
thermodynamics related problem

   Air enters a compressor at ambient conditions of 100 kPa and 27 C with a low velocity and exits at 1MPa, 327 C and 100m/s. The compressor is cooled by the ambient air at 27 C at a rate of 1580 kJ/min. The power input to the compressor is 300 kW.  (a) The specific […]

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People o Chinese heritage and people of Guatemala heritage

People of Chinese Heritage. People of Guatemalan Heritage. Read chapter 10 and 31 of the class textbook.  Read content chapter 31 in Davis plus online website.  Once done answer the following questions; 1.  Discuss the health care beliefs of the Chinese and Guatemalan people and mention if there is any similarity in their beliefs. 2. […]

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project management homework 2

   Instructions Risk Plan Overview Risk Event Description What is the event? A Source of a risk or hazard – the thing which has the potential to harm or assist e.g. a dangerous chemical, competitors, government. An Event or Incident – Something that occurs such that the source of risk has the impact concerned e.g. […]

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For Ann Harris

   Assignment Overview Type: Discussion Board Unit:  Project Time, Cost and Scope Management Due Date:  Tue, 1/30/18 Grading Type: Numeric Points Possible:  75 Points Earned:  0 Deliverable Length:  150 words View objectives for this assignment Go To: · Assignment Details · Scenario · Learning Materials · Reading Assignment My Work: Online Deliverables:  · Discussion Board […]

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For Ann Harris

   Assignment Overview Type: Discussion Board Unit:  Project Time, Cost and Scope Management Due Date:  Tue, 1/30/18 Grading Type: Numeric Points Possible:  75 Points Earned:  0 Deliverable Length:  150 words View objectives for this assignment Go To: · Assignment Details · Scenario · Learning Materials · Reading Assignment My Work: Online Deliverables:  · Discussion Board […]

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Kim Woods Only (600 Week 5 paper)

8 page original paper The Leadership Challenge is: Leader Development. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism on turnitin.com *see attached for details on the assignment. Leadership Challenge: Application of Theory to Leadership Practice 600 Week 5 Assignment and Rubric Length: Paper: 6 – 8 double-spaced pages (excluding title and references pages) Due: Week 5 […]

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week 1

About 250 words per activity with reference page Week 1 Readings · Neumann, F. X.,Jr. (1996). What makes public administration a science? or, are its “big questions” really big? Public Administration Review, 56(5), 409-415. Retrieved from  http://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/197167281?accountid=14580 · Laurence, E. L.,Jr. (2001). The myth of the bureaucratic paradigm: What traditional public administration really stood for. Public Administration […]

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law and constitutional

  Assignment 2: The Statutes Research, review, and analyze Anti-Miscegenation Statutes in the United States and chose two (2) relevant cases. Then, write a 4-5 page paper in which you: Analyze and evaluate each case independently by providing the following (about two paragraphs per case): Facts of the case Issues Rule Compare and contrast both […]

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Kim Woods Only (Week 5 paper)

10 page original paper  *see attached for assignment. This paper will be turned in for a plagiarism check so make it original. Building Learning Organizations Draft Due: Sunday midnight Week 5 Final Paper due in Week 7 Length: 8 – 10 double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) Points for Week 5 Draft: 50 for […]

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 Must be unique and free plagiarism 100%.  Write journal in 2-3 pages. Deliver in 4 hours after agree. That mean today 1/29/2018 NOT 1/30/2018. web site doesn’t allowed put 29th.   instructions and more details in the attachment as it part of the agreement. Read it before. New Text Document (3).txt Read first 3 chapter of […]

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