
Discussion Thread: Coaching Theory & Coaching Practice

 Conduct a content analysis of the website for your sport’s governing body, perhaps looking specifically for criteria on a coaching award (if applicable). Does it advocate a particular approach to coaching practice? Does the language used align with a paradigm in this module: week’s reading? What “type” of coaching practice is viewed as “traditional” in […]

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Data Security Professional Memo

  To complete this assignment, you will need the attached files and the the  Small Merchant Guide to Safe Payments documentation (click link to download) from the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) organization. Please read the instructions carefully and ask questions if anything is unclear.  You must use the attached template to […]

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soap note

Problem-Focused SOAP Note Format Demographic Data  Age and gender (must be HIPAA compliant)  Subjective  Chief Complaint (CC): A short statement about why they are there  History of Present Illness (HPI):  Write your HPI in paragraph form. Start with the age, gender, and why they are there (example: 23-year-old female here for…). Elaborate using the acronym […]

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PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS TO SEE INSTRUCTIONS AND TABLE TEMPLATE TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT, AS A REQUIREMENT PLEASE LLOK AT THE DATA BASE (Appendix I item #4 in the Johns Hopkins Action Planning TooL) is requested to use some information there to complete this activity. 3 pages due date February 12, 2025 no more […]

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Assignment Overview Select one low- or middle-income country, and investigate the health disparities experienced by people living in that region. Identify one disparity as the topic for this assignment, and investigate that disparity to learn more about the contributing factors and the impact of the disparity on the health of people living in that region. […]

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wek 6

  Find a current clinical practice guideline (preferably one that relates to your nursing topic) dated within the past five years from the assigned reading or the website of the professional nursing association of your area of interest or nursing specialty. Answer the following questions. Support your response by citing and referencing the clinical practice […]

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Organizational Diagnostic

Organizational Diagnostic  Instructions You’ll learn about the small business you’ll be collaborating with throughout the term and will conduct a thorough organizational diagnosis using the PESTELE framework and SWOT analysis . The organizational diagnosis will help you to have a deep understanding of the external marketing environment and unique values of your client’s business.    […]

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Ch 8 Summary Discussion, no one word answers, Please use complete sentences

1. Define the concept of motivation and describe several major theories of motivation. 2. Identify different types of psychosocial needs. 3. Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and identify the needs at each level in the hierarchy. 4. Explain how hunger and appetite are regulated. 5. Identify causal factors in obesity. 6. Identify and describe the […]

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examplesCh 7 *No one word answers, please use complete sentences and elaborate with examples

1. Define thinking. 2. Describe several ways in which we represent information in our minds. 3. Explain the difference between logical and natural concepts. 4. Identify and describe mental strategies we can use to solve problems more effectively. 5. Identify and describe mental roadblocks that impede problem-solving and decision-making. 6. Describe the basic processes of […]

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10 short SOAP notes similar to this one in OB patients

   Ø OB patient ( different stages of pregnancy)  Ø Prenatal visit Ø Please LMP (last mentrual cycle) Ø Please add EDD date ( expected due date)  Amanda smith This is the teacher sample, so pls do not repharse, just create new once, i want you to create 10 short SOAP note similar to this […]

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