed in one or two pages and may include a figure, plot, equation, etc. from the article if it assists general understanding. The […]

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Accounting Teachers ONLY

Your city has decided to build a new library. The projected cost is $2 million. A bond issue for $1.2 million has been authorized, and the remainder is supposed to come from a contribution of $800,000 from the general fund. The bonds sold for $1.3 million, a premium of $100,000. Create the required journal entries […]

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  Find a case from Kroll Ontrack’s website that deals with one of the following the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, explain why the rule is important in the particular case, and create a presentation demonstrating your position. Rule 26 Rule 29 Rule 33 Rule 34 Rule 37 This presentation is to be given as […]

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Due 1/26

Allocate at least 3 hours to complete this field experience.  In your grade 1-8 field experience classroom, work with your mentor teacher to develop and teach an English language arts lesson or mini-lesson that can be taught to a whole group, small group, or to an individual student using a relevant technological or media tool. […]

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  Using any freeware or trialware, recover deleted files from a Windows computer. This can be a lab computer or your own computer. The best way to do this is use a thumb drive. Delete some files from it then run a recovery tool. Explain what you did and what tool was used. Then answer […]

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IS paper

Teaching Case Managing the move to the cloud – analyzing the risks and opportunities of cloud-based accounting information system s Aleksandre Asatiani, Esko Penttinen Aalto University School of Business, Department of Information and Service Economy, Finland Correspondence: A Asatiani, Aalto University School of Business, Department of Information Systems Science, P.O. Box 1210 (Runeberginkatu 14-16), 00760, […]

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Homework to do

I want someone to do my Engineering  homework which is due tomorrow .However, When you solve the problems, make sure that you show your work bellow each problem. ENGR 112 HW#2 NAME________________________ 1 1. Determine the fundamental dimensions of V (this symbol does not represent velocity or volume) in the following equation for a pendulum: […]

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Kim Woods Only (602 3.2)

150-200 words per post respond to each  post 2 references per post Post #1 Upon review of this week’s reference material and Daniel Kim’s website, A system Archetype that could have helped solve a problem in the past would have been the “fixes that backfire” template. According to Senge et al. (1994 p. 126), “the […]

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