
Groups: A Love/Hate Relationship

  To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapter 9 of your textbook (Feenstra, 2013).  In addition, read One Hundred Years of Group Research: Introduction to the Special Issue (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  (Forsyth, 2000).  Finally, review Instructor Guidance and Announcements.  In this discussion, you will consider your own experiences in […]

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Follow the Leader

  To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapter 8 of your textbook (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Feenstra, 2013).  In addition, read Milestones in the Psychological Analysis of Social Influence  (Crano, 2000) and watch Prudential: Everybody’s Doing It (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (2013).  Finally, review Instructor Guidance […]

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West Coast Transit Case

Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you address the following based on the information provided in the “West Coast Transit Case Study” resource.  Define the three criteria for evaluating effective team/group work (as stated in the reading this week) and analyze whether the “team” assembled by Bernie Hollis and Pete Denson is effective or […]

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Argumentative essay

Essay 1 due on February 4th to Ecampus Argumentative essay 1 source Argue for or against a change to school, such as: Does Richland need a parking garage? · A clear and arguable position · Necessary background info · Good reason · Convincing evidence · An appeal to reader values · Trustworthy tone · Careful […]

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Need 4 pages done

 Okay. I need the task to be in Havard. Use Australian references  and please this is based in Australia. Proper grammer, 0% plagiarism (i  will check), use the Australian Stock Exchange rules. If you need to  refer a company refer a company that is listed in the asx or Australian  Stock Exchange. Again proper work. […]

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Groupthink and Conformity

 Respond to the following discussion topics: 1-      According to the textbook, a leader can have a major influence on whether or not groupthink will occur. Describe four (4) ways in which a leader could affect groupthink. Additionally, give two (2) examples of a leader in history that has promoted groupthink. Describe at least two (2) […]

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Assignment – Discussion Topic 1

The Vigenère Cipher Primary Task Response: Please provide a detailed response to the below to include specific details and examples. What is the Vigenère Cipher? How does it work? Although the Vigenère cipher was an improvement upon previous historical encryption techniques, it is still vulnerable.  How would an attacker break a Vigenère-style cipher?  Try your […]

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Assignment: Story Line and Analysis from the Final Project For the final project, you will select from both Bolman and Deal’s four frames and Morgan’s metaphors to make sense of an organization you have chosen. One of the elements of the final project includes the development of a detailed storyline regarding dominant frames and supporting […]

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I need Help…

  Navigate through the Virtual Timeline media piece to survey the significant people and events that have shaped our educational system in America. Choose four people and/or events that appear in the timeline to research. Identify the effect that each of these people and/or events had on the evolution of American education. In 750-1,000-words, summarize […]

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Need work done

4 pages Australian context  Length: 2,400 words total (+/- 10%), comprising 1,200 words for each of the 2 parts in the question. Reference list and cover sheet details are not included in this word-limit total. Part 1 (15% – 1,200 words) Assessment Criteria: Demonstration of knowledge of the issues and evidence of wide reading to […]

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