
Analysis of Variance

Review attached case study and answer all questions. The Case of the Different Gasoline Types A young, cost-conscious college student was concerned that he wasn’t getting the best value for his gasoline dollar. After all, didn’t the gasoline companies advertise that the higher grades of gasoline would lead to higher gas mileage? The student knew […]

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MIS HW need help

i attached the hw in zipfile hw mis 3/20130224_202520 hw mis 3/20130224_202612 hw mis 3/20130224_202641 hw mis 3/20130224_202653

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Hi I need the attached problems solved. Please check on the deadlines 1. Sailboat stability. To be considered safe for ocean sailing, the capsize screening value C should be less than 2 ( www.sailing.com ). For a boat with a beam (or width) b in feet and displacement d in pounds, C is determined by […]

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Based on the slave trade data you collected, and our assigned readings, write an essay that discusses the fundamental features…

Based on the slave trade data you collected, and our assigned readings, write an essay that discusses the fundamental features of the slave trade to the particular region assigned to you during the slave trade workshop. In this paper, you will want to discuss (in comparison to the entire transatlantic slave trade) the volume of […]

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Discussion—The Power of Groups

Assignment 1: Discussion—The Power of Groups Groups may be both a boon (for example, they statistically outperform individuals) and a bane (for example, they take too long) of decision making. While they can systematically outperform individuals, groups are also prey to systematic bias and organizational skewing. Consider the systematic decision-making processes of your own organization. […]

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Due on Monday 2.25.2013 at 6:00 PM pacific standard time.  Publicityis free, but it often comes at the expense of a costly promotion. Ads are classified as promotional, institutional, and combination. Each serves a different purpose for the retailer. This week you will research and discuss promotions and their importance to retailers. Using the textbook, […]

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American Corrections

American Corrections  Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments.  Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas: Outside of the federal system, there is no single, standard approach for sentencing. Many states have replaced indeterminate sentencing with structured sentencing guidelines.    •In your own […]

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Java Help

JGRASP   Write a class named Card, which can be used to represent a card from a deck of cards. The class should be able to stores a cards suit and face value. A cards suit can be one of the following Hearts, Diamonds, clubs, Spades. A cards face vaule can be Ace, King, Queen, […]

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Pritchett Enterprises manufactures hiking and outdoor equipment. The company’s plant in western Colorado has recently seen dramatic changes in manufacturing…

Pritchett Enterprises manufactures hiking and outdoor equipment. The company’s plant in western Colorado has recently seen dramatic changes in manufacturing processes. Management is concerned that the current cost system no longer captures the impact of the diversity of activities involved in its production processes. As a result, management is evaluating whether activity-based costing may provide […]

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advanced macroeconomics- 3 question-with reference books and slide

Advanced Macroeconomics Problem Set 1 – Consumption Due 11:59 PM Sunday 24th February 2013 Problem 1 Solve for ct, ct+1 and st the following two-period model: max U (ct,ct+1) = − 1 α e−αct − β α e−αct+1 subject to: ct + ( 1 1 + r ) ct+1 = Yt + ( 1 1 […]

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