
Cultural Humility: Reflective Essay

All requires, sample essay and reading materials are in the attachment. 5 pages. Due 3 days Purpose:  Reflection is the conscious exploration of one’s experiences.  A reflective essay is a form of writing that examines the development of the writer’s individual experience.   This assignment is designed to be a practice in cultural humility (review readings by […]

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journal 2 pages

DESCRIPTION: Ritzer argues that with McDonaldization, technologies, including “machines and tools, materials, skills, knowledge, rules, regulations, procedures, and techniques” (p. 89), control us. Without using direct quotes, this assignment requires you to do the following: Summarize Ritzer’s definition of control by non-human technologies, including a description of what he means by non-human technologies. Next, think […]

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“Human Resources”

 Your organization is embarking on a long –term project that will require additional human resources on a contract basis to complete the work of the project. Since the project will span several years, you know one vendor probably cannot supply all the resources you’ll need over the course of the contract. In order to minimize […]

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Ethical Issues in Information Systems

  Write a two to three (2-3) page research paper in which you:  Intellectual property is a legal umbrella covering protections that involve trade secrets, and patents for copyrights, trademarks, “creations of the mind” developed by people or businesses.  Summarize the issue that you have chosen. Express your own opinion of, or position on, the […]

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Levels of Decision Making: Qualitative versus Quantitative

   Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 in your textbook, the Spencer (2013) and MacKenzie (2000) articles, and view the Ferguson Police Testing New, Less Lethal Gun Technology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site and Budget Cuts Put State Prison Staffs at Critically Low Levels (Links to an […]

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Career Counselor-Based Personality Assessment Scenario

   Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Rammstedt, Kemper, & Borg (2013) and Rodrigues, & Rebelo (2013) articles for this week, and review Chapters 7 through 9 in your textbook. For this discussion, you will be taking on the role of the career counselor in a university. In this role, you will […]

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   1. Two friends, Rachel and Joey, enjoy baking bread and making apple pie. They are considering opening a bakery together. Rachel takes 2 hours to bake a loaf of bread and 1 hour to make a pie. Joey takes 4 hours to bake a loaf of bread and 4 hours to make a pie.  […]

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Research Paper

  TOPIC: Write an original research report consisting of one of the following topic areas: 1) Virtual Organizations, 2) Network Organizations, 3) Spin-out Organizations, 4) Ambidextrous Organizations, 5) Front-Back Organizations, 6) Sense and Response Organizations.  1.    The final Research Report has a due date of 2/11/2018. 2.    This assignment is worth 100 points (20% of […]

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essay revise

Essay4 Prompt Formatting and Guidelines • MLA heading and guidelines, including work cited page • Times New Roman, 12pt Font, 1-inch margins • 4 to 5 double-spaced pages (not including the work cited page) • Due Tuesday Feb. 13 for peer review—bring three copies to class and submit a complete draft via Canvas • Due […]

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db2 analyz caffeine

     Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week. Alcohol and caffeine have nearly opposite effects on behavior and the nervous system, yet these substances are not used to treat overdose or addiction to the other. Why not use caffeine […]

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