
Assignment: Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release

Write a 700 paper using this and other articles as a resource. Because communications must be designed with the audience in mind, answer the following questions: What are some considerations to remember given the different roles and people in the audience? What would be the potential needs of the miners’ families in receiving a message […]

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Just had a auto accident, overwheled at work and will not be able to complete assignment on time for posting. Looking for some assistance to complete project. MATH 201 Discussion Board Forum 2: Project 4 Instructions When performing a hypothesis test, you must make an assumption in order to perform it. Assume that the hypothesis […]

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Choose one major economist and/or major economic theory found in history from the 17th Century through the 21st Century. Write…

Choose one major economist and/or major economic theory found in history from the 17th Century through the 21st Century. Write an 800 – 900 word formal research paper articulating: 1. The economic views of the time 2. Issues concerning economic development and/or policies connected with your theorist or theory 3. How that particular economist or […]

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Environmental Consequences

  On average, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 23 percent of the global disease burden can be attributed to the environment (World Resources Institute, n.d.).   In this assignment, you will use an interactive map to identify world patterns of environmental hazards through mortality rates. WHO has published a map providing the percentage […]

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Copier Paper Report

Assignment 1: Discussion Opinion polls attempt to predict the results of local, state and federal elections. Discuss six reasons why the results of the opinion poll and the outcome of the election may differ. In each case describe techniques that can be used to increase the likelihood of the results being accurate. By Friday, March 1, […]

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  Homework Relational Databases Please respond to the following: — From the e-Activity, assess the advantages and disadvantages of the continued use of the traditional relational database and then decide if businesses should be moving toward relational databases in the cloud. Justify your decision and provide specific examples to support your response. — Determine whether […]

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Macroeconomics M4HW Question

Directions: Please answer each of the following questions in a paragraph for each. Explain your thoughts with theory and examples where applicable.   For each of the following, determine whether it is a private good, public good, common resource or a club good. Congested toll roadsKnowledgeFish in the oceanNational defenseCongested nontoll roadsCable TVThe environmentFire protectionIce-cream […]

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Telecom & Comp Ntwkg 2

Read Attachments Assignment#2 MMIS 653 Online (Winter 2013) Total points: 70 Due date: 2/19/2013 11:59PM Questions: (50 points) 1, (4 points) Consider a TCP connection between Host A and Host B. Suppose that the TCP segments traveling from Host A to Host B have source port number x and destination port number y. What are […]

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Java Program

Need completed within 24 hours. Assignment5 – Creating a Hierarchy of Classes Part 1. Create the following classes using the data types as noted. 1) Person implements IPerson •name – String •address – String •social security number – String •date of birth – java.util.GregorianCalendar 2) Student extends Person •date of graduation – java.util.GregorianCalendar •current GPA […]

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advanced macro economics homework

Advanced Macroeconomics Problem Set 2 – Consumption & Government Due 1 1:59 PM Saturday 9th March 201 3 Problem 1 Consider the following dynamic infinite time horizon household optimization problem: max {ct}∞t=0 { U = ∞∑ t=0 βt ln (ct) } s.t. at+1 = (1 + r) (at − ct + yt) where ct is […]

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