

  Find a hot topic issue, one that is current and has been in the media this week or last week. Follow the steps below: 1. Begin your post with the reference list citation of the article that you found. 2. Write a short summary of the topic of the article. You might address the […]

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in the workplace

please review the attachment each question should be answered at least 200 words/list references for each question.       1. In the workplace, there are many times that individuals or parties may need to agree to disagree. List several basic concepts one should consider when dealing with conflict at work. If the conflict is negatively affecting […]

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James Walker, an owner, made an additional investment of $16,000 in cash. A firm purchased equipment for 9,000 in cash….

James Walker, an owner, made an additional investment of $16,000 in cash. A firm purchased equipment for 9,000 in cash. A firm sold some surplus office furniture for 1,200 in cash. A firm purchased a computer for 2,700, to be paid in 60 days. A firm purchased office equipment for 10,200 on credit. The amount […]

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Discussion—Social Stratification from a African American Persective

 Notice Due today before 12 am pacif   Assignment 1: Discussion—Social Stratification  from a African American Persective The United States is predicated on a class system and extensive significance is placed on its being a meritocracy. As a result, it can be challenging for an individual to conceptualize or recognize the role that social barriers […]

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Naturalistic Observations and Evaluation

Assignment 2: Naturalistic Observations and Evaluation Conducting an ethnographic study is a fun way of gathering research about your social environment. You may have done an ethnography before without really being aware of it. In a small way, this assignment recreates what ethnographers do when they visit a new community to conduct research. Complete the […]

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Assignment 2: LASA 2—Capstone Strategic Audit In this assignment students integrate all the pieces of work they have drafted and formally turn it into the capstone strategic audit. In previous assignments, you performed multiple, specified analyses of your company (or any company of your choosing). Those individual analyses provide the needed research to successfully complete […]

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250 word paragraph about an artilcle +

Pick an artilcle from http://www.livescience.com/ and write a 250 word  paragraph with something interesting about the article and/or opinion.   Write 100 word comment on this post:   Invasive non-native species have long been recognized as a leading threat to biological diversity, contributing to the decline of nearly half of the imperiled species in the […]

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Virtual Lab 6 &7 and C & D of lab 5

links to use to complete assignment    ecosystem simulator http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/interactives/ecology/   evolution simulator http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/sex/guppy/   Virtual Lab 5: Ecosystem simulator Read the Overview and launch this ecolosystem simulator . Familiarize yourself with the simulator interface. Notice that you can control which species are present in your environment initially and what the diets of each species […]

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task IP Macroeconmics

Task Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: 1,500–2,000 wordsPoints Possible: 150 Due Date: 2/4/2013 11:59:59 PM CT Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are […]

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Global Recruiting Strategies

In this assignment you will compare strategies for recruiting a sales representative from two of the most rapidly growing economies outside of the United States: China and India. Imagine your company produces a hybrid scooter, which is suddenly popular because it uses solar energy exclusively and can hold a charge for over one week or […]

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