
college algebra

COLLEGE ALGEBRA QUESTIONS ON PROBABILITY. aNY ONE WILLING TO HELP OUT/   WHAT IS PROBABILITY? Insight into the use of probability in the medical community: Probability is a recurring theme in medical practice. No doctor who returns home from a busy day at the hospital is spared the nagging feeling that some of his diagnoses […]

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MGT599 Strategic Management

Module 3 – Home    Module 3 – Case Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis   Assignment   The completion of an internal profile can be an extensive undertaking, requiring far more time and resources than we have for this course. So—as in prior modules—limit your analysis to the identification and evaluation of one or two key items in each […]

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MGT599 Strategic Management

MGT599 Strategic Management  Module 2 Module 2 – caseExternal Environment Analysis  Assignment An environmental analysis can be an extensive undertaking, requiring far more time and resources than we have for this course. Therefore, be sure that you do not give an inordinate amount of attention to any one factor to the exclusion of other important ones.Keys to the AssignmentStep One: Using the […]

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MGT599 Strategic Management

  Module 1   Module 1 – Case Strategic Management Process/Vision, Goals, Objectives    Assignment In this assignment, you will be critically evaluating the vision, values, mission statement, and goals/objectives of the Kraft Foods Group. Keys to the Assignment  After studying the background materials and completing the SLP, you are in an excellent position to evaluate a […]

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See below

Despite some of the business challenges that you identified about the UAE (Dubai), you decided to move ahead and open an office in the financial center of this country. Your first customer is a large MNC that is looking to finance a plant in Latin America. They have asked for your assistance in advising them […]

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Law HW analysis

Due in 4 hours  Using the knowledge you have gained and your text as a reference, write a short essay no longer than 250 words for any one scenario analyzing the situation You are putting together a television news story about prostitution in a disreputable part of town. You need footage for the TV spot. […]

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Your team is a large U.S. corporation that manufactures rubber tires, and you want to begin manufacturing and distribution in Germany. As a team, choose a country in which you would like to start a manufacturing plant.

Treasurer: Research and write on the following issues: What competitive advantage does this country have? What are some of the foreign trade issues you will have to deal with? What are the determinants to foreign entry there, and how would you enter there? You will be embarking on the international negotiation.What are the 5 stages […]

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Math Homework

MAT101 SLP3 The most common business application involving exponents is the calculation of compound interest. Let’s introduce some nomenclature. PV = present value ; the money you pay into the plan today. t = the duration of an investment program, in years. FV = future value ; that is, the money you expect to have […]

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Math 101 Homework

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the references found on the Background Info page. Study the examples there, and the ones given below. Work out the problems, showing all the computational steps. This is particularly important for those problems where the answer is given. On those problems, the correct procedure is the only thing that counts toward the assignment […]

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Please answer each question in full detail.   Explain how the short-run Phillips curve, the long-run Phillips curve, the short-run aggregate supply curve, the long-run aggregate supply curve, and the natural rate hypothesis are all related. How do active and passive views of these concepts differ?   What is meant by the demand for money? […]

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