
Pro Forma

Pro Forma Assignment   *price is negotiable Assumptions C 3 0 7 Assignment # 1 – Assumptions Buildng Size Total Stabilized NOI Net Leasible Area 1 8 0,000 Gross rent revenues: use average rent of occupied space x total net leasable area Vacancy Allowance Use average vacancy rate for years 1- 10 Sales Price Bad […]

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Assignment on Biology.

Please check out.. 1 . Evaporation removes the equivalent of 1.2 meter of water from the entire ocean every year. The ocean covers a surface area of 361,132,000 square kilometers. Calculate first the total mass of water that is evaporated over a year (A cubic meter of ocean water contains a mass of 1000 kg). […]

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ESSAY You have just invented a new product that you believe will make you a millionaire in Canada. However, you do not have sufficient funds to start a company. You have heard that you may get assistance from venture capital organizations or angel investors. You have decided to do some research on the Internet to […]

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English research paper – Need sources and corresponding annotation, urls, dates, etc – ATTN henry

per example pages [All Styles] My teacher has asked me to include annotations. What does that mean? In a descriptive annotation, provide a short summary of the content or plot, and state the thesis or theme of the work. This enables your reader to make an informed choice about which of your sources would be […]

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due on 2/19/2013 at 12:00 PM pacific standard time Retailersare paying closer attention than ever before to making their environments eco-friendly.  Sustainable design is becoming more widely used to avoid depletion of natural resources and help eliminate environmental crises.  Recycling of raw materials is being stressed in the production of such items as shopping bags, […]

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8. Mechanically- dictionary:

8. Mechanically- dictionary: Paraphrase: Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Sentence from play: 9. Permeated- dictionary: Paraphrase: Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Sentence from play: 10. Pretenses- dictionary: Paraphrase: Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Sentence from play: 11. Proposition- dictionary: Paraphrase: Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Sentence from play: 12. Rousing- dictionary: Paraphrase: Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Sentence from play: 13. Stupor- dictionary: Paraphrase: Synonym: […]

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I need a four page long assay about fast food.

I need it about how the fast food  effect our life style and health 1 ESSAY #1: PROMPT For this paper, you will select an idea from the readings on food/food culture and consider the larger implications of it. The essay will be 3-5 pages in length and follow MLA documentation guidelines. We will be […]

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Read the Sternberg and Sternberg article (located in Course Materials in the Resources link) and utilize the APA textbook readings to discuss the importance of adhering to a convention such as APA format when writing and researching. What do you like abou

Research Methods two essay questions 250 words or more each (APA style) 250 or more words- APA style Read the articles by Cameron and Pole (located in the Course Materials in the Resources section) and discuss a situation where AND how a mixed methods approach could be performed to help in a decision-making process. Include at […]

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English Essay

MLA formatting please. Please read the short story that you can access by going to this link:  http://www.archive.org/stream/gardenparty00mansuoft#page/58/mode/2up Please see attachement for more details and topic to write on. Short Essay Assignment Guidelines 1) “Essay assignments are designed to allow you to come to terms with the concepts you have studied, the literature you have […]

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English Help

I need this done ASAP. Deadline is Saturday , January 5th the earlier you get it done the better you get paid. i only expect an very well written quality essay with an interesting topic   you must write a personal essay, based solely on your first-hand personal experience(s), told from the first-person point of view, […]

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