
History 147

 For each chapter of OB, you should read the entire chapter and take notes (which you will likely use on the respective assignment, as well as in your Midterm/Final Exam studying and other course work).  Once you have finished reading the Chapter, you should look at the “Post-Reading Questions” at the end of the Chapter and CHOOSE ONE of the […]

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M4 A2

Applying Decision-Making Skills As a manager, part of your role is to develop strategy, and share this strategy with various stakeholders within the organization. This assignment will allow you to take your findings as a manager and communicate these findings to those who are affected. Your company has been presented with a decision on replacing […]

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hw in to your own words any tiopic u want

Class, this week we are working on our final essay! Let’s help each other out. Here are the instructions.  Part 1 (Essay 3–Paragraphs) First (in your initial response), post at least two paragraphs of essay three. You may post any paragraphs you wish, but please tell us which paragraphs they are and also be sure […]

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Assignment Instructions This week, you will write your third essay. Use the three-part thesis and five-paragraph essay format you learned during week two.  Under Week 5 Lessons, we learned about different types of essays. For your final essay, you may choose from any of these types of essays (except informative, since we have already written […]

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M4 A1

Applying Balanced Scorecard In many cases, managers end up in trouble as they direct their focus exclusively on cost savings. Cost cutting is always emphasized, but other impacts, such as decreased quality, can be overlooked. These overlooked impacts can have a significant effect on the revenue and profitability of an organization. The balanced scorecard is […]

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Beethoven; Art and Protest in the 1800s”

I chose Charles Dickens’s Dombey and Son.   Dickens wrote this in the realist style. THe writing is about the steam engine locomotive.   He describes land around the warehouses and railroad as having “carcasses of houses”.   This is to show the darkness of the industrial revolution  This darkness is prevelant throughout the writing.  He is writing […]

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Defining Appropriation 1. Read Museum of Modern Art, NY’s definition of ‘Appropriation’: https://www.moma.org/learn/moma_learning/themes/pop-art/appropriation 2. 2014 recreation by Lady Gaga: http://albertasocietyofartists.com/2014/03/12/artpop/ 3. Once you’ve read the two above DISCUSS the following questions: What is central to the notion of ‘appropriation’? What is excluded? Included? What are the boundaries between plagiarism and theft? Provide examples of each Your essay should be a […]

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Assignment Essay

Due Week 4 and worth 100 points Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on brief but important primary source material written by major authors. Read the selections  as identified with each topic below. Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 […]

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Elevator Paper – Les Brown

  You will be required to do an Elevator Paper (Reflection Paper) on Les Brown’s presentation on “It’s Possible”. In other words, write a paragraph or two describing your reaction (good, indifferent, or bad) to what you witnessed from the event. These mini-papers are a way of seeing if and when you experience an “AHA” from […]

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pload Assignment: Unit 2 – Journal 1: Ratings

With the emergence of early Greek and Roman drama came the development of satyr plays, which history has shown were bawdy in nature and contained dialogue and imagery that some people today might find offensive (in fact, an internet search of Greek and Roman pottery will find many adult-oriented pieces).  Throughout time, theatre artists have always […]

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