Often in interviews for app design and development positions, interviewees are asked to critique an app on the spot. Imagine that you are the interviewer looking to hire a new employee. For your initial post, choose an application (mobile, computer, or other) to have interviewees critique. When making this choice, think about what you are […]
11/7/22, 6:11 PMDiscussion Participation Scoring Guide Print Discussion Participation Scoring Guide Due Date: Weekly. Percentage of Course Grade: 30%. Discussion Participation Grading Rubric Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Applies relevant course Does not explain relevant Explains relevant course concepts, concepts, theories, or materials course concepts, theories, or theories, or materials. correctly. materials. Applies relevant course […]
You will complete a final paper reflecting on the topics you studied throughout the assigned course reading and study materials. The paper should synthesize a thoughtful analysis, insight, understanding, and application of topics learned and should be written in proper APA format. The paper is to be between 6 – 7 pages in length not […]
How the Students were engaged in 5EsNext Generation Science is a US multistate attempt that is selected to produce a new education level which has enough practices and one that has comprehensive arrangement so that it covers various disciplines and different levels that ensure all students have standard science education. The last draft that explains […]
Clinical Orthopaedicsand Related Research® Clin Orthop Relat Res (2013) 471:3496–3503 DOI 10.1007/s11999-013-3194-1 A Publication of The Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons® SYMPOSIUM: ABJS CARL T. BRIGHTON WORKSHOP ON OUTCOME MEASURES Challenges in Outcome Measurement Clinical Research Perspective Daniel P. O’Connor PhD, Mark R. Brinker MD Published online: 25 July 2013 Ó The Association of […]
my author is : GONGKE LI You should use the below uploaded 4 research and review papers to prepare a power point presentation of 15 slides with good explanation on results and discussion clearly. this is the reference sample i have uploaded for you please makesure you explain clearly about the results and discussion in the paper´ Fundamental Theory of LC Column Packing: James Jorgenson Research Group UNC Chapel Hill Jim Grinias Bioanalytical Chemistry – Fall 2018 James W. Jorgenson W. R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Chemistry • Professor at UNC-CH since 1979 • Winner of nearly all awards in chromatography and analytical chemistry, including the ACS Award […]
I have attached the assigment. Please answer all the questions. Use the attached dosimetry report to to answer the questions. This is for a x-ray tech class and the topic is radiation dosimetry report. i was assigned thermoluminescent dosimeter Please indicate what type of personal monitoring dosimeter has been assigned to you. If one has not been assigned, which dosimeter is the most effective for personal monitoring? (1 point) Please indicate the exchange process and the reporting process for dosimeters. Specify whether the most cost-effective method or tracking method is used (or should be used). (3 points: 1 point each for tracking process, reporting process, and whether it is cost effective) Using a dosimeter report, please record data for the items listed below. If possible, use your own current or past dosimeter report. If you do not have one, use the sample report attached to this assignment in Blackboard (Luxel Sample Report.pdf). (5 points: 1 point for each item) inception date:number of badges:most recent reading (deep, eye, shallow):cumulative equivalent dose (deep, eye, shallow):radiation quality (please specify the type of energy and the abbreviation): In your own words, list the four types of personal monitoring devices and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. (12 points: 1 point each for listing four devices, 1 point for an advantage of each, and 1 point for a disadvantage) List the recommendation of federal, state, and local regulations regarding radiation protection requirements relating to the assignment of personal monitoring devices.(1 point) What is the control dosimeter used to measure? Where should it be kept when in the department? (3 points) RAD 142 – Personal Monitoring Assignment 1 Assignment: Personal Monitoring Instructions In keeping with the ALARA principle, you should receive a personal monitoring dosimeter during employment. • Please indicate what type of personal monitoring dosimeter has been assigned to you. If one has not been assigned, which dosimeter […]
Subacute polyarticular arthralgias • swelling of the ankles and right knee • recenttravel to the Dominican Republic • Dx? A 78-year-old woman with a history of anxiety and hypertension presented to our family medicine residency practice in Massachusetts with subacute polyarticular arthralgias that had been present for 2 months. She complained of pain and swelling […]
Topic How unequal is the global society that we live in? What evidence existence that there are significant differences in the living standards and life chances of people in different countries? How do modernization and dependency theorists, and other scholars explain the causes of these inequalities? Answer the questions by addressing all of the material we covered on this subject, including the readings (University of Minnesota, Perrucci and Wysong, and Scanlan). You must address all of these issues in order to get full credit for the essay. You must provide evidence in the form of data and citations from the course material to substantiate your points. Do not wander off into a discussion of your own personal opinions and experiences. You must not substitute an exploration of your own views for an engagement with the material we are studying. Students who do so will receive zero credit for this part of their essay. Sources You may not use anything other than the readings, activities, lectures, etc. covered in this course to write your essay. Do not go to About.com, Study.com, Wikipedia, or any other outside source to write your essay. Making use of non-class sources and/or plagiarism of any kind will result in a failing grade of zero and will be reported to the college. Length and other expectations Your essay should be 4-5 pages long. It must be clear, well-written, thorough, and thoughtful. You must use proper grammar and spelling. Citations You are required to use formal citations, APA, for this essay. You must indicate the sources from which you are getting the evidence, data, arguments, and quotes you use. To do so, simply put the author(s) last name, year of publication, and page number (if a direct quote) in parentheses at the end of the sentence—e.g. (Lorber, 200, p. 15). If you are drawing on an in-class lecture just put the last name and the date of the lecture—e.g. (Lecture Notes: name of lecture, Oct 16). You must also include a reference page that lists