In their Applied Ethics Assignments, students will be expected to apply theory to practice. Critically analyze and morally evaluate specific business practices from within the theoretical framework provided by one of the particular schools of ethical philosophy studied in Phil 2230: Moral Issues in Business. In their Applied Ethics Assignments, students in Phil 2230: Moral […]
First Q: In Brazil, the export industry always finds ways to cut costs. The international community expressed its dismay at the manufacturers’ latest cost-cutting decision to replace flouride with diethylene glycol in toothpaste. Flouride is designed to strengthen teeth enamel. Diethylene glycol is a poisonous substance used to make chemicals that are widely used by […]
Find a recent Supreme Court or U.S. Court of Appeals decision concerning an unfair labor practice during a unionization attempt. Findlaw Legal Information Center is a good commercial site for researching case law. You can also use the CSU Online Library, LexisNexis, or Westlaw, for example. Summarize the case. What were the union’s tactics? What […]
1. Ms. Linda Bookworm is your next client. Ms. Bookworm is the owner of Linda’s Bookstore which specializes in rare books. While on vacation, Linda was browsing through a bookstore when she saw a first edition copy of “Moby Dick” in mint condition. She knew that Cliff Greenpeace, one of her regular clients, had been […]
Before you answer this question, please review your answers on the midterm and compare them to the model answers. Question: what grade would you give yourself on the midterm revision? Why? Please write at least 100 words in answer to this question. 2.At the start of the semester, I told you that we would learn […]
good morning, i was wondering if you had time? I tried to figure this out but unfortunately, I did not think my answer was good. could you help me ? the book is Labor and employment law text and cases 16th edition. please let me know if you can by Tuesday morning and if you […]
Ecxtra credit question 2 days ago LORI BAGGOT INSTRUCTOR MANAGER FROM THE PROFESSOR…EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY Overall Rating12 COLLAPSE Good evening, Graduate Students: Here is the extra credit opportunity for Week 6. Please email me your answers for an extra +10 points. This is due by Monday, noon. • Lynne Meyer, on her way to a […]
Q1: include your discussion question in the form below, as well as the answer to the question and the answer source. What is the nature of copyright? LAW 402 Case Study Action Items An e-mail is sent to Party B, in order to form a contract. Party A is the sender of the email. Party […]
Writing Assignment for 2301 Business Law It is important for you to know and understand the events that are happening locally, nationally and globally. This assignment consists of finding a “current” legal topic of interest to you. You may look in newspapers, magazines, or other online resources. You may choose current litigation, mergers/acquisitions, new technologies […]
Sample Request for Proposal (RFP) This is the sample request for proposal (RFP) used throughout the class. We will refer to this RFP during the next seven weeks in our live class session. In order to familiarize yourself with RFPs, answer the ten questions listed below. SOLICITATION QUESTIONS What is the difference between a solicitation […]