

One major book about criminal Justice Issues from the list below to be analyzed and submmitted as your final Research Project Pick One Book only! · Elijah Anderson, “Code of the Streets” (2000) · John Braithwaite, “Crime, Shame and Reintegration” (1999) · Nils Christie, “A Suitable Amount of Crime” (2004) or “Limits to Pain: The […]

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unit iv

 The Role of Fusion Centers in Counterterrorism Strategies For this assignment, write an essay at least 500 words in length on how the role of fusion centers has changed in the United States from post-9/11 to today.  Further, you will be required to discuss a terrorism plot that has been stopped by the efforts put […]

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Topic: Political, Economic, Legal, and Technological Environment, or Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainability You should submit the following: Choose one topic among the topic for the specific week. Search for a recent article (within 6 months) related to the topic of the week in an online business newspaper or business magazine of your choice (e.g., […]

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Company Analysis

Need help with creating a company analysis for a project. PROJECT1: COMPANY ANALYSIS Objective The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts: 1. How companies use digital and social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal. 2. How digital media has transformed […]

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MGMT 303 Discuss the reasons why small businesses are so important to the U.S. economy. Understanding that “Diversity is also desirable for innovation, flexibility, and organizational success,” how does it then play a part in small business success? Please cite your sources. Answer Discuss the reasons why small businesses are so important to the U.S. […]

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Your executive vice president (EVP) has decided to restructure six of the current business units into one sector structure. He has asked you to put together two deliverables for his team to review. Part 1 You are to write an Executive Summary White Paper reflecting the benefits of the recommended change. Include the following in […]

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Discussion – Week 2 Attachment   Collapse        .   Discussion: The Learner’s Experience with Assessment  The media segment this week highlighted university students’ reactions to assessment practices. For this week’s Discussion, reflect on your own past experiences with assessment, grading, and feedback. Which assessment, grading, and feedback practices help you learn? Which practices hinder your learning? What […]

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Developing a Risk-Mitigation Plan Outline for an IT Infrastructure

research on  Strategies for Mitigating Risk, then complete the Lab Manual: Developing a Risk-Mitigation Plan Outline for an IT Infrastructure.     Guidelines for Submission: Your responses must exclude references and cover page as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least four sources cited in APA […]

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Influence Discussion

  In this discussion, you will evaluate, differentiate, and interconnect the dynamics of power and influence of an organizational leader. In your response, consider the traits, values, ethics, and skills found in effective leaders. APPLICATION: As you generate your response, consider an organization or a leader you know or have read about. Provide specific examples […]

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Random Stock Portfolio

FINA 3303 Spring 2018 Random Portfolio Due Thursday January 18 NOTE: There is a penalty of one letter grade for each day the project is late! Portfolio Selection: Random (Naïve) Diversification Choose five (5) common stocks using a random method of your choice. The stocks must be selected from the NYSE/AMEX or NASDAQ exchanges. The […]

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