the sources that you used within the paper. How you will be graded Spelling, grammar, and typos. Is the essay well-written from the standpoint of these criteria? Or does it contain many errors and/or appear rushed, sloppy, and slapdash? Clarity of writing. Is the essay well-written with clear and comprehensible sentences? Or is the writing awkward, unclear, and/or difficult to comprehend? Organization Is the essay well-organized? Are the arguments and the information presented in a logical manner? Thoroughness and thoughtfulness. Do you address all of the issues included in the essay topic? Or have you failed to address in whole or in part one or more of them? Do you provide relevant evidence and citations to substantiate your points? Or are you making unsubstantiated claims? Accuracy Do you correctly address the topic, demonstrating a solid grasp of the material? Note: If you’re writing is so unclear that I cannot understand what you’re saying and you cannot effectively communicate what you know, you will necessarily lose points for accuracy. Do you present evidence and arguments accurately? Or do you fail to correctly characterize the evidence you use and the positions of the authors you cite? Do you use the concepts correctly? Do you craft the essay in your own words, thereby indicating that you have or are trying to assimilate the material? Or do you just string together a series of statements drawn from class and/or the readings? The Global Economy and the Privileged Class ROBERT PERRUCCI EARL WYSONG security, preservation, and well-being. However, I feel strongly that we must look forward to hope and faith in our […]
PAPER FORMAT: I. Introduction Overview of section: Summarize the topic of your study: name the organization and introduce the topics you found most interesting and your primary concern (e.g., identity, community, religious organizations, religious experience, social justice, community, identity, ritual, transformation of the person, etc.). Briefly state what you found most interesting and why it is important within the context of understanding religion, religion in America, or America. This is the “so what?” factor – this should serve as a frame for the rest of your paper. Provide some brief background information for the reader about the group you researched. Keep in mind this is just an introduction. Save the details for the body of the paper (i.e., “Observations” and “Analysis”). Detailed description of introductory section (added Nov. 29, 22) Introductory paragraph(s): This paragraph should provide a “road map” for the paper. In this paragraph, you should briefly explain the topic, argument, or what you intend to explore in the paper (i.e., your primary concern)and then provide the reader with a brief overview of how you will go about discussing this in the paper. This will serve as a framework for the rest of your paper. If you would like, you can always address your expectations described in your research proposal and briefly address whether your expectations were confirmed or not confirmed. Make sure to include the name of the place of worship (or group) and their location (this could be as general as the city or could be more focused in terms of an address). Advice: after you’ve completed writing your paper, you will want to go back and revise your introduction to make sure that it correctly “maps out” what you actually did in the paper itself. Introduction section: If necessary, provide a description of the place of worship and any pertinent background information that will help to support your primary concern. This gives you an opportunity to begin citing work regarding your primary concern. Provide some introduction or background information about the concepts you will use in this paper (e.g., values, community, religious activism, race and religion, contradictions, leadership positions and gender, culture and religion, immigration and religion, racial and ethnic inequalities, social media, practices and rituals, etc.) and address why these are important and/or what others have written about them. Then address how your observations (or additional research that can include what you’ve learned in this class) add or help confirm what is already known (i.e., what you’ve written about above) or provide new insight or something new. This should be the “so what?” factor (i.e., why other students and scholars should care about your work/what’s in this paper). Advice: Keep in mind this is just an introduction. Save the details for the body of the paper (i.e., “Observations” and “Analysis”). II. Observations Describe the most pertinent aspects of the organization you observed. What did you learn about the organization? How did the people in the organization act? Who were the people in the organization? Remember: use the observations that are applicable to your primary concern. You should not be describing things you observed that are not central to your primary concern. III. Analysis and Discussion The following are possible prompts. This section is meant to be an opportunity for you to analyze and critically think about the information or data presented in the “Observations” section. Reflecting on your central observations, what do these observations have to do with your primary concern (e.g., identity, community, religious organizations, religious experience, social justice, contradictions, leadership positions, and gender, etc.)? How do the people, artifacts, or organization of the group reflect the ideals of the group itself? Or do they? What contradictions or questions come up from your observations? Use concepts learned in class to analyze what you have observed. How have some of the lessons learned in this class helped you to understand this group? Important lesson: be explicit. Don’t be afraid to use concepts that we’ve learned or reference material that we have read (make sure to cite it). You can also bring in examples or aspects from your previous history or media papers if appropriate. IV. Larger Interpretation – Conclusions Prompts for the conclusion: What does your analysis say about other religious organizations in the American context? What does your analysis of the group say about the context or culture of Northern California, Santa Clara County, or Silicon Valley? What does your analysis say about America? What does your analysis say about religion in general? V: Reflection A separate section that you use to personally reflect on what you learned from this assignment. VI. Works Cited List Cite all sources including materials used in class. Use at least four additional sources At least two need to be academic resources The additional resources can be from credible news sources, from the organization’s website, or other popular sources that may help you illustrate something important in your work. see the attachment that is what I have wrote, you need to based on my field notes Beili Dong RSOC 51 Fall 2022 Ethnographic Field Notes This report will provide a […